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  • Microsoft Word - Environmental Report Third Revision July 2016.doc

    Landscape and Townscape - Height constraint towards top of the ridge should be clearly identified to prevent development that would be prominent in views into the area.... Site is located on flatter land on the ridge top with some existing planting.
  • Microsoft Word - Environmental Report Third Revision July 2016.doc

    Landscape and Townscape - Height constraint towards top of the ridge should be clearly identified to prevent development that would be prominent in views into the area.... Site is located on flatter land on the ridge top with some existing planting.
  • Microsoft Word - City Trends - cover and text.doc

    Isles Fr, Ge, It, Sp, p Poland Ca,Au,NZ USA Caribbean C. / S. ... out of work econ. inactive 1971  (M) 1981  (M) 1991  (M) 2001  (M) 2011  (M) 1971  (F) 1981  (F) 1991  (F) 2001  (F) 2011  (F) 1971  (M) 1971  (F) 1981  (M) 1981  (F) 1991  (M) 1991  (F) 2001  (M) 2001  (F)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Edinburgh Trends 12 : Industrial composition and hours worked Census day 27th March 2011 Industrial composition of resident workforce Employment in selected service sectors Hours worked per week Residents aged 16‐74 in employ‐ ment To ta l ag ri c. , f or es tr y, fis hi ng m in in g, e ne rg y, w at er (* 1) co ns tr uc ti on m an uf ac tu ri ng di st ri bu ti on a nd ca te ri ng (* 2) tr an sp or t & co m m un ic at io ns (* 3) ot he r se rv ic es in ad eq . d es cr ib ed / w or k ou ts id e U K et c. (* 4) ba nk in g, in su ra nc e, fin an ce pr of es si on al & sc ie nt ifi c se rv ic es ed uc at io n hu m an h ea lt h & so ci al w or k re ta il di st ri bu ti on ac co m m od at io n an d fo od s er vi ce 15 h ou rs o r le ss 16 ‐3 0 ho ur s 31 ‐4 8 ho ur s (* 1) 49 h ou rs o r m or e (* 2) 2011 236,912 801 3,106 11,190 8,307 47,168 18,423 147,917 26,128 20,491 24,711 32,881 19,367 18,562 46,021 145,957 26,372 2001 218,820 1,094 2,407 10,328 16,346 39,694 12,954 135,676 321 24,752 20,285 26,149 12,954 16,959 35,413 138,801 27,647 1991 189,890 1,230 4,600 10,720 19,310 33,490 12,100 107,410 1,030 12,759 25,611 142,192 9,328 1981 211,790 1,170 5,510 13,070 36,280 38,490 15,720 98,140 3,410 1961 233,330 1,200 6,340 17,950 58,940 48,320 22,140 77,880 560 9,730 8,630 10,120 12,310 30,390 8,940 % of total 2011 100.0% 0.3% 1.3% 4.7% 3.5% 19.9% 7.8% 62.4% 0.0% 11.0% 8.6% 10.4% 13.9% 8.2% 7.8% 19.4% 61.6% 11.1% 2001 100.0% 0.5% 1.1% 4.7% 7.5% 18.1% 5.9% 62.0% 0.1% 11.3% 9.3% 12.0% 5.9% 7.8% 16.2% 63.4% 12.6% 1991 100.0% 0.6% 2.4% 5.6% 10.2% 17.6% 6.4% 56.6% 0.5% 6.7% 13.5% 74.9% 4.9% 1981 100.0% 0.6% 2.6% 6.2% 17.1% 18.2% 7.4% 46.3% 1.6% 1961 100.0% 0.5% 2.7% 7.7% 25.3% 20.7% 9.5% 33.4% 0.2% 4.2% 3.7% 4.3% 5.3% 13.0% 3.8% % female 48 7% 32 8% 24 7% 11 0% 24 5% 48 3% 22 4% 56 9% 47 3% 63 6% 75 3% 48 1% (* ) h2011 48.7% 32.8% 24.7% 11.0% 24.5% 48.3% 22.4% 56.9% 47.3% 63.6% 75.3% 48.1% (*1) 31‐50 hours in 1991 2001 48.5% 26.1% 30.4% 10.2% 30.7% 50.2% 25.1% 55.8% 49.8% 63.5% 77.9% 56.0% (*2) 51 hours or more in 1991 1991 47.7% 26.0% 32.2% 10.3% 26.5% 50.5% 22.1% 58.3% 32.0% 1981 43.3% 21.4% 23.8% 10.6% 26.5% 51.3% 18.7% 56.9% 20.2% 1961 39.0% 11.7% 14.5% 6.9% 32.1% 53.5% 15.1% 51.9% 17.9% 45.2% 48.4% 62.8% 75.0% 57.4% 65.1% Notes : (*1) 2011 figures include waste management and recycling; (*2) figures for 2001 onwards include hotels and visitor accommodation; (3) includes storage from 2001 onwards, and includes information and Information & communications technology in 2011; (*4) 2001 and 2011 figures comprise employees in private households and extraterritorial organisations 0. 5% 2. 7% 7. 7% 25 .3 % 20 .7 % 9. 5% 33 .4 % 0. 6% 2. 6% 6 .2 % 17 .1 % 18 .2 % 7. 4% 46 .3 % 0. 6% 2. 4% 5 .6 % 1 0. 2% 17 .6 % 6. 4% 56 .6 % 0. 5% 1. 1% 4 .7 % 7. 5% 18 .1 % 5. 9% 62 .0 % 0. 3% 1. 3% 4 .7 % 3. 5% 19 .9 % 7. 8% 62 .4 % 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% agric, forestry, fishing mining, energy, water waste construction manufacturing distribution, catering hotels transport & communications other services Industrial structure of resident workforce 1961 1981 1991 2001 2011 fishing water, waste catering, hotels communications                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Edinburgh Trends 13 : Occupational structure Census day 27th March 2011 Numbers in each occupational category % composition Residents aged 16‐74 in employ‐ ment To ta l (1 ) m an ag er s, d ir ec to rs a nd se ni or o ff ic ia ls (2 ) pr of es si on al o cc up at io ns (3 ) as so ci at e pr of es si on al an d te ch ni ca l o cc up at io ns (4 ) ad m in is tr at iv e an d se cr et ar ia l o cc up at io ns (5 ) sk ill ed tr ad es oc cu pa ti on s (6 ) ca ri ng , l ei su re a nd o th er se rv ic e oc cu pa ti on s (7 ) sa le s an d cu st om er se rv ic e oc cu pa ti on s (8 ) pr oc es s, p la nt a nd m ac hi ne o pe ra ti ve s (9 ) el em en ta ry o cc up at io ns To ta l (1 ) m an ag er s, d ir ec to rs a nd se ni r of fic ia ls (2 ) pr of es si on al o cc up at io ns (3 ) as so ci at e pr of es si on al an d te ch ni ca l o cc up at io ns (4 ) ad m in is tr at iv e an d se cr et ar ia l o cc up at io ns (5 ) sk ill ed tr ad es oc cu pa ti on s (6 ) ca ri ng , l ei su re a nd o th er se rv ic e oc cu pa ti on s (7 ) sa le s an d cu st om er se rv ic e oc cu pa ti on s (8 ) pr oc es s, p la nt a nd m ac hi ne o pe ra ti ve s (9 ) el em en ta ry o cc up at io ns (a) persons 2011 236,912 22,664 60,676 35,609 28,002 17,545 18,771 19,712 8,868 25,065 100.0% 9.6% 25.6% 15.0% 11.8% 7.4% 7.9% 8.3% 3.7% 10.6% 2001 218,820 32,648 38,190 35,385 32,262 15,594 12,894 18,460 9,820 23,567 100.0% 14.9% 17.5% 16.2% 14.7% 7.1% 5.9% 8.4% 4.5% 10.8% 1991 189,890 29,220 25,670 21,120 37,720 17,680 17,250 12,150 11,910 15,860 100.0% 15.4% 13.5% 11.1% 19.9% 9.3% 9.1% 6.4% 6.3% 8.4% (b) males 2011 121,562 13,848 30,448 19,383 8,042 15,558 4,387 8,069 8,162 13,665 100.0% 11.4% 25.0% 15.9% 6.6% 12.8% 3.6% 6.6% 6.7% 11.2% 2001 112,762 20,343 21,957 17,237 8,657 13,916 2,770 6,531 8,541 12,810 100.0% 18.0% 19.5% 15.3% 7.7% 12.3% 2.5% 5.8% 7.6% 11.4% 1991 99,310 18,910 15,430 9,760 9,330 16,350 7,570 4,220 10,310 6,580 100.0% 19.0% 15.5% 9.8% 9.4% 16.5% 7.6% 4.2% 10.4% 6.6% (c) females(c) females 2011 115,350 8,816 30,228 16,226 19,960 1,987 14,384 11,643 706 11,400 100.0% 7.6% 26.2% 14.1% 17.3% 1.7% 12.5% 10.1% 0.6% 9.9% 2001 106,058 12,305 16,233 18,148 23,605 1,678 10,124 11,929 1,279 10,755 100.0% 11.6% 15.3% 17.1% 22.3% 1.6% 9.5% 11.2% 1.2% 10.1% 1991 90,580 10,310 10,240 11,360 28,390 1,330 9,680 7,930 1,600 9,280 100.0% 11.4% 11.3% 12.5% 31.3% 1.5% 10.7% 8.8% 1.8% 10.2% Note : There was a significant revision to the Standard Occupational Classification in 2010 which is partly responsible for the changing distribution of the workforce between occupational categories in 2011 as compared with 2001.
  • Microsoft Word - Collection of Recycling and Waste from Charities .docx

    Review 11.1 All Waste and Cleansing Policies will be reviewed on an annual basis and agreed at Transport and Environment Committee Page 4 Appendix 1: Collection and Disposal of Waste from Charities Waste and Cleansing Services collects waste from charities but requires that as a minimum waste is segregated to allow recycling of dry mixed recyclate (paper and card; cans, tins and clean foil; an d clean plastic bottles, pots, tubs and trays); glass (where produced); food waste (from food premises).... The following COLLECTION services are available free of charge: 240 litres landfill per fortnight 360 litres mixed recycling per fortnight (paper and card; cans, tins and clean foil; and clean plastic bottles, pots, tubs and trays) Two glass boxes per fortnight Two food collection boxes per week Where multiple properties exist as separate addresses on the same site, e.g. a charity headquarters and a separate charity shop, each is entitled to its own collection (however any office which is simply part of the shop would not be covered by this).
  • Microsoft Word - Examination report

    An enhanced wording should establish an appropriate mechanism to top up the land supply if required.... Site one is a small parcel of land at the top of the ridge to the east of the Tower and comprises a flat paddock at the top of the slope.... No more employment land needs to be allocated on top of what has already been allocated in the Plan.
  • Cultivating Communities

    The waiting list is regularly reviewed, to ensure those nearing the top of the list are still interested in renting an allotment plot.... Half plots will be offered as people reach the top of the allotment waiting list, however, when a full plot becomes available, and the person has become more experienced, they will be offered a full plot.... Parks and Greenspace Service On request 1.9 Promote the sharing and sub-division of plots when inviting those at the top of the waiting list to take up a plot.
  • Https://

    NO NO NO YES YES YES NO YES August 2022 R e co rd o f S e iz u re s If e m e rg e n cy m e d ic a ti o n i s p re sc ri b e d f o r u se i n s ch o o l C o n ta ct d e ta il s a s p e r sc h o o l h e a lt h ca re p la n D a te R e co rd e d b y D e sc ri p ti o n /T y p e o f se iz u re Le n g th o r n u m b e r o f se iz u re s T im e o f in it ia l d o se O u tc o m e T im e o f se co n d d o se ( if a n y ) O u tc o m e S ig n a tu re o f g iv e r S ig n a tu re o f w it n e ss s
  • Https://

    One of the initiatives involved the Lifelong Learning Service working in partnership with MECOPP (Minority Ethnic Carers  of People Project) who have developed strong links with the gypsy traveller’s community on site to deliver a tin smithing art project. ... The figures presented in this paper are modelled estimates produced by City of Edinburgh Council  based on analysis of Scotland wide poverty patterns, and locally administered data on housing benefit  24 24 23 22 21 20 19 19 19 19 18 18 18 18 18 19 19 20 % o f p e o p le i n p o ve rt y Poverty in Scotland, 2001 to 2018 10 20 30 % o f p e o p le i n p o ve rt y Child Poverty in Scotland, 2001‐18 % of people in poverty, AHC % of children in poverty 3 | P a g e   recipients. ... It ranks as one of the top ten most deprived areas in Scotland, with a rank of 12.
  • Notice of meeting and agenda

    Notice of meeting and agenda Business bulletin Transport and Environment Committee 10.00am, Thursday, 1 October 2020 Virtual Meeting, via Microsoft Teams Transport and Environment Committee – 1 October 2020 Page 2 of 7 Transport and Environment Committee Convener: Members: Contact: Councillor Lesley Macinnes (Convenor) Councillor Karen Doran (Vice-Convenor) Councillor Scott Arthur Councillor Eleanor Bird Councillor Gavin Corbett Councillor David Key Councillor Kevin Lang Councillor Claire Miller Councillor Stephanie Smith Councillor Susan Webber Councillor Iain Whyte Veronica Wishart Senior Executive Assistant 0131 469 3603 Veronica MacMillan Committee Services 0131 529 4283 Martin Scott Committee Services 0131 529 4237 Recent news Further information Smarter Choices, Smarter Places (SCSP) Update: The Council was awarded £455K in March 2020 for the financial year 2020-21, and has since been awarded additional funds of £100K in August, to support communications and monitoring for the introduction of temporary measures to create more space for walking and cycling under the Spaces for People programme.
  • Notice of meeting and agenda

    Notice of meeting and agenda Business bulletin Transport and Environment Committee 10.00am, Thursday, 1 October 2020 Virtual Meeting, via Microsoft Teams Transport and Environment Committee – 1 October 2020 Page 2 of 7 Transport and Environment Committee Convener: Members: Contact: Councillor Lesley Macinnes (Convenor) Councillor Karen Doran (Vice-Convenor) Councillor Scott Arthur Councillor Eleanor Bird Councillor Gavin Corbett Councillor David Key Councillor Kevin Lang Councillor Claire Miller Councillor Stephanie Smith Councillor Susan Webber Councillor Iain Whyte Veronica Wishart Senior Executive Assistant 0131 469 3603 Veronica MacMillan Committee Services 0131 529 4283 Martin Scott Committee Services 0131 529 4237 Recent news Further information Smarter Choices, Smarter Places (SCSP) Update: The Council was awarded £455K in March 2020 for the financial year 2020-21, and has since been awarded additional funds of £100K in August, to support communications and monitoring for the introduction of temporary measures to create more space for walking and cycling under the Spaces for People programme.