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    No. of active library users 0K 50K 100K Mar Mar Mar Mar Jun Sep Dec 2020 2021 2022 2023 Nº: Library loans - physical 100K 200K 300K Apr - Jun Jul - Sep Oct - Dec Jan - Mar Apr - Jun Jul - Sep Oct - Dec Jan - Mar Apr - Jun Jul - Sep Oct - Dec Jan - Mar Apr - Jun Jul - Sep Oct - Dec 2020-21 2021-22 2022-23 2023-24 75% 25% Monitoring only On target Power BI Desktop Children, Families and Community 2023-24 Q3Community - libraries (cont.)... KPI Name  RAG Value Target Direction of travel Last update Nº: Library loans - digital (e-books and e-audiobooks) 99,710 Improving 31 December 2023 Nº: Digital downloads and streaming 882,945 Improving 31 December 2023 Nº: Library loans - digital (e-books and e-audiobooks) 90K 100K Apr - Jun Jul - Sep Oct - Dec Jan - Mar Apr - Jun Jul - Sep Oct - Dec Jan - Mar Apr - Jun Jul - Sep Oct - Dec Jan - Mar Apr - Jun Jul - Sep Oct - Dec 2020-21 2021-22 2022-23 2023-24 Nº: Digital downloads and streaming 600K 800K Apr - Jun Jul - Sep Oct - Dec Jan - Mar Apr - Jun Jul - Sep Oct - Dec Jan - Mar Apr - Jun Jul - Sep Oct - Dec Jan - Mar Apr - Jun Jul - Sep Oct - Dec 2020-21 2021-22 2022-23 2023-24 75% 25% Monitoring only On target Power BI Desktop Children, Families and Community 2023-24 Q3Community - involving people We continue to try to involve communities and residents in our decision making by running consultations and engagement activities.... Reducing the time it’s taking to re-let our homes is a top priority which will also reduce the amount of rent we lose whilst they are empty.
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    Lighting along 175m stretch = 6 columns £12000 P&T £48600* Salamander St to Foot of the Walk (and beyond) Elbe St – Reset cobbles with flat tops/smooth for cycling P&T £350,000* Bernard St/Salamander Street active travel and public realm project (to Seafield Place) 1.... estimated at £100k/ha?)... Housing and Regeneration, Parks and Greenspaces, Planning & Transport With development £100k* Developer (HSG 31) Not started Granton Waterfront: Forth Quarter  New ~1ha greenspace as part of masterplan for the area.
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    In 1978 Harburn’s moved to 67 Elm Row at the top of the walk.... Autumn 2021 – Winter 2021/22 Roadway from the roundabout to the casino and port area – completion of new roadway Discussions around the trees on Stevedore Place will continue with representatives from the local community ahead of construction starting in Summer 2021.
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    Stevedore Place There are ongoing surfacing, lining, and landscaping works including the area outside the old Casino and to the front of the Fingal carpark.... Straight from Colombia which is already famous by its colours, flavors and wonderful views, with no intermediaries and sent by the same family that farmed every single coffee bean by hand, selecting the right ones and making sure that quality is the number one top priority in the whole process.
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    PLANTERS INDICATIVE DRIVEWAY LOCATIONS PROPOSED WHITE ROAD MARKINGS PROPOSED YELLOW ROAD MARKINGS PROPOSED SEGREGATION UNITS AND ORANGE CYLINDER POSTS (Temporary Segregation) PROPOSED SIGN EXISTING SIGN TO BE REMOVED CYCLE LANE MAKER SIGNS EXISTING ROAD MARKINGS 1 09/03/2021 AS BUILT CW RC CS CS 1 . 7 5 0 . 5 0 0 . 5 0 1 . 7 5 3 . 5 0 1 . 5 0 0 . 5 0 Indica tive lo cation and s ize of existin g disa bled p arking bay 500m m buf fer be tween parki ng bays a nd cyc le lane s Existi ng bu s stop bay, refer to CE C app roved standa rd det ail dra wings 60636 731-S HT-C- SP-DE T-090 1 Mand atory lane t o dia. 1049 B Manda tory la ne to d ia. 104 9B Temp orary kerb t o be install ed to provid e a 3. 25m traffic lane from t he ex isting offside zig-za g and a 2m mand atory cycle lane Adviso ry lane to dia . 1004 to taper down to 1.5 m 3 . 1 9 Advis ory la ne to taper out to provi de a 5 00mm buffer to pa rking lay by when a 3m traffic lane can be ac hieve d 500m m buf fer be tween parki ng bays and c ycle la nes 0 . 5 0 1 . 7 5 3 . 1 1 2 . 1 2 3 . 3 6 3 . 0 5 3 . 0 0 Sign t o dia. 7014 as pe r drawi ng A1 -1200 -DR-2 001 to be mo unted on an A-Fra me 1 . 8 9 1 . 7 8 0 . 8 3 0 . 8 7 N © Copyright 2021 Jacobs U.K.
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    R O A D E N A T S G NI D N A T S Tr ac k D ra in Drain Cottage Standingstone mtd Dis Rly C yc le T ra ck Whitelees 65m 60m 70m 65 m Track 55m 50m 53m Depot Royal Elizabeth Yard Brae Craig Cottages Craigbrae Craigbrae W pg. 13 © Crown copyright, All rights reserved [year].
  • LEZ_City Centre 2021

    Andrew Square Greyfriars Kirkyard Deaconess Garden Nicolson Square Gardens New Calton Burial Ground Regent Road Park Hillside Crescent Gardens Dunbar's Close Garden Barony Community Garden Bruntsfield Links East Gardner's Crescent Gardens Atholl Crescent Coates Crescent Royal Terrace Gardens Salisbury Crags EDINBURGH QUAY UNION CANAL WATER OF LEITH C A S T L E H I L L (R O YA L M I L E) R O S E S T R E E T N O R T H L A N E R O S E S T R E E T S O U T H L A N E R O S E S T R E E T R O S E S T R E E T Y O U N G S T R E E TY O U N G S T R E E T N O R T H L N H I L L S T R E E T N O R T H L A N E H I L L S T R E E T S O U T H L A N E H I L L S T R E E T T H I S T L E S T R E E T T H I S T L E S T R E E T T H I S T L E S T R E E T S W L A N E T H I S T L E S T R E E T N W L A N E T H I S T L E S T R E E T N E L A N E T H I S T L E S T R E E T S E L A N E LI TT LE K IN G S TR EE T S T.... G IL E S ’ S T I N F I R M A R Y S T R E E T N ID D R Y S T R E E T R A M S A Y L A N E M O U N D P L A C E AT H O L L C R E S C E N T L A N E D A L R Y G A IT Y E A M A N P LA C E M C N EIL STT H IST LE P L P O R T H AM I LT O N Q U E E N S F E R R Y S T R E E T L A N E LY N E D O C H P L A C E L A N E RO TH ES AY M EW S M O N T A G U E S T ST.... A N D R E W S T S H A N D W I C K P L A C E W E S T M A I T L A N D S T R E E T Q U E E N S T R E E T LE IT H W A LK P R I N C E S S T R E E T CANONGATE THE UNIVERSITY OF EDINBURGH QUARTERMILE TOLLCROSS ST.
  • Microsoft Word - ECCT SEA_Appendix B Baseline Report.docx

    Consultation in 2011 identified that action on poverty and inequality was a top priority as well as support for action on education and employment, health and behavioural change. 21 Indicators were developed to measure performance including social, economic and environmental issues.... The goal is for the city to be recognised as being among the top 10 most liveable cities in the world by 2021 (Monocle Quality of Life Ranking) To achieve this and to deliver tow key objectives; deliver better Quality of Life and Health and Wellbeing it identifies six broadly defined project areas which include: •• Haymarket to Holyrood •• Haymarket •• Chambers Street •• The Royal Mile •• Tollcross •• Temporary projects Through the implementation these projects the strategy; ••sought to improve walking and cycling movements between Holyrood and Haymarket, and vice versa; •• make walking and cycling an appealing, safe and attractive option; •• improve the health and wellbeing of the resident population; •• improve access to services, both essential and those associated with leisure; •• make the area more attractive and liveable; •• achieve a Monocle Quality of Life top 10 position by 2021.
  • Notice of meeting and agenda

    The Council of Europe Convention on Preventing and Combating Violence against Women and Domestic Violence (sometimes known as the Istanbul Convention) The United Nations Convention on the Elimination of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW) The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) Edinburgh’s Domestic Abuse Strategy and Improvement Plan (2017) Getting It Right First Time (SafeLives) Page 18 Appendix II: Additional information on domestic abuse and people with protected characteristics: Domestic abuse and older people: Safe Later Lives: Older People and Domestic Abuse (SafeLives Spotlights report, 2016) House of Lords Library: Domestic Abuse of Older People (2021) Iriss: Older Women and Domestic Abuse (2018) Men as victims of domestic abuse: SafeLives: Voices of Men and Boys (key project findings, 2019) Respect Toolkit for work with male victims of domestic violence Taylor, J.C. et al. (2021): Barriers to Men’s Help Seeking for Intimate Partner Violence.
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    edin u Win ternetLEnvironmen tLPlanning-buildingsi-i- /Planning-hidden/Built% 20an d% 20na tural% 20h eritag e/Built-heritag e/CE C- conserva tion-area-character-appraisals Article 4 Directions h ttp://www. edin burghago v. uklin ternetLEn vironmen tLPlanning-bui1~ings-i-i- /Planning-hidden/Built% 2Oand%20natural%2Uheritage/Built-heritage/CEC- conserva tion-areas-developmen t-management Edinburgh Standards for Streets h ttp://www. edin burgh. gov. u Win tern eVEn vironmen VPlanning- building s-i-i- /Planninq_hidden/Planning_poiicies/Supplem~ntary_planning__guidance/CE C-edinburgh-standards-for_sfreets-2 Edinburgh Standards for Sustainable Buildings http://www 12.7 12.8 12.9 uk/interneffEnvironment/Planning-buildings-i-i- /Plan n ing-h idden/Pla n n ing _p olicies/Su pplem en fa ry_pla n n ing-g uida n ce/C E C-edin b urg h-s fa n da rds- for-s us fa in able- b uildings Edinburgh Standards for Urban Design h ftp://www. edin burgh. go v. uk/in terneffEn vironmen ffplanning- buildings-i-i- /Planning_hidden/Planning_policies/Supplementary_planning_guidance/CE C_city-of_edinburgh_council_urban_design-guidance_ Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) (Scotland) Act 1997 h ttp ://www. opsi. go v. uMA c ts/ac ts 199 7/u kpg a- I 9 9 70009-en- I Edinburgh World Heritage Management Plan http://www.ewht. org. uMManagement-Plan.aspx 12.