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    A current snapshot of selected wildlife in Edinburgh Tree bumblebee Hoverfly Susan Falconer Early bumblebee Susan Falconer Comma Graham Checkley Small White Susan Falconer Peacock butterfly Susan Falconer Bumblebees Susan Falconer Edinburgh Biodiversity Action Plan 2019 - 2021 Edinburgh Biodiversity Action Plan 2019 - 2021 Edinburgh Biodiversity Action Plan 2019 - 2021 Edinburgh Biodiversity Action Plan 2019 - 2021 Edinburgh 7 A current snapshot of selected wildlife in Edinburgh Sparrowhawks Raptors, as top predators feeding on a range of species, are good indicators of a healthy, functioning ecosystem.... As a top predator, if sparrowhawks are doing well this can indicate a good quality natural environment, with habitat to support an abundance of prey species.
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    Princes Street needs improved: top shopping and dining... Too prescriptive, too top down
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    Of the association events that were held during the year 6 recorded an event gross profit of over £170,000 each and the top 10 conference and meeting events by value generated £2.162m in cumulative event gross profit during the year.... The top 10 Day Delegate Rate events by value generated £747,000 in cumulative event gross profit during the year.
  • Introduction

    This group contribute a huge amount in helping the Natural Heritage Service keep on top of routine maintenance and upkeep of the site and are of great value to the site.... The 1750 General Roy Map shows Craigmillar Castle perched on the top of Craigmillar Hill and surrounded by agricultural fields.
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    Our city has picked up some prestigious awards, the two of the most recent are: • ranked as ‘the most liveable city in the world’, Arcadis Sustainable Cities Index 2018 • top UK city: best prospects for economic growth, The UK Vitality Index, Lambert Smith, 2019.... Council and partner awards A selection of our awards this year Leith Fort • Multiple awards including Saltire Society Housing & Design ‘Medal’ 2018 and RIAS Award 2018 Boroughmuir High School • Multiple awards including the EAA Building of the Year Award for 2018 and RIAS Award 2018 • Scottish State Secondary School of the Year, The Sunday Times Public Sector In-House Legal Team of the Year • The Scottish Legal Awards 2019 Stephen Kelly, Headteacher, Liberton High School • Quality Improvement Champion, Quality Improvement Awards 2018 Councillor Gavin Corbett • Environmental Impact Award, LGIU Scotland Councillor Awards 2018 2050 Edinburgh City Vision with Marketing Edinburgh • Digital Marketing Campaign of the Year, Edinburgh Chamber of Commerce Business Awards 2019 Cycling Friendly Employer • Cycling Scotland Operational Award • ALARM Risk Awards 2018 Housing Property • Gold Medal RoSPA Health & Safety Awards 2018 Five secondary schools awarded • LBT Youth Scotland Charter Awards 23 KPI scorecard Service delivery status On target / improving performance ⭢ Maintaining ⮀ Improvements needed ⭪ Data not yet available ⮾ Targeting investment in prevention and early intervention Schools and education 2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 Target Status Early Years Percentage of early years settings providing 1140 hours of funded early learning and childcare - 29% 51% 51% ⭢ Schools (most recent education data) 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 Target Status Percentage of primary 1 pupils achieving CfE early Level reading - 82% 83% 85% ⭢ Percentage of all leavers achieving literacy and numeracy Level 5 62.1% 64.6% 66.7% 66% ⭢ Percentage of all leavers from deprived areas achieving 5 or more awards at SCQF Level 5 or higher 38.6% 38.7% 38.0% 39.5% ⭪ Percentage of all leavers achieving 5 or more awards at SCQF Level 6 or higher 34.8% 35.5% 37.5% 36% ⭢ Percentage of all school leavers in positive initial destination 93.7% 92.5% 94.3% 93.8% ⭢ School Attendance 2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 Target Status Percentage of primary pupils with low attendance - 7.2% 6.5% 6.0% ⭢ Percentage of secondary pupils with low attendance - 13.7% 13.3% 13.0% ⮀ 24 Children Services 2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 Target Status Looked After Children Number of looked after children (rate per 1,000) 15.6 15.5 14.5 15.4 ⭢ Fostering and adoption Percentage of placements with Council foster carers 64.4% 63.2% 65.2% 67% ⭢ Criminal Justice social work 2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 Target Status Criminal justice orders % of criminal justice orders successfully completed 65.8% 65.3% 63.6% 65.0% ⭪ % of orders with unpaid work requirements with work placement offered within timescale (5 days) 93.0% 84.1% 95.4% Increasing trend ⭢ Homelessness 2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 Target Status Homelessness case management Average homeless case length (days) 285.8 293.9 365.3 340.0 ⭪ % repeat homeless presentations 9.0% 7.9% 7.0% 6.0% ⭢ % of support referrals made for households with a recognised support need 53.1% 53.0% 44.1% Increasing trend ⭪ Homelessness accommodation % use of B&B as total of all temporary accommodation usage 34.8% 38.9% 39.8% Decreasing trend ⭪ No of families in B&Bs (at end March) 26 58 21 0 ⭢ No of 16-17 year olds in B&Bs (at end March) 3 6 3 0 ⭢ Non-contractual spend on B&Bs/shared houses £1.81M £3.71M £3.34M Decreasing trend ⭢ Family and household support 2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 Target Status Antisocial behaviour % antisocial behaviour enquiries closed within 30 calendar days 75.9% 68.7% 58.7% 73.0% ⭪ Adult social care services 2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 Target Status Unmet care (at the end March) Number of people delayed awaiting discharge from hospital 176 267 158 Decreasing trend ⭢ Number of people waiting for a package of care in the community 357 837 440 Decreasing trend ⭢ Number of people waiting for a package of care in hospital 87 151 40 Decreasing trend ⭢ Assessment and care management (at the end March) Total number of people waiting for assessment 1,480 1,544 1,375 Decreasing trend ⭢ Total number of people with an overdue review 6,262 5,161 3,828 Decreasing trend ⭢ Average assessment waiting time (days) 93 67 37 Decreasing trend ⭢ Number of carer assessments/adult carer support plans completed 731 596 909 Increasing trend ⭢ Balance of care Percentage of adults 18+ years receiving care in their home, rather than a residential setting or hospital 56.6% 57.3% 57.2% Decreasing trend ⮀ Substance misuse support Substance misuse – timely treatment (percentage within three weeks) 81.6% 84.0% 85.5% 90% ⭢ 25 Driving improvements to deliver the high-quality services our citizens expect Housing services 2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 Target Status Housing Home completions (all tenures) 2,229 1,804 Not yet available No targets ⮾ Number of affordable homes approved 1,308 1,475 1,626 1,600 ⭢ Tenant Arrears Average level of debt of tenants in arrears £890 £930 £878 £900 ⭢ Current rent arrears (end of year) £6.1M £6.1M £5.7M Decreasing trend ⭢ Waste and cleansing 2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 Target Status Waste Management % of waste recycled 43.0% 42.6% 41.1% Increasing trend ⭪ Individual domestic missed bin service requests 28,368 22,853 33,621 Decreasing trend ⭪ Communal domestic missed bin service requests 19,354 15,155 21,868 Decreasing trend ⭪ Street Cleansing % of streets clean (LEAMS) 92% 89% 92% 95% ⭢ Planning and building standards 2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 Target Status Planning % of major planning application decisions within target 14% 13% 28% 70% ⭢ % of non-householder planning applications dealt with within two months 72% 60% 57% 70% ⭪ Building Standards % first report building warrants issued within 20 days 40% 60% 80% 95% ⭢ % of building warrants issued in 10 days after receipt of all satisfactory information 51% 44% 63% 90% ⭢ Roads 2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 Target Status Road condition and maintenance % of customer defect enquiries completed within five working days KPI methodology revised to match other local authorities 73% 85% ⭪ % of emergency road defects made safe within 24 hours 95% 90% ⭢ % of priority road defects repaired within five days 81% 85% ⭪ Road condition index (RCI) 34.8% 36.4% 36.4% Decreasing trend ⮀ Parks, greenspace and cemeteries 2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 Target Status Green Flag Status Number of parks achieving green flag award status 29 30 32 30 ⭢ Lifelong learning 2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 Target Status Lifelong Learning Number of adults achieving personal learning goals through participation in targeted education programmes - 2,100 Available July 2,100 ⮾ Number of library customer transactions - 6.96M 6.66M 7.31M ⭪ Number of young people participating in music, arts, cultural and creative learning activities 24,071 22,775 Available July 24,300 ⮾ Number of young people participating in sport, physical activity, and outdoor learning (includes Active Schools) 22,431 24,086 Available Sept 22,655 ⮾ 26 Ensuring the growth of the city is sustainable and inclusive Culture 2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 Target Status Museums and Galleries Attendances at museums and galleries 720,003 624,323 785,427 750,000 ⭢ Communities 2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 Target Status % of people who feel they have a say on local issues and services 37% 39% 36% Increasing trend ⭪ % of children living in a low-income household 22% 23% Not yet available 18% by 2020 ⮾ Fair work and economic growth 2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 Target Status Number of households with no adult in employment 24,800 26,800 Not yet available Decreasing trend ⮾ Number of clients supported by employability and skills services 4,561 3,375 2,967 No target ⮀ Number of employers in the Edinburgh region accredited as Living Wage Foundation employers Not available Not available 416 Increasing trend N/A Emissions reductions 2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 Target Status % emissions reduction from 2005 baseline 33% Not yet available Not yet available 42% by 2020 ⮾ % reduction in energy-related emissions from Council estate and Council waste Not available 6.9% Available Sept Decreasing trend ⮾ Organisational performance measures Customer services 2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 Target Status Citizen and service user contact Calls answered within 60 seconds (contact centre) 48% 63% 65%* 60% ⭢ * Performance Indicator was amended in July 2018 from calls answered within 30 seconds to calls answered with 60 seconds and target increased from 55% to 60%.
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    There has been a progression from the hill top existence to a picturesque village but even today, signs of man’s occupation are still only revealed by glimpses of the village in a wide and generous landscape.... To the east, adjoining the pyramid- topped gate piers, is the octagonal session house or Watch-Tower (Category ‘A’ listed with the Kirk).
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    Those nominations were supported by park users, communities, Friends of Parks groups, and landowners and an unprecedented total of 36,832 votes were cast for parks and green spaces across the UK. 37 In addition, ten other parks and green spaces in Scotland have achieved “Much Loved” status, having been placed in the top 20% of all UK's Best Park 2019 nominations throughout the UK.... several threshold signs (caring for parks) were bent or broken didn't deduct concentrate on the play area, address the weed issue, repaint all the play equipment and top up the wood chip would give the play area a refreshed look 1 INTRODUCTION With its distinctive burn running through the park, large pond with animated wildlife and stunning pictorial meadow Figgate Park provides an attractive and much-loved green space in the heart of Edinburgh’s East Neighbourhood.
  • Rosefield Park Management Plan

    The following aspects were analysed: • Litter and waste management • Ground maintenance • Infrastructure Strengths • Main entrance reasonably inviting • New Signage • Benches and bins all fairly new condition • Amenity grass cut regularly • Planted beds fairly well maintained and add horticultural interest • Bio diversity areas to increase wildlife Weaknesses • Dog fouling can be a problem • Litter is a problem – School kids use park at lunch times • Area near muliti sport area grass in poor condition • new housing could increase the litter and usage f he park Opportunities • Control invasive weeds along burn • Community– actively manage and increase the use of the park • Install new and bigger capacity bins within the park • Community clean ups Threats • Re-occurrence of vandalism • Antisocial behaviour and behavioural misuse of opened woodland areas • Bins missed APPENDI X 5 ( continued ) ) 46 Sustainability: In design and maintenance of the park , sustainability issues have played and continue to play an important part: • Environment management • Pesticides, herbicides and materials • Horticulture and arboriculture Strengths • Design elements such as use of perennial planting to increase colour and lengthen flowering periods • Use of unusual species of plants • Peat use is restricted to replacement plant material • Trees have been surveyed and information is held electronically on the EzyTreev database • Increased biodiversity areas • The use of chemicals within the parks has been reduce • Weaknesses • Grass cutting frequency • Replacement planting in shrub beds • Area where fence has not been reinstated need to be replanted • Wed control until shrubs become more mature and cover the soil area • Due to withdrawal of chemicals problems keeping on top of weeds Opportunities • Planting additional flowering plants for the benefit of wildlife & biodiversity • Increase horticultural planting features in other areas of park • Use of mulch to retain moisture • Planting along burn edge • Introduce more wildflower areas • Introduce get nectar quick mix through the existing flower beds Threats • Controlling balsam along water edge • Clearing this then allows access to open water • Woodland longer grass could encourage antisocial behaviour 47 Conservation and Heritage: The following aspects were considered: • Habitats • Cultural landscapes Strengths • Winter seed heads left on plants are used by birds such as House Sparrows • Large amount of native plants • Proximity to private gardens enables exchange of wildlife, especially birds and insects, contributing to a larger habitat • Varied habitats for wildlife – large site with variety of planting supports lots of species.... Recommendations 1 Grounds Maintenance, get on top of weeds and manage beds/wild flower areas 2 Graffiti removal 3 Tidy/weed play area, look at shrinkage in rubber matting 8 8 6 8 7 7 7 0 64 APPENDIX 7: Corporate Strategies & Policies Business plan 2017-2022 The council’s business plan is built around 52 commitments that the council administration has pledged to deliver over the next five years.
  • CEC Holdings 2018 draft 7

    These events varied enormously in their size, duration, diversity and profitability. 5 of the association events that were held in 2018 recorded an event gross profit of over £200,000 each and the top 10 conference and meeting events by value generated £2.044m in cumulative event gross profit during the year.... The top 10 Day Delegate Rate events by value generated £656k in cumulative event gross profit during the year.
  • Report Contents ( photo)

    It is the number one International Congress and Convention Association (ICCA) £0.00 £10.00 £20.00 £30.00 £40.00 £50.00 £60.00 £70.00 £80.00 £90.00 £0 £5 £10 £15 £20 £25 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Edinburgh GVA (£bn) Edinburgh RevPAR Date: January 2019 Page: 23 conference destination in the UK outside London and rated 32nd in the top worldwide city rankings. (20th in Europe, ICCA 2017).... They appeal to both long and short-stay guests, both corporate and leisure sectors; • Edinburgh is one of the top UK locations for such products due to the demand profile (i.e. strong corporate and leisure tourism demand drivers).