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    A B C CITY OF EDINBURGH SKYLINE STUDY February 2009 Reference point Estimated height mAOD Notes view A1 70 G L north-east corner of North Bridge skyline B cliff and top of escarpment of Salisbury Crags with peak of Arthur’s Seat visible above; whinny Hill slope is seen on left; height of rooflines along Jeffrey Street and Canongate important to perception of view C backdrop not used D E Salisbury Crags from North Bridge View No.
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    A C E D B CITY OF EDINBURGH SKYLINE STUDY February 2009 Reference point Estimated height mAOD Notes view A 54 G L 40m from south end of Dean Bridge, west side skyline B wooded skyline along the top of Water of Leith gorge C backdrop D Corstorphine Hill with open sky to left of art gallery towers E Corstorphine Hill and art gallery towers from Dean Bridge View No.
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    A C E D B CITY OF EDINBURGH SKYLINE STUDY February 2009 Reference point Estimated height mAOD Notes view A 53 G L (bridge) 30m south of north end of Dean Bridge, west side skyline B rooftops of north terraces in West End C wooded skyline above the Water of Leith gorge backdrop D open sky beyond skyline, with the tops of spires E View south-west from Dean Bridge View No.
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    B C A1 D E A2 CITY OF EDINBURGH SKYLINE STUDY February 2009 Reference point Estimated height mAOD Notes view A1 125 G L south west facing length of Radical Road on Salisbury Crags A2 135 G L - ditto skyline B Pentland Hills seen over the top of Blackford Hill; a high sightline C backdrop D the whole length of Pentland Hills E Pentland Hills from Salisbury Crags, south side View No.
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    Water management prevents run off that carries our top soil into rivers which is needed to prevent loss of fertile topsoil... The Inch Park Nursery site is already used for growing, is secured with fencing for any allotment development which would help with the massive waiting list for allotments and also afford the capability of tying in with the Growing/Food/Green activities at Bridgend Farm.... Use buildings and roof-tops for allotments/growing spaces
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    E C B A D CITY OF EDINBURGH SKYLINE STUDY February 2009 Reference point Estimated height mAOD Notes view A 58 G L east end of Regent Terrace at Carlton Terrace skyline B 105 Tron spire and top of tower seen against sky framed between terrace and trees, from roadway; foreground between Jeffrey Street and High Street and between Carlton Road and New Street sensitive to excessive roof level increase along sight line C 105 backdrop D rising sight line across South Side E Tron spire seen along Regent Terrace from Carlton Terrace View No.
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    A B C CITY OF EDINBURGH SKYLINE STUDY February 2009 Reference point Estimated height mAOD Notes view A 5 G L north of roundabout at north end of Constitution Street, Leith; looking south along Constitution Street skyline B 85 significant base of the crest of Calton Hill, from which the monuments rise in silhou- ette; nearby dome on left frames view C 85 backdrop not used D not used though the tops of the Pentland Hills are visible beyond Nelson’s Monument E View No.
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    B C D E A CITY OF EDINBURGH SKYLINE STUDY February 2009 Reference point Estimated height mAOD Notes view A 120 roof accessible roof level; an exception to the practice of taking ground level viewpoints because popular with visitors and reflected to ground level below skyline B 90 significant base of wooded hill below Monuments; vulnerable to changes of roof level in Old Town between Lawnmarket and Cockburn Street C 90 backdrop D hilltop and crown of tree canopy at about 105mAOD is below viewpoint; therefore care is needed with buildings in the backdrop area E Calton Hill from top of Camera Obscura View No.
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    B C D E A1 A2 CITY OF EDINBURGH SKYLINE STUDY February 2009 Reference point Estimated height mAOD Notes view A1 65 G L Jeffrey Street, west side in particular A2 61 G L Cranston Street skyline B 80 ground level at top of burial ground; surrounding walls are probably higher C 80 backdrop D sky behind monuments; rising sightline with ground falling away beyond monuments E Calton Burial Ground monuments from Jeffrey Street and Cranstone Street off Canongate View No.
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    C B E D A CITY OF EDINBURGH SKYLINE STUDY February 2009 Reference point Estimated height mAOD Notes view A 107 G L east pavement (view no longer available from Liberton cemetery) skyline B 100 Heriot Watt college roof south of Castle C 110 Top of Esplanade backdrop D - distant hills seen beyond west side of Castle where low skyline below Castle is es- sential to perception of silhouette E - Castle from A701, Liberton Brae x Kirkgate View No.