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    Next complete the ‘Email Notification’ and ‘Declaration’ sections so that the top four items now have a green tick as below. 21.
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    I therefore have to take this away with me each time. 9/2/2015 3:59 PM 184 Maybe we can have a shed with just a roof top with some work benches and a bench to sit in underneath.... The fencing on top of the wall is ineffective in preventing young people climbing over it.... I might be interested in voluntary work after I stop working and get on top of my own allotment. 9/2/2015 10:45 AM 251 Allowing huts for discreet toilet usage.
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    W oo dl a nd Fl or a & Fa un a Co m m u ni ty In v In fo rm a tio n In te rp re ta tio n O th er s 11 25 32 13 8 46 21 58 46 26 30 32 19 23 18 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 W el co m in g G oo d A cc es s Si gn ag e Pe rs on al Se cu ri ty D og F ou lin g Fa ci lit y Pr ov .... W oo dl an d Fl or a & F au na Co m m un ity In v In fo rm at io n In te rp re ta tio n O th er s Improvement Actions 42, 39% 54, 50% 12, 11% Totals Increased Static Decreased 1 5 8 4 2 12 1 9 15 5 7 7 4 5 4 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 W el co m in g G oo d A cc es s Si gn ag e Pe rs on al Se cu ri ty D og F ou lin g Fa ci lit y Pr ov .... W oo dl an d Fl or a & F au na In fo rm at io n In te rp re ta tio n O th er s Judges Recommendations SiteName W el co m in g G oo d Sa fe A cc es s Si gn ag e E qu al A cc es s Sa fe E qu ip m en t & F ac ili tie s Pe rs on al S ec ur ity in P ar k D og F ou lin g A pp ro pr ia te P ro vi si on o f F ac ili tie s Q ua lit y of F ac ili tie s L itt er & W as te M an ag em en t G ro un ds M ai nt en an ce a nd H or tic ul tu re B ui ld in g & In fr as tr uc tu re M ai nt en an ce E qu ip m en t M ai nt en an ce E nv ir on m en ta l S us ta in ab ili ty Pe st ic id es Pe at U se W as te M in im is at io n A rb or ic ul tu re & W oo dl an d M an ag em en t C on se rv at io n Fa un a & F lo ra C on se rv at io n L an ds ca pe C on se rv at io n B ui ld in gs C om m un ity In vo lv em en t C om m un ity P ro vi si on M ar ke tin g & P ro m ot io n In fo rm at io n Pr ov is io n E du ca tio na l & In te rp re ta tiv e Pr ov is io n PQS Braidburn Valley 7 8 7 7 7 7 9 6 7 9 7 5 7 6 4 7 4 5 8 7 4 9 6 9 7 7 68% Burdiehouse Burn 7 8 7 6 6 6 6 6 7 6 6 6 6 6 4 10 6 7 7 0 0 8 6 8 7 6 66% Corstorphine Hill 7 7 7 6 6 6 6 6 7 8 7 7 7 6 10 10 7 7 8 8 8 8 6 8 7 6 72% Craigmillar Castle 7 8 6 7 6 5 4 6 7 5 6 7 8 6 10 10 7 6 8 8 0 7 6 8 7 5 68% Easter Craiglockhart 8 7 7 5 6 7 7 7 8 8 8 7 8 6 10 10 7 8 9 8 0 8 6 8 7 8 75% Ferniehill Comm.
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    Unauthorised reproduction infringes Crown copyright and may lead to prosecution or civil proceedings. 100023420 (2015) 0 6.25 25 50m12.5 21 165 1 20 1 67 PH 167 163 27 8 t o 2 84 12.2m 27 2 Pilr ig I ndu stri al E sta te 17 18 Shelters TCB Shelter 2a 1 22 8 6 16 TIN TO PL AC E to 10 to 14 13.1m 18 15 16 268 169a 23 0 4 to 8 10 12 28 14.0m 161 2 16 169b 20 14 2 1 DW LB 2 13 14 26 4 3 26 6 25 2 t o 2 62 23 9 Electricity Distribution Site 10 5 14.0m AS HL EY PL AC E 202 to 206 4 BO NNING TO N RO AD LANE 20 8 t o 2 12 4 to 8 BONNINGTON 1 BO-24 BO-25 BO-32 BO-33 LEGEND 1280L NON-RECYCLABLE WASTE 1280L MIXED RECYCLING BIN 660L GLASS RECYCLING BIN 240L FOOD WASTE RECYCLING BIN AND HOUSING BULL BAR DRG.... Unauthorised reproduction infringes Crown copyright and may lead to prosecution or civil proceedings. 100023420 (2015) 0 6.25 25 50m12.5 3 El Sub Sta CA RM IC HA EL PL AC E 5 GG 14.6m 2 3 BR OU GH TO N RO AD 16.2m 11 9 18 5 5 7 GIBSON STREET 18 1 8 1 4 9 17 9a 8 12 15.5m 1 13 18 9 5 15 17 25 14 13.1m GR OV E 8REDBRAES PLACE Redbraes Park 10 11 REDBRAES 32 20 22 24 10.7m 16 34 12 36 26 28 30 383 1 BO-30 BO-29 BO-28 BO-27 BO-26 LEGEND 1280L NON-RECYCLABLE WASTE 1280L MIXED RECYCLING BIN 660L GLASS RECYCLING BIN 240L FOOD WASTE RECYCLING BIN AND HOUSING BULL BAR DRG.... Unauthorised reproduction infringes Crown copyright and may lead to prosecution or civil proceedings. 100023420 (2015) 0 6.25 25 50m12.5 Mosque Play Area Post 13 2 16 5 to 1 71 3 17 9 to 1 89 20 18 54 TH E Q U ILTS 1 PC Bo wl in g La ne 48 12 PH 40 20 3 9 1 to 6 4 5 39 KI N G S TR EE T 1 FB 1 TH E Q UI LT S 25 11.0m 40 38 28 12 Shelters PCB FB 3 19 1 to 2 01 24 30 160 to 168 Trees FB Shelters FB TCB 4 67 17 3 to 1 77 FB 3 30 5 19 13 BA NG O R RO AD 68 21 2 2 Ballantyne Lane 15 9 to 1 63 42 6 4 10 1 1 26 820 36 170 to 174 48 Shelter 204 to 208 17 19 FB FB MILL LANE Church 1 GREAT JUNCTION STREET 3 21 5 10.4m TA YL OR G AR DE NS 6a BA LL AN TY NE R OA D THE BOWLING GREEN 5 11 42 10 18 50 14 BO-36BO-37 BO-38 LEGEND 1280L NON-RECYCLABLE WASTE 1280L MIXED RECYCLING BIN 660L GLASS RECYCLING BIN 240L FOOD WASTE RECYCLING BIN AND HOUSING BULL BAR DRG.
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    In 1962, the Empire closed, was sold to Mecca and by March 1963 reopened as the New Empire Casino to cater for the new fad of bingo.
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    To note the work of the Risk Forum and the simplified description of risks, the actions taken to mitigate the top ten risks and that a further report on the annual review would be presented to the Board in June 2017. 16 Community Empowerment Guidance Lesley Fraser indicated that a number of Community Empowerment Act resolutions had been laid before Parliament, including locality planning, asset transfer and participation requests....  The ‘1 in 5’ Raising Awareness of Child Poverty project has resulted in a ‘Top Tips’ for schools document, circulated to all teachers, which can help reduce school-associated costs, and improve the experience of school, for children from low income families, thus leading to improved attainment... Child protection services Staff: Budgets: C+YP mental health services Staff: Budgets: Services for C+YP with disabilities Staff: Budgets: LAC services Staff: Budgets: Early years services Staff: Budgets: Primary schools Staff: Budgets: Special schools Staff: Budgets: Secondary schools Staff: Budgets: Out of school and after school services Staff: Budgets: Additional support for learning Staff: Budgets: Family and household support services Staff: Budgets: Youth justice services Staff: Budgets: Leisure services Staff: Budgets: Lifelong Learning Services Staff: Budgets: Health visitors Staff: Budgets: School nurses Staff: Budgets: Community paediatricians + children’s nursing service Staff: Budgets: Midwifery + Obstetric services Staff: Budgets: C+YP outpatient and hospital based services Staff: Budgets: C+YP therapy services Staff: Budgets: Third sector C+YP services (grants) Staff: Budgets: Community justice services Staff: Budgets: Scottish Court System and SCRA Staff: Budgets: C+YP immunisation programmes Staff: Budgets: Employability Services ( Skills Development Scotland) Staff: Budgets: Ante and post natal services Staff: Budgets: C+YP drug and alcohol services Staff: Budgets: Family Nurse Partnership Service Staff: Budgets: Dentists and Oral Health Services Staff: Budgets: Orthoptic Services Staff: Budgets: Specialist NHS Services (enuresis + asthma) Staff: Budgets: Royal Hospital for Sick Kids Staff: Budgets: CAMHS & Perinatal in- patient unit at SJH Staff: Budgets:   13    What we need from services and resources  Ensure that the outcomes set out in this plan are central to resource allocation and service improvement  Work towards more flexibility of budgets through joint financial planning  Ensure good practice is used to inform future resource allocation and service planning  Improve shared systems for information sharing  Focus on a prevention approach that prioritises early intervention  Invest in workforce development to ensure consistent quality of service provision  Improve the approach to measuring savings, efficiencies and outcomes from prevention work  Shift mainstream operational and commissioning budgets towards more self directed support payments Top 10 Service Integration Initiatives Improving C+YP service integration is a key objective of this plan, and listed opposite are the top ten service integration initiatives the Partnership plans to deliver over the next three years.
  • Edinburgh Commercial Needs Study- Retail & Leisure

    Q03 Where did you last go to do small, day-to-day TOP-UP food shopping?... Q03A Which internet retailer did you use for your top- up shopping (Q03)?... Q05 On average, how often do you do your TOP UP food shopping?
  • Dalry.indd

    A fire escape allowing access from the top floor to street level had been installed and there was now disabled access to the ground floor. 4 CONCLUSION With support from the education authority, Dalry Primary School had continued to provide a very good standard of education for all its pupils.
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    This cap will include: • lump sum payments due under any CEC Voluntary Redundancy exit; • discretionary payments made by CEC to the pension scheme to either top up pension, or underwrite actuarial reduction, to allow early access to pension benefits; • any Payment in Lieu of Notice; and, • payments for accrued but untaken annual leave. 3.