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    North Lanarkshire Council The councils Contingency Planning Unit plans and exercises with other organisations under the Plans are under constant review and scrutiny using table top exercises.... Where no incidents have occurred within a 12 month period a table top exercise will be conducted to test the response plan.... Overview of actions to manage flooding in Haddington (PVA10/24) PVA F lo o d p ro te ct io n S ch e m e /W o rk s N a tu ra l fl o o d m a n a g e m e n t w o rk s N e w f lo o d w a rn in g F lo o d p ro te ct io n st u d y N a tu ra l fl o o d m a n a g e m e n t st u d y S u rf a ce w a te r p la n /s tu d y S tr a te g ic m a p p in g a n d m o d e ll in g M a in ta in f lo o d p ro te ct io n s ch e m e * M a in ta in f lo o d w a rn in g F lo o d f o re ca st in g P ro p e rt y l e v e l p ro te ct io n s ch e m e C o m m u n it y f lo o d a ct io n g ro u p s S e lf h e lp A w a re n e ss r a is in g M a in te n a n ce S it e p ro te ct io n p la n s E m e rg e n cy p la n s/ re sp o n se P la n n in g p o li ci e s 10/24 A G G G G G G G G G 168 Return_to_Contents Summary of progress of actions to manage flood risk in Haddington (PVA 10/24) Action Status (Red; Amber; Green) Description Delivery Lead Planned Dates Progress in Delivery, including key deliverables and dates Revised dates and planned actions to complete / address delay Flood Protection Scheme / Works (100820006) A Scheme for the River Tyne in Haddington.
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    Any notice or requirement to be served on BOW under this Deed of Conditions must be in writing and served on BOW at Telford House, 3 Mid- New Cui tins, Edinburgh EH11 4DG (for the attention of Graeme Dunlop) or such other address which may be notified in writing to PARC from time to time.... Address of Witness · EDINgVRGH · l t€ CITY Of ( Ot.lllUIICH COI.OIC\ SERVICES FOR COMMUNITIES EDINBURGH I I I 1/ ,'1 ~-ob ~~ '''J -~ ,,,, t I,, I I II :: j ',, ; ....... ·..:-.: ,._ SCAL~ to 17.50 1'~ 6 l"t..tiN 'L lc:H:2l\-D ·~t .~ -:1K t
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    Yes / No Short Response Not Answered Explanation Not Answered IC E N I P R O J E C T S L IM IT E D O N B E H A L F O F H & H G R O U P P L C L a n d a t R ic c a rt o n , E d in b u rg h Iceni Projects Glasgow: 177 West George Street, Glasgow, G2 2LB Edinburgh: 11 Alva Street, Edinburgh, EH2 4PH London: Da Vinci House, 44 Saffron Hill, London, EC1N 8FH Manchester: This is the Space, 68 Quay Street, Manchester, M3 3EJ t: 020 3640 8508 | w: | e: linkedin: | twitter: @iceniprojects Land at Riccarton, Edinburgh Response to Choices for City Plan 2030 Iceni Projects Limited on behalf of H&H Group Plc April 2020 2 0 CONTENTS INTRODUCTION ......................................................................................................... 1 CONTEXT FOR ADDITIONAL GREENFIELD RELEASE .......................................... 2 SITE & SURROUNDINGS .......................................................................................... 6 DEVELOPMENT OPPORTUNITY .............................................................................. 8 RESPONSE TO GREENFIELD SITE ASSESSMENT ............................................. 11 CONCLUSION .......................................................................................................... 20 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 This statement has been prepared by Iceni Projects on behalf of H&H Group Plc.
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    Yes / No Short Response Not Answered Explanation Not Answered Customer Ref: 01698 Response Ref: ANON-KU2U-GPHC-9 Supporting Info Name Callum Fraser (Iceni Projects) Email Response Type Agent / Consultant On behalf of: Primus Riccarton Limited A P R IL 2 0 2 0 IC E N I P R O J E C T S L IM IT E D O N B E H A L F O F P R IM U S R IC C A R T O N L IM IT E D L a n d W e s t o f R ic c a rt o n M a in s R o a d , E d in b u rg h R E S P O N S E T O C H O IC E S F O R C IT Y P L A N 2 0 3 0 Iceni Projects Glasgow: 177 West George Street, Glasgow, G2 2LB Edinburgh: 11 Alva Street, Edinburgh, EH2 4PH London: Da Vinci House, 44 Saffron Hill, London, EC1N 8FH Manchester: This is the Space, 68 Quay Street, Manchester, M3 3EJ t: 020 3640 8508 | w: | e: linkedin: | twitter: @iceniprojects Land West of Riccarton Mains Road, Edinburgh Response to Choices for City Plan 2030 Iceni Projects Limited on behalf of Primus Riccarton Limited April 2020 2 0 CONTENTS EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ............................................................................................. 1 SITE & SURROUNDINGS .......................................................................................... 2 COMMENTARY ON CEC’S GREENFIELD SITE ASSESSMENT ............................. 3 DEVELOPMENT PROPOSAL .................................................................................... 6 CHOICE 10 - CREATING SUSTAINABLE COMMUNITIES ....................................... 8 CONCLUSION .......................................................................................................... 12 1 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 1.1 This statement has been prepared by Iceni Projects on behalf of Primus Riccarton Limited (Primus).
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    For example, tinned foods or storage boxes.
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    Haymarket Station We st A ppr oac h R oad Haymarket Station to Lauriston Place Un ion Ca nal Conference Sq.... Morrison Street Haymarket Station Un ion Ca nal Exchange 2 Dewar Place Fountainbridge Development • Better connections to the employment areas at Morrison Street, Exchange Crescent and Lothian Road • Allowance for a future tram route along Morrison Street creating a second cross-city-centre tram link • Improved bus and coach interchange/termination • Enhanced lighting and wayfinding • A review of open space/public space • Enhancement of pedestrian connections towards the city centre and within the local area Haymarket Interchange Promotion and development of through block pedestrian routes Integration of development through placemaking opportunities • Reallocation of road space to provide a safer and more comfortable environment for people travelling by foot or on bike, for example Morrison Street, Semple Street and Haymarket • Public realm improvements to key routes enhancing the quality of the environment, particularly Morrison Street, including de- cluttering, surface treatments, sustainable drainage systems, lighting, wayfinding and tree planting • Reinforcing place and identity through storytelling and interpretation opportunities Existing Location: Morrison Street/West Approach Road Junction Strategy Key principles 57 • Reinforcing Haymarket’s function as a key interchange across all modes of travel with an improved experience for all users • Introduction of a high-quality pedestrian connection between Haymarket and Lothian Road along Morrison Street, including improved public realm and the reallocation of road space to the benefit of pedestrians • A review of the junction at Haymarket to the benefit of people on bike and foot, and the development of a place-led public realm scheme • A review of the existing one-way loop on Torphichen Street/Morrison Street and the introduction of a safe cycling route connecting from Haymarket towards Rutland Square • The promotion of safe and legible connections across West Approach Road wherever possible • Introduction of coherent wayfinding to city destinations while also helping to create a more cohesive district, promoting links between office, retail, heritage and residential areas • A review of open space to best serve local needs • Promotion of opportunities to highlight the history and historic uses of the area through interpretation, public space design and artwork • Allowance for a possible tram route along Morrison Street as part of a wider tram expansion • Using space on the West Approach Road as an arrival for coach/bus with enhanced pedestrian links towards the city centre The strategy for this catalyst area includes: Allocation of Streetspace • Reallocation of traffic lanes at Morrison Street and West Approach Road • Full implementation of current Active Travel Action Programme (ATAP) Public Transport Services • Rerouting of selected cross-city services to ‘kiss’ city centre • New public transport interchanges at West End – Haymarket/West Approach Road • Enhanced bus priority through optimized traffic signal plan • Allowance for second cross-city-centre tram link connecting Nicolson Square to Haymarket Place • Maximise the potential of public spaces by creating a network – includes opportunities across the West Approach Road and around the Union Canal • New art work and interpretation, focusing on the unique heritage of the area City Operations and Management   • Consider shopmobility aid scheme at Haymarket • Expansion and promotion of shared mobility services including bike hire • Integration of Haymarket within a wider coach management strategy 58 Edinburgh City Centre Transformation | Strategy Catalyst Areas Current Short term Medium term • Removal of railings and street clutter • Temporary planters increasing the pavement width • Introduction of wayfinding • Road space re-allocation increasing pavement provision • Future proofing for tram through reallocation of road space 59 Potential tram connecting Haymarket and Nicolson Square Road space reallocation - increased pavements and reduced number of traffic lanes The Future 60 Edinburgh City Centre Transformation | Strategy Catalyst Areas Current Current - Morrison Street Wayfinding to Haymarket and Old Town Public realm improvements - Pavillion 61 Lothian Road Context Key Streets Tram Route Existing Buildings Key Building Green Space © Crown Copyright and database right 2019.... With the Castle at the top and Holyrood at the foot, the Royal Mile is the primary route through the Old Town – running along a ridge, it provides the ‘spine’ for the medieval ‘fishbone’ pattern of streets and closes that extend from it.
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    Document history and status Revision Date Description Author Checked Reviewed Approved 1 Nov 19 First draft for client comment CA AC SI SI 2 Jan 20 Client comment CA AC SI SI 3 Jan 20 Final draft CA AC SI SI 4 Mar 20 Final CA AC SI SI Strategic Environmental Assessment Post Adoption Statement Document No. ii Contents 1.
  • Edinburgh BioQuarter launches community consultation to help shape its Health Innovation District

    Commenting on the launch of the consultation, Anna Stamp, Edinburgh BioQuarter, Interim Programme Director, said: “Over the past two decades BioQuarter has grown as a place for health innovation with some of the country’s top medical research and life sciences businesses working together across the site.
  • What a summer of fun for Edinburgh’s children

    There really was something for everyone with activities ranging from sports coaching to trip, to drama workshops, to local parks with many additional activities on top of what we usually offer during the holidays.