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  • 174 Hatton.indd

    Two-leaf iron gates to central arch, with curved semi- circular top to create circular opening with arch.... Lion Gateway (demolished) The Lion Gateway formerly stood at the entrance to the east forecourt of the house, at the end of the east avenue, comprised of two stone piers with iron gates between, and topped by recumbent lions; supported by buttresses with ball-finials on the inside, and dated 1665.
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    In addition ‘Top Tips’ for reducing school costs, developed from ideas and recommendations made as part of ‘1 in 5’, have been distributed to all schools with an expectation that they should adopt some or all of the recommendations it contains, as well as develop their own approaches to minimise costs.... ❋ Discreetly offer spare clothing for pupil use where this is available (see ‘Top Tips’ for suggestions)
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    By 2050… Edinburgh’s seven hills are connected by roof- top meadows and tree-lined streets, with communities, businesses and nature thriving side- by-side.... In turn, universities and research institutes are seizing the chance to work with the city on cutting-edge adaptation projects, attracting funding and experts from across the world, and confirming Edinburgh’s place in the top-flight of innovative, adaptive cities.
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    The total spend on the top 100 “non-contracted spend” contracts during 2022-23 was £91m.... As stated at Finding 3, the total spend on the top 100 “non-contracted spend” contracts during 2022-23 was £91m.
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    The total spend on the top 100 “non-contracted spend” contracts during 2022-23 was £91m.... As stated at Finding 3, the total spend on the top 100 “non-contracted spend” contracts during 2022-23 was £91m.
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    Officers attend Community Councils, Neighbourhood  Networks, Residents meetings and surgeries to carry  out engagement  Bespoke list of actions and solutions created for each  individual issue in North East area and action taken  accordingly.  3.3.7  Identify persistent offenders  Council (Family  & Household  Support)  Police, Council (Housing, Family &  Household Support), Housing  Associations, Youth Tasking and  Coordination Team (TAC)     Identify offenders through  information sharing with partners   Regular review and refresh of  identified offenders   Data sharing across  range of agencies     Complete  North East Edinburgh Police FAHST officers have  created a list of the Top 10 Antisocial Behaviour  Offenders / Addresses / Locations with the highest  number of calls relating to Antisocial Behaviour. ... In  addition to the Top 10 Antisocial Behaviour List a  monthly Youth TAC has been established to address  issues with persistent offenders who are young  people.   ... Improve the housing conditions,  surrounding environment and quality of  life for residents in North Cairntow   Council  (Housing)   Council (Housing), (Lifelong Learning),  community, Edinburgh Tenants  Federation, voluntary sector, health   Engage with gypsy travellers  community    Work in partnership to take forward  improvement programme  Dec 2020  Community led site redesign   Setting up of a community group  Community and MEECOP presentation to Poverty  Commission  Art workshops, tin smithing, literacy classes for adults and  children.
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    Edinburgh’s analysis includes the following key findings:  Edinburgh is an affluent city with average household incomes estimated at 9% above the Scottish average, ranking in the top Scottish incomes quartile... Whilst the overall aim of the event is to make the case for payment of the Living Wage by local employers, wider aims included:  To highlight the issues and volume of in-work poverty experienced by employees across the city;  To inform local organisations about the Living Wage campaign;  To highlight legislative changes related to the Procurement Reform Act 2014  To raise awareness of the Council’s remuneration policy in respect of the Living Wage (and potential approach to procurement);  To highlight best practice across a range of sectors, using local employers who are among the 70 in Scotland accredited as paying the living wage as exemplar organisations  80 individuals attend the event (43 from the private sector) and awareness was raised with significant media coverage including:  Argument shifting towards living wage (The Scotsman)  Edinburgh to be a Living Wage City (The Edinburgh Reporter)  Hearts Promote Edinburgh as Living Wage (STV Edinburgh) Composition of Workforce Top 2% and 5% Earners and Workforce Diversity Year Female top 2% earners Male top 2% earners Female top 5% earners Male top 5% % All BME % All Disabled % LGBT % Religion % No Religion 2010-11 54.4 45.6 56.2 43.8 2.3 1.6 - - - 2011-12 56.7 43.5 61.9 38.2 2.7 1.5 0.01 0.67 0.04 Not stated 13.1 15.15 - - - 2013-14 50.7 37.3 52.3 34.5 2.9 1.8 0.21 2.6 0.5 Council Age Profile Recruitment and Selection Female 1/1/11- 30/6/11 1/7/12-31/12/12 1/7/12-31/12/12 1/1/13 – 31/12/13 Apps Returned 72.08% 60.39% Not available 18186 Shortlisted 65.65% 66.57% Not available 1397 Appointed 73.54% 67.65% Not available 509 BME 1/1/11 - 30/6/11 1/7/11 - 31/12/11 1/7/12/-31/12/12 1/1/13 – 31/12/13 Apps Rtrnd 5.88% 8.68% Not available 2327 Shortlisted 8.13% 6.47% Not available 234 Appointed 4.81% 4.86% Not available 62 0.0% 10.0% 20.0% 30.0% 40.0% 16-21 22-35 36-45 46-55 56-65 Over 65 Council Workforce Age Profile 2010-11 2011-12 2013-14 Disabled 1/1/11 - 1/7/11 - 1/7/12/-31/12/12 1/1/13 – 31/12/13 30/6/11 31/12/11 Apps Rtrnd 2.17% 3.76% Not available 1678 Shortlisted 3.29% 4.79% Not available 277 Appointed 1.52% 2.54% Not available 63 Religion/Belief Dates Religion/Belief (Christian or other) No religion/belief 1/7/11-31/12/11 Apps Rtrnd 41.14% 42.21% Shortlisted 48.28% 38.07% Appointed 40.80% 41.44% 1/1/12 -31/12/12 Apps Rtrnd Not available Not available Shortlisted Not available Not available Appointed Not available Not available 1/1/13-31/12/13 Apps Rtrnd 7985 13268 Shortlisted 913 1619 Appointed 327 LGBT 1/1/11 - 30/6/11 1/7/11 - 31/12/11 1/7/12/-31/12/12 1/1/13 – 31/12/13 Apps Rtrnd 5.88% 8.68% Not available 996 Shortlisted 8.13% 6.47% Not available 127 Appointed 4.81% 4.86% Not available 43 Leavers – Retention of staff Age Gender 0.00% 5.00% 10.00% 15.00% 20.00% 25.00% Age Retiral Death Dimissal End of Temp Contract Other Other Retiral Redundancy Resignation Transfer VERA 16-21% 22-35% 36-45% 46-55% 56-65% Over 65 0.00% 5.00% 10.00% 15.00% 20.00% 25.00% 30.00% 35.00% 40.00% Age Retiral Death Dimissal End of Temp Contract Other Other Retiral Redundancy Resignation Transfer VERA Female % Male% Ethnic origin Disabled 0.00% 5.00% 10.00% 15.00% 20.00% 25.00% 30.00% 35.00% 40.00% Age Retiral Death Dimissal End of Temp Contract Other Other Retiral Redundancy Resignation Transfer VERA Any other mixed % Asian % Black % Not given % Not specified % White % 0.00% 5.00% 10.00% 15.00% 20.00% 25.00% 30.00% 35.00% 40.00% Age Retiral Death Dimissal End of Temp Contract Other Other Retiral Redundancy Resignation Transfer VERA Able bodied % Declined to specify % Disabled % Not given % Please note the small percentage of leavers from ethnic groups Please note the small percentage of disabled leavers Occupational Segregation BME 0.0% 20.0% 40.0% 60.0% 80.0% 100.0% Workforce composition - Gender and salary grades % Female % Male % of total Women make up 67.8% of the Council Workforce 0.00% 1.00% 2.00% 3.00% 4.00% 5.00% 6.00% Workforce compostion - BME staff and salary grade BME % Staff from BME backgrounds account for 2.91 % of the Council workforce Disabled LGBT 0.0% 0.5% 1.0% 1.5% 2.0% 2.5% 3.0% 3.5% 4.0% Workforce compostion - % disabled people and salary grade Disabled as % of grade Disabled staff account for 1.8% of the Council workforce 0.00% 0.20% 0.40% 0.60% 0.80% 1.00% Workforce Composition - % LBGT and salary grade % LBGT in grade Staff identifying as LGBT account for 0.21% of the Council workforce Training - Undertaken April 2011 - March 2014 Gender Pay Gap – 2013 Grade % Female Density Female Average Basic Pay Male Average Basic Pay Pay Gap Female vs Male* %Pay Gap GR1 78.49% 14,098 14,098 100.00% 0.00% GR2 59.71% 14,113 14,104 100.06% 0.06% GR3 75.19% 15,437 15,365 100.46% 0.46% GR4 68.94% 17,869 17,385 102.78% 2.78% GR5 64.52% 21,693 21,172 102.46% 2.46% GR6 61.92% 25,469 25,514 99.83% -0.17% GR7 64.93% 30,656 30,901 99.21% -0.79% GR8 57.93% 36,426 37,032 98.36% -1.64% GR9 48.38% 43,462 43,501 99.91% -0.09% GR10 44.59% 52,330 52,283 100.09% 0.09% GR11 26.67% 59,620 61,044 97.67% -2.33% GR12 50.00% 70,826 70,923 99.86% -0.14% 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 CEC Training Undertaken April 2011 - March 2014 % Workforce at April 2014 CEC Training Undertaken April 2011 - March 2014 April 2011-Sept 2011 CEC Training Undertaken April 2011 - March 2014 Oct 2011 - Mar 2012 CEC Training Undertaken April 2011 - March 2014 April 2013-Sept 2013 CEC Training Undertaken April 2011 - March 2014 Oct 2013-Mar 2014 Gender Pay gap – 2014 Grade % Female Density Female Average Basic Pay Male Average Basic Pay Pay Gap Female vs Male* %Pay Gap GR1 74.59% 12,832 12,728 100.81% 0.81% GR2 74.76% 14,245 14,106 100.98% 0.98% GR3 73.87% 15,879 16,037 99.01% -0.99% GR4 51.84% 18,634 18,585 100.26% 0.26% GR5 69.45% 22,033 22,445 98.16% -1.86% GR6 65.50% 25,869 26,188 98.78% -1.23% GR7 65.40% % 31,677 32,000 98.99% -1.01% GR8 58.47% 37,525 38,175 98.30% -1.73% GR9 52.43% 45,396 45,138 100.57% 0.56% GR10 48.54% 52,521 52,451 100.13% 0.13% GR11 25.49% 62,220 65,615 94.82% -5.46% GR12 59.25% 74,358 72,263 102.89% 2.82% Equal pay statement The City of Edinburgh Council is committed to the principle that all employees should receive equal pay for doing equal work, or work of equal value, regardless of age, sex, race, disability status, gender identity, marital status, sexual orientation, religion or belief, working pattern, employment status, caring responsibilities or trade union membership.
  • Notice of meeting and agenda

    The NIA should be based on worst case scenario operating conditions when the top-up CHP is required to operate.... I recommend that the Energy Strategy Report be updated to present zero carbon back up and top up options.... The NIA should be based on worst case scenario operating conditions when the top-up CHP is required to operate.
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    A beehive kiln building with a steel front gate and open chimney top – it is currently being used as a home by pigeons.... Within the Park, informal path winds Around the pond and along the top area and provides a relaxing walk, it provides safe access to the new housing scheme , with benches to rest and enjoy the surroundings.... Ailsa noted that the long grass at the top of the park had been cut leaving lots of litter.
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    The top deck of this car park forms the eastern pavement to Castle Terrace, facing Saltire Court and is approximately 10 metres in width.... However, its current mix of concrete slabs, black top, trees and surface car parking fails to capitalise on its location. 22 West end Conservation area CharaCter appraisal The square in front of the Usher Hall is particularly important linking three of Edinburgh’s primary cultural activities, namely the Traverse and Royal Lyceum Theatre and the Usher Hall.... The top deck of the multi storey car park on Castle Terrace forms a ten metre wide pavement to Castle Terrace, facing Saltire Court.