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  • £10m to support communities affected by poverty

    Organisations were invited to apply for a grant of £10k minimum and £100k maximum per year to one of three funding strands - Learning Outcomes, Health and Wellbeing and Youth Work.
  • What happens to your recycling

    cans and tins
  • What happens to your recycling

    cans and tins
  • Consents required for leisure premises

  • Additional Traffic Management Arrangements as of 5 May

    Return to top... Return to top... Tower Street – Genting Casino
  • Cycling

    Return to the top.... Return to the top.... Return to the top.
  • Dancing to a different tune at this year’s Edinburgh Gaelic Festival

    Bhon uairsin tha air a bhith ga cur air dòigh le buidheann saor-thoileach bho choimhearnsachd Ghàidhlig Dhùn Èideann is Oifigear Gàidhlig an Oilthighe ga stiùireadh.... Thug sinn fàs air ar feachd-obrach teagaisg, le taic ionnsachaidh na mheasg, agus tha an t- Oifigear Leasachaidh Ghàidhlig Corporra againn ag obair còmhla ri compàirtichean airson cothroman air cuairtean-dreuchd a leudachadh.
  • Dancing to a different tune at this year’s Edinburgh Gaelic Festival

    Bhon uairsin tha air a bhith ga cur air dòigh le buidheann saor-thoileach bho choimhearnsachd Ghàidhlig Dhùn Èideann is Oifigear Gàidhlig an Oilthighe ga stiùireadh.... Thug sinn fàs air ar feachd-obrach teagaisg, le taic ionnsachaidh na mheasg, agus tha an t- Oifigear Leasachaidh Ghàidhlig Corporra againn ag obair còmhla ri compàirtichean airson cothroman air cuairtean-dreuchd a leudachadh.
  • Ocean Terminal - Ocean Drive

    This includes the area outside the old Casino and to the front of the Fingal car park.
  • Transport Convener: It's our responsibility to help people walk, wheel, cycle and use public transport

    GNT will not only deliver a dedicated cycling thoroughfare through the heart of the city, tying into CCWEL, but will significantly enhance public spaces and nearby streets for all those who spend time, socialise and shop there.