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    Typically, the susceptibility of walkers is increased by the extent to which they are aware of their surroundings, especially at a hill top viewpoint such as this, where they often take time to appreciate the view.... Fence along western edge of site is visible at top of picture Kaya Consulting Ltd _________________________________________________________________________________ Proposed Development on Land South of Cockburn Crescent, Balerno, FRA 12 Photo 5: Western boundary of site looking north Photo 6: John’s Burn close to upstream boundary of site Kaya Consulting Ltd _________________________________________________________________________________ Proposed Development on Land South of Cockburn Crescent, Balerno, FRA 13 Photo 7: Low point on Mansfield Road Photo 8: Open ditch alongside eastern boundary of the site Kaya Consulting Ltd _________________________________________________________________________________ Proposed Development on Land South of Cockburn Crescent, Balerno, FRA 14 Photo 9: Inlet of John’s Burn culvert located to the north of the site (see Figure 2) Kaya Consulting Ltd _________________________________________________________________________________ Proposed Development on Land South of Cockburn Crescent, Balerno, FRA 15 4 Hydrological Analysis The hydrological assessment makes estimates of;  Design flows for John Burn adjacent to site; and  Greenfield runoff rate. 4.1 Estimation of design flows for John’s Burn The catchment area of John’s Burn at the downstream boundary of the site was calculated to be 0.54 km 2 , extracted from the Flood Estimation Handbook (FEH) CD-Rom Version 3.
  • Transport Assessment

    Yet, given these active modes’ position at the top of modal hierarchies, effective consideration of demand for use of them is required.... Table 3: Example of Accessibility Scoring Method Jo u rn ey P u rp o se T h em e P u b s, B ar s an d D in in g S p o rt a n d L ei su re P h ar m ac y, O p ti ci an an d D en ti st G P s an d H o sp it al s P ri m ar y & S ec o n d ar y P o st -s ec o n d ar y ed u ca ti o n O th er E d u ca ti o n P u b li c S er vi ce , B an ks an d R el ig io u s S m al l F o o d S h o p s an d N ew sa g en ts La rg e Fo o d S h o p s, S h o p p in g C en tr es an d R et ai l P ar ks W or kp la ce s Re-Weighting 4.5% 8.6% 3.4% 3.4% 8.2% 8.2% 8.2% 7.2% 31.3% 31.3% 36.6% No. of Accessible Locations 29 3 4 1 1 1 1 7 17 1 10 Cap Values 5 10 3 3 2 2 2 10 3 1 50 Proportion (accessible locations / cap value) 1 0.3 1 0.3 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.7 1 1 0.2 Theme Accessibility Value 4.5 2.6 3.4 1.1 4.1 4.1 4.1 5 31.3 31.3 7.4 Weighted Theme Accessibility Value 4.5 2.6 1.7 0.6 1.4 1.4 1.4 5 31.3 7.4 Overall Accessibility Score 57 The overall site accessibility scores have been aligned to the following Score Bands.
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    Of those deemed ‘economically inactive’ across the locality, 26% live here and Muirhouse is currently ranked as one of the top ten most deprived areas in Scotland.
  • Education Appraisal

    Pupil generation from new housing is projected top be an additional 587 pupils.
  • Microsoft Word - Table of character areas.doc

    Compacted aggregate surface: A loose laid aggregate, including a top- surface layer that includes fines (powder sized particles), which is wet- rolled to compact and form a solid surface.
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    Of those deemed ‘economically inactive’ across the locality, 26% live here and Muirhouse is currently ranked as one of the top ten most deprived areas in Scotland.
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    Separately, the Council has previously explored the scope for a heat network serving a cluster of Council and NHS Lothian-owned buildings in Gracemount using a closed loop 750-kilowatt ground source heat pump with a 2,300-kilowatt electric boiler top-up. 5.29.6.
  • Edinburgh City Council: the Audit of Best Value and Community Planning

    Poland, Australia, Spain, Republic of Ireland, India and China were the top contributing nations to Edinburgh and Lothian in 2004/05.
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    The LGBF shows that Edinburgh is ranking in the top two quartiles for 59% of the indicators, which is above the national average.
  • 2018-19 Audited Annual Accounts

    A brief description of the top risks contained within the report is included below: Health and Social Care - Increased demand for services and associated demographic changes results in significant financial pressures which, when compounded by historic funding arrangements and traditional service models, creates a significant risk that the Council fails to implement and/or deliver appropriate health and social care arrangements, as required by the Edinburgh Integration Joint Board.... The three venues have hosted a variety of productions during the year, including two "blockbuster" shows, War Horse and Les Misérables, Scottish Ballet and Scottish Opera performances and several touring premieres.