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    Shared Mobility We will develop an access strategy for taxis and Private Hire Cas (PHCs) in the city centre and on key arterial routes and seek opportunities to expand city car club throughout the city.... Action Aim by end of 2025 Aim by end of 2030 Aim after 2030 Proposed approach to prioritisation Approximate delivery dates or target rate of delivery Responsible team(s) (FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY) Link to Other Action Plans Enhance Regional Coordination PS3 Deliver Edinburgh Bus Alliance / Bus Service Improvement Plan Strengthen new Edinburgh Bus Alliance and coordination with neighbouring alliances and local authorities Implement initial BSIP proposals Monitor performance and continue coordination and support Appendix B: Mapping of Actions against CMP Objectives People Movement Place b e h a v io u r c h a n g e to s u p p o rt s u s ta in a b le t ra v e l In c lu s iv e & a ff o rd a b le t ra n s p o rt In c re a s e p ro p o f tr ip s b y a c ti v e & s u s ta in a b le m o d e s Im p ro v e c h o ic e in to , o u t o f a n d a c ro s s c it y R e d u c e h a rm fu l e m is s io n s Im p ro v e s a fe ty M a x im is e e ff ic ie n c y o f s tr e e ts R e d u c e n e e d t o tr a v e l a n d d is ta n c e tr a v e ll e d R e d u c e v e h ic le d o m in a n c e a n d im p ro v e q u a li ty o f s tr e e ts Addressing the Climate Emergency PC1 Deliver a programme of behaviour change interventions, focusing on key priority groups ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ PC2 Work with operators to deliver options for a net zero carbon fleet ✓ PC3 Review on street infrastructure required (e.g. opportunity charging) to support multi operator electric / hydrogen fleets ✓ ✓ PC4 Review of depot infrastructure and charging requirements to support a fully electric / hydrogen fleet ✓ Providing Safe, Affordable and Accessible Public Transport Public Transport Action Plan 45 People Movement Place PT1 Improve perceived safety for all users through improved lighting at and walking routes to bus and tram stops and rail stations ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ PT2 Improve travel experience for disabled users including more information on space availability ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ PT3 Deliver Edinburgh Tram / Lothian Buses integrated ticketing ✓ ✓ ✓ PT4 Continued engagement on concessionary travel / free under 22 travel on tram ✓ ✓ PT5 Work with public transport operators and Transport Scotland to deliver comprehensive integrated ticketing across tram, bus and rail ✓ ✓ ✓ PT6 Complete Trams to Newhaven operations and handover ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ PT7 Continue ongoing programme of shelter replacement ✓ ✓ PT8 Replace existing on-street bustracker signs with multi operator information signs ✓ ✓ PT9 Strengthen partnerships with the taxi and private hire car trade and car club partners as key providers of the city’s shared mobility offering to support the shift to zero emission vehicles and the introduction of new technology to improve safety, standards and accessibility ✓ ✓ ✓ PT10 Ensure existing taxi-rank requirements are protected – general locations and capacity; continue to review of provision to deliver additional capacity in consultation with the taxi trade ✓ ✓ ✓ PT11 Develop DRT solutions that are useable for everyone and provide travel choices to support journeys that are sustainable, efficient and affordable ✓ ✓ PT12 Support development of Mobility as a Service (MAAS) in Edinburgh ✓ ✓ PT13 Deliver enhanced public transport solution through use of Data Driven Innovation (DDI) experts ✓ ✓ Delivering a Reliable and Efficient Network to Support Growth Public Transport Action Plan 46 People Movement Place PG1 Deliver outcomes from the Circulation Plan to ensure that the bus network continues to support strategic priorities including improved accessibility, integration and traffic reduction, particularly in the city centre ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ PG2 Work with the Council’s Planning Authority, developers and public transport operators to ensure public transport provision serves new developments ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ PG3 Extension of bus lane operating hours ✓ ✓ PG4 Deliver bus priority through the UTC/UTMC and AVL at traffic signals and investigate further technology options to help deliver reductions in peak bus journey times on key corridors and hotspot locations ✓ ✓ ✓ PG5 Delivery of bus stop realignment supporting faster journey times with an opportunity to provide higher quality infrastructure while maintaining access for less abled people ✓ ✓ ✓ PG6 Deliver additional bus priority interventions through the Bus Partnership Fund (BPF) and other funding sources, helping to support the aim of a 25% reduction in peak bus journey times across the city region ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ PG7 Plan, design and deliver pilot projects with site specific sustainable transport and urban realm facilities to suit the needs of the area ✓ ✓ ✓ Enhancing Regional Connectivity PR1 Identify additional city centre terminating capacity (East and West Ends) to support growth in regional bus services ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ PR2 Consider future options for the bus station ✓ ✓ PR3 Enhance interchange: • Between rail, tram, bus and active travel • between radial and orbital bus services • across the city centre ✓ ✓ ✓ PR4 Deliver regional Park & Ride / Choose strategy ✓ ✓ Public Transport Action Plan 47 People Movement Place PR5 Develop mass rapid transit plan (including tram and Bus Rapid Transit (BRT)) for the city and region ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ PR6 Deliver North/ South tram line linking Granton to the Bio Quarter and beyond ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ PR7 Implement express and regional bus services (limited stops) ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ PR8 Engage with Transport Scotland, Network Rail and rail operators in the delivery of new strategic rail projects ✓ PR9 Deliver Waverley Station Masterplan subject to Network Rail programme ✓ ✓ PR10 Consider future use of South Suburban Rail Line ✓ ✓ PR11 Working with partners, explore the opportunity for a Cross-Forth ferry ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Place – Reducing Vehicular Dominance PV1 Support Edinburgh City Centre Transformation (ECCT) initiates to reduce city centre traffic volumes on key streets ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ PV2 Review opportunities to reduce bus stop dwell times lessening the need for stacking and the impact of vehicle dominance ✓ ✓ ✓ Improving Governance and Coordination PS1 Deliver new governance arrangements for council owned public transport operators ✓ ✓ ✓ PS2 Align strategic business planning and operational management of the council-owned public transport companies with the city’s transport policies and programmes ✓ ✓ ✓ PS3 Deliver Edinburgh Bus Alliance / Bus Service Improvement Plan ✓ ✓ ✓
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    In addition the Mental Health and Wellbeing 40 Top Tips for School Staff is avalable on Sharepoint. 7.5 Theme 4, Teaching Learning and Assessment Although schools are returning at 100%, the need for contingency planning remains.... • CEC 1 in 5 Top Tips for Schools • CEC Raising Awareness of Child Poverty document • Leadership for Equity CLPL (School Leaders, Class Teachers, PSAs/PSOs – available later in session 2020/21) • • National Improvement Hub – Stirling Outcomes and Measures Toolkit • • 8.... Accommodation Options Proposed School Estimated Contingency Requirements Required for Out of School Care in 100% return to school Category Locality Ward Inch Community Centre Liberton Primary School 2 Classes yes Community Centre South East Liberton/Gilmerton Kirkliston Community Centre Kirkliston Primary School 2 Classes yes Community Centre North West Almond Ratho Community Centre Ratho Primary School Hub Space yes Community Centre South West Pentland Hills Tollcross Community Centre James Gillespie's High School Hub Space yes Community Centre South West Fountainbridge/Craiglockhar t Nelson Hall Community Centre Sciennes Primary School 2 classes yes Community Centre South East Southside/Newington Munro Community Centre Clermiston Primary School Hub Space yes Community Centre North West Drumbrae/Gyle Wardie Residents Club Wardie Primary School 2 Classes yes Community Centre North West Forth South Queensferry Community Centre (Top Centre) Echline Primary School 2 Classes yes Community Centre North West Almond Balerno Community Centre Balerno Community High School 4 Classes + Hub Space shared with Dean Park PS Community Centre South West Pentland Hills Dean Park Primary School Hub Space with Balerno High School Community Centre South West Pentland Hills Wash House Community Centre Towerbank Primary School 2 Classes Community Centre North East Portobello/Craigmillar Kirkgate Community Centre St Marys Leith Primary School 2 Classes + Hub (shared with Taobh na Pairce) Community Centre North East Leith Leith Academy 4 Classes Community Centre North East Leith Walk Fort Community Centre Taobh na Páirce Hub Space (shared with St Mary's Leith Primary School) Community Centre North East Leith Walk Colinton Mains Community Centre Firrhill High School 5 Classes total - could be split between both Pentlands and Colinton Mains CCs Community Centre South West Colinton/Fairmilehead Pentlands Community Centre Firrhill High School See above Community Centre South West Colinton/Fairmilehead Southside Community Centre James Gillespie's High School 6 Classes Community Centre South East Southside/Newington St Brides Commnity Centre Boroughmuir High School 6 Classes Community Centre South West Sighthill/Gorgie Goodtrees Community Centre Liberton High School 4 Classes Community Centre South East Liberton/Gilmerton Gilmerton Community Centre & Society Hall Liberton High School Hub Space Community Centre South East Liberton/Gilmerton Rannoch Community Centre The Royal High School 6 Classes (+ Hub) – either or with below Community Centre North West Drumbrae/Gyle Portobello Library Towerbank Primary School Hub Space Library North East Portobello/Craigmillar Kirkliston Library Kirkliston Primary School Hub Space Library North West Almond Fountainbridge Library Boroughmuir High School Hub Space Library South West Fountainbridge/Craiglockhar t Balgreen Library Balgreen Primary School Classes - to release gym hall/dining space Library South West Sighthill/Gorgie Central Library St Thomas of Aquin’s RC High School 4 Classes + Hub Library South East City Centre Drumbrae Hub Library & Offices The Royal High School 6 Classes (+ Hub) – either or with above Library North West Drumbrae/Gyle Muirhouse Library Granton Primary School 3 Classes Library North West Almond Granton Library Granton Primary School Hub Space Library North West Forth Newington Library Sciennes Primary School Hub Space Library South East Southside/Newington Currie Library Currie Primary School 2 Classes Library South West Pentland Hills Morningside Library South Morningside Primary School 2 Classes Library South East Morningside West Pilton Neighbourhood Centre Craigroyston Community High School Hub Space Neighbourhood Centre North West Inverleith Churchill Theatre South Morningside Primary School Southside Hub – also serving JGPS and Bruntsfield PS Theatre South East Morningside James Gillespies Primary School Southside Hub – also serving SMPS and Bruntsfield PS Theatre South East Morningside Bruntsfield Primary School Southside Hub – also serving SMPS and JGPS Theatre South East Morningside Portlee Day Centre (formerly Hawkhill Adult Training) Leith Academy 4 Classes Training Centre North East Leith Citadel Youth Centre Leith Academy Hub Space Youth Centre North East Leith Appendix Eight – Peripetetic Guidance Many peripatetic staff continued to offer advice and consultation during the period of school closure and to support recovery planning for education settings.
  • (Public Pack)Agenda Document for Edinburgh Partnership, 03/06/2020 15:00

    The immediate crisis comes on top of a situation where we know many people are exhausted physically and emotionally, having severely restricted options about how to manage living costs, are unable to plan and barely have enough to survive, despite being in work.... And, while some have experienced support from energy providers others are continuing to have to go out several times a week to top up pre-payment cards at a PayPoint.... Although perhaps less pressing as the weather improves, we need to ensure people are able to keep their homes warm without fear of being unable to pay for fuel and that all people can move to safe methods of payment - for example being able to top up meters by phone or on-line rather than use of PayPoints and being able to access hardship support via energy companies.
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    Photos showing a footway where the full pavement slopes down to meet the carriageway (top photo) and where a steep slope at the carriageway edge has been used to deliver a flatter pavement (bottom photo) Back to contents 21 Action W3: Improve the useability of pavements around the city by: A.... All town centres by 2030 20 Minute Neighbourhood Strategy, City Centre Transformation City centre, town centre and other shopping street improvements Making our streets enjoyable places to be W14 Widen footways at key pinch points in highest footfall areas Identify pinch points and undertake design work in top priority locations Commence implementation subject to legal processes High use footways, starting with busiest in city and town centres (subject to outcomes of the streetspace allocation framework) By 2030 No Citywide Improving access to our Greenspaces W15 Deliver programme of crossing, pavement and path upgrade improvements, as identified in the Open Space Strategy (OSS) and the Water of Leith Management Plan, to improve access to Edinburgh’s green and blue spaces TBC depending on timing of OSS TBC depending on timing of Open Space Strategy Determined by the Open Space Strategy By 2030 or deadline for Open Space Strategy next refresh Open Space Strategy – once refreshed Back to contents 86 Cycling Actions Theme Action No.... Action Aim 2023/24 Aim 2024/25 Proposed Approach to prioritisation Approximate delivery dates or target rate of delivery Action also appears in another Action Plan beginning and end of the school day See annual Road Safety delivery plan 23/24 potential for mode shift Making our streets safer J6 Implement the Major Junction Programme: a) Implementing quick wins b) Longer-term, re-designing major junctions in the city to improve the experience for people wheeling, wheeling and cycling [Note: This action is not currently included in the costing of implementing the Action Plan] Produce a prioritised programme of junctions by Spring 2023 and develop and start implementing quick wins at top 10 junctions.
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    At top of Craigleith Hill Avenue, turn left on Groathill Avenue.�?... At the top, straight over the road into Miller Row, which takes you�under Dean Bridge and back along the Water of Leith to Saunders Street�and Stockbridge�?... Grassmarket Square, cowgatehead, Cowgate, Hollywood�rd, Hollywood Gate, Queens Drive 1-May-21 1-May-21 13.00 14.00 150 443074 17-Apr-21 Processions Marches & Parades Temporary Static Mentone Terrace Street Party 28-May-21 29-May-21 29-May-21 16.00 21.00 50 447589 27-Apr-21 Processions Marches & Parades Temporary Static Friends of Falun Gong 11-Jun-21 12-Jun-21 12-Jun-21 10.30 17.30 18 452542 17-May-21 Processions Marches & Parades Temporary Static Scottish Summer Reconnect Tour Mound Precint 18-Jun-21 18-Jun-21 17-Jun-21 10.00 13.00 6 450872 21-Apr-21 Processions Marches & Parades Temporary Mobile Split The Difference - Walking in Scotland for Men and Boys To commence the event on the footway at the top of Johnston Terrace,�Edinburgh then commence down Lawnmarket, The High St, Canongate and�progress on footways finishing at the Scottish Parliament. 16-Jun-21 19-Jun-21 19-Jun-21 13.45 17.00 0 451387 30-Apr-21 Processions Marches & Parades Temporary Mobile Sir Walter Scott 250th Anniversary National Service of Celebration 10:00am St Giles Cathedral service of celebration, 12:00pm onto High�Street/Lawnmarket, George IV Bridge, Bank Street, North Bank Street,�The Mound to junction with National Galleries Plaza, East Princes�Street Gardens on footway towards Scott Monument, finishing at grassed�area East of Scott Monument when procession will finish and disperse�following short ceremony. 22-Jun-21 25-Jun-21 25-Jun-21 10.00 14.00 500 444461 3-Jul-20 Processions Marches & Parades Temporary Mobile Orange Order Parades 26-Jun-21 26-Jun-21 9.00 17.45 350 446866 16-Feb-21 Processions Marches & Parades New Mobile Armed Forces Day 2021 26-Jun-21 26-Jun-21 10.20 15.00 1000 446995 22-May-21 Processions Marches & Parades Temporary Europe Look Me in the Eyes 26-Jun-21 26-Jun-21 12.00 20.00 20 454548 16-Jun-21 Processions Marches & Parades Temporary Democracy for Hong Kong 1-Jul-21 1-Jul-21 15.00 19.00 0 444469 12-Feb-21 Processions Marches & Parades Temporary Mobile Scurry2Bridges Run 14-Aug-21 14-Aug-21 18.00 2.00 320 452948 25-May-21 Processions Marches & Parades Temporary A Walk to Remember 14-Aug-21 14-Aug-21 9.00 17.00 0 453292 30-Jun-21 Processions Marches & Parades Temporary Mobile Craigmillar Festival Parade The route will start start at bridgend Farmhouse with participants who�have pre-registered - this will be lead up to Carigmillar Castle�Gardens where a tractor will join the parade and go up to Craigmillar�library.
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    6 43 to 4 5 61 65 59 63 69 72 74 76 78 80 10 8 7 41 El Sub Sta 11 MITCHELL STREET 63 65 57 55 61 20 to 23 2 1 to 3 PC Bowling Green Pavil ion FS 86 84 88 to 9 0 CO NS TI TU TI ON S TR EE T 81 9227 71 to 79 75 St at io n Po lic e 29 31 33 52 to 56 46 35 to 39 QUEEN CHARLOTTE STREET 3 to 5 91 38 to 42 87 89 94 44 85a PH 27 95 93 99 47 49 53 51 64 62 66 1 41 45 58 60 7 6 El Sub Sta 7 2 11 JO HN 'S P LA CE 97 Garage 18 to 2 5 JO H N 'S L AN E 11 12 13 141 7 15 16 Hall 17 D U N CA N P LA CE 6.4m 18 Putting Green Giant's Brae Somerset's Battery (remains of) 7.0m BM 8.29m Playground Playground 1 t o 2 04 6 to 18 Ca ble s W yn d H ou se 23 to 2 5 HE ND ER SO N GA RD EN S 20 to 2 2 9 Ch urc h Be the l H all 62 Pa th 52 54 TOLBOOTH WYND 22 18 20 3 to 7GILES STREET 6 33 41 GI LE S ST RE ET 12 10 12 1 12 3 24 Linksview House 26 13 to 31 1 to 9 CO AT FI EL D LA NE 10 2 Works 51 57 49 51 55 53 Trinity House 99 GILES STREET 42 26 BM 8 .8 8m 85 to 87 60 27 to 3 0 59 to 58a 54 46 to 52 H EN D ERSO N STREET PH Garage 81 38 to 44 30 to 36 PCB 2 ESS 4 88 89 90 91 92 79 77 73 to 7 5 3 1 2 71 GILES STREET 67 98 99 Car Park Masonic Lodge ST ANTHONY PLACE Trafalgar 1 PH 24 28 SPIER'S PLACE 24 1 to 4 17 to 2 3 PH 20 18 10 to 16 15 5 to 8 6 7 2 ST ANTHONY STREET to 40 50 48 44 64 to 70 58 to 62 1 PH 51 to 59 61 to 6 7 PIR RIE ST RE ET 3 ST A N TH ON Y LA N E Halls FB 35 Roof Car Park Newkirkgate (Shopping Centre) Roof Car Park 28 to 36 18 to 26 14 16 12 2 to 10 29 19 to 21 38 Ne w Ki rk ga te 1 1 3 5 42 1 3 1 9 7 11LB 13 7 t o 1 7 4 6 5 3 2 PH 4 5 3 2 12 20 22 3 4 5 20 18 16 41 to 49 GREAT JUNCTION STREET 31 to 39 23 PH KIRK STREET 7 1 6 16 CA SS EL 'S L AN E 9 15 South Leith Parish Church 15 6 ESS Ki rk ga te 10 to 11 8 to 9 4 141 143 to 147 149 151 153 155 LAURIE STREET CO NS TIT UT ION ST RE ET 157 25 23 159 PH 21 161 22 3 2 1 17 Club 12S TR EE T1 3 AC AD EM Y 28 26 22 to 24 10 4 to 8 PH 5 to 9 3 21 17 1 17 0 17 2 17 4 165 to 181 11 9 PH PH 15 22 16 18 13 141 21 0 CO NS TIT UT ION ST RE ET 2 to 8 DUKESTREET PH27 to 31 3 2b 13 a 2aCASSELBANK STREET 7 268 15 52 53 5 4 3 2 1 19 PH11 to 17 5 to 9 3 1 32 34 36 96 to 9 8 101 to 109 119 19 to 2 1 St Mary's Church Hall 10 6 Presbytery COATFIELD LANE 21 16 Nursery 25 30 23 28 1 QU EE N CH AR LO TT E LA NE 2 Warehouse 10 2 10 4 10 0 3 3a St Mary's Star of the Sea 13 10 8 COATFIELD LANE 111 113 117 PH LINKS LANE 13 2 134 13 0 121 123 125 1 15 38 13 6 13 8 137 8 7 6 133 Po rth av en H ou se 14 WE LL ING TO N PL AC E 13 12 10 11 Leith Primary School Church ST ANDREW PLACE Chy Leith Community Education 4 W EL LIN GT ON P LA CE Hall St Andrew's Hindu Mandir Community and Cultural Centre 2 1 Signage on approach Signage on approach Signage on approach Signage on approach Temp Ped Crossing Temp PedCrossing N.T.S SPSP Checked By : Drawing No : Revision : Drawn By : Scale : Date : DateRev Revision App byRev by Location: Fax : 01324 810444 Tel : 01324 810222 FK4 2AQ Bonnybridge, Class One House Class One Traffic Management Ltd.
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    Some of the findings are shown below: Place Function Diagram 8 MOVEMENT FUNCTION BASED ON DIRECT OBSERVATION TECHNIQUES + USER INTERVIEWS PLACE FUNCTION ASSESSED AGAINST GEHL’S 12 QUALITY CRITERIA FEELING SAFE [PROTECTION FROM TRAFFIC+ACCIDENTS] FEELING SECURE [PROTECTION FROM CRIME+VIOLENCE] 1 2 CLIMATE AND POLLUTION [PROTECTION AGAINST UNPLEASANT SENSORY EXPERIENCES]3 OPPORTUNITIES TO WALK [NO OBSTACLES, GOOD SURFACING, ROOM]4 OPPORTUNITIES TO STAND/STAY [ATTRACTIVE EDGES, DEFINED SPOTS]5 OPPORTUNITIES TO SIT [BENCHES TO REST, SEATING ZONES, PRIMARY + SECONDARY] 6 OPPORTUNITIES TO SEE [LIGHTING, INTERESTING VIEWS] 7 OPPORTUNITIES TO TALK + LISTEN [NOISE LEVEL, SEATING ARRANGEMENTS] 8 OPPORTUNITIES FOR PLAY + UNFOLDING ACTIVITIES [TEMPORARY USES + ENTERTAINMENT, SUMMER + WINTER] 9 DIMENSIONED AT HUMAN SCALE 10 OPPORTUNITIES TO ENJOY POSITIVE ASPECTS OF CLIMATE 11 AESTHETIC QUALITY + POSITIVE SENSORY EXPERIENCE [MATERIALS, PLANTS, DESIGN] 12 P R O TE CT IO N - K EP T S AF E COMFORT - QUALITY OF MOVING + S TAY ING ENJOYMENT - GOOD D ESIG N MINIMAL OBSTACLES + HINDRANCES [STREET CLUTTER, NARROW PAVEMENTS] MINIMAL PEDESTRIAN WAITING POINTS [CROSSINGS, PAVEMENT CONGESTION] A B PINCH POINTS [EFFECTIVE PAVEMENT WIDTH TOO NARROW FOR ACCESS + HIGH FOOTFALL] C ENOUGH PEDESTRIAN CROSSING POINTS [LESS JAYWALKING]D PERCEPTION OF SAFETY FROM TRAFFICE CONTINUOUS LEVEL PAVING SURFACE + PEDESTRIAN PRIORITY F CYCLE LANES G PERCEPTION OF SAFETY FROM TRAFFIC H CYCLE RACKS + PARKING FACILITIES I C YC L IN G P E D E S TR IA N 8 MOVEMENT FUNCTION BASED ON DIRECT OBSERVATION TECHNIQUES + USER INTERVIEWS PLACE FUNCTION ASSESSED AGAINST GEHL’S 12 QUALITY CRITERIA FEELING SAFE [PROTECTION FROM TRAFFIC+ACCIDENTS] FEELING SECURE [PROTECTION FROM CRIME+VIOLENCE] 1 2 CLIMATE AND POLLUTION [PROTECTION AGAINST UNPLEASANT SENSORY EXPERIENCES]3 OPPORTUNITIES TO WALK [NO OBSTACLES, GOOD SURFACING, ROOM]4 OPPORTUNITIES TO STAND/STAY [ATTRACTIVE EDGES, DEFINED SPOTS]5 OPPORTUNITIES TO SIT [BENCHES TO REST, SEATING ZONES, PRIMARY + SECONDARY] 6 OPPORTUNITIES TO SEE [LIGHTING, INTERESTING VIEWS] 7 OPPORTUNITIES TO TALK + LISTEN [NOISE LEVEL, SEATING ARRANGEMENTS] 8 OPPORTUNITIES FOR PLAY + UNFOLDING ACTIVITIES [TEMPORARY USES + ENTERTAINMENT, SUMMER + WINTER] 9 DIMENSIONED AT HUMAN SCALE 10 OPPORTUNITIES TO ENJOY POSITIVE ASPECTS OF CLIMATE 11 AESTHETIC QUALITY + POSITIVE SENSORY EXPERIENCE [MATERIALS, PLANTS, DESIGN] 12 P R O TE CT IO N - K EP T S AF E COMFORT - QUALITY OF MOVING + S TAY ING ENJOYMENT - GOOD D ESIG N MINIMAL OBSTACLES + HINDRANCES [STREET CLUTTER, NARROW PAVEMENTS] MINIMAL PEDESTRIAN WAITING POINTS [CROSSINGS, PAVEMENT CONGESTION] A B PINCH POINTS [EFFECTIVE PAVEMENT WIDTH TOO NARROW FOR ACCESS + HIGH FOOTFALL] C ENOUGH PEDESTRIAN CROSSING POINTS [LESS JAYWALKING]D PERCEPTION OF SAFETY FROM TRAFFICE CONTINUOUS LEVEL PAVING SURFACE + PEDESTRIAN PRIORITY F CYCLE LANES G PERCEPTION OF SAFETY FROM TRAFFIC H CYCLE RACKS + PARKING FACILITIES I C YC L IN G P E D E S TR IA N 8 MOVEMENT FUNCTION BASED ON DIRECT OBSERVATION TECHNIQUES + USER INTERVIEWS PLACE FUNCTION ASSESSED AGAINST GEHL’S 12 QUALITY CRITERIA FEELING SAFE [PROTECTION FROM TRAFFIC+ACCIDENTS] FEELING SECURE [PROTECTION FROM CRIME+VIOLENCE] 1 2 CLIMATE AND POLLUTION [PROTECTION AGAINST UNPLEASANT SENSORY EXPERIENCES]3 OPPORTUNITIES TO WALK [NO OBSTACLES, GOOD SURFACING, ROOM]4 OPPORTUNITIES TO STAND/STAY [ATTRACTIVE EDGES, DEFINED SPOTS]5 OPPORTUNITIES TO SIT [BENCHES TO REST, SEATING ZONES, PRIMARY + SECONDARY] 6 OPPORTUNITIES TO SEE [LIGHTING, INTERESTING VIEWS] 7 OPPORTUNITIES TO TALK + LISTEN [NOISE LEVEL, SEATING ARRANGEMENTS] 8 OPPORTUNITIES FOR PLAY + UNFOLDING ACTIVITIES [TEMPORARY USES + ENTERTAINMENT, SUMMER + WINTER] 9 DIMENSIONED AT HUMAN SCALE 10 OPPORTUNITIES TO ENJOY POSITIVE ASPECTS OF CLIMATE 11 AESTHETIC QUALITY + POSITIVE SENSORY EXPERIENCE [MATERIALS, PLANTS, DESIGN] 12 P R O TE CT IO N - K EP T S AF E COMFORT - QUALITY OF MOVING + S TAY ING ENJOYMENT - GOOD D ESIG N MINIMAL OBSTACLES + HINDRANCES [STREET CLUTTER, NARROW PAVEMENTS] MINIMAL PEDESTRIAN WAITING POINTS [CROSSINGS, PAVEMENT CONGESTION] A B PINCH POINTS [EFFECTIVE PAVEMENT WIDTH TOO NARROW FOR ACCESS + HIGH FOOTFALL] C ENOUGH PEDESTRIAN CROSSING POINTS [LESS JAYWALKING]D PERCEPTION OF SAFETY FROM TRAFFICE CONTINUOUS LEVEL PAVING SURFACE + PEDESTRIAN PRIORITY F CYCLE LANES G PERCEPTION OF SAFETY FROM TRAFFIC H CYCLE RACKS + PARKING FACILITIES I C YC L IN G P E D E S TR IA N 8 MOVEMENT FUNCTION BASED ON DIRECT OBSERVATION TECHNIQUES + USER INTERVIEWS PLACE FUNCTION ASSESSED AGAINST GEHL’S 12 QUALITY CRITERIA FEELING SAFE [PROTECTION FROM TRAFFIC+ACCIDENTS] FEELING SECURE [PROTECTION FROM CRIME+VIOLENCE] 1 2 CLIMATE AND POLLUTION [PROTECTION AGAINST UNPLEASANT SENSORY EXPERIENCES]3 OPPORTUNITIES TO WALK [NO OBSTACLES, GOOD SURFACING, ROOM]4 OPPORTUNITIES TO STAND/STAY [ATTRACTIVE EDGES, DEFINED SPOTS]5 OPPORTUNITIES TO SIT [BENCHES TO REST, SEATING ZONES, PRIMARY + SECONDARY] 6 OPPORTUNITIES TO SEE [LIGHTING, INTERESTING VIEWS] 7 OPPORTUNITIES TO TALK + LISTEN [NOISE LEVEL, SEATING ARRANGEMENTS] 8 OPPORTUNITIES FOR PLAY + UNFOLDING ACTIVITIES [TEMPORARY USES + ENTERTAINMENT, SUMMER + WINTER] 9 DIMENSIONED AT HUMAN SCALE 10 OPPORTUNITIES TO ENJOY POSITIVE ASPECTS OF CLIMATE 11 AESTHETIC QUALITY + POSITIVE SENSORY EXPERIENCE [MATERIALS, PLANTS, DESIGN] 12 P R O TE CT IO N - K EP T S AF E COMFORT - QUALITY OF MOVING + S TAY ING ENJOYMENT - GOOD D ESIG N MINIMAL OBSTACLES + HINDRANCES [STREET CLUTTER, NARROW PAVEMENTS] MINIMAL PEDESTRIAN WAITING POINTS [CROSSINGS, PAVEMENT CONGESTION] A B PINCH POINTS [EFFECTIVE PAVEMENT WIDTH TOO NARROW FOR ACCESS + HIGH FOOTFALL] C ENOUGH PEDESTRIAN CROSSING POINTS [LESS JAYWALKING]D PERCEPTION OF SAFETY FROM TRAFFICE CONTINUOUS LEVEL PAVING SURFACE + PEDESTRIAN PRIORITY F CYCLE LANES G PERCEPTION OF SAFETY FROM TRAFFIC H CYCLE RACKS + PARKING FACILITIES I C YC L IN G P E D E S TR IA N Supplementary Guidance Tollcross Town Centre 3 17 Analysis 17 Analysis N The Meadows The Meadows A B C D Fountainbridge canal The Links The Meadows 25 1 1 2 29 8 to 12 13 16 to 20 52 t o 6 0 119 75 .0 m Wri ght 's H ous es 2 Pr im ar y Sc ho ol 61 34 35 6 Lo ch ri n B ui ld in gs 31 P H 23 37 2 1 L O C H R IN P L A C E TH O R N YB A U K 117 30 B ar cl ay (P H ) 9 71 .6 m 2 49 6 Lo ch ri n C h ur ch 2 41 to 4 5 26 32 6 to 8 27 14 t o 1 8 78 .6 m 11 t o 1 7 30 t o 38 Cha lme rs B uild ing s 14a 4 28 10 38 45 t o 51 5 to 8 1 C h ap el 30 t o 4 0 19 23 t o 31 6 DU NB AR S TR E E T 16 Gill esp ie P lac e 41 38 GIL L ESPI E ST REET 43 PO NT O N ST RE E T 43 30 to 36 1 to 5 39 2 TO LL C R O S S 28 42 t o 5 0 FO U N TA IN B RI DG E 7 13 to 17 Su b S ta 8 to 1 4 13 to 1 5 16 21to23 117 39 t o 43 P O 1 t o 3 73 .2 m TO LL C R O S S 11 10 UP P E R G I LM O R E TE RR AC E To llc ro ss 75 .6 m C en tr al 2 24 El S ub Sta Pre sb y teria n B o w li n g G re en 35 12 P H 2 to 6 TC B s G IL LE SP IE C R E S C EN T 47 28 3 to 5 P H N ur se ry S ch oo l 15 P C G a ra g e 12 P H H al l 9 to 19 1 b 31 42 5 to 11 to B an k El 30 (H om e fo r t he A ge d) 79 .6 m Gilm o re Pla ce 39 t o 47 HOME ST REET Leven Close 40 t o 44 5 8 21 to 2 3 1 to 5 an d S ch oo l Y e O ld e Ro ya l B lin d A sy lu m 53 t o 57 H al l 18 18 t o 2 8 51 HAIL ES ST RE E T 3 88 2 P H Pa vi lio n 39 to 4 1 74 .4 m TO L L C R O S S St J os ep h' s H ou se 2 1 to 4 25 3a 25 18 K in g 's T h ea tr e (p ri v a te ) 1 17 to 2 1 4 6 8 to 12 G o lf T a v e rn46 123 48 3 8 to 1 2 5 to 11 73 .2 m 47 14 t o 22 14 62 to 66 Fi re S ta tio n 50 to 60 1ato1b 18 to 24 G IL M O R E P L A C E 17 1 to 9 45 Lo ch ri n 48 DRUMD RYAN S TREE T 72 .2 m Lo ch ri n T er ra ce 17 21 71 .6 m 37 TO LL CR OS S 3 to 5 14 2 C in em a 4 1 to 11 103 to 115 W ES T WE S T TO LL CR O S S Bar cla y P lac e 21 19 20 t o 2 8 72 .5 m 15 t o 21 79 .6 m 7 to 13 1 to 6 11 to 15 3 18 1 46 Fre e 3 23 1 33 t o 37 2 5 to 9 7 LEVEN STREET 28 16 6 UP PE R G IL M O RE P LA C E 16 34 5 49 23 6 7 6 to 1 6 to 28 43 20 TC B s 31 1 117 to 141 GILM O RE PLA C E L ANE 15 to 19 11 to 15 97 to 101 72 .2 m 22 to 26 BR UN TSF IEL D P LAC E BR O U G H A M S TR EE T B an k 3 C am eo 6 125 B an k L B4 H ea lt h C e n tr e 10 29 1 to 9 W ES T 45 84 .4 m 7 to 1 2 32 to 36 B A R C LA Y T ER R A C E 29 26 33 20 16 t o 2 0 P H Lo c h ri n B a si n Qua ysi d e H o u s e F o u n ta in C o u rt 11 to 1 5 22 5 Union Path F o u n ta in b ri d g e S q u a re 129 1 to 3 4 17 24 13 11 15 20 22 21 E S S 1 19 92 H ig h R ig g s L O C H R IN B A S IN L A N E 1 2 ES S Burgh C onst B dy CR W ar d B dy Wa rd Bd y D ef 2 to 12 24 St T ho m as O f A qu in 's H ig h Sc ho ol (D ar ro ch C am pu s) Lo w er G ilm or e B an k Lo c h ri n S q u ar e 1 4 40 to 44 59 t o 69 2 39 1 3 3 41 94 Li n e O f P os ts D ra in Li n e O f P os ts P D B G a ra g e 9 22 to 26 D ef W ar d B dy 19 A ss oc ia tio n 1 44 to 48 1 to 7 L B 15 EA RL G RE Y S TR EE T 14 2 CHUC KIE P E ND 1 RIE G O S T RE ET 13 161 to 1 65 BREA D STREE T LAN E 83 E l 111 to 1 17 125 5 S h e lt e r G o v e rn m e n t O ff ic e 93 SEM PLE ST REE T 85 131 S u b 23 t o 2 7 87 127 6 11 77 to 81 67 E l P H C om m un ity J us tic e 3 P H 69 DU NB AR S T RE ET 97 C ar P ar k S ta 57 9 t o 1 3 P C B 72 .5 m 9 7 to 1 3 70 .4 m 2 to 6 72 .5 m 89 122 101 120 Po sts 143 EA S T FO U N TA IN B R ID G E Bu ildi ngs PL A C E 85a 2 50 1 t o 1 1 T C B 91 73 .2 m 105 to 109 P H P H 90 to 98 5 12 to 1 8 8 M O R R IS O N S T R E E T 133 to 1 41 G ri nd la y C ou rt 36 to 4 0 106 to 110 101 to 149 C in e m a 71 .0 m 8 12 P o s t 151 to 1 59 29 t o 3 3 119 t o 12 3 SP ITT AL ST RE ET 54 22 to 42 48 52 to 26 t o 3 2 LA U R IS TO N Ch alm er' s 30 C h im n e y PO R T H AM ILTO N 2 to 10 FO U N TA IN B R ID G E P H L o th ia n H o u s e 20 13 a 112 to 116 B an k GRI NDLAY STREET CO URT 15 t o 1 9 S u b S ta 99 B R E A D S TR E E T 20 E l S u b S ta TH OR NY B A UK 20 47 t o 5 5 42 to 4 6 8 72 .8 m 89 to 95 15 P H 124 to 144 4 22 to 2 6 103 12 to 3 2 95 PH High Rig gs 17 60 3 C in e m a 5 1 to 11 118 P ri n ce s E xc h an g e C ar P ar k ( b el o w ) 3 1 5 P o s ts So ci al W or k C en tr e T C B W ar d B dy W a rd B d y De f 65 to 75 8 to 1 886 88 22 24 28 to 5 8 35 37 39 t o 4 5 14 4 22 7 4 20 4 to 8 19 to 23 22 3 to 5 72 .8 m VA L L E Y F IE L D S T R E E T 12 ST R E E T 9 to 1 1 9 t o 1 1 1 Pa vil ion 21 5 LAUR ISTO N PA RK Cy cl e Tr ac k 5 29 to 3 3 19 10 13 to 15 PA N M U R E P L A C E B o w li n g G re en 16 7 19 G L E N G Y L E T E R R A C E C h u rc h 33 3 t o 5 15 t o 1 7 3 18 10 t o 1 4 LEV EN TE RRA CE S t M ic h ae l 23 to 26 GLE N ST R EE T TA R V IT 13 14 P H B o w li n g G re en 5a 3 S u rg e ry 20 to 2 4 12 8 to 1 2 73 .5 m 14 1 2 9 23 S u rg e ry 7 15 G as 5 to 9 P la y g ro u n d 6 B ru n ts fi el d L in ks 14 to 16 21 21 26 11 20 7 to 9 25 1 to 3 20 BR OU GH AM PL AC E 4 to 8 17 6 4 5 73 .1 m11 10 to 14 G ov P H 22 to 30 2 to 4 17 to 2 1 18 73 .2 m 8 36 19 5 8 to 10 1 2 15a to 17 1 2 an d A ll S ai n ts 16 2 1 1 27 to 33 Tr ee s P il la r P il la r 7 to 9 29 27 H o s te l PH 18 to 24 10 to 16 14 0 1 La nd 13 7 to 1 41 Fi re B rig ad e H 11 2 to 1 16 75 .0 m 69 t o 7 7 78 .0 m Sp i tt al S tre et Co rd in er 's H o te l27 to 3 1 to Ch urc h o f th e 4 to 10 32 54 to 5 6 13 8 1 77 E l S u b S ta P H 28 14 5 1 to 11 2 15 1 to 1 55 1 to 6 12 2 to 1 26 La ne 213 4 105 to 115 3 80 .2 m LA DY L AW S O N S T RE ET 79 2 14 3 10 6 to 1 10 46 to 52 M A IN P O IN T 91 to 101 12 8 1 to 2 4 La u ri s to n 59 46 an d M us eu m C h al m er s- 26 60 P H P H 3 W E S T P O R T 4 to 8 33 to 3 7 La ur ist on H all 4 LAU RIST O N G ARD E NS LAUR ISTO N PA RK 13 0 7 12 11 to 19 12 to 16 Sa cre d H ear t LA UR IS TO N ST RE ET 62 to 68 GLE N ST R EE T 14 9 C h u rc h 40 67 Ait h is o n 's C l HIG H R IGG S 23 80 H o te l H o te l 82 56 F B E S S 78 E v o lu ti o n H o u se 102 26 to 32 72 to 76 11 8 8 10 12 0 F ac to ry 59 OVERALL ANALYSIS MAP MAP KEY Overall Analysis Map 1616 The diagram also highlights where there are particularly favourable sunny south-facing microclimates, or other key opportunities to enhance public life.... For more information on these see the Council’s website on the One Door Approach to development consents. 1 2 13 16 to 2 0 52 to 60 119 75.0m 2 Pri ma ry Sc ho ol 6 Lochr in Bu ilding s 31 LOCH RIN P LACE THORNYBAUK 117 2 Lo ch rin 41 to 45 78.6m C halm ers B uildings 28 10 Chapel 30 to 40 19 6 DUNBAR STREET 41 38 G ILLE S P IE S TR E E T PO NTO N STREET 43 39 TO LL CR OS S 42 to 50 7 Sub Sta 8 to 14 13 to 15 16 117 TOLLCROSS 11 Tol lcr os s Central El Sub Sta Bowling Green 35 GIL LES PIE CR ESC ENT 47 Nu rse ry Sc ho ol 15 PC 12 Hall 42 El (Hom e for t he Ag ed) 8 21 t o 23 1 to 5 an d Sc ho ol Ro ya l B lin d As yl um 18 18 to 28 H A ILE S S TR E E T 88 Pavili on St Jos eph's Hous e 18 (Private) 1 17 to 21 4 123 5 to 11 Fire Station GILM ORE PLAC E 45 Lochrin Te rrace 17 21 71.6m 37 TO LL CR OS S 3 to 5 Cinema 103 to 115 WE ST W EST TO LLCRO SS B ar cl ay P la ce 3 18 1 3 23 2 16 49 6 7 20 31 1 97 to 101 B R U N TS FI EL D P LA C E Cameo 6 Health Centre 10 29 WE ST 33 20 5 17 24 13 11 15 20 22 19 ESS Ward Bdy W ard Bdy Ward Bdy 2 to 1 2 St Th omas Of Aq uin's High Schoo l (Dar roch C ampu s) 1 3 1 44 to 4 8 EARL G REY STREET C H U C K IE P E N D 161 to 165 B R E A D S TR E E T LA N E 83 111 to 117 125 Shelter SEM PLE STR EET 85 131 23 to 27 87 127 6 77 to 81 PH PH DUNBAR STREET Car Park 7 to 13 72.5m 12 2 101 12 0 Posts 143 B uildings 85a 2 50 TCB 73.2m 105 to 109 PH 90 to 9 8 12 to 18 133 to 141 36 to 40 10 6 to 1 10 to 149 8 Post 151 to 159 119 to 123 54 22 to 4 2 48 52 to 26 to 32 C halm er's 30 Chimney FO UN TA INB RID GE Lothian House 11 2 to 1 16 Bank G R IN D LA Y S TR E E T C O U R T 15 to 19 BREAD STREET THO RNYBAUK 20 42 to 46 72.8m 89 to 95 PH 12 4 to 1 44 22 to 26 60 3 Cinema5 11 8 1 5 Social Work Centre TCB Ward Bdy De f 65 to 75 8 to 18 22 24 25 1 29 8 to 1 2 35 PH 37 2 1 Barclay 9 71.6m 6 Church 2 26 32 6 to 8 27 14 to 18 11 to 17 30 to 38 14 a 38 45 to 51 5 to 8 1 23 to 31 16 G ill es pi e Pl ac e 43 30 to 3 6 1 to 5 2 13 to 17 39 to 43 PO 73.2m 10 75.6m 2 24 12 PH 2 to 6 TCBs 3 to 5 PH PH 9 to 1 9 1 b 31 5 to 11 to Bank 30 H O M E S TR E E T Le ve n C lo se 40 to 44 53 to 57 Hall 2 PH 74.4m TOLLCROSS 2 1 to 4 25 King's Theatre 6 8 to 12 46 48 8 to 12 73.2m 14 to 22 14 62 to 6 6 50 to 6 0 1ato1b 18 to 2 4 17 1 to 9 D R U M D R YA N S TR E E T 72.2m 14 2 4 1 t o 1 1 19 20 to 28 72.5m 15 to 21 79.6m 7 to 13 11 to 15 1 33 to 37 5 to 9 7 LE V E N S TR E E T 28 6 16 5 23 6 to 1 6 to 28 TCBs 117 to 141 11 to 15 72.2m BROUGHAM STREET Ban k 3 Bank LB 4 1 to 9 PH 11 to 15 21 High Riggs B urgh C onst B dy C R 4 40 to 4 4 59 to 69 2 39 1 3 41 1 to 7 15 142 1 RIEG O STREET 13 Government Office Sub 11 El Community Justice 3 Sta 57 9 to 1 3 PCB 72.5m 9 EA ST FO UN TA INB RID GE PL AC E 1 to 11 PH 5 101 Works 12 29 to 33 SP IT TA L ST RE ET LA UR IST ON 2 to 10 PH 13 a 20 El Sub Sta 47 to 55 15 103 12 to 3 2 H ig h R ig gs 17 1 to 11 Princes Exchange Car Park (below) Posts Wa rd Bd y 28 to 58 35 37 39 to 45 4 20 4 to 8 19 to 23 22 3 to 5 VALLEYFIELD STREET 12 ST RE ET 9 to 11 9 to 11 1 Pavilion 21 LA U R IS TO N PA R K Cy cle Tr ac k 5 19 10 13 to 1 5 PANMURE PLACE Bowling Green 16 7 19 GLENGYLE T ERRACE Church 33 3 to 5 15 to 17 3 18 10 to 14 LE V E N TE R R A C E St Michael 23 to 2 6 G LE N S TR E E T TARVIT 1 3 14 PH Bowling Green 3 Surgery 20 to 24 12 8 to 12 73.5m 14 1 2 9 23 Surgery 7 15 Gas 5 to 9 Playground 6 14 to 1 6 21 21 26 11 7 to 9 25 1 to 3 20 BRO UG HAM PLACE 4 to 8 17 6 4 5 10 to 1 4 Gov PH 22 to 3 0 2 to 4 17 to 21 18 73.2m8 36 19 5 8 to 1 0 1 2 15 a to 1 7 1 2 and All Saints 16 2 1 1 27 to 3 3 Pillar Pillar 7 to 9 29 27 Hostel PH 18 to 24 10 to 16 140 1 137 to 141 112 t o 116 75.0m 69 to 77 78.0m Hotel 27 to 31 to Ch ur ch o f t he 4 t o 1 0 59 32 138 1 77 El Sub Sta Works PH 28 14 5 1 to 11 2 151 to 155 122 to 12 6 2 134 105 to 115 LADY LAW SON STREET 79 143 106 to 11 0 46 to 5 2 MAIN POINT 91 to 101 128 1 to 24 Lauriston 59 46 Chalmers- 26 PH PH 3 33 to 37 La ur ist on H all 4 LA U R IS TO N PA R K 130 7 12 11 to 19 12 to 1 6 Sa cr ed H ea rt LAURISTON STREET G LE N S TR E E T 14 9 Church 40 67 H IG H R IG G S 23 Hotel 82 56 FBESS 78 Evolution House 102 26 to 32 72 to 76 118 8 10 120 Tollcross Town Centre boundary Shop units No loss of shop units permitted Conservation Areas Bus stop Cycle lanes The City of Edinburgh Council.
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    Yes Lockies Forth HMS Lochinvar Royal Nay Camp formerly built at Wardie School playing fields.... Yes Tristan da Cunha Leith After the Island that has Edinburgh of the Seven Seas as its main settlement.... Givenchy-lès-la-Bassée, France, 1915.
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    Yes Lockies Forth HMS Lochinvar Royal Nay Camp formerly built at Wardie School playing fields.... Yes Tristan da Cunha Leith After the Island that has Edinburgh of the Seven Seas as its main settlement.... Givenchy-lès-la-Bassée, France, 1915.
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    Casinos 15 5.... Casinos No Casinos resolution The Board has not passed a ‘no casino’ resolution under Section 166 of the Act, but is aware that it has the power to do so.... The Board can only grant a Temporary Use Notice to a person or company holding a relevant operating licence, i.e. a non-remote casino operating licence.