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  • main colour Dalmeny

    MAIN STR EET B A N K H E A D R O A D S T A N D IN G S T A N E R O A D Primar y Schoo l Dalmeny Kirk T h e G le b e Wester Dalmeny CARL OWR IE AV ENUE CAR LOW RIE CR ESC ENT N Townscape Focal point Landmark Vista Glimpse Activity Quiet pp ff ff pp pp pp pp G G G G G G Some of the maps in the document have been reproduced from the Ordnance Survey mapping with permission of the Controller of Her Majesty’s Stationery Office D A L M E N Y C O N S E R V A T I O N A R E A C H A R A C T E R A P P R A I S A L 11 The south side is by contrast almost exclusively cottages, with the exception of the Post Office and also a more recent shop set back behind the line of cottages.... The planning authority must be given six weeks notice of the intention to uproot, fell or top trees.
  • Https:// 1.0 Introduction 4 S a m p le o f p u p il s’ t h o u gh ts o n t h e k ey i ss u es f o r le a rn er s o f th e cu rr en t sc h o o l 5 2.0 What are the key issues for learners of the current school from your point of view?... The right hand side column (in green) represents possible solutions to address the key issues. 7S a m p le o f p u p il s’ t h o u gh ts o n t h e k ey i ss u es f o r le a rn er s o f th e cu rr en t sc h o o l 8 Sample of pupils’ ideas about the school as a person 9 3.0 Imagine the school is a person, what type of person is it?
  • Granton Waterfront - Development Framework February 2020

    Potential discharge points and acceptable run-off rates have been assessed based on high level topographical information and existing desk top studies.... Sustainability and Energy Strategy ENERGY STRATEGY PRINCIPLES and PRIORITIES ENERGY EFFICIENCY RESOURCE EFFICIENCY SUSTAINABLE TRANSPORT RENEWABLES DISTRICT HEATING POTENTIAL A W HO LE S YSTEM VIEW AN IN CLU SIV E EN ER G Y T R A N S IT IO N A SM A R T E R LO C A L EN ERGY MODEL EN ER G Y EF FI CI EN CY (BU ILDIN GS) CONSUMER ENGAGEMENT and PRO TEC TIO N SY ST EM S EC U R IT Y a nd F LE X IB IL IT Y RENEWABLES, LOW CARBON SOL UTI ON S IN N O V A T IV E LO C A L E N ERG Y SYSTEM S Fig. 3.69: Concept energy strategy, principles and priorities, diagram by Arup 3 . 1 2 p 66 Fig. 3.70: Aerial image of Granton Waterfront, 2018, from Edinburgh Shoreline project video Fig. 3.70: The key elements of the Development Framework are illustrated here in an indicative 3D sketch of the area.
  • Executive summary

    Table 4.1 Proposed areas of residential development as detailed in Edinburgh City Local Plan Local Plan Ref Number Site location Area of Edinburgh Estimated Capacity Units WAC 1a Leith Waterfront (Western Harbour) North 2400 WAC 2 Granton Waterfront North 6000 CA 4* Quartermile Central 1000 HSG 1 Craigs Road (SASA) West 280 HSG 2 Chesser Avenue South 500 HSG 3 Hyvots South 310 HSG 4 Lochend Butterfly South 356 HSG 5 New Greendykes South 810 HSG 6 Greendykes South 990 HSG 7 Niddrie Mains South 600 HSG 8 Castlebrae High School South 145 HSG 9 Thistle Foundation South 170 WAC 1b Leith Waterfront (Leith Docks) North 18000 WAC 1c Leith Waterfront (Salamander Pl) North 800 CA 2 Calton Gate Central 250 CA 3 Fountainbridge Central 1200 HSG 10 Clermiston Campus West 295 HSG 11 Telford College (North Campus) North 300 HSG 12 Telford College (South Campus) North 350 HSG 13 Eastern General Hospital North 274 HSG 14 Newcraighall North South East 200 HSG 15 Newcraighall East South East 200 HSG 16 Edinburgh Zoo West 80 HSG 17 South Gyle Wynd West 180 HSG 18 Shrub Place Central 400 HSG 19 City Park North 200 HSG 20 Fairmilehead Water Treatment Wks South 300 Note WAC 1a to HSG 9 are sites identified in the Structure Plan base supply and previous local plans WAC 1b to HSG 15 are sites to meet Strategic Housing land Requirements HSG 16 to HSG 20 are sites that have been identified to make a useful contribution Locations that are in AQMAs and areas of air quality concern are highlighted in red.... Proposed commercial development described in Edinburgh City Local Plan Local Plan Ref Number Site location Area of Edinburgh Site Hectares BUS 1 Centre for biomedical research South East 40 BUS 2 Edinburgh Park West 16 BUS 3 Leith Eastern Industrial Area North 20 S1 Westerhailes Centre West S2 Harvesterway Westerhailes West 4.3 S3 Hermiston Gate Centre West 3.4 S4 Niddrie Main Road South East S5 Granton Waterfront North S6 Leith Waterfront North S7 Fountainbridge Central CA 1 St James Centre (expansion of existing) Central CA 2 Caltongate Central CA 4 Quartermile Central Locations that are in AQMA and areas of air quality concern are highlighted in red.... Note Largest reduction in bus NOx emissions as indentified in LES city-wide study would be via mandatory scheme.
  • Https://

    This would also support positive behaviour change (modal shift from private car) and contribute towards the objective to reduce greenhouse gases emissions, tying in with the Council’s wider strategies and policies. 1.22 Modelling of future scenarios predicted any air quality impacts, related to any traffic displacement would be short-lived.
  • Https://

    This would also support positive behaviour change (modal shift from private car) and contribute towards the objective to reduce greenhouse gases emissions, tying in with the Council’s wider strategies and policies. 1.22 Modelling of future scenarios predicted any air quality impacts, related to any traffic displacement would be short-lived.
  • Https://

    This would also support positive behaviour change (modal shift from private car) and contribute towards the objective to reduce greenhouse gases emissions, tying in with the Council’s wider strategies and policies. 1.22 Modelling of future scenarios predicted any air quality impacts, related to any traffic displacement would be short-lived.
  • Health Promotion Services

    Health Promotion Services 1 Edinburgh Community Learning and Development Partnership (ECLDP) 23rd May 2019, 10 – 11 30am Central Library Attended Apologies Ian Brooke (IB) (Chair) Paul McCloskey (PMc) Hana MacKechnie (HMac + notes) Helen Bourquin (HB) Peter Strong (PS) Jackie Stewart (JS) Tommy George (LE) Paul Wilson (PW) No.... Impact of Community Based Universal Youth Work Research report to be circulated to Education Leads, SERIC and Edinburgh Partnership Board LE/MM/PMc
  • Health Promotion Services

    Health Promotion Services 1 Edinburgh Community Learning and Development Partnership (ECLDP) 23rd May 2019, 10 – 11 30am Central Library Attended Apologies Ian Brooke (IB) (Chair) Paul McCloskey (PMc) Hana MacKechnie (HMac + notes) Helen Bourquin (HB) Peter Strong (PS) Jackie Stewart (JS) Tommy George (LE) Paul Wilson (PW) No.... Impact of Community Based Universal Youth Work Research report to be circulated to Education Leads, SERIC and Edinburgh Partnership Board LE/MM/PMc
  • Https://

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