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    Allow for 10% top up.... Allow for 10% top up.... D ra w in g N am e an d L o ca tio n Original Size North Point RevisionDrawing No.
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    Unauthorised reproduction infringes Crown copyright and may lead to prosecution or civil proceedings. 100023420 (2015) 24 10 to 2 2 Shelter DW Shelter 23 13 42 14 8 10 Church 22 Hall Surgery PLAC E 4 10.4m CASSELBANK STREET 5 62 11 LB 21 60 36 59 CROWN 2b 2a 22 12 to 1 8 1 to 52 Manderston Court 74 20 92 to 9 8 2 PH 14 77a CROWN STREET 3 78 b 61 11 6 2 7 1 115 99 3 4101 3 2 TCBs 1 1 DW 5 10 6 111 11.0m 113 7 22 6 16 13 24 38 41 to 55 39 3 13 MANDERSTON STREET 10.7m Banks Sub Sta 10.7m 18 80 to 9 0 26 10 41 00 81 to 91 103 to 109 3 Elder Memorial 78 2 to 5 LE IT H W AL K 12 El 6 TCBs 37 7 13 a Superstore 1a 15 11 7 PH Free Church 12 9 5 34 52 LW-01 LEGEND 1280L NON-RECYCLABLE WASTE 1280L MIXED RECYCLING BIN 660L GLASS RECYCLING BIN 240L FOOD WASTE RECYCLING BIN AND HOUSING BULL BAR DRG.... Unauthorised reproduction infringes Crown copyright and may lead to prosecution or civil proceedings. 100023420 (2015) 0 6.25 25 50m12.5 School Nursery Class Leith Primary 77 4 Duncan Place 5 92 to 98 DUKE PLACE 63 to 69 Resource Centre 91 Shelter 4 21 76 27 to 31 Ch ur ch 89 PW Du ke S tre et Gl eb e 17 DW PH 12 0 t o 1 24 11.0m 11 8 85 15 0 DW 10 8 4 3 51 1 12 6 t o 1 32 10 0 10 2 D U N C A N P LA C E 78 to 90 15 2 11 0 t o 1 16 DW to 10 6 87 38 3 to 3 89 1 3 El Sub Sta 14 2 t o 1 48 13 Le ith S t A nd re w' s PH 33 to 39 11.4m 41 to 49 79 to 83 DUKE STREET 19 8 9 13 4 t o 1 40 Superstore LW-60 LW-61LW-61 LEGEND 1280L NON-RECYCLABLE WASTE 1280L MIXED RECYCLING BIN 660L GLASS RECYCLING BIN 240L FOOD WASTE RECYCLING BIN AND HOUSING BULL BAR DRG.... Unauthorised reproduction infringes Crown copyright and may lead to prosecution or civil proceedings. 100023420 (2015) 0 6.25 25 50m12.5 17 37 8 2 18 to 26 18 to 22 23 2 41 to 47 10 27 to 33 23 to 27 11 16b 14a 3 TCB Bank 16 22 9 to 13 M U R A N O P LA C E 1 to 3 4 AMPHION LANE 5 ESS 2 Shelter ESS LE IT H W AL K 37 6 13 28 to 34 1 to 7 MIDDLEFIELD 3 Cr ig ht on P la ce 14b BU CH AN AN S TR EE T 15 20 14 5 to 8 9 5 2 to 6 8 17 4 3 5 11 5 7 8 to 12 13 to 17 16a 62 11 52 7 21Al be rt Pl ac e 3 7 1 6a 8 to 16 64b 66 Play Area Sh ru b Pl ac e LW-03 LW-02 LEGEND 1280L NON-RECYCLABLE WASTE 1280L MIXED RECYCLING BIN 660L GLASS RECYCLING BIN 240L FOOD WASTE RECYCLING BIN AND HOUSING BULL BAR DRG.
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    Size Rev Drn DateDrawn ScaleDesigned Description App A B C D E F G H J K L 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 CBR IN EXISTING CPZ - DELEGATED POWERS DRAWINGS AREA S3 PAGE 4 OF 5 FOR APPROVAL EA EA DEC 2022 1:500 1000009038-S3-P4 2 0 22/03/2023 FIRST ISSUE IG DF EM 1 30/03/2023 REVISED AFTER CEC COMMENTS IGG EMM EMM 2 04/04/2023 REVISED FOLLOWING CEC COMMENTS IG EM EM Extended or New Permit Holder Bay Extended or New Shared Use Bay Extended or Pay and Display Bay Extended or New Double Yellow Line Extended or New Single Yellow Line Reference number associated with change in existing restrictions 7 4b 8 89.6m 2 10 4 6 5c 4a 1 b 2a 3 93.3 18 33 4 PDB LB The Limes 13 t 3 M ER CH IS TO N 16 1 to 6 2 1 4 e M E R C H IS TO N C R E S C E N T 12 N A P IE R R O A D 10 1 4 7 t o 1 2 18 8 10 b 3 31 33 2b CR ES CE NT 37 to 41 10 a 92.4m 2 28 Merchiston Castle M AR DA LE 7 8 1 CR ES CE NT 9 t o 1 1 16 30 R O C H E S T E R 17 2 25 to 29 3 1 2 t o 1 4 15 M E R C H IS TO N A V E N U E 7 to 11 1 96.6m 4 to 8 8 6 BL AN TY RE TE RR AC E 67 to 71 1 5 33a TE R R AC E 6 8 2 8 5 97.5m 35 2 20 4 4 24 Sh elt er 10 Edinburgh Napier University Merchiston Campus 10 5 S3-L28 S3-L29 S3-L32 S3-L27 S3-L31 S3-L33 3.04.2 2.7 6.1 2.9 9.4 8.07.2 2.6 1.6 3.1 12.3 0.5 New Permit Holder Bay LEGEND Reference number associated with change in parking restrictions New Shared Use Bay New Pay and Display Bay New Double Yellow Line New Single Yellow Line New Permit Holder Bay LEGEND Reference number associated with change in parking restrictions New Shared Use Bay New Pay and Display Bay New Double Yellow Line New Single Yellow Line Client Project \\itservices.local\shared$\Project Centre\Project-BST\1000009038 - NSL-CEC - CBR In Existing CPZ - DP Drawings\2 Project Delivery\6 CAD\2 Drawing\S3\1000009038-S3.dwg Rev Date A1 Chk This drawing has been specifically prepared to meet the requirements of the named client and may contain design and innovative features which differ from conventional design standards.
  • Report of Conformity

    Water management prevents run off that carries our top soil into rivers which is needed to prevent loss of fertile topsoil... The Inch Park Nursery site is already used for growing, is secured with fencing for any allotment development which would help with the massive waiting list for allotments and also afford the capability of tying in with the Growing/Food/Green activities at Bridgend Farm.... Too prescriptive, too top down
  • Pentland Hills Regional Park

    This year several corporate volunteer groups also worked on this project ▪ Dirty Weekenders have been engaged to deliver 3 days removal of INNS Rosa rugosa, Japanese Rose on the Foreshore during 2019 ▪ Botanic Gardens Shoreline project have a couple of days planned to work with Forestry and Natural Heritage in 2019 to assist in Rosa rugosa removal while also creating compartments to restore ground vegetation in areas affected by significant erosion at the Foreshore area ▪ Ravelston: Yellow archangel, Lamium galeobdolon, corporate volunteers and Green Team contributed several days towards the removal of rhizomes spreading from margins and verges of part of the site most affected by the ground cover plant ▪ Craigmillar Castle Park: spraying of seed bed of giant hogweed and stem injection of Japanese knotweed with herbicide ▪ Giant Hogweed dominates an area in Little France Park but has been put on the spraying schedule during 2018 to supress the seed bed and will continue to be targeted for removal by CEC specialist grounds maintenance team ▪ Hermitage of Braid: Himalayan balsam pulled by volunteers ▪ BBVP: invasive species kept on top of by Friends group and Forestry and Natural Heritage staff.
  • untitled

    As it runs through the Conservation Area the road winds, almost like the river below it, along the top of a ridge.
  • Shandon.pdf

    The planning authority must be given six weeks notice of the intention to uproot, fell or top trees.
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    In doing so, we will prioritise providing a structured approach to the project management and the delivery of our actions, preparing business Vision Within the next three years, our aspiration of the service is to be one of the top performing Building Standards Verifiers in Scotland.
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    This will make demands on your time on top of your own personal responsibilities to family, workplace and friends.
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    A variety of 19th century drawings and photographs of the gatepiers (including MacGibbon and Ross, 1887, p.455) show each pier topped by a carved, crocketted and scrolled finial which is surmounted by small ball with a crown.