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    A new city wide approach to commissioned advice services is agreed with partners N o t a p p li c a b le o n e o ff Q3 21/22 This project is being progressed by the Edinburgh Partnership.... and it will now move into the statutory representation period (starting 7 Nov) Outline business case for the new Bio Quarter health innovation district agreed N o t A p p li c a b le o n e o ff Sep-21 Business case approved at Policy & Sustainability in October 2021 Outline business case for the West Edinburgh Active Travel and Public Transport infrastructure agreed N o t A p p li c a b le o n e o ff Sep-21 This project is part of the City Region Deal.... South West Pilot action plan finalised N o t A p p li c a b le o n e o ff Nov-21 Work to develop the South West Pilot action plan is underway.
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    Modern Foreign Languages Practise your French numbers using the below link or by searching ‘Les chiffres de 1 á 20’ on YouTube: v=UsEz58BblMY Contingency Learning Primary 4 Week 2 I ca n :- • U se t h e c o rr e ct l a yo u t (a d d re ss o n t h e ri g h t) • In cl u d e t h e d a te • B e g in w it h ‘ D e a r…... (o n t h e l e ft ) • S ta rt b o d y o f le tt e r u n d e r ‘D e a r’ • S ig n o ff w it h ‘ Y o u rs … … .. ’ • S ig n y o u r n a m e • In cl u d e e m o ti o n s Contingency Learning Primary 4 Week 2 I I II I I II I Emotions I feel worried when… I feel excited when… I feel excited when… I feel….
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    D U N C A N P LA C E 14 2 t o 1 48 PH to 40 44 51 to 5 9 61 to 6 7 PIR RI E ST RE ET 3 FB 35 Roof Car Park 28 to 36 18 to 26 14 16 12 2 to 10 29 19 to 21 38 N ew K irk ga te 1 1 3 5 42 1 Statue 3 1 9 7 11 13 7 to 1 7 4 6 5 3 2 PH 4 5 3 2 12 20 22 3 4 5 22 2024 18 16 41 to 4 9 31 to 3 9 23 PH KIRK STREET 7 1 6 16 C AS SE L' S LA N E 9 15 4 15 6 ESS 4 149 151 153 155 LAURIE STREET CO NS TI TU TI ON S TR EE T 157 25 23 159 PH 21 161 22 3 2 1 17 Club 12 ST RE ET 13 A CA DE M Y 28 26 22 to 24 4 to 8 PH 5 to 9 3 21 17 1 17 0 17 2 17 4 165 to 181 11 9 PH PH 15 22 16 18 13 141 21 0 CO NS TI TU TI ON ST RE ET 2 to 8 Leisure Centre Leisure Centre SuperstorePLAC E DW 3 PH27 to 31 33 to 39 41 to 49 DUKE STREET El Sub Sta DW 17 19 23 13 25 11 7 5 9 GORDON STREET 1 3 12 to 2 4 Garages 3 2b 13 a 132 2a 12 1a CASSELBANK STREET Elder Memorial Free Church Church 7 26 363 4 8 9 10 11 38 42 12 Surgery 52 60 62 77a PH 80 to 9 0 14 78 b 78 H al l PH 39 Bank 15 21 23 DW El Sub Sta CROWN 2 59 41 to 55 Banks 1 14 61 5 12 to 1 8 MANDERSTON STREET 3 20 Po st s 6 4 3 92 to 9 8 PH 2 1 to 10 410 0 10 6 81 to 91 4 299101 103 to 109 Government Offices 113 111 115 PH 119 121 123 125 139 to 141 125a LE IT H W AL K 129 127 9 7 8 712 PIR RIE ST RE ET 11 15 13 KI R K ST R EE T Ba pt is t C hu rc h So ut h Le ith 5 38 40 174 442 a 42 b 46 48 El S ub S ta 16 17 Garage 70 52 68 54 El Sub Sta 46 17 44 40 Telephone Exchange 9 32 38 Hall 24 22 2013 11 9 7 18 16 11 6 126 12 8 to 1 32 134 136 Depots 4 8 7 6 Leith Primary School Church ST ANDREW PLACE Chy Leith Community Education 4 W EL LI NG TO N PL AC E Hall St Andrew's Hindu Mandir Community and Cultural Centre 2 4 5 13 4 t o 1 40 1 51 78 to 90 92 to 98 4 3D uk e S tre et Gl eb e DUKE PLACE Resource Centre 3 4 79 to 83 85 11 0 t o 1 16 63 to 69 10 0 Hall 10 8 PW 10 2 to 10 6 1 11 8 12 0 t o 1 24 12 6 t o 1 32 DW Gas Gov DW GREAT JUNCTION STREET TAXI LO AD IN G ON LY MINIMUM 3.5 M LANE MAINTAINED MINIMUM 3.5 M LANE MAINTAINED MINIMUM 3.5 M LANE MAINTAINED Leith Walk Duke Street Great Jct Street Leith Walk ALL CLASS ONE OPERATIVES ENGAGED IN TEMPORARY TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT OPERATIONS ARE LANTRA APPROVED AND ACCREDITED TO SECTOR SCHEME 12 ALL SIGNS TO COMPLY WITH THE DETAILS OF THE T.S.R.G.D. 2002 ALL TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT TO COMPLY WITH CHAPTER 8 of the T.S.M.
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    2 to 40 50 48 44 69 71 51 to 5 9 61 to 6 7 PIR RI E ST RE ET 3 FB 35 Roof Car Park Newkirkgate (Shopping Centre) Roof Car Park 28 to 36 18 to 26 14 16 12 2 to 10 29 19 to 21 38 N ew K irk ga te 1 1 3 5 42 1 3 1 9 7 11 13 7 to 1 7 4 6 5 3 2 PH 4 5 3 2 12 20 22 3 4 5 22 2024 18 16 41 to 4 9 31 to 3 9 23 PH KIRK STREET 7 1 6 16 C AS SE L' S LA N E 9 15 4 15 6 ESS 10 to 11 8 to 9 4 141 143 to 147 149 151 153 155 LAURIE STREET CO NS TI TU TI ON S TR EE T 157 25 23 159 PH 21 161 22 3 2 1 17 Club 12 ST RE ET 13 A CA DE M Y 28 26 22 to 24 10 4 to 8 PH 5 to 9 3 21 17 1 17 0 17 2 17 4 165 to 181 11 9 PH PH 15 22 16 18 13 141 21 0 2 to 8 Leisure Centre Leisure Centre SuperstorePLAC E DW 3 PH27 to 31 33 to 39 41 to 49 DUKE STREET El Sub Sta DW 17 19 13 7 5 GORDON STREET 1 3 3 2b 13 a 132 2a 12 1a CASSELBANK STREET Elder Memorial Free Church Church 7 26 363 4 8 9 10 11 38 42 12 Surgery 52 60 62 77a PH 80 to 9 0 14 78 b 78 H al l PH 39 Bank 15 21 23 El Sub Sta CROWN 2 59 41 to 55 Banks 1 14 61 5 12 to 1 8 MANDERSTON STREET 3 20 6 4 3 92 to 9 8 PH 2 1 to 10 410 0 10 6 81 to 91 4 299101 103 to 109 113 111 115 121 LE IT H W AL K JU NC TI ON P LA CE Health Centre 74 78 62 JANE STREET 60 JU NC TI ON P LA CE 5 6 4 9 7 8 8 2 712 PIR RIE ST RE ET 11 15 13 KI R K ST R EE T Ba pt is t C hu rc h So ut h Le ith 5 38 40 174 442 a 42 b 46 48 El S ub S ta 16 17 Garage 70 52 68 54 El Sub Sta 46 17 44 40 Telephone Exchange Ward Bdy 9 32 38 Hall 24 22 2013 11 9 7 18 16 11 6 Depots 12 8 7 6 W EL LIN GT ON P LA CE 13 12 10 11 Leith Primary School Church ST ANDREW PLACE Chy Leith Community Education 4 W EL LI NG TO N PL AC E Hall St Andrew's Hindu Mandir Community and Cultural Centre 2 1 51 78 to 90 92 to 98 4 3D uk e S tre et Gl eb e DUKE PLACE Resource Centre 79 to 83 11 0 t o 1 16 63 to 69 10 0 Hall 10 8 PW 10 2 to 10 6 1 11 8 12 0 t o 1 24 DW DW GREAT JUNCTION STREET TAXI LO AD IN G ON LY BU S ST OP BU S ST OP ALL CLASS ONE OPERATIVES ENGAGED IN TEMPORARY TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT OPERATIONS ARE LANTRA APPROVED AND ACCREDITED TO SECTOR SCHEME 12 ALL SIGNS TO COMPLY WITH THE DETAILS OF THE T.S.R.G.D. 2002 ALL TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT TO COMPLY WITH CHAPTER 8 of the T.S.M.
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    Inclusion focused” Greenspace in Edinburgh “ Greenspace Scotland states that greenspace makes up between 40 and 49% of Edinburgh, 6,000 hectares of land in total, making it the top city in the UK for greenspace (BBC).... These are: • Ecosystem Restoration • Investment in Natural Capital • Quality Greenspace for health and education benefits • Conserving wildlife in Scotland • Sustainable management of land and freshwater • Marine and coastal ecosystems restored All of the actions in the Edinburgh Local Biodiversity Action Plan 2019-2021 can be linked directly to at least one, and in most cases more than one, of these Scottish priorities.21 Reference to Sustainable Edinburgh 2030 strategy ie the climate plan 2030 Climate Strategy – The City of Edinburgh Council See also the 2030-climate-strategy-strategic-environmental-assessment-sea-post-adoption- statement ( the 3 key agencies for delivery include HES SEPA and; see also on p3 focus on Granton and north of city v little mention of the south Edinburgh and Glasgow top UK list of green space cities - BBC News Edinburgh's Present Greenspace - My CMS ( Natural Capital There is substantial research evidence of the relevance and benefits of natural capital approaches to the Gracemount Mansion community hub. 1 .
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    Inclusion focused” Greenspace in Edinburgh “ Greenspace Scotland states that greenspace makes up between 40 and 49% of Edinburgh, 6,000 hectares of land in total, making it the top city in the UK for greenspace (BBC).... These are: • Ecosystem Restoration • Investment in Natural Capital • Quality Greenspace for health and education benefits • Conserving wildlife in Scotland • Sustainable management of land and freshwater • Marine and coastal ecosystems restored All of the actions in the Edinburgh Local Biodiversity Action Plan 2019-2021 can be linked directly to at least one, and in most cases more than one, of these Scottish priorities.21 Reference to Sustainable Edinburgh 2030 strategy ie the climate plan 2030 Climate Strategy – The City of Edinburgh Council See also the 2030-climate-strategy-strategic-environmental-assessment-sea-post-adoption- statement ( the 3 key agencies for delivery include HES SEPA and; see also on p3 focus on Granton and north of city v little mention of the south Edinburgh and Glasgow top UK list of green space cities - BBC News Edinburgh's Present Greenspace - My CMS ( Natural Capital There is substantial research evidence of the relevance and benefits of natural capital approaches to the Gracemount Mansion community hub. 1 .
  • Services agreement for use by public sector bodies

    Council's Protected Information: means any information provided by the Council to the Service Provider which (i) carries a protective marking such as “Official”, “Secret” or “Top Secret”; or (ii) is exempt information as set out in Part 2 of FOISA (disregarding for that purpose whether a provision of Part 2 does not confer absolute exemption within the meaning of section 2(2) of FOISA).... Management Reports must be clear and concise, and provide a top level summary of performance with supporting documents.
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    To provide a sample from different sections of the market, data was collected from the top-ten (non-advertised) web-sites features when using the search terms ‘property for sale in Edinburgh’ and ‘property for rent in Edinburgh’.... The Resolution Foundation also found that nearly one-third of lower-paid employees had lost jobs or been furloughed, compared to less than one-in-ten top earners, with these experiences also more common among atypical employees (including those with variable hours and zero-hour contracts)35.
  • Services agreement for use by public sector bodies

    Council's Protected Information: means any information provided by the Council to the Service Provider which (i) carries a protective marking such as “Official”, “Secret” or “Top Secret”; or (ii) is exempt information as set out in Part 2 of FOISA (disregarding for that purpose whether a provision of Part 2 does not confer absolute exemption within the meaning of section 2(2) of FOISA).... Management Reports must be clear and concise, and provide a top level summary of performance with supporting documents.
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    For five years we have had a web presence which has climbed to the top or second top of most browser search engines.