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  • ratho CACA.pdf

    The Conservation Area has two distinct settlement patterns: one running along an east to west axis on top of the southern ridge.... They are well integrated into the landscape setting and enclosed by the woodland area at the top of the ridge.
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    The ‘1 in 5’ Raising Awareness of Child Poverty Project has resulted in a ‘Top Tips’ for schools document, circulated to all teachers, which can help reduce school- associated costs... Listed below are the top priority service integration initiatives the Partnership aspires to deliver over the next three years.
  • City Plan 2030

    Y M Y H58 Eastfield 0.5 40 • Development must be set back 15m from the top of the bank of Brunstane Burn... New development must be set back at least 20m from the top of the bank to the River Almond.
  • Appendix D

    Y M Y H58 Eastfield 0.5 40      Development must be set back 15m from the top of the bank of Brunstane Burn.... New development must be set back at least 20m from the top of the bank to the River Almond.
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    A’ cumail ri comhairle nàiseanta fhuair na sgoilearan uair a-thìde de dh’fhoghlaim chorporra.... Chur na sgoilearan ri bhith a’ stèidheachadh thargaidean agus chaidh iad sin a roinneadh le pàrantan.... Le bhith a’ cumail a’ leasachadh agus ag àrdachadh raointean eadar-dhealachaidh ann an gnìomhachd ionnsachaidh cuidichidh seo le barrachd siùbhlachd ann an leasanan agus bheir e cothroman nas iomchaidh dhaibhsan a tha aig diofar ìrean comais.
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    A’ cumail ri comhairle nàiseanta fhuair na sgoilearan uair a-thìde de dh’fhoghlaim chorporra.... Chur na sgoilearan ri bhith a’ stèidheachadh thargaidean agus chaidh iad sin a roinneadh le pàrantan.... Le bhith a’ cumail a’ leasachadh agus ag àrdachadh raointean eadar-dhealachaidh ann an gnìomhachd ionnsachaidh cuidichidh seo le barrachd siùbhlachd ann an leasanan agus bheir e cothroman nas iomchaidh dhaibhsan a tha aig diofar ìrean comais.
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    The latest benchmarking data (LGBF 18/19) ranks Edinburgh in the top five Local Authorities for both cost and customer satisfaction for parks and open spaces.... In the latest LGBF benchmarking data, we see consistent increases in the proportion of Council Tax collected and are ranked in the top quartile (top 8 Local Authorities) in 2018/19.... Our total void rate is consistently in the top quartile when looking at the latest LGBF benchmarking data and is ahead of the other big cities.
  • Landscape document templates 14 8.11 The supplier spend categories cover around 30 different description types (e.g. construction, professional services and so on) and a summary of category spend with the Council’s top 20 suppliers is presented below in Figures 1 & 2.... Construction remains the dominant spend with a 40% increased spend in the top 20 when compared to last year in Figure 2.... ➢ The CAGM team support service areas to identify operational efficiencies, reviewing the Council’s spend with the top suppliers, securing better outcomes, Best Value and improved performance
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    Edinburgh performs in the top half of councils for around half of the national benchmarking indicators.... In 2014/15, 54 per cent of the council’s indicators were in the top two quartiles, that is, performing better than half of Scottish councils.... In 2018/19 Edinburgh had more indicators in the top quartile than the other three cities and the fewest in the bottom quartile (Exhibit 7, page 23).
  • Landscape document templates

    Nine of the suppliers in the top 20 category summary tabled below are in the construction sector, as a result of the Council’s investment in asset upgrading, new build nurseries and schools and the tram extension project. 7.9 It is important to understand the Council’s supplier base in more detail.... 14 7.11 In addition, of the 296 suppliers awarded a new regulated contract or a place on a Council framework agreement in the 2019/20, 218 (or 74%) were SME and 34 (or 11%) were 3rd sector organisations. 7.12 The supplier spend categories cover around 30 different description types (e.g. construction, professional services and so on) a summary of category spend with the Council’s top 20 suppliers is presented below in Figure 1 and remains largely unchanged from last year in Figure 2.... Deliver Savings and Best Value (and we will do this by): Item Our Progress Status ➢ The CAGM team support service areas identify operational efficiencies, reviewing the Council’s top suppliers, securing better outcomes, best value and improved performance; ➢ Specific support given to services in planning to mitigate risk to supply chains from UK leaving the EU; ➢ The CAGM team work to ensure that key suppliers and contract managers develop partnership working relationships, proactively manage risks and take advantage of specific contractual opportunities to deliver innovation and efficiencies; and ➢ Contract Management Training has been developed and Contract Management Forums are ongoing focussing on sharing best practice and lessons learned, supplemented by CECIL training that also now available on contract management.