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  • Corporate & Transactional Services Partnership Prospectus

    Intervention  Key stakeholders  Ed u ca ti o n   En co u ra ge m en t  E‐ Sa fe ty   En fo rc em en t  En gi n ee ri n g  Short  term  Medium  term  Long  term  E1  Bus use – Investigate the cause of incidents involving elderly people using  buses in Edinburgh. ... Intervention  Key stakeholders  Ed u ca ti o n   En co u ra ge m en t  E‐ Sa fe ty   En fo rc em en t  En gi n ee ri n g  Short  term  Medium  term  Long  term  T1  Data analysis – Identify whether tram works appear to have any impact  upon the incident data.  ... Intervention  Key stakeholders  Ed u ca ti o n   En co u ra ge m en t  E‐ Sa fe ty   En fo rc em en t  En gi n ee ri n g  Short  term  Medium  term  Long  term  WT11  Public attitudes – Research attitudes to road safety, to help shape future  action plans.
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    Several other interested individuals have submitted archaeological fieldwork associated with Corstorphine Hill over the years however without qualification, these can only be presumed to assist in completing the overall historical package. Built structures Masts: there are two large and prominent communications masts located near the top of Corstorphine Hill.... The more manicured western slope consists of approximately 12ha of SAG and from 2015 this heavy cutting regime has been significantly relaxed meaning perhaps only one or two full cuts per season may be required, even then this may only be topping.... In general, the top of the hill and the slopes of the hill to the northwest are composed of thin skeletal soils overlying the dolerite sill, which outcrops in places.
  • Valuation Report to

    It recognises cities as the main drivers of the economy and sets out investment into the seven city regions as a top spatial priority.... To accommodate growth, NPF3 sets out areas for growth within Edinburgh;  The City Centre; the civic, cultural, tourism and commercial hub with its world-renowned built heritage as a key asset  The Waterfront: a top regeneration priority for new homes and port, energy and industrial development  West Edinburgh; a significant location for investment with the airport, National Showground and the International Business Gateway, promoting a business-led development and the creation of new jobs... Edinburgh’s wins include 4 of Scotland’s 10 largest projects by job numbers, and the city ranked third in the UK behind Manchester (45) and London. 8.9 Among investors’ stated preferences in the EY survey, real estate availability and cost was cited as a ‘top two’ consideration by 15% of those surveyed.
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    Based on this assessment, the relative importance of the top-ten most prolific tree species in Edinburgh is sycamore, holly, cherry, silver birch, beech, ash, Leyland cypress, Wych elm, Scots pine and rowan respectively.... Other species in the top 10 overall for carbon sequestration are birch, beech, holly, cherry, poplar, rowan, ash, Leyland cypress and oak.... Mulch will need topped up from time to time.
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    Making the city centre more attractive, encouraging use of public transport and reduced air pollution being the three top issues in terms of awareness.... Making the city centre more attractive, encouraging use of public transport and reduced air pollution being the three top issues in terms of awareness.... SINGLE CODE Code Semi or unskilled manual worker (e.g. manual jobs that require no special training, park keeper, non-HGV driver, shop assistant etc.) 1 Skilled manual worker (e.g. skilled bricklayer, carpenter, plumber, painter, bus driver, HGV driver, unqualified assistant teacher, pub/bar worker, etc.) 2 Supervisory or clerical/ junior managerial/ professional/ administrator (e.g. office worker, student doctor, foreman with 25+ employees, sales person, student teachers etc.) 3 63 Wave 3 Research into: Attitudes and understanding towards LEZ Edinburgh City Intermediate managerial/ professional/ administrative (e.g. newly qualified (under 3 years) doctor/solicitor, board director small organisation, middle manager in large organisation, principal officer in Civil Service/local government etc.) 4 Higher managerial/ professional/ administrative (e.g. established doctor, solicitor, board director in large organisation (200+ employees), top level civil servant/ public service employee, head teacher, etc.) 5 Student 6 Retired and living on state pension only 7 Unemployed (for over 6 months) or not working due to long term sickness 8 Prefer not to say 9 20.
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    Several other interested individuals have submitted archaeological fieldwork associated with Corstorphine Hill over the years however without qualification, these can only be presumed to assist in completing the overall historical package. Built structures Masts: there are two large and prominent communications masts located near the top of Corstorphine Hill.... The more manicured western slope consists of approximately 12ha of SAG and from 2015 this heavy cutting regime has been significantly relaxed meaning perhaps only one or two full cuts per season may be required, even then this may only be topping.... In general, the top of the hill and the slopes of the hill to the northwest are composed of thin skeletal soils overlying the dolerite sill, which outcrops in places.
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    Cabling may often be accommodated behind or next to downpipes or on top of projecting string courses and cornices.... Trees with a Tree Preservation Order or in a conservation area are also protected by law, making it a criminal offence to lop, top, cut down, uproot, wilfully damage or destroy a tree unless carried out with the consent of the Council.... with a central vertical glazing bar with flush flashings preferably top hung.
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    S C H E M E E X TE N TS F o r co nt in u at io n se e S H E E T 02 HUNTLY STREET BR AN DO N TE RR AC E CA NO N LA NE CANON MILLS EY RE P LA C E New no waiting at any time LEGEND Existing bus stop New no loading/unloading at times in ETRO Existing waiting restrictions Existing no waiting at any time Existing no loading/unloading at any time Existing no loading/unloading during times shown Client Project G:\Project Centre\Project-BST\1000009850 - NSL - CEC TS Support -North ETRO\2 Project Delivery\5 Design & WIP\Traffic\Bellevue To Canonmills - Ready For Review\Bellevue To Canonmills ETRO.dwg Rev Date A1 Chk This drawing has been specifically prepared to meet the requirements of the named client and may contain design and innovative features which differ from conventional design standards.... Size Rev Drn DateDrawn ScaleDesigned Description App A B C D E F G H J K L 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 ©Crown copyright and database rights 2024 Ordnance Survey AC0000849421 NSL - CEC TRAVELLING SAFELY FOR APPROVAL SM KR OCT 2022 1:500 1000007733-3-0129 1 0 OCT 2022 FOR APPROVAL SM NC TG 1 APR 2024 FOR APPROVAL BF SMS SMS BELLEVUE TO CANONMILLS SHEET 04 OF 07 AutoCAD SHX Text TCBs AutoCAD SHX Text 6 AutoCAD SHX Text 2 AutoCAD SHX Text 21 AutoCAD SHX Text 16 AutoCAD SHX Text 11 AutoCAD SHX Text 1 AutoCAD SHX Text 15 AutoCAD SHX Text Shelter AutoCAD SHX Text 10 AutoCAD SHX Text 8 AutoCAD SHX Text 11 AutoCAD SHX Text 9 AutoCAD SHX Text 7 AutoCAD SHX Text St Mary's AutoCAD SHX Text 5 AutoCAD SHX Text Church AutoCAD SHX Text 6 AutoCAD SHX Text 1 AutoCAD SHX Text 6 AutoCAD SHX Text SM AutoCAD SHX Text 8 Fo r c on tin ua tio n se e SH EE T 04 Fo r c on tin ua tio n s ee SH EE T 0 6 M A N S F IE LD P LA C E LON DON STR EET EAST LON DON STR EET BRO U G H TO N STREET New no waiting at any time LEGEND Existing bus stop New no loading/unloading at times in ETRO Existing waiting restrictions Existing no waiting at any time Existing no loading/unloading at any time Existing no loading/unloading during times shown Client Project G:\Project Centre\Project-BST\1000009850 - NSL - CEC TS Support -North ETRO\2 Project Delivery\5 Design & WIP\Traffic\Bellevue To Canonmills - Ready For Review\Bellevue To Canonmills ETRO.dwg Rev Date A1 Chk This drawing has been specifically prepared to meet the requirements of the named client and may contain design and innovative features which differ from conventional design standards.... Size Rev Drn DateDrawn ScaleDesigned Description App A B C D E F G H J K L 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 ©Crown copyright and database rights 2024 Ordnance Survey AC0000849421 NSL - CEC TRAVELLING SAFELY CREWE ROAD SOUTH SHEET 01 OF 02 FOR APPROVAL WL BF OCT 2022 1:500m 1000007733-3-0123 1 0 OCT 2022 FOR APPROVAL WL NC TG 1 APR 2024 FOR APPROVAL BF SMS SMS N NN V IE W P O R T 3 V IE W P O R T 2 V IE W P O R T4 V IE W P O R T 3 V IE W P O R T 4 V IE W P O R T 3 C R AI G LE IT H H IL L AV EN U E C A R R IN G TO N R O A D H O SP IT AL M AI N D R IV E WESTERN GENERAL HOSPITOLPO R TE R FI EL D R O AD CREWE ROAD SOUTH Track Co ur t Te nn is 2 1519 3 Lo dg e W es t PO R TE R FI EL D R O AD 35 .6 m P os ts Po st s CARRINGTON CRESCENT KEE P CLE AR BUS STOP BUS STO P V IE W P O R T 3 V IE W P O R T 2 V IE W P O R T4 V IE W P O R T 3 V IE W P O R T 4 V IE W P O R T 3 C R A IG LE IT H R O A D C O M LE Y B A N K R O A D CREWE ROAD SOUTH 8 10 St a 177 VI LL AS El A V E N U E De liv er y O ffi ce 6 Ba nk 43 Su b 1 14 3 20 .4 m 14 Te le ph on e 15 E xc ha ng e Co ur t Sp or ts G ro un d 1 Fe tte s BUS STO P BUS STOP New no waiting at any time Existing no waiting at any time NOTES: Existing waiting restrictions Existing Yellow double blip Existing bus stop Client Project G:\Project Centre\Project-BST\1000009850 - NSL - CEC TS Support -North ETRO\2 Project Delivery\5 Design & WIP\Traffic\Crewe Road South - Ready For Review\Crewe Road South ETRO.dwg Rev Date A1 Chk This drawing has been specifically prepared to meet the requirements of the named client and may contain design and innovative features which differ from conventional design standards.
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    Those nominations were supported by park users, communities, Friends of Parks groups, and landowners and an unprecedented total of 36,832 votes were cast for parks and green spaces across the UK. 37 In addition, ten other parks and green spaces in Scotland have achieved “Much Loved” status, having been placed in the top 20% of all UK's Best Park 2019 nominations throughout the UK.... several threshold signs (caring for parks) were bent or broken didn't deduct concentrate on the play area, address the weed issue, repaint all the play equipment and top up the wood chip would give the play area a refreshed look 1 INTRODUCTION With its distinctive burn running through the park, large pond with animated wildlife and stunning pictorial meadow Figgate Park provides an attractive and much-loved green space in the heart of Edinburgh’s East Neighbourhood.
  • Introduction

    This group contribute a huge amount in helping the Natural Heritage Service keep on top of routine maintenance and upkeep of the site and are of great value to the site.... The 1750 General Roy Map shows Craigmillar Castle perched on the top of Craigmillar Hill and surrounded by agricultural fields.