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    A REVIEW POST PUBLIC ENGAGEMENT AL 25/09/23 MP Tennis Court 1 9 a S O U T H L E A R M O N T H G A R D E N S 1 2 1 7 L E N N O X S T R E E T D E A N P A R K C R E S C E N T Pavilion 7 1 2 A N N S T R E E T 2 2 2 3 37.8m 3 9 1 O X F O R D T E R R A C E 2 7 31.7m 2 3 1 7 9 6 8 1 8 L E A R M O N T H T E R R A C E L A N E S t o c k b r i d g e P a r i s h C h u r c h 1 9 2 1 Pp 9 0 9 2 4 1 2 2 3 4 8 5 t o 7 1 8 t o 1 0 2 9 t o 3 5 TCB 2 7 1 3 t o 1 5 2 5 4 1 2 5 2 7 D E A N B A N K L A N E S a x e C o b u r g T e r r a c e 8 3 5 6 t o 6 0 1 0 3H o u s e W a t e r o f L e i t h 1 6 1 1 9 8 8 4 t o 8 8 D e a n b a n k Lodge 1 1 2 1 1 7 3 2 1 9 1 STOCKBRIDGE S A X E C O B U R G S T R E E T 1 3 t o 7 1 0 9 t o 1 1 5 4 8 L o d g e 3 2 6 2 t o 7 0 7 2 t o 7 6 H E N D E R S O N R O W 1 0 1 t o 1 0 7 t o 8 7 4 2 1 2 1 1 7 a 9 7 5 4 L B 9 9 8 1 Sports Ground Edinburgh Academical Mast (telecommunication) Training Centre Grange Cricket Ground Pond S t a n d 14.6m 14.6m 13.7m U n d U n d P C o n s t B d y C W 14.3m 1 3 15.5m 7 T e r r a c e s Pond SD A R B O R E T U M A V E N U E T e r r a c e s 1 9 W a t e r o f L e i t h N O R T H P A R K T E R R A C E Tennis Courts P a t h ( u m ) 14.6m Posts 2 5 7 5 t o 7 9 S I L V E R M I L L S 1 4 2 1 0 1 b Jamaica 1 2 2 5 5 1 5 5 2 1 0 b Mews 3 9 1 1 5 0 2 3 1 0 c 1 JA M A IC A SQUARE 2 5 H o t e l 2 9 t o 3 3 2 3 C I R C U S H o t e l 17 37.5m P H 3 2 1 1 4 8 G L O U C E S T E R L A N E 1 2 7 1 7 t o 2 1 El Sub Sta C IR C U S P L A C E 1 4 5 4 6 G L O U C E S T E R P L A C E GLOUCESTER C I R C U S G A R D E N S R O Y A L 2 2 2 4 3 8 t o 4 2 8 4 4 1 1 3 5 I N D I A S T R E E T S T R E E T 1 3 6 37.5m 36.3m 1 4 3 2 1 Hotel 2 6 t o 3 0 2 1 2 4 Shelter 1 1 9 2 6 S c h o o l o f T h e T h e a t r e 1 0 6 D r a m a D a n c e a n d 8 t o 1 0 Library Bank N O R T H W E S T C I R C U S P L A C E 3 1 t o 3 9 2 7 2 9 1 5 1 8 4 2 5 1 1 3 9 3 6 t o 4 2 2 0 1 0 t o 1 8 t o 1 2 3 3 3 2 1 2 1 4 1 3 1 6 Posts 9 7 2 0 1 0 a 4 5 4 7 4 9 4 8 2 1 1 1 2 2 2 5 7 3 5 t o 9 7 G L O U C E S T E R S T R E E T 3 2 1 1 5 1 8 LB 7 2 2 B a k e r ' s P l a c e 5 8 1 8 6 0 3 5 2 0 3 0 2 5 R O Y A L 2 6 8 2 7 1 3 2 t o 1 0 CIR CU S 2 32.0m 3 0 6 9 H e a l t h C e n t r e 5 PH 2 0 4 2 t o 6 8 5 5 9 9 a 4 1 1 Mill House 15 2 9 1 4 D e a n h a u g h P a t h 7 5 1 0 1 a L A N E S I L V E R M I L L S L A N E 2 5 9 1 0 2 6 3 1 1 6 W a t e r o f L e i t h W a l k w a y 2 3 7 3 1 3 3 2 2 3 8 5 2 7 6 2 t o 6 8 5 3 t o 6 1 2 4 6 0 S t S t e p h e n P l a c e 4 8 t o 5 2 3 4 4 2 1 2 2 16b 4 1 t o 5 1 7 7 1 1 3 4 t o 4 0 t o 1 4 4 2 t o 4 6 6 4 t o 7 8 Chy PH 5 1 0 2 2 4 9 2 1 C I R C U S t o 3 2 18b 18a 6 3 t o 6 9 1 3 2 6 7 0 t o 8 2 B a k e r ' s P l a c e 6 t o 1 1 1 9 8 1 0 8 1 7 2 0 5 6 t o 6 0 9 1 2 2 2 6 1 9 1 t o 3 9 3 1 1 4 4 t o 5 6 5 1 3 3 5 8 2 5 S T S T E P H E N S T R E E T 2 4 PCs 1 1 0 19.8m C L A R E N C E S T R E E T PH 5 3 t o 9 7 8 0 t o 9 4 1 2 2 t o 1 3 0 13 1 1 8 5 4 28.0m 21.6m Hotel 1 7 t o 2 0 2 3 25.6m P o s t s S T S T E P H E N P L 4 3 t o 2 9 2 1 6 7 1 16a 3 6 7 9 t o 8 7 G l a n v i l l e P l a c e 2 3 2 8 4 3 t o 4 5 1 3 1 5 t o 1 9 4 t o 8 17 3 5 1 4 0 4 t o 6 2 8 t o 3 2 H A M I L T O N P L A C E 112 to 12 0 2 5 5 6 2 8 1 0 4 2 2 W a r d B d y 1 5 W E S T 6 9 9 b 1 3 Chy K E R R S T R E E T 4 2 2 8 1 4 2 9 1 1 5 7 t o 2 3 Patriothall S t o c k b r i d g e S h e l t e r S h e l t e r Shelter Shelter 3 2 4 4 5 0 3 1 2 4 P r i m a r y S c h o o l 14.6m S t o c k B r i d g e 14.9m 3 0 5 f 5 g 5 a 6 3 2 t o 6 3 0 a 2 8 a 2 8 2 2 N u r s e r y 3 0 2 3 2 1 1 9 1 5 1 1 t o 4 1 8 1 3 1 6 C A R L T O N S T R E E T 3 19.2m 1 0 1 5 1 8 2 1 5 6 1 5 1 9 1 1 D E A N T E R R A C E 3 9 t o 4 5 PH 2 t o 1 0 4 7 3 D E A N H A U G H S T R E E T Green 3 1 M A L T A T E R R A C E 1 3 8 8 2 2 t o 2 6 2 1 6 3 5 6 5 1 2 t o 1 4 9 PH 1 1 6 L E S L I E P L A C E 2 7 1 5 S A X E PH 3 PCB 1 0 t o 1 4 1 2 t o 2 4 7 1 2 9 Falshaw Bridge 2 1 5 C O B U R G 5 1 8 8 1 5 t o 9 3 3 Malta 4 2 1 6 t o 2 0 1 0 1 1 6 S T B E R N A R D ' S R O W ESS 4 9 1 1 1 15.2m 1 2 1 7 2 0 2 7 1 1 15.8m c 2 3 0 1 S u r g e r y 3 0 3 2 3 0 3 4 B r i d g e P l a c e 3 0 1 6 t o 2 0 2 5 d 1 3 4 a 2 6 3 3 1 3 2 6 t o 3 6 5 T C B s 1 5 b 8 9 1 1 1 4 Shelter B r i d g e P l a c e 16.2m 1 8 1 9 7 19.2m 2 9 17.4m 9 2 8 4 t o 6 7 Shelter P o s t 1 3 H A U G H S T R E E T V E I T C H ' S S Q PO 1 0 8 3 5 a - 3 9 Tennis Court 9 4 t o 1 0 0 B E D F O R D C O U R T 2 5 2 7 1 7 1 6 4 1 / 1 1 2 1 3 3 4 1 / 2 2 3 4 1 1 3 2 1 0 2 3 4 2 1 4 2 3 3 8 1 0 El 1 6 D A N U B E S T R E E T S T B E R N A R D 'S C R E S C E N T 25.6m 1 2 2 6 4 3 9 2 4 3 4 3 1 6 3 2 LB 3 0 3 6 1 5 4 1 1 3 1 4 3 7 1 4 4 4 3 t o 4 7 4 8 t o 5 4 R A E B U R N S T R E E T CRESCENT 3 3 t o 3 9 1 0 6 3 1 Stock bridge 3 0 t o 4 2 4 0 1 2 1 2 1 3 1 2 5 4 3 t o 7 2 4 1 0 4 b 1 7 5 8 1 2 1 A L L A N S T R E E T 6 3 t o 6 9 7 1 t o 7 7 9 t o 1 3 1 0 Pavilion 8 3 5 2 8 2 5 5 2 1 6 C H E Y N E S T R E E T 2 2 House 3 1 0 1 1 0 S T B E R N A R D ' S R A E B U R N P L A C E 5 3 6 8 3 P H 1 4 6 4 2 9 9 t o 1 1 D E A N S T R E E T 6 4 t o 7 0 7 9 M a r y ' s P l a c e B E D F O R D S T R E E T 1 0 2 16.5m 3 1 8 0 t o 8 6 4 3 t o 5 9 6 2 9 5 9 1 0 4 a 16.2m Pavilion 4 3 8 Tennis Ground 2 7 t o 3 1 B e d f o r d S t r e e t 3 2 1 1 t o 1 3 5 6 t o 9 2 t o 4 8 1 0 4 4 1 8 8 TCB Sub Sta R A E B U R N M E W S 1 0 1 3 8 3 3 2 5 6 3 4 1 / 2 3 9 4 1 / 1 4 1 / 3 4 7 4 9 / 1 4 9 / 3 4 9 / 2 2 7 2 1 1 1 1 3 1 a 5 8 1 0 2 39 9 5 4 8 6 7 t o 7 1 9 1 7 3 t o 7 7 3 9 1 6 9 0 t o 9 4 6 1 t o 6 5 2 8 9 8 5 1 5 1 0 9 7 9 t o 8 3 1 6 1 3 8 7 L E A R M O N T H G A R D E N S M E W S 5 1 4 1 2 1 2 D E A N P A R K M E W S 1 8 8 4 t o 8 8 D E A N P A R K M E W S 2 8 7 3 0 t o 3 4 9 3 7 2 t o 7 6 S h e l t e r 3 7 6 4 1 5 3 5 1 3 t o 1 7 5 2 4 4 3 t o 4 9 G a r a g e C O M E L Y B A N K R O W 15.8m H o t e l 9 2 6 2 16.2m 16.8m 2 5 t o 2 9 1 1 5 t o 2 3 2 6 t o 3 0 21.9m 3 4 t o 3 8 1 C O M E L Y B A N K P L A C E 2 2 18.3m 4 9 t o 5 3 1 8 3 7 3 8 4 0 5 t o 9 2 0 3 1 3 3 t o 3 7 1 t o 5 C O M E L Y B A N K P L A C E 2 5 3 2 9 t o 1 3 3 0 1 9 t o 2 3 15.5m 3 1 D E A N P A R K M E W S 1 9 2 0 4 1 1 P O R T G O W E R P L A C E D E A N P A R K M E W S C O M E L Y B A N K R O A D 3 1 t o 3 5 2 5 1 2 9 4 1 3 1 1 2 2 t o 6 5 1 t o 5 5 2 2 1 3 a Shelter 2 D E A N P A R K S T R E E T 3 7 t o 4 1 E l S u b S t a 1 t o 7 4 3 t o 4 7 4 C O M E L Y B A N K A V E N U E 1 6 6 6 t o 7 0 1 7 C O M E L Y B A N K P L A C E M E W S 1 2 6 t o 1 0 St Bernard's Bridge 9 9 c T h e D e n e LB 1 8 2 1 2 0 2 0 . 4 m 4 5 0 1 1 3 6 8 7 1 6 W a t e r o f L e i t h M A C K E N Z I E P L A C E S A U N D E R S S T R E E T 20.1m 22.6m 5 1 6 1 0 I N D I A P L A C E D O U N E T E R R A C E 2 Statue 1 D E A N T E R R A C E 2 2 1 2 4 8 W a r d B d y U P P E R D E A N T E R R A C E Glenogle Swim Centre G le n o g le R o c h e i d 17.7m 5 1 4 2 1 5 W a t e r o f L e i t h 3 1 7 1 9 1 6 1 6 4 T e r r a c e 1 1 5 1 6 3 G l e n o g l e 7 7 1 2 2 4 7 2 4 R E I D T E R R A C E 2 3 8 4 Chy 5 1 6 1 6 3 2 1 5 C O L L I N S P L A C E A V O N D A L E P L A C E 2 6 1 1 7 t o 1 9 3 0 1 7 4 1 6 3 0 1 2 8 8 Edinburgh 2 G le n o g le P la c e B A L M O R A L P L A C E 3 3 2 3 2 3 5 1 3 0 1 0 7 K E M P P L A C E 2 3 1 1 B E L L P L A C E 8 5 4 3 0 3 2 1 6 1 2 3 0 2 3 1 S A X E C O B U R G S T R E E T 1 R I N T O U L P L A C E 1 7 D U N R O B I N P L A C E 1 6 1 5 3 0 1 G L E N O G L E R O A D P L A C E 3 2 t o 4 5 C O L V I L L E P L A C E E T T R I C K D A L E P L A C E G a b r ie l's R o a d 1 4 2 3 2 7 P C o n s t B d y 8 8 1 6 1 5 8 1 5 1 1 1 5 7 2 1 1 2 1 3 4 0 1 1 8 3 0 1 8 2 3 1 1 6 9 2 8 1 3 2 1 2 0 H U G H M I L L E R P L A C E El Sub Sta H o u s e Academy 8 T E V I O T D A L E P L A C E 9 6 8 4 2 1 1 8 1 1 5 LB 3 4 H U G H M I L L E R P L A C E 3 2 1 Z5-01 Z5-02 Z5-03 P1 DRG.
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    Forth Port to Newhaven Carry out works in phases to maintain access to the operational dock and local residents at all times: • Newhaven to Melrose Drive • Melrose Drive • Ocean Terminal West Side to Melrose Drive • Ocean Terminal West to Ocean Terminal East • Ocean Terminal East to Rennie’s Isle • Rennie’s Isle to Tower Place • Tower Place to Stevedore Place East • Stevedore Place East to Casino Access Road • Casino Access Road to Constitution Place 7.13 This approach has been tested using the Council’s traffic model.... The Project Director and SRO will both have membership of the Project Board and will be responsible for reporting progress on all aspects of project delivery. 7.41 This is top level governance reflected below in Figure 7.... This summarises details of the top risks to the project and provides an overview of the current estimated risk exposure.
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    Limited Figure 2: AM comparison of compliant and non-compliant vehicles by diversion route street and assessment year 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500 5000 5500 2 0 1 6 B a s e D a lr y R o a d 2 0 1 6 L E Z 2 0 2 2 L E Z 2 0 1 6 B a s e P a lm e rs to n P la c e 2 0 1 6 L E Z 2 0 2 2 L E Z 2 0 1 6 B a s e S t C o lm e S tr e e t 2 0 1 6 L E Z 2 0 2 2 L E Z 2 0 1 6 B a s e Y o rk P la c e 2 0 1 6 L E Z 2 0 2 2 L E Z 2 0 1 6 B a s e D u n d a s S tr e e t 2 0 1 6 L E Z 2 0 2 2 L E Z 2 0 1 6 B a s e L e it h W a lk 2 0 1 6 L E Z 2 0 2 2 L E Z 2 0 1 6 B a s e L o n d o n R o a d 2 0 1 6 L E Z 2 0 2 2 L E Z 2 0 1 6 B a s e Q u e e n 's D ri v e 2 0 1 6 L E Z 2 0 2 2 L E Z 2 0 1 6 B a s e S o u th C le rk S tr e e t 2 0 1 6 L E Z 2 0 2 2 L E Z 2 0 1 6 B a s e M e lv il le D ri v e 2 0 1 6 L E Z 2 0 2 2 L E Z 2 0 1 6 B a s e L o th ia n R o a d 2 0 1 6 L E Z 2 0 2 2 L E Z 2 0 1 6 B a s e M o rn in g s id e R o a d 2 0 1 6 L E Z 2 0 2 2 L E Z T w o -w a y ve h ic le s (0 7 :0 0 -0 9 :0 0 ) Compliant Non-compliant 16 Figure 3: PM comparison of compliant and non-compliant vehicles by diversion route street and assessment year -500 500 1500 2500 3500 4500 5500 2 0 1 6 B a s e D a lr y R o a d 2 0 1 6 L E Z 2 0 2 2 L E Z 2 0 1 6 B a s e P a lm e rs to n P la c e 2 0 1 6 L E Z 2 0 2 2 L E Z 2 0 1 6 B a s e S t C o lm e S tr e e t 2 0 1 6 L E Z 2 0 2 2 L E Z 2 0 1 6 B a s e Y o rk P la c e 2 0 1 6 L E Z 2 0 2 2 L E Z 2 0 1 6 B a s e D u n d a s S tr e e t 2 0 1 6 L E Z 2 0 2 2 L E Z 2 0 1 6 B a s e L e it h W a lk 2 0 1 6 L E Z 2 0 2 2 L E Z 2 0 1 6 B a s e L o n d o n R o a d 2 0 1 6 L E Z 2 0 2 2 L E Z 2 0 1 6 B a s e Q u e e n 's D ri v e 2 0 1 6 L E Z 2 0 2 2 L E Z 2 0 1 6 B a s e S o u th C le rk S tr e e t 2 0 1 6 L E Z 2 0 2 2 L E Z 2 0 1 6 B a s e M e lv il le D ri v e 2 0 1 6 L E Z 2 0 2 2 L E Z 2 0 1 6 B a s e L o th ia n R o a d 2 0 1 6 L E Z 2 0 2 2 L E Z 2 0 1 6 B a s e M o rn in g s id e R o a d 2 0 1 6 L E Z 2 0 2 2 L E Z T w o -w a y ve h ic le s (1 6 :0 0 -1 8 :0 0 ) Compliant Non-compliant Jacobs U.K.–-progress-report-jacobs-october-2019
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    Limited Figure 2: AM comparison of compliant and non-compliant vehicles by diversion route street and assessment year 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500 5000 5500 2 0 1 6 B a s e D a lr y R o a d 2 0 1 6 L E Z 2 0 2 2 L E Z 2 0 1 6 B a s e P a lm e rs to n P la c e 2 0 1 6 L E Z 2 0 2 2 L E Z 2 0 1 6 B a s e S t C o lm e S tr e e t 2 0 1 6 L E Z 2 0 2 2 L E Z 2 0 1 6 B a s e Y o rk P la c e 2 0 1 6 L E Z 2 0 2 2 L E Z 2 0 1 6 B a s e D u n d a s S tr e e t 2 0 1 6 L E Z 2 0 2 2 L E Z 2 0 1 6 B a s e L e it h W a lk 2 0 1 6 L E Z 2 0 2 2 L E Z 2 0 1 6 B a s e L o n d o n R o a d 2 0 1 6 L E Z 2 0 2 2 L E Z 2 0 1 6 B a s e Q u e e n 's D ri v e 2 0 1 6 L E Z 2 0 2 2 L E Z 2 0 1 6 B a s e S o u th C le rk S tr e e t 2 0 1 6 L E Z 2 0 2 2 L E Z 2 0 1 6 B a s e M e lv il le D ri v e 2 0 1 6 L E Z 2 0 2 2 L E Z 2 0 1 6 B a s e L o th ia n R o a d 2 0 1 6 L E Z 2 0 2 2 L E Z 2 0 1 6 B a s e M o rn in g s id e R o a d 2 0 1 6 L E Z 2 0 2 2 L E Z T w o -w a y ve h ic le s (0 7 :0 0 -0 9 :0 0 ) Compliant Non-compliant 16 Figure 3: PM comparison of compliant and non-compliant vehicles by diversion route street and assessment year -500 500 1500 2500 3500 4500 5500 2 0 1 6 B a s e D a lr y R o a d 2 0 1 6 L E Z 2 0 2 2 L E Z 2 0 1 6 B a s e P a lm e rs to n P la c e 2 0 1 6 L E Z 2 0 2 2 L E Z 2 0 1 6 B a s e S t C o lm e S tr e e t 2 0 1 6 L E Z 2 0 2 2 L E Z 2 0 1 6 B a s e Y o rk P la c e 2 0 1 6 L E Z 2 0 2 2 L E Z 2 0 1 6 B a s e D u n d a s S tr e e t 2 0 1 6 L E Z 2 0 2 2 L E Z 2 0 1 6 B a s e L e it h W a lk 2 0 1 6 L E Z 2 0 2 2 L E Z 2 0 1 6 B a s e L o n d o n R o a d 2 0 1 6 L E Z 2 0 2 2 L E Z 2 0 1 6 B a s e Q u e e n 's D ri v e 2 0 1 6 L E Z 2 0 2 2 L E Z 2 0 1 6 B a s e S o u th C le rk S tr e e t 2 0 1 6 L E Z 2 0 2 2 L E Z 2 0 1 6 B a s e M e lv il le D ri v e 2 0 1 6 L E Z 2 0 2 2 L E Z 2 0 1 6 B a s e L o th ia n R o a d 2 0 1 6 L E Z 2 0 2 2 L E Z 2 0 1 6 B a s e M o rn in g s id e R o a d 2 0 1 6 L E Z 2 0 2 2 L E Z T w o -w a y ve h ic le s (1 6 :0 0 -1 8 :0 0 ) Compliant Non-compliant Jacobs U.K.
  • Ethan Frome

    We are currently the co-lead partner and budget holder for a Culture Collective project with North Edinburgh Arts (£350,000 +), the co-lead partner and budget holder for Go Beyond Community Wealth Building project (£50k+) and the lead partner and facilitator of the new Creative Community Hubs Network in Edinburgh (£100k).
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    GXM22213 Register of Applications for Skin Piercing and Tattoo Licences @ 1 Jul 24 Date Received Reference Number Licence Status Licence Type Premises Applicant Manager Decision Decision Date Valid From Expiry Date 3-Jun-24 530276 Consultees outstanding Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 138 Lothian Road, West End The Nail and Beauty Zone Limited Ms Rachael Boon 3-Jun-24 530277 Consultees outstanding Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 134 Rose Street, New Town The Nail and Beauty Zone Limited Miss Lucy McNaughton 3-Jun-24 530278 Consultees outstanding Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 4e Broughton Street Lane, Broughton Mr Toby Brewster-Mackinnon 2-Jun-24 530256 Consultees outstanding Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 210a Newhaven Road, Newhaven Miss Lois Barclay 28-May-24 529661 Application withdrawn Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 56 Dalry Road, Edinburgh Application Withdrawn 18-Jun-24 20-May-24 528878 Decision made Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 53 George Street, New Town Ms Rachael Laura Sweeny Grant Licence 1-Jul-24 1-Jul-24 6-Mar-27 12-May-24 528294 Decision made Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 8 Drummond Street, Edinburgh Mr Marcelo Galdino Da Silva Grant Licence 1-Jul-24 1-Jul-24 21-Apr-25 12-May-24 528296 Consultees outstanding Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 8 Drummond Street, Southside Mr James Andrew Nelson 10-May-24 528248 Consultees outstanding Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 10 William Street, New Town Ms Nicola Calzado Martes 8-May-24 522135 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 56 Dalry Road, Edinburgh Ms Fatemeh Sangi Grant Licence 30-May-24 30-May-24 8-May-26 8-May-24 528050 Consultees outstanding Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 89 Giles Street, North Leith Miss Veronica Merlo 7-May-24 527919 Application incomplete Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 289 Easter Road, Edinburgh Mr Nicolas Amoroso 7-May-24 527920 Consultees outstanding Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 289 Easter Road, Edinburgh Ms Edyta Kedzierawska 7-May-24 527922 Consultees outstanding Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 289 Easter Road, Edinburgh Ms Malgorzata Dudzinska 7-May-24 527925 Consultees outstanding Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence Renewal 289 Easter Road, Edinburgh Explodink Tattoo Ltd Mr Lukasz Skrzypinski 6-May-24 523077 Decision made Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 16 Rodney Street, Broughton Dr Sandeep Johal Grant Licence 1-Jul-24 1-Jul-24 30-Jun-25 6-May-24 527898 Consultees outstanding Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 1 St Colme Street, Edinburgh Mr Robin Pigott 1-May-24 523026 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence Renewal 53 George Street, New Town Astrid & Miyu LTD Ms hannah Ryan Grant Licence 30-May-24 7-Mar-24 6-Mar-27 1-May-24 527586 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 19 Easter Road, Edinburgh Mr Karolis Bakutis Grant Licence 24-May-24 24-May-24 20-Mar-25 30-Apr-24 527510 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence Variation 53 George Street, New Town Astrid & Miyu LTD Ms hannah Ryan Grant Licence 6-Jun-24 6-Jun-24 6-Mar-27 15-Apr-24 526286 Application received Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 89 Giles Street, North Leith Mr Struan Bruce Sloan 15-Apr-24 526300 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 30 Maritime Street, Edinburgh Ms Ghazal Jafari Grant Licence 13-Jun-24 13-Jun-24 17-Oct-25 11-Apr-24 525875 Consultees outstanding Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 143 Slateford Road, Slateford Miss Joy Hannah Lyall 11-Apr-24 526202 Consultees outstanding Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence Renewal 119 Corstorphine Road, Murrayfield Ms Amy Daly 10-Apr-24 526053 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 53 Easter Road, Edinburgh Mr Jaroslaw Rzymski Grant Licence 10-Jun-24 10-Jun-24 14-Mar-25 10-Apr-24 526317 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence Variation Peripatetic Operator Ms Laura Robertson Grant Licence 29-May-24 29-May-24 28-Mar-27 9-Apr-24 525989 Consultees outstanding Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence Renewal 83c Craighall Road, Trinity Mr James Beavis 5-Apr-24 525849 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 7 Grassmarket, Edinburgh Mr Calum Cochrane Grant Licence 10-Jun-24 10-Jun-24 9-Jun-25 4-Apr-24 525791 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 14 Liberton Place, Alnwickhill Mrs Angela Davidson Grant Licence 19-Jun-24 19-Jun-24 18-Jun-25 28-Mar-24 525049 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 154 Ferry Road, Edinburgh MS Eilidh Findlay Grant Licence 17-May-24 17-May-24 27-Feb-27 26-Mar-24 525248 Application incomplete Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 83 Princes Street, Edinburgh Ms Aleena Francis 21-Mar-24 520007 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 19 London Road, Edinburgh Mr Louis Claes Grant Licence 1-May-24 1-May-24 30-Apr-25 21-Mar-24 520010 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 19 London Road, Edinburgh Ms Claire Mary Thomson Grant Licence 9-May-24 9-May-24 30-Apr-25 21-Mar-24 524649 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 23a Blair Street, Old Town Ms Kate Fleming Grant Licence 18-Jun-24 18-Jun-24 19-Jun-26 21-Mar-24 524657 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New Unit 7c 26 South Groathill Avenue, Edinburgh Ms Olivia Garbowska Grant Licence 18-Jun-24 18-Jun-24 28-Feb-26 21-Mar-24 524658 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New Unit 7c 26 South Groathill Avenue, Edinburgh Ms Leigh Morton Grant Licence 18-Jun-24 18-Jun-24 28-Feb-26 21-Mar-24 524659 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New Unit 7c 26 South Groathill Avenue, Edinburgh Miss Amy Sinclair Grant Licence 18-Jun-24 18-Jun-24 28-Feb-26 21-Mar-24 524660 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New Unit 7c 26 South Groathill Avenue, Edinburgh Mr Daryl Blackie Grant Licence 18-Jun-24 18-Jun-24 28-Feb-26 20-Mar-24 524624 Consultees outstanding Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 47-47a Broughton Street, Edinburgh Mr Dominic Willox 20-Mar-24 524626 Consultees outstanding Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 47-47a Broughton Street, Edinburgh Miss Alana Dalziel 19-Mar-24 524507 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence Renewal 2 Harper Place, Hyvots Bank Ms Lyndsey Rachel Stewart Ms Lyndsey Rachel Stewart Grant Licence 22-May-24 23-Mar-24 22-Mar-25 18-Mar-24 524051 Consultees outstanding Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence Renewal 47-47a Broughton Street, Edinburgh Ms Jen Wood 18-Mar-24 524444 Pending decision Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 27a Haddington Place, Broughton Mr Pawel Kizlich 12-Jun-24 14-Mar-24 523863 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New Unit 16, Gyle Centre, Gyle Avenue, Edinburgh Ms Ebony Hogg Grant Licence 21-May-24 21-May-24 30-Sep-25 13-Mar-24 523830 Consultees outstanding Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence Renewal 20 Morningside Road, Morningside Emma Hunter 10-Mar-24 523336 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 3 Jeffrey Street, Edinburgh Mrs Petra Baburkova Grant Licence 15-May-24 15-May-24 13-Jan-26 4-Mar-24 522785 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence Renewal 128 South Gyle Gardens, Broomhall Ms Yuen Ting Wu Grant Licence 14-May-24 17-Apr-24 16-Apr-27 4-Mar-24 522926 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 28 Comiston Road, Edinburgh Ms Judit Lizdene Grant Licence 4-Jun-24 4-Jun-24 3-Jun-25 1-Mar-24 522756 Licence superseded Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence Renewal Peripatetic Operator Ms Laura Robertson Grant Licence 29-May-24 29-Mar-24 28-Mar-27 28-Feb-24 522524 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New Unit 16 Gyle Centre, Gyle Avenue Brooke Rochester Grant Licence 10-Jun-24 10-Jun-24 30-Sep-25 18-Feb-24 521810 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence Renewal 8 Drummond Street, Edinburgh Mr Viktor Khvorostianyi Grant Licence 16-Apr-24 21-Feb-24 20-Feb-27 16-Feb-24 521619 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 18 Bristo Place, Old Town Mr Dean Harley Grant Licence 22-May-24 22-May-24 21-May-25 15-Feb-24 521529 Consultees outstanding Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New Unit 25, Ocean Terminal, 98 Ocean Drive, Edinburgh Miss Rachel Louise Duncan 15-Sep-25 15-Feb-24 521531 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 90a Princes Street, New Town Miss Rachel Louise Duncan Grant Licence 9-May-24 9-May-24 10-Oct-26 15-Feb-24 521546 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 6 Caledonian Place, Dalry Lucky Spoke Tattoo Ltd Mr James William Donaldson Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 19-Apr-24 19-Apr-24 18-Apr-25 13-Feb-24 518044 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence Renewal 13 Hamilton Place, Stockbridge Ms Emma Everest Grant Licence 21-Mar-24 21-Dec-23 20-Dec-24 13-Feb-24 521394 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 14-15 East Norton Place, Abbeyhill Ms Thais De Melo Ferreira Blanc Grant Licence 13-May-24 13-May-24 11-Jan-25 7-Feb-24 520790 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence Renewal 154 Ferry Road, Edinburgh Culture Ink Ltd Mr Omar Beldjilali Gallego Grant Licence 15-Apr-24 28-Feb-24 27-Feb-27 7-Feb-24 520846 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 2 Gillespie Place, Bruntsfield Ms Rhona Fletcher Grant Licence 7-Jun-24 7-Jun-24 6-Jun-25 7-Feb-24 520848 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 109-111 Bruntsfield Place, Edinburgh Ms Jemma-Leigh Anderson Grant Licence 20-May-24 20-May-24 19-May-25 7-Feb-24 520849 Application withdrawn Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 109-111 Bruntsfield Place, Edinburgh Application Withdrawn 18-Apr-24 7-Feb-24 520856 Application withdrawn Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 54 Timber Bush, North Leith Application Withdrawn 22-Mar-24 7-Feb-24 520965 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 89 Henderson Street, Edinburgh Miss Shirley Pettigrew Grant Licence 9-Apr-24 9-Apr-24 27-Nov-26 6-Feb-24 520812 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 19 Easter Road, Edinburgh Mr Ruairidh Von Linden Grant Licence 15-May-24 15-May-24 20-Mar-25 5-Feb-24 520634 Consultees outstanding Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 18 Roseburn Terrace, Wester Coates Ms Malgorzata Stepien-Kerr 5-Feb-24 520663 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 19 Easter Road, Edinburgh Mr Emanuel De Sousa Fernandes Grant Licence 11-Jun-24 11-Jun-24 20-Mar-25 5-Feb-24 520807 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 19 Easter Road, Edinburgh Mr Jacob Fisher Grant Licence 15-May-24 15-May-24 20-Mar-25 4-Feb-24 521168 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2024, 11 New Market Road Mr Ruben Gomez Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 19-Mar-24 23-Mar-24 24-Mar-24 1-Feb-24 520804 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 1f2, 6 North Charlotte Street, Edinburgh Mr Pascal Da Silva Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 17-Apr-24 17-Apr-24 16-Apr-25 31-Jan-24 518024 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence Variation 31 Spylaw Street, Colinton Skulltec Scalp Micro Pigmentation (Edinburgh) Ltd Ms Lynsey Janette Stewart Grant Licence 8-Feb-24 8-Feb-24 20-Nov-24 31-Jan-24 520379 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 54 Timber Bush, North Leith Mr Douglas Alexander Grant Licence 10-May-24 10-May-24 27-Feb-25 30-Jan-24 520190 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 3 Jeffrey Street, Edinburgh Miss Aleksandra Pawlik Grant Licence 1-May-24 1-May-24 13-Jan-26 26-Jan-24 520038 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence Renewal 111 Leith Walk, Edinburgh Ms Emily Mapp Grant Licence 9-Apr-24 3-Feb-24 2-Feb-25 24-Jan-24 519966 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 9 Brighton Place, Edinburgh Miss Leigh Lovie Grant Licence 15-May-24 15-May-24 14-May-25 24-Jan-24 519973 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 166 Dalkeith Road, Prestonfield Mrs Ellen Rachel Burford Grant Licence 22-May-24 22-May-24 21-May-25 18-Jan-24 519282 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 90a Princes Street, New Town Miss Rebecca Massey Grant Licence 21-Mar-24 21-Mar-24 10-Oct-26 17-Jan-24 519186 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 89 Henderson Street, Edinburgh Mr Vytautus Baltrusaitis Grant Licence 3-Apr-24 3-Apr-24 27-Nov-26 17-Jan-24 520184 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2024, 11 New Market Road Mr James Aitken Mr James Aitken Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 15-Mar-24 23-Mar-24 24-Mar-24 17-Jan-24 520185 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2024, 11 New Market Road Miss Abbie Williams Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 18-Mar-24 23-Mar-24 24-Mar-24 17-Jan-24 520186 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2024, 11 New Market Road Mr Adam Szechniuk Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 18-Mar-24 23-Mar-24 24-Mar-24 17-Jan-24 520188 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2024, 11 New Market Road Miss Adriana Monfort Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 18-Mar-24 23-Mar-24 24-Mar-24 17-Jan-24 520189 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2024, 11 New Market Road Ms Alana Donnelly Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 18-Mar-24 23-Mar-24 24-Mar-24 17-Jan-24 520191 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2024, 11 New Market Road Alejandro Echart Subias Mr James Aitken Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 18-Mar-24 23-Mar-24 24-Mar-24 17-Jan-24 520192 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2024, 11 New Market Road Mr Alex Lundborg Voronin Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 18-Mar-24 23-Mar-24 24-Mar-24 17-Jan-24 520194 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2024, 11 New Market Road Mr Alessandro Pannella Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 18-Mar-24 23-Mar-24 24-Mar-24 17-Jan-24 520198 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2024, 11 New Market Road Mr Alex Woodhead Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 18-Mar-24 23-Mar-24 24-Mar-24 17-Jan-24 520200 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2024, 11 New Market Road Ms Alexa Hofler Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 18-Mar-24 23-Mar-24 24-Mar-24 17-Jan-24 520201 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2024, 11 New Market Road Mr Alexander Widell Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 18-Mar-24 23-Mar-24 24-Mar-24 17-Jan-24 520204 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2024, 11 New Market Road Ms Alexandra Godwin Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 18-Mar-24 23-Mar-24 24-Mar-24 17-Jan-24 520205 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2024, 11 New Market Road Ms Amanda West Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 18-Mar-24 23-Mar-24 24-Mar-24 17-Jan-24 520206 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2024, 11 New Market Road Ms Amy Shaw Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 18-Mar-24 23-Mar-24 24-Mar-24 17-Jan-24 520207 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2024, 11 New Market Road Ms Andrea Alonso Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 19-Mar-24 23-Mar-24 24-Mar-24 17-Jan-24 520208 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2024, 11 New Market Road Mr Andrew Ferguson Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 19-Mar-24 23-Mar-24 24-Mar-24 17-Jan-24 520209 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2024, 11 New Market Road Mr Anthony Firstbrook Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 19-Mar-24 23-Mar-24 24-Mar-24 17-Jan-24 520210 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2024, 11 New Market Road Mr Antonella Leon Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 19-Mar-24 23-Mar-24 24-Mar-24 17-Jan-24 520211 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2024, 11 New Market Road Mr Ashbury Levi Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 19-Mar-24 23-Apr-24 24-Mar-24 17-Jan-24 520212 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2024, 11 New Market Road Ms Ashleigh Bell Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 19-Mar-24 23-Mar-24 24-Mar-24 17-Jan-24 520297 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2024, 11 New Market Road Mr Bartosz Pochel Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 19-Mar-24 23-Mar-24 24-Mar-24 17-Jan-24 520299 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2024, 11 New Market Road Ms Beau Scott Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 19-Mar-24 23-Mar-24 24-Mar-24 17-Jan-24 520300 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2024, 11 New Market Road Mr Bernhard Mitteregger Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 19-Mar-24 23-Mar-24 24-Mar-24 17-Jan-24 520301 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2024, 11 New Market Road Ms Beth Draper Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 19-Mar-24 23-Mar-24 24-Mar-24 17-Jan-24 520303 Decision made Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2024, 11 New Market Road Ms Bethany Dear Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 19-Mar-24 23-Mar-24 24-Mar-24 17-Jan-24 520304 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2024, 11 New Market Road Mr Blair Thomson Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 19-Mar-24 23-Mar-24 24-Mar-24 17-Jan-24 520305 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2024, 11 New Market Road Ms Caera Walton Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 19-Mar-24 23-Mar-24 24-Mar-24 17-Jan-24 520306 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2024, 11 New Market Road Mr Callum Berry Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 19-Mar-24 17-Jan-24 520307 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2024, 11 New Market Road Ms Charissa Louise Ward Gregson Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 19-Mar-24 23-Mar-24 24-Mar-24 17-Jan-24 520309 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2024, 11 New Market Road Mr Charlie Braddock Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 19-Mar-24 23-Mar-24 24-Mar-24 17-Jan-24 520310 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2024, 11 New Market Road Ms Charlotte Ross Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 19-Mar-24 23-Mar-24 24-Mar-24 17-Jan-24 520311 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2024, 11 New Market Road Mr Chris Meighan Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 19-Mar-24 23-Mar-24 24-Mar-24 17-Jan-24 520312 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2024, 11 New Market Road Mr Chris Newport Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 19-Mar-24 23-Mar-24 24-Mar-24 17-Jan-24 520314 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2024, 11 New Market Road Mr Connor Pollock Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 19-Mar-24 23-Mar-24 24-Mar-24 17-Jan-24 520315 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2024, 11 New Market Road Ms Courtenay Dickson Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 19-Mar-24 23-Mar-24 24-Mar-24 17-Jan-24 520316 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2024, 11 New Market Road Mr Craig Anthony Hubert Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 19-Mar-24 23-Mar-24 24-Mar-24 17-Jan-24 520317 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2024, 11 New Market Road Mr Andrea Cucinotta Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 19-Mar-24 23-Mar-24 24-Mar-24 17-Jan-24 520318 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2024, 11 New Market Road Mr Dan Kelly Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 19-Mar-24 23-Mar-24 24-Mar-24 17-Jan-24 520319 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2024, 11 New Market Road Ms Danielle Mawby Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 19-Mar-24 23-Mar-24 24-Mar-24 17-Jan-24 520320 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2024, 11 New Market Road Mr Daniel Claus Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 19-Mar-24 23-Mar-24 24-Mar-24 17-Jan-24 520321 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2024, 11 New Market Road Mr Daniel Gembus Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 19-Mar-24 23-Mar-24 24-Mar-24 17-Jan-24 520322 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2024, 11 New Market Road Mr Daniel Williams Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 19-Mar-24 23-Mar-24 24-Mar-24 17-Jan-24 520323 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2024, 11 New Market Road Miss Danielle Alison Green Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 19-Mar-24 23-Mar-24 24-Mar-24 17-Jan-24 520325 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2024, 11 New Market Road Ms Danielle Rose Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 19-Mar-24 23-Mar-24 24-Mar-24 17-Jan-24 520326 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2024, 11 New Market Road Mr Daryl Watson Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 19-Mar-24 23-Mar-24 24-Mar-24 17-Jan-24 520327 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2024, 11 New Market Road Mr David Barclay Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 19-Mar-24 23-Mar-24 24-Mar-24 17-Jan-24 520328 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2024, 11 New Market Road Ms Debbie Jones Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 19-Mar-24 23-Mar-24 24-Mar-24 17-Jan-24 520329 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2024, 11 New Market Road Mr Dominic McCluskey Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 19-Mar-24 23-Mar-24 24-Mar-24 17-Jan-24 520330 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2024, 11 New Market Road Ms Dorota Belch Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 19-Mar-24 23-Mar-24 24-Mar-24 17-Jan-24 520332 Application withdrawn Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2024, 11 New Market Road Mr Drake Sheehan Application Withdrawn 19-Mar-24 23-Mar-24 24-Mar-24 17-Jan-24 520334 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2024, 11 New Market Road Mr Duncan Calum Fyfe Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 19-Mar-24 23-Mar-24 24-Mar-24 17-Jan-24 520414 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2024, 11 New Market Road Mr Easton Zappin Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 19-Mar-24 23-Mar-24 24-Mar-24 17-Jan-24 520415 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2024, 11 New Market Road Mr Eduard Herrera Campillo Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 19-Mar-24 23-Mar-24 24-Mar-24 17-Jan-24 520416 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2024, 11 New Market Road Ms Ellie Roberts Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 19-Mar-24 23-Mar-24 24-Mar-24 17-Jan-24 520417 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2024, 11 New Market Road Ms Ellie Williams Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 19-Mar-24 23-Mar-24 24-Mar-24 17-Jan-24 520419 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2024, 11 New Market Road Ms Ellis Arch Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 19-Mar-24 23-Mar-24 24-Mar-24 17-Jan-24 520420 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2024, 11 New Market Road Mr Fabio Gucciardi Grant Licence 19-Mar-24 23-Mar-24 24-Mar-24 17-Jan-24 520421 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2024, 11 New Market Road Mr Fernando Lopez Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 19-Mar-24 23-Mar-24 24-Mar-24 17-Jan-24 520422 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2024, 11 New Market Road Ms Freya Duckett Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 19-Mar-24 23-Mar-24 24-Mar-24 17-Jan-24 520424 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2024, 11 New Market Road Ms Gabriela Lastra Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 19-Mar-24 23-Mar-24 24-Mar-24 17-Jan-24 520425 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2024, 11 New Market Road Mr Gary Montgomery Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 19-Mar-24 23-Mar-24 24-Mar-24 17-Jan-24 520426 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2024, 11 New Market Road Gavin Lyon Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 19-Mar-24 23-Mar-24 24-Mar-24 17-Jan-24 520427 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2024, 11 New Market Road Mr George Paterson Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 19-Mar-24 23-Mar-24 24-Mar-24 17-Jan-24 520428 Application withdrawn Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2024, 11 New Market Road Gianluca Fuseo Application Withdrawn 19-Mar-24 23-Mar-24 24-Mar-24 17-Jan-24 520429 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2024, 11 New Market Road Ms Gillian Turner Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 19-Mar-24 23-Mar-24 24-Mar-24 17-Jan-24 520430 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2024, 11 New Market Road Greg Scott Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 19-Mar-24 23-Mar-24 24-Mar-24 17-Jan-24 520431 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2024, 11 New Market Road Griffin Ottman Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 19-Mar-24 23-Mar-24 24-Mar-24 17-Jan-24 520432 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2024, 11 New Market Road Guillermo Rodrigues Gowzalvo Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 19-Mar-24 23-Mar-24 24-Mar-24 17-Jan-24 520433 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2024, 11 New Market Road Harriet Rose Young Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 19-Mar-24 23-Mar-24 24-Mar-24 17-Jan-24 520434 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2024, 11 New Market Road Mr Iain Mullen Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 19-Mar-24 23-Mar-24 24-Mar-24 17-Jan-24 520435 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2024, 11 New Market Road Mr Lluis Febrer Torres Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 19-Mar-24 23-Mar-24 24-Mar-24 17-Jan-24 520437 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2024, 11 New Market Road Mr Jack Michael Peppiette Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 19-Mar-24 23-Mar-24 24-Mar-24 17-Jan-24 520438 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2024, 11 New Market Road Mr James Surridge Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 19-Mar-24 23-Mar-24 24-Mar-24 17-Jan-24 520439 Consultees outstanding Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2024, 11 New Market Road Mr Jamie Adair Application Withdrawn 12-Feb-24 23-Mar-24 24-Mar-24 17-Jan-24 520440 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2024, 11 New Market Road Mr Jamie Allan Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 19-Mar-24 23-Mar-24 24-Mar-24 17-Jan-24 520441 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2024, 11 New Market Road Jamie Ris Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 19-Mar-24 23-Mar-24 24-Mar-24 17-Jan-24 520442 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2024, 11 New Market Road Jamie Gray Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 19-Mar-24 23-Mar-24 24-Mar-24 17-Jan-24 520443 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2024, 11 New Market Road Mr Jamie Greaves Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 19-Mar-24 23-Mar-24 24-Mar-24 17-Jan-24 520444 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2024, 11 New Market Road Mr Jason Corbett Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 19-Mar-24 23-Mar-24 24-Mar-24 17-Jan-24 520445 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2024, 11 New Market Road Jessica James-Harris Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 19-Mar-24 23-Mar-24 24-Mar-24 17-Jan-24 520446 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2024, 11 New Market Road Mr John Grant Gibson Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 19-Mar-24 23-Mar-24 24-Mar-24 17-Jan-24 520447 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2024, 11 New Market Road Johnathan Jay Corden Grant Licence 19-Mar-24 23-Mar-24 24-Mar-24 17-Jan-24 520448 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2024, 11 New Market Road Mr Jonathan Scott Pullin Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 19-Mar-24 23-Mar-24 24-Mar-24 17-Jan-24 520449 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2024, 11 New Market Road Juan Bautista Asuncion Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 19-Mar-24 23-Mar-24 23-Mar-24 17-Jan-24 520450 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2024, 11 New Market Road Jungeun Lee Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 19-Mar-24 23-Mar-24 24-Mar-24 17-Jan-24 520451 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2024, 11 New Market Road Justin Wilson Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 19-Mar-24 23-Mar-24 24-Mar-24 17-Jan-24 520727 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 14-15 East Norton Place, Abbeyhill Miss Angela Lisena Grant Licence 4-Mar-24 4-Mar-24 11-Jan-25 17-Jan-24 521015 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2024, 11 New Market Road Kaja Novsak Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 19-Mar-24 23-Mar-24 24-Mar-24 17-Jan-24 521016 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2024, 11 New Market Road Ms Karen Hogg Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 19-Mar-24 23-Mar-24 24-Mar-24 17-Jan-24 521017 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2024, 11 New Market Road Karolina Sylwia Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 19-Mar-24 23-Mar-24 24-Mar-24 17-Jan-24 521018 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2024, 11 New Market Road Mr Karolis Bakutis Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 19-Mar-24 23-Mar-24 24-Mar-24 17-Jan-24 521019 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2024, 11 New Market Road Katie Walls Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 19-Mar-24 23-Mar-24 24-Mar-24 17-Jan-24 521020 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2024, 11 New Market Road Ms Kiera Haxton Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 19-Mar-24 23-Mar-24 24-Mar-24 17-Jan-24 521021 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2024, 11 New Market Road Kevin Nicolas Garcia Loor Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 19-Mar-24 23-Mar-24 24-Mar-24 17-Jan-24 521022 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2024, 11 New Market Road Kevin Reid Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 19-Mar-24 23-Mar-24 24-Mar-24 17-Jan-24 521023 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2024, 11 New Market Road Kirsten Stevenson Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 19-Mar-24 23-Mar-24 24-Mar-24 17-Jan-24 521024 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2024, 11 New Market Road Klem Diglio Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 19-Mar-24 23-Mar-24 24-Mar-24 17-Jan-24 521025 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2024, 11 New Market Road Mr Kristoffer Lindback Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 19-Mar-24 23-Mar-24 24-Mar-24 17-Jan-24 521026 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2024, 11 New Market Road Mr Kyle Shields Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 19-Mar-24 23-Mar-24 24-Mar-24 17-Jan-24 521027 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2024, 11 New Market Road Lacey Law Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 19-Mar-24 23-Mar-24 24-Mar-24 17-Jan-24 521028 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2024, 11 New Market Road Ms Laura Ann Miller Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 19-Mar-24 23-Mar-24 24-Mar-24 17-Jan-24 521029 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2024, 11 New Market Road Ms Laura Jane Penman Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 19-Mar-24 23-Mar-24 24-Mar-24 17-Jan-24 521030 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2024, 11 New Market Road Ms Laura Kennedy Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 19-Mar-24 23-Mar-24 24-Mar-24 17-Jan-24 521031 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2024, 11 New Market Road Laura Roxby Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 19-Mar-24 23-Mar-24 24-Mar-24 17-Jan-24 521032 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2024, 11 New Market Road Lauren Machulik Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 19-Mar-24 23-Mar-24 24-Mar-24 17-Jan-24 521033 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2024, 11 New Market Road Miss Lauren Stephens Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 19-Mar-24 23-Mar-24 24-Mar-24 17-Jan-24 521034 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2024, 11 New Market Road Leo Barada Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 19-Mar-24 23-Mar-24 24-Mar-24 17-Jan-24 521035 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2024, 11 New Market Road Mr Lewis McKechnie Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 19-Mar-24 23-Mar-24 24-Mar-24 17-Jan-24 521036 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2024, 11 New Market Road Ms Lily Rafferty Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 19-Mar-24 23-Mar-24 24-Mar-24 17-Jan-24 521037 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2024, 11 New Market Road Lord Osei-Tutu Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 19-Mar-24 23-Mar-24 24-Mar-24 17-Jan-24 521038 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2024, 11 New Market Road Mr Lorenzo Rossi Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 19-Mar-24 23-Mar-24 24-Mar-24 17-Jan-24 521039 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2024, 11 New Market Road Ms Lucy O'Connell Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 19-Mar-24 23-Mar-24 24-Mar-24 17-Jan-24 521040 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2024, 11 New Market Road Maiza Albuquerque Rodrigues Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 19-Mar-24 23-Mar-24 24-Mar-24 17-Jan-24 521041 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2024, 11 New Market Road Mr Marcin Ptak Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 19-Mar-24 23-Mar-24 24-Mar-24 17-Jan-24 521042 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2024, 11 New Market Road Marco Erre Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 19-Mar-24 23-Mar-24 24-Mar-24 17-Jan-24 521043 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2024, 11 New Market Road Mr Marcus Mellor Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 19-Mar-24 23-Mar-24 24-Mar-24 17-Jan-24 521044 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2024, 11 New Market Road Mr Marcus Maguire Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 19-Mar-24 23-Mar-24 24-Mar-24 17-Jan-24 521045 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2024, 11 New Market Road Ms Marie Cox Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 19-Mar-24 23-Mar-24 24-Mar-24 17-Jan-24 521046 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2024, 11 New Market Road Mr Mark Alford Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 19-Mar-24 23-Mar-24 24-Mar-24 17-Jan-24 521047 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2024, 11 New Market Road Mr Mark Andrew McEwan Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 19-Mar-24 23-Mar-24 24-Mar-24 17-Jan-24 521048 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2024, 11 New Market Road Mr Mark Wallace Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 19-Mar-24 23-Mar-24 24-Mar-24 17-Jan-24 521049 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2024, 11 New Market Road Mr Marley Sutherland Cessford Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 19-Mar-24 23-Mar-24 24-Mar-24 17-Jan-24 521050 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2024, 11 New Market Road Miss Marta Terrones Ferrer Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 19-Mar-24 23-Mar-24 24-Mar-24 17-Jan-24 521051 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2024, 11 New Market Road Martin Amschl Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 19-Mar-24 23-Mar-24 24-Mar-24 17-Jan-24 521052 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2024, 11 New Market Road Mr Martin Wood Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 19-Mar-24 23-Mar-24 24-Mar-24 17-Jan-24 521053 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2024, 11 New Market Road Matthew Racc Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 19-Mar-24 23-Mar-24 24-Mar-24 17-Jan-24 521054 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2024, 11 New Market Road Mattia Pedrini Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 19-Mar-24 23-Mar-24 24-Mar-24 17-Jan-24 521055 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2024, 11 New Market Road Megan Grant Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 19-Mar-24 23-Mar-24 24-Mar-24 17-Jan-24 521056 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2024, 11 New Market Road Ms Mhairi Campbell Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 19-Mar-24 23-Mar-24 24-Mar-24 17-Jan-24 521057 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2024, 11 New Market Road Michele L'Abbate Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 19-Mar-24 23-Mar-24 24-Mar-24 17-Jan-24 521058 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2024, 11 New Market Road Miguel Comin Poveda Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 19-Mar-24 23-Mar-24 24-Mar-24 17-Jan-24 521059 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2024, 11 New Market Road Mr Mikkel Ostberg Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 19-Mar-24 23-Mar-24 24-Mar-24 17-Jan-24 521060 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2024, 11 New Market Road Mr Mo Hussain Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 19-Mar-24 23-Mar-24 24-Mar-24 17-Jan-24 521061 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2024, 11 New Market Road Nick Ferris Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 19-Mar-24 23-Mar-24 24-Mar-24 17-Jan-24 521062 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2024, 11 New Market Road Mr Nick Mayes Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 19-Mar-24 23-Mar-24 24-Mar-24 17-Jan-24 521063 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2024, 11 New Market Road Nicola Rinaldi Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 18-Mar-24 23-Mar-24 24-Mar-24 17-Jan-24 521064 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2024, 11 New Market Road Niorkz Meniconi Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 19-Mar-24 23-Mar-24 24-Mar-24 17-Jan-24 521065 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2024, 11 New Market Road Pablo Sasturain Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 19-Mar-24 23-Mar-24 24-Mar-24 17-Jan-24 521066 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2024, 11 New Market Road Pablo Vazquez Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 19-Mar-24 23-Mar-24 24-Mar-24 17-Jan-24 521067 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2024, 11 New Market Road Paige Davidson Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 19-Mar-24 23-Mar-24 24-Mar-24 17-Jan-24 521068 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2024, 11 New Market Road Ms Palantza Elpida Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 19-Mar-24 23-Mar-24 24-Mar-24 17-Jan-24 521069 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2024, 11 New Market Road Mr Paolo DeFrancesco Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 19-Mar-24 23-Mar-24 24-Mar-24 17-Jan-24 521070 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2024, 11 New Market Road Mr Paul Slifer Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 19-Mar-24 23-Mar-24 24-Mar-24 17-Jan-24 521071 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2024, 11 New Market Road Pedro Sanchez Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 19-Mar-24 23-Mar-24 24-Mar-24 17-Jan-24 521072 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2024, 11 New Market Road Peter Carrington Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 19-Mar-24 23-Mar-24 24-Mar-24 17-Jan-24 521073 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2024, 11 New Market Road Mr Peter Murray Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 19-Mar-24 23-Mar-24 24-Mar-24 17-Jan-24 521074 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2024, 11 New Market Road Mr Peter Quinn Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 19-Mar-24 23-Mar-24 24-Mar-24 17-Jan-24 521075 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2024, 11 New Market Road Mr Piotr Marian Bajor Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 19-Mar-24 23-Mar-24 24-Mar-24 17-Jan-24 521076 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2024, 11 New Market Road Ms Rebecca Lohr Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 19-Mar-24 23-Mar-24 24-Mar-24 17-Jan-24 521077 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2024, 11 New Market Road Ronald Ris Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 19-Mar-24 23-Mar-24 24-Mar-24 17-Jan-24 521078 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2024, 11 New Market Road Mr Ross Irvine Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 19-Mar-24 23-Mar-24 24-Mar-24 17-Jan-24 521079 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2024, 11 New Market Road Ryan Engels Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 19-Mar-24 23-Mar-24 24-Mar-24 17-Jan-24 521080 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2024, 11 New Market Road Mr Ryan Gaylor Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 19-Mar-24 23-Mar-24 24-Mar-24 17-Jan-24 521081 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2024, 11 New Market Road Ryan John Mackay Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 19-Mar-24 23-Mar-24 24-Mar-24 17-Jan-24 521082 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2024, 11 New Market Road Sadee Glover Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 19-Mar-24 23-Mar-24 24-Mar-24 17-Jan-24 521083 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2024, 11 New Market Road Mr Sam Rivers Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 19-Mar-24 23-Mar-24 24-Mar-24 17-Jan-24 521084 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2024, 11 New Market Road Sam Young Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 19-Mar-24 23-Mar-24 24-Mar-24 17-Jan-24 521085 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2024, 11 New Market Road Samantha Collins Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 19-Mar-24 23-Mar-24 24-Mar-24 17-Jan-24 521086 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2024, 11 New Market Road Mr Sam Ricketts Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 19-Mar-24 23-Mar-24 24-Mar-24 17-Jan-24 521087 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2024, 11 New Market Road Ms Sarah Louise Terry Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 19-Mar-24 23-Mar-24 24-Mar-24 17-Jan-24 521088 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2024, 11 New Market Road Mr Daniel Sean Devine Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 19-Mar-24 23-Mar-24 24-Mar-24 17-Jan-24 521089 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2024, 11 New Market Road Sean Logan DeLong Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 19-Mar-24 23-Mar-24 24-Mar-24 17-Jan-24 521090 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2024, 11 New Market Road Mr Simon Hook Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 19-Mar-24 23-Mar-24 24-Mar-24 17-Jan-24 521091 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2024, 11 New Market Road Mr Simone Capecchi Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 19-Mar-24 23-Mar-24 24-Mar-24 17-Jan-24 521092 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2024, 11 New Market Road Simone Saluarezza Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 19-Mar-24 23-Mar-24 24-Mar-24 17-Jan-24 521093 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2024, 11 New Market Road Ms Skye Graham Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 19-Mar-24 23-Mar-24 24-Mar-24 17-Jan-24 521094 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2024, 11 New Market Road Stefano Tamburni Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 19-Mar-24 23-Mar-24 24-Mar-24 17-Jan-24 521095 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2024, 11 New Market Road Ms Stephanie Scott Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 19-Mar-24 23-Mar-24 24-Mar-24 17-Jan-24 521096 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2024, 11 New Market Road Ms Stephanie White Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 19-Mar-24 23-Mar-24 24-Mar-24 17-Jan-24 521097 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2024, 11 New Market Road Mr Stephen Cairns Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 19-Mar-24 23-Mar-24 24-Mar-24 17-Jan-24 521098 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2024, 11 New Market Road Stephen Dali Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 19-Mar-24 23-Mar-24 24-Mar-24 17-Jan-24 521099 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2024, 11 New Market Road Mr Stewart McKellor Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 19-Mar-24 23-Mar-24 24-Mar-24 17-Jan-24 521100 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2024, 11 New Market Road Steven Clark Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 19-Mar-24 23-Mar-24 24-Mar-24 17-Jan-24 521101 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2024, 11 New Market Road Mr Timothy Joel Fairfax Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 19-Mar-24 23-Mar-24 24-Mar-24 17-Jan-24 521102 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2024, 11 New Market Road Victor Camacho Cabezas Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 19-Mar-24 23-Mar-24 24-Mar-24 17-Jan-24 521103 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2024, 11 New Market Road Mr Vincenzo Barbareschi Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 19-Mar-24 23-Mar-24 24-Mar-24 17-Jan-24 521104 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2024, 11 New Market Road Mr Wesley Vaughn Tesdale Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 19-Mar-24 23-Mar-24 24-Mar-24 17-Jan-24 521105 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2024, 11 New Market Road Mr William Sparling Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 19-Mar-24 23-Mar-24 24-Mar-24 17-Jan-24 521106 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2024, 11 New Market Road Mr Wojciech Przychodzki Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 19-Mar-24 23-Mar-24 24-Mar-24 16-Jan-24 519170 Consultees outstanding Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence Renewal 50 Cockburn Street, Edinburgh Dr Sarah Price 16-Jan-24 519175 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New Fort Kinnaird Retail Park Miss Ankita Parekh Grant Licence 4-Mar-24 4-Mar-24 28-Feb-26 16-Jan-24 519178 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence Renewal 8-8a South Clerk Street, Newington Mr Christopher Humphries Grant Licence 25-Mar-24 19-Jan-24 18-Jan-27 10-Jan-24 519101 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence Renewal 160 Gorgie Road, Edinburgh Miss Amanda Sara Solarewicz Grant Licence 25-Mar-24 27-Jan-24 26-Jan-25 9-Jan-24 519019 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 156 Morningside Road, Edinburgh Ms Lindsay King Grant Licence 28-Feb-24 28-Feb-24 28-Aug-25 9-Jan-24 519022 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 160 Gorgie Road, Edinburgh Miss Rowan Mitchell Grant Licence 31-May-24 31-May-24 30-May-25 8-Jan-24 518988 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence Renewal 160 Gorgie Road, Edinburgh Saorsa Tattoo Ltd Miss Patrycja Rudera Grant Licence 14-Mar-24 27-Jan-24 26-Jan-25 7-Jan-24 518586 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence Renewal 55 Timber Bush, Edinburgh Ms Ruxandra Andreea Onita Grant Licence 13-Mar-24 21-Feb-24 20-Feb-25 7-Jan-24 518979 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence Renewal 7 Grassmarket, Edinburgh Ms Pauline Perrier Grant Licence 21-Mar-24 18-Feb-24 17-Feb-25 4-Jan-24 518388 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 53 George Street, New Town Ms Eleanor Guard Grant Licence 19-Jan-24 19-Jan-24 6-Mar-24 4-Jan-24 518928 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 13 St Mary's Street, Old Town Mr Amir Hooshmandabnavi Grant Licence 4-Mar-24 4-Mar-24 20-Jul-24 4-Jan-24 518930 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 50 Easter Road, Leith Ms Patrycja Olechowska Grant Licence 31-Jan-24 31-Jan-24 21-Jan-25 3-Jan-24 513497 Consultees outstanding Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 42 Hamilton Place, Stockbridge Jasmin French Ltd Ms Ella Greig 29-Dec-23 518053 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 53 Easter Road, Edinburgh Mr Rafal Sielski Grant Licence 18-Mar-24 18-Mar-24 14-Mar-25 29-Dec-23 518091 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New Flat 27, 25 Kingsburgh Crescent, Granton Mrs Panagiota Terzi Grant Licence 27-Mar-24 27-Mar-24 26-Mar-25 29-Dec-23 518101 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 16 Blackwood Crescent, Edinburgh Mr Daryl Watson Grant Licence 5-Mar-24 5-Mar-24 20-Dec-24 19-Dec-23 518051 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 53 Easter Road, Edinburgh Lena Tattoo A.M.N Ltd Mrs Jelena Pawlinska Grant Licence 15-Mar-24 15-Mar-24 14-Mar-25 19-Dec-23 518052 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 53 Easter Road, Edinburgh Miss Magdalena Skrzynska Grant Licence 18-Mar-24 18-Mar-24 14-Mar-25 19-Dec-23 518060 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 53 George Street, New Town Miss Araminta Hall Grant Licence 4-Jun-24 4-Jun-24 6-Mar-27 19-Dec-23 518061 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 53 George Street, New Town Miss Victoria Gunning Grant Licence 4-Jun-24 4-Jun-24 6-Mar-27 18-Dec-23 518027 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 10 London Road, Abbeyhill Mr Shaun Hogan Grant Licence 17-Apr-24 17-Apr-24 16-Apr-25 15-Dec-23 518013 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 289 Easter Road, Edinburgh Mr Jaroslaw Rzymski Grant Licence 28-Feb-24 28-Feb-24 9-May-24 15-Dec-23 518017 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 63 Calton Road, Old Town Mr Matthew Clarke Mr Matthew Clarke Grant Licence 12-Mar-24 12-Mar-24 11-Mar-25 13-Dec-23 517569 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 30 Maritime Street, Edinburgh Mr Kamil Artur Piechowiak Grant Licence 18-Mar-24 18-Mar-24 17-Oct-25 8-Dec-23 515414 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 238 Leith Walk, Edinburgh Mr Robert Lee Fraser Grant Licence 17-Jan-24 17-Jan-24 15-Sep-26 6-Dec-23 517447 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New Unit 16, Gyle Centre, Gyle Avenue, Edinburgh Ms Ronika Basnet Grant Licence 9-Apr-24 9-Apr-24 30-Sep-25 2-Dec-23 517196 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 54 Timber Bush, North Leith The Burrow Tattoo LTD Ms Natasha Smith Grant Licence 28-Feb-24 28-Feb-24 27-Feb-25 1-Dec-23 517186 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence Renewal 48 Portobello Road Ms Natalia Gal-Bracha Grant Licence 6-Mar-24 25-Nov-23 24-Nov-26 30-Nov-23 515110 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 63 Calton Road, Old Town Ms Rebecca Sylvia McLean Grant Licence 2-Feb-24 2-Feb-24 1-Feb-25 28-Nov-23 516695 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence Renewal 48 St Stephen Street, Edinburgh Ms Victoria Robinson Grant Licence 8-Feb-24 5-Jan-24 4-Jan-25 28-Nov-23 517550 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 89 Henderson Street, Edinburgh Mr Marley Sutherland Cessford Grant Licence 4-Mar-24 4-Mar-24 27-Nov-26 28-Nov-23 518636 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 23 Broughton Street, Edinburgh Ms Jill Mullan Grant Licence 12-Mar-24 12-Mar-24 11-Mar-25 24-Nov-23 517555 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 89 Henderson Street, Edinburgh Ms Olivia Chell Grant Licence 4-Mar-24 4-Mar-24 27-Nov-26 23-Nov-23 517554 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 89 Henderson Street, Edinburgh Mr Wesley Vaughn Tesdale Grant Licence 28-Feb-24 28-Feb-24 27-Nov-26 22-Nov-23 516147 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 2 Gilmore Park, Edinburgh Miss Danielle Alison Green Grant Licence 15-Apr-24 15-Apr-24 14-Apr-25 21-Nov-23 516083 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence Renewal 55 Timber Bush, Edinburgh Ms Larissa Travassos do Nascimento Grant Licence 5-Feb-24 28-Nov-23 27-Nov-24 20-Nov-23 515976 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 10 London Road, Abbeyhill Ms Lidia Raquel Orrego Larenas Grant Licence 22-Feb-24 22-Feb-24 21-Feb-25 20-Nov-23 516019 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 84 Portobello High Street, Edinburgh Ms Rebecca Lohr Grant Licence 31-Jan-24 31-Jan-24 25-Sep-26 18-Nov-23 515964 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 289 Easter Road, Edinburgh Mr Nicolas Ahoroso Grant Licence 26-Jan-24 26-Jan-24 9-May-24 15-Nov-23 513154 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 121 Rose Street, Edinburgh Miss Klaudia Dugiel Grant Licence 7-Dec-23 7-Dec-23 2-Oct-26 15-Nov-23 513155 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 121 Rose Street, Edinburgh Ms Sarah Opium Christine Shaw Grant Licence 14-Dec-23 14-Dec-23 2-Oct-26 15-Nov-23 513157 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 121 Rose Street, Edinburgh Erem Caw Grant Licence 31-Jan-24 31-Jan-24 2-Oct-26 15-Nov-23 513159 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 121 Rose Street, Edinburgh Ms Ashleigh Rebecca Johnston Grant Licence 15-Dec-23 15-Dec-23 2-Oct-26 15-Nov-23 513160 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 121 Rose Street, Edinburgh Ms Jana Meyer Grant Licence 15-Dec-23 15-Dec-23 2-Oct-26 15-Nov-23 513161 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 121 Rose Street, Edinburgh Ms Anna Simigh Grant Licence 7-Dec-23 7-Dec-23 2-Oct-26 15-Nov-23 517552 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 89 Henderson Street, Edinburgh Mr Jack Michael Peppiette Grant Licence 12-Mar-24 12-Mar-24 27-Nov-26 13-Nov-23 513464 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 1a Brougham Place, Edinburgh Ms Alison Sidgwick Grant Licence 28-Feb-24 28-Feb-24 13-Oct-25 13-Nov-23 515472 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 131 Liberton Brae, Alnwickhill Ms Christine Alison Grant Licence 24-Jan-24 24-Jan-24 23-Jan-25 10-Nov-23 515312 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 90a Princes Street, New Town Ms Niyati Agrawal Grant Licence 4-Jan-24 4-Jan-24 10-Oct-26 9-Nov-23 515300 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 93 Newcraighall Road, Edinburgh Ms Allana Wilson Grant Licence 15-Mar-24 15-Mar-24 14-Mar-25 7-Nov-23 515192 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 7 Grassmarket, Edinburgh Ms Joanne Baker Grant Licence 4-Jan-24 4-Jan-24 3-Jan-25 6-Nov-23 516988 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 63 Calton Road, Old Town Mr Paul Keenan Grant Licence 6-Feb-24 6-Feb-24 5-Feb-25 3-Nov-23 514872 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence Variation 90a Princes Street, New Town Claire's Accessories UK Ltd Ms Sharon O'Rourke Grant Licence 16-Nov-23 16-Nov-23 10-Oct-26 3-Nov-23 514874 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 90a Princes Street, New Town Ms Danai Lezkidou Grant Licence 20-Nov-23 20-Nov-23 10-Oct-26 31-Oct-23 514541 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 56 St Stephen Street, Edinburgh Ms Tanya Heard Grant Licence 3-Nov-23 3-Nov-23 14-Sep-24 31-Oct-23 514599 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 84 Portobello High Street, Edinburgh Ms Sarah Louise Terry Grant Licence 6-Dec-23 6-Dec-23 25-Sep-26 30-Oct-23 506267 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 19 Easter Road, Edinburgh Miss Vytaute Valentaite Grant Licence 21-Mar-24 21-Mar-24 20-Mar-25 27-Oct-23 517547 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence Renewal 89 Henderson Street, Edinburgh Mr Jason Corbett Grant Licence 5-Feb-24 28-Nov-23 27-Nov-26 23-Oct-23 513829 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 99 Giles Street, North Leith Ms Brooke Norris Grant Licence 21-Feb-24 21-Feb-24 20-Feb-25 23-Oct-23 513933 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 16 Blackwood Crescent, Edinburgh Ms Natalia Kulczynska Grant Licence 21-Dec-23 21-Dec-23 20-Dec-24 23-Oct-23 513934 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 52 Thistle Street Miss Phoebe Hilary Bonnar Grant Licence 14-Nov-23 14-Nov-23 17-Oct-24 20-Oct-23 513875 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 1a Brougham Place, Edinburgh Miss Shirley Pettigrew Grant Licence 17-Nov-23 17-Nov-23 13-Oct-25 20-Oct-23 513889 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 16 Blackwood Crescent, Edinburgh Ms Bethany Dear Grant Licence 21-Dec-23 21-Dec-23 20-Dec-24 20-Oct-23 513890 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 16 Blackwood Crescent, Edinburgh Mr Jamie Allan Grant Licence 29-Dec-23 29-Dec-23 28-Dec-24 19-Oct-23 513711 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 50 Easter Road, Leith Baika Hair Ltd Ms Anna Magdalena Blazyca Grant Licence 22-Jan-24 22-Jan-24 21-Jan-25 19-Oct-23 513872 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 3 Jeffrey Street, Edinburgh Mr Matias Nicolas Pereira Sosa Grant Licence 5-Dec-23 5-Dec-23 13-Jan-26 18-Oct-23 513624 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 203 Gorgie Road, Edinburgh Mr Maciej Woziwoda Grant Licence 11-Mar-24 11-Mar-24 10-Mar-25 17-Oct-23 513071 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New Peripatetic Operator Mrs Pearlyn Wen Chuen Quan Grant Licence 1-Feb-24 1-Feb-24 31-Jan-25 16-Oct-23 513153 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence Renewal 121 Rose Street, Edinburgh Mr Darren Hasan-Ali Grant Licence 7-Dec-23 3-Oct-23 2-Oct-26 9-Oct-23 513456 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence Renewal 1 Jackson's Close, Edinburgh Ms Anna Salman Grant Licence 7-Dec-23 10-Nov-23 9-Nov-26 4-Oct-23 513412 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 44 Home Street, Edinburgh Ms Olha Pasichnyk Grant Licence 23-Nov-23 23-Nov-23 16-Dec-24 4-Oct-23 513416 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence Renewal 90a Princes Street, New Town Claire's Accessories UK Ltd Ms Sharon O'Rourke Grant Licence 16-Nov-23 11-Oct-23 10-Oct-26 4-Oct-23 513418 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 90a Princes Street, New Town Ms Chloe Jackson Grant Licence 23-Nov-23 23-Nov-23 10-Oct-26 27-Sep-23 510459 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 37 Queensferry Street, Edinburgh Miss Katharine Pressland Grant Licence 28-Feb-24 28-Feb-24 27-Feb-25 26-Sep-23 512841 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence Variation 25 Jock's Lodge, Edinburgh Ms Samantha Robertson Ms Samantha Robertson Grant Licence 31-Oct-23 31-Oct-23 26-Jul-24 26-Sep-23 512851 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 27a Haddington Place, Broughton Ms Karolina Wrazka Grant Licence 16-Nov-23 16-Nov-23 12-Jun-24 24-Sep-23 513156 Application withdrawn Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 121 Rose Street, Edinburgh Miss Leanne Michelle Munro Application Withdrawn 15-Nov-23 24-Sep-23 513158 Application withdrawn Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 121 Rose Street, Edinburgh Mr Nevmerzhytski Serhii Application Withdrawn 15-Nov-23 22-Sep-23 512777 Application withdrawn Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence Renewal 25 Bruntsfield Place, Edinburgh Ms Jillian Sharp Application Withdrawn 5-Jun-24 22-Sep-23 513408 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 8 Drummond Street, Edinburgh Mr Jefrey Jose Malagon Lens Grant Licence 16-Nov-23 16-Nov-23 21-Apr-25 21-Sep-23 508845 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 4 Meadowbank Avenue, Willowbrae Miss Kamila Karasewicz Grant Licence 16-Nov-23 16-Nov-23 15-Nov-24 20-Sep-23 509338 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence Renewal Unit 4 2 Fountainbridge Square Octangle Edinburgh Limited Ms Allana Masson Grant Licence 26-Jan-24 27-Sep-23 26-Sep-24 19-Sep-23 507155 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 89 Easter Road, Leith Ms Radost Staykova Grant Licence 23-Nov-23 23-Nov-23 22-Nov-24 18-Sep-23 509088 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 52 Thistle Street Lora Rose Young Grant Licence 3-Nov-23 3-Nov-23 17-Oct-24 13-Sep-23 508622 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 2 Gilmore Park, Edinburgh Ms Michelle Maddison Grant Licence 31-Oct-23 31-Oct-23 30-Oct-24 13-Sep-23 508685 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence Renewal 62 Captain's Road, Edinburgh Ms Denise Harris Grant Licence 14-Nov-23 17-Oct-23 16-Oct-26 10-Sep-23 506567 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 2b Pirrie Street, Edinburgh Ms Luiza Tavares De Queiroz Grant Licence 13-Oct-23 13-Oct-23 29-Jul-25 8-Sep-23 508068 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New Unit 16 Gyle Centre, Gyle Avenue Ms Skye Coult Grant Licence 18-Oct-23 18-Oct-23 30-Sep-25 6-Sep-23 507900 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New Unit 16 Gyle Centre, Gyle Avenue Ms Freya McIntosh Grant Licence 18-Oct-23 18-Oct-23 30-Sep-25 5-Sep-23 504873 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 7 Grassmarket, Edinburgh Ms Erica Josephine McLure Grant Licence 13-Oct-23 13-Oct-23 12-Oct-24 4-Sep-23 507761 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence Renewal Peripatetic Operator Ms Mio Kuroiwa Grant Licence 20-Dec-23 10-Oct-23 9-Oct-26 2-Sep-23 507664 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence Renewal 18 Bristo Place, Edinburgh Mr Athanasios Razis Grant Licence 2-Nov-23 29-Sep-23 28-Sep-24 29-Aug-23 507266 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 60 Blackford Avenue, Edinburgh Ms Derna Hughes Ms Derna Hughes Grant Licence 14-Nov-23 14-Nov-23 13-Nov-24 28-Aug-23 507200 Application withdrawn Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 18 Bristo Place, Edinburgh Application Withdrawn 12-Sep-23 24-Aug-23 506951 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 44 Home Street, Edinburgh Mr Damian-Jay Aurora Bethune Grant Licence 10-Oct-23 10-Oct-23 16-Dec-24 24-Aug-23 507016 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 7 Grassmarket, Edinburgh Miss Mika Munro Grant Licence 18-Oct-23 18-Oct-23 17-Oct-24 24-Aug-23 507403 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence Renewal 51 Cumberland Street, Edinburgh Ms Victoria Isabella Craig-Colquhoun Ms Victoria Isabella Craig-Colquhoun Grant Licence 17-Oct-23 11-Oct-23 10-Oct-26 15-Aug-23 506306 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New St James Quarter, Edinburgh Ms Asmita Khera Grant Licence 11-Oct-23 11-Oct-23 16-Feb-26 12-Aug-23 506154 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 3 Jeffrey Street, Edinburgh Mr Karolis Bakutis Grant Licence 31-Oct-23 31-Oct-23 13-Jan-26 10-Aug-23 505997 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New Unit 25, Ocean Terminal, 98 Ocean Drive, Edinburgh Ms Chloe Jackson Grant Licence 5-Oct-23 5-Oct-23 15-Sep-25 10-Aug-23 506015 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 47-47a Broughton Street, Edinburgh Miss Alana Dalziel Grant Licence 13-Sep-23 13-Sep-23 11-Mar-24 10-Aug-23 506018 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 47-47a Broughton Street, Edinburgh Mr Dominic Willox Grant Licence 13-Sep-23 13-Sep-23 11-Mar-24 9-Aug-23 506014 Invalid application Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 18a Dundas Street, New Town Ms Ashley Gibson Incompetent Application 3-Nov-23 8-Aug-23 497655 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 101 George Street, New Town Ms Nancy Williams-Foley Grant Licence 22-Jan-24 22-Jan-24 21-Jan-25 8-Aug-23 505768 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 1a Brougham Place, Edinburgh Ms Lindsey Lawson Grant Licence 10-Oct-23 10-Oct-23 9-Oct-24 7-Aug-23 505775 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 8 Drummond Street, Edinburgh Mr Patrik Nadudvari Grant Licence 13-Sep-23 13-Sep-23 21-Apr-25 31-Jul-23 505266 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence Renewal 84 Portobello High Street, Edinburgh St Clair's Tattoo Ltd Mr Paul Slifer Grant Licence 2-Oct-23 26-Sep-23 25-Sep-26 28-Jul-23 505587 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 15 Portland Place, Edinburgh Ms Bethany Moffatt Grant Licence 20-Sep-23 20-Sep-23 29-Jul-24 28-Jul-23 505588 Decision made Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 13 St Mary's Street, Old Town Mr Chris Berry Grant Licence 27-Sep-23 27-Sep-23 20-Jul-24 28-Jul-23 505589 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 13 St Mary's Street, Old Town Mr Patryk Piatek Grant Licence 20-Sep-23 20-Sep-23 20-Jul-24 27-Jul-23 505118 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New Fort Kinnaird Retail Park Miss Alana McCann Grant Licence 21-Sep-23 21-Sep-23 28-Feb-26 25-Jul-23 504953 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 15 Portland Place, Edinburgh Mr Justin Yaroma Grant Licence 27-Sep-23 27-Sep-23 29-Jul-24 24-Jul-23 504819 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 25 Jock's Lodge, Edinburgh Ms Oana Coman Grant Licence 3-Nov-23 3-Nov-23 26-Jul-24 24-Jul-23 504821 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence Renewal 25 Jock's Lodge, Edinburgh Ms Samantha Robertson Ms Samantha Robertson Grant Licence 31-Oct-23 27-Jul-23 26-Jul-24 21-Jul-23 504784 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 248 Canongate, Edinburgh Ms Reese Francey Grant Licence 12-Sep-23 12-Sep-23 30-Jun-24 14-Jul-23 504151 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 260 Portobello High Street, Edinburgh Mr Ross Colin Campbell Grant Licence 10-Oct-23 10-Oct-23 31-Jul-24 7-Jul-23 503969 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence Renewal 15 Portland Place, Edinburgh Mr John Greaney Grant Licence 25-Sep-23 30-Jul-23 29-Jul-24 5-Jul-23 503557 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 14-15 East Norton Place, Abbeyhill Watermelon Tattoo Ltd Mr Sandie Tweedie Grant Licence 12-Jan-24 12-Jan-24 11-Jan-25 5-Jul-23 503561 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 14-15 East Norton Place, Abbeyhill Ms Noemi Sorrentino Grant Licence 17-Jan-24 17-Jan-24 11-Jan-25 5-Jul-23 503565 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 14-15 East Norton Place, Abbeyhill Miss Natalia Isabel jimenez Braga Grant Licence 17-Jan-24 17-Jan-24 11-Jan-25 5-Jul-23 503568 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 14-15 East Norton Place, Abbeyhill Mr Enrique Vega Munoz Grant Licence 17-Jan-24 17-Jan-24 11-Jan-25 1-Jul-23 503350 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 238 Leith Walk, Edinburgh Mr Alan Alexander Proctor Grant Licence 22-Sep-23 22-Sep-23 15-Sep-26 1-Jul-23 503352 Application withdrawn Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 238 Leith Walk, Edinburgh Application Withdrawn 1-Jul-23 503354 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 238 Leith Walk, Edinburgh Mr Sean James Scoular Grant Licence 22-Sep-23 22-Sep-23 15-Sep-26 30-Jun-23 503335 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence Renewal 238 Leith Walk, Edinburgh Ms Nikki Jae Lloyd-Proctor Grant Licence 20-Sep-23 16-Sep-23 15-Sep-26 28-Jun-23 501597 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New Unit 16, Gyle Centre, Gyle Avenue, Edinburgh Ms Komal Battol Iftikhar Grant Licence 4-Aug-23 4-Aug-23 30-Sep-25 28-Jun-23 503112 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 248 Canongate, Edinburgh Ms Fae Louisa Chamberlain Grant Licence 6-Sep-23 6-Sep-23 30-Jun-24 26-Jun-23 501857 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 184 Easter Road, Edinburgh Ms Agnieszka Dzierlega Grant Licence 10-Aug-23 10-Aug-23 9-Aug-24 25-Jun-23 502734 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 1f1, 89 Giles Street, North Leith Ms Donata Kiaunyte Grant Licence 7-Dec-23 7-Dec-23 6-Dec-24 23-Jun-23 502608 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 9 Craigleith Hill Gardens, Craigleith Mrs Emma Louise Howden Grant Licence 31-Oct-23 31-Oct-23 30-Oct-24 23-Jun-23 502613 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence Renewal 8 Ormiston Terrace, Edinburgh Mr Teng Long Grant Licence 12-Sep-23 3-Aug-23 2-Aug-26 23-Jun-23 503292 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence Renewal 260 Portobello High Street, Edinburgh Mr Steven Mullins Grant Licence 6-Sep-23 10-Jun-23 9-Jun-26 22-Jun-23 502583 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 283 Leith Walk, Edinburgh Ms Veronica Merlo Grant Licence 4-Aug-23 4-Aug-23 14-May-24 20-Jun-23 502466 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 207 St John's Road, Corstorphine Ms Keryn Lowe O'Donnell Grant Licence 17-Oct-23 17-Oct-23 16-Oct-24 19-Jun-23 502322 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 27a Haddington Place, Broughton Ms Naomi Wright Grant Licence 5-Sep-23 5-Sep-23 12-Jun-24 19-Jun-23 502328 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence Renewal 240 Leith Walk, Albion Ms Thursa MacKenzie Gawthorpe Grant Licence 13-Oct-23 25-Jul-23 24-Jul-24 19-Jun-23 502380 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence Renewal 9 East Fountainbridge, Edinburgh Mr Alexander David Rattray Mr Barry Davie Grant Licence 12-Oct-23 21-Jun-23 20-Jun-26 19-Jun-23 502555 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 9 East Fountainbridge, Edinburgh Mr Alexandros Gkoro Grant Licence 19-Oct-23 19-Oct-23 20-Jun-26 19-Jun-23 502556 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 9 East Fountainbridge, Edinburgh Ms Dorota Belch Grant Licence 5-Oct-23 5-Oct-23 20-Jun-26 19-Jun-23 502557 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 9 East Fountainbridge, Edinburgh Ms Laura Jane Penman Grant Licence 19-Oct-23 19-Oct-23 20-Jun-26 19-Jun-23 502558 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 9 East Fountainbridge, Edinburgh Mr Peter Quinn Grant Licence 19-Oct-23 19-Oct-23 20-Jun-26 19-Jun-23 502559 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 9 East Fountainbridge, Edinburgh Mr Ross Irvine Grant Licence 5-Oct-23 5-Oct-23 20-Jun-26 15-Jun-23 501930 Invalid application Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 50 Easter Road, Leith Application not considered 27-Jun-23 13-Jun-23 501886 Application withdrawn Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 55 Causewayside, Sciennes Ms Yue Ting Lo Application Withdrawn 12-Sep-23 12-Jun-23 501684 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence Renewal 295b St John's Road, Edinburgh Ms Michelle Janette Wegg Grant Licence 10-Oct-23 15-Jun-23 14-Jun-24 8-Jun-23 501384 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence Renewal 51 Cumberland Street, Edinburgh Ms Anna Maxwell Brown Grant Licence 2-Oct-23 11-Jul-23 10-Jul-26 8-Jun-23 501388 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 5 Marchmont Road, Edinburgh Mr Cameron Graham Twycross Grant Licence 16-Aug-23 16-Aug-23 15-Aug-24 6-Jun-23 501183 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 119 Princes Street, New Town H.Samuel Limited Mr Gareth Anderson Grant Licence 13-Sep-23 13-Sep-23 12-Sep-24 6-Jun-23 501184 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 119 Princes Street, New Town Ms Carys Elizabeth Speed Grant Licence 13-Sep-23 13-Sep-23 12-Sep-24 6-Jun-23 501186 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 119 Princes Street, New Town Ms Bekki Jane Elizabeth Logan Grant Licence 13-Sep-23 13-Sep-23 12-Sep-24 6-Jun-23 501187 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 119 Princes Street, New Town Ms Isla Kathryn Smith Grant Licence 13-Sep-23 13-Sep-23 12-Sep-24 6-Jun-23 501188 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 119 Princes Street, New Town Ms Amanda Julie Burton Grant Licence 13-Sep-23 13-Sep-23 12-Sep-24 6-Jun-23 501189 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 119 Princes Street, New Town Mr Sandeep Singh Grant Licence 13-Sep-23 13-Sep-23 12-Sep-24 6-Jun-23 501354 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 8 Drummond Street, Edinburgh Mr Kristian Woody Astell Grant Licence 25-Sep-23 25-Sep-23 24-Sep-24 6-Jun-23 501355 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 8 Drummond Street, Edinburgh Ms Veronica Turcan Grant Licence 2-Aug-23 2-Aug-23 1-Aug-24 5-Jun-23 501137 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New Fort Kinnaird Retail Park Ms Sirvan Yildirim Grant Licence 11-Jul-23 11-Jul-23 28-Feb-26 2-Jun-23 501155 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New Unit 2, Fort Kinnaird H.... Samuel Limited Ms Chloe Fielding Grant Licence 22-Aug-23 22-Aug-23 21-Aug-24 2-Jun-23 501156 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New Unit 2, Fort Kinnaird Ms Lisa Sylva Grant Licence 22-Aug-23 22-Aug-23 21-Aug-24 2-Jun-23 501157 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New Unit 2, Fort Kinnaird Ms Keira Minto Grant Licence 22-Aug-23 22-Aug-23 21-Aug-24 2-Jun-23 501158 Decision made Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New Unit 2, Fort Kinnaird Ms Elizabeth Ferrier Grant Licence 22-Aug-23 22-Aug-23 21-Aug-24 2-Jun-23 501159 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New Unit 2, Fort Kinnaird Ms Unzala Ali Grant Licence 22-Aug-23 22-Aug-23 21-Aug-24 2-Jun-23 501160 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New Unit 2, Fort Kinnaird Ms Jennifer Stewart Grant Licence 22-Aug-23 22-Aug-23 21-Aug-24 2-Jun-23 501166 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New Unit 5, Cameron Toll Shopping Centre H.Samuel Limited Ms Kerrie Anne Kinghorn Grant Licence 23-Aug-23 23-Aug-23 22-Aug-24 2-Jun-23 501169 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New Unit 5, Cameron Toll Shopping Centre Ms Jennifer Thomson Grant Licence 23-Aug-23 23-Aug-23 22-Aug-24 2-Jun-23 501170 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New Unit 5, Cameron Toll Shopping Cenre Ms Willow Margaret Dunlevie Grant Licence 23-Aug-23 23-Aug-23 22-Aug-24 2-Jun-23 501171 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New Unit 5, Cameron Toll Shopping Centre Ms Erin Hosie Grant Licence 23-Aug-23 23-Aug-23 22-Aug-24 2-Jun-23 501172 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New Unit 5, Cameron Toll Shopping Centre Ms Cyrilla Equi Grant Licence 23-Aug-23 23-Aug-23 22-Aug-24 2-Jun-23 501174 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New Unit 5, Cameron Toll Shopping Centre Ms Lynsey McKay Grant Licence 23-Aug-23 23-Aug-23 22-Aug-24 1-Jun-23 501002 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 19 Bread Street, Edinburgh Ms Katherine Carson Grant Licence 23-Jun-23 23-Jun-23 19-Mar-25 1-Jun-23 501004 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 13 St Mary's Street, Old Town Mr Zen O'CONOR Grant Licence 28-Jul-23 28-Jul-23 20-Jul-24 1-Jun-23 501005 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 13 St Mary's Street, Old Town Ms Amy Dawn Marciniak Grant Licence 28-Jul-23 28-Jul-23 20-Jul-24 1-Jun-23 501009 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 90a Princes Street, New Town Niyati Agrawal Grant Licence 23-Aug-23 23-Aug-23 10-Oct-23 30-May-23 500769 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence Renewal 361 Leith Walk, Edinburgh Mr Lee Gibson-Wolf Grant Licence 20-Jul-23 15-Aug-23 14-Aug-26 29-May-23 500668 Application withdrawn Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 4 Meadowbank Avenue, Willowbrae Ashley Gibson Application Withdrawn 8-Aug-23 13-Sep-23 26-May-23 500532 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New Unit 25, Ocean Terminal, 98 Ocean Drive, Edinburgh Ms Rachel Bird Grant Licence 13-Jun-23 13-Jun-23 15-Sep-25 23-May-23 500237 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 23a Blair Street, Old Town Mr Kamil Pawel Zielinski Grant Licence 13-Jun-23 13-Jun-23 19-Jun-26 17-May-23 499859 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 52 Thistle Street Ms Sarah Rachael Gregory Grant Licence 18-Oct-23 18-Oct-23 17-Oct-24 17-May-23 499871 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 56 St Stephen Street, Edinburgh The Face And Body Clinic Ms Morag Martin Grant Licence 15-Sep-23 15-Sep-23 14-Sep-24 17-May-23 500238 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 23a Blair Street, Old Town Mr Daniel Baczewski Grant Licence 7-Jun-23 7-Jun-23 19-Jun-26 17-May-23 500240 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 23a Blair Street, Old Town Ms Agnieszka Ciepluch Grant Licence 7-Jun-23 7-Jun-23 19-Jun-26 17-May-23 500241 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 23a Blair Street, Old Town Mr Bartosz Pochel Grant Licence 27-Jun-23 27-Jun-23 19-Jun-26 17-May-23 500242 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 23a Blair Street, Old Town Mr Marcin Ptak Grant Licence 7-Jun-23 7-Jun-23 19-Jun-26 17-May-23 500243 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 23a Blair Street, Old Town Ms Freya Duckett Grant Licence 27-Jun-23 27-Jun-23 19-Jun-26 17-May-23 500297 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 23a Blair Street, Old Town Miss Agnieszka Skulicz Grant Licence 7-Jun-23 7-Jun-23 19-Jun-26 17-May-23 500298 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 23a Blair Street, Old Town Mr Piotr Marian Bajor Grant Licence 7-Jun-23 7-Jun-23 19-Jun-26 16-May-23 499676 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 83 Princes Street, Edinburgh Ms Sirvan Yildirim Grant Licence 25-May-23 25-May-23 25-Mar-26 16-May-23 499677 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New St James Quarter, Edinburgh Ms Sangita Bhandari Grant Licence 13-Jun-23 13-Jun-23 16-Feb-26 16-May-23 499846 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New St James Quarter, Edinburgh Mr Craig Sheids Grant Licence 15-Jun-23 15-Jun-23 16-Feb-26 16-May-23 515374 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New Fort Kinnaird Retail Park Ms Asmita Khera Grant Licence 11-Dec-23 11-Dec-23 28-Feb-26 13-May-23 499500 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 151 London Road, Edinburgh Mr Robbie Johnston Mr Robbie Johnston Grant Licence 21-Jul-23 21-Jul-23 20-Jul-24 11-May-23 499112 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence Renewal 289 Easter Road, Edinburgh Explodink Tattoo Ltd Mr Lukasz Skrzypinski Grant Licence 20-Jun-23 10-May-23 9-May-24 11-May-23 499325 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 13 St Mary's Street, Old Town Okie Dokie Group Ltd Mr Dawid Maciej Rodziewicz Grant Licence 21-Jul-23 21-Jul-23 20-Jul-24 6-May-23 499116 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 289 Easter Road, Edinburgh Ms Edyta Kedzierawska Grant Licence 15-Jun-23 15-Jun-23 9-May-24 6-May-23 499117 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 289 Easter Road, Edinburgh Ms Malgorzata Dudzinska Grant Licence 15-Jun-23 15-Jun-23 9-May-24 5-May-23 498319 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 9-10 St Andrew Square, New Town Ms Amie Mee Grant Licence 4-Jul-23 4-Jul-23 3-Jul-24 3-May-23 498878 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 52 Thistle Street Laura Bond Limited Mrs Laura Hood Grant Licence 18-Oct-23 18-Oct-23 17-Oct-24 3-May-23 499126 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 52 Thistle Street Ms Sarah Hunter Crowe Grant Licence 17-Oct-23 17-Oct-23 17-Oct-24 29-Apr-23 498589 Application withdrawn Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 23 Brougham Street, Tollcross Samphire Studios Mr Matthew Clarke Application Withdrawn 6-Oct-23 29-Apr-23 498790 Application withdrawn Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 23 Brougham Street, Tollcross Mr Ryan James Findlay Application Withdrawn 28-Apr-23 498541 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 8 Drummond Street, Edinburgh Mr Tomasz Piotr Gorecki Grant Licence 15-May-23 15-May-23 14-May-24 25-Apr-23 498230 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 38 William Street, Edinburgh Mr Mauricio C Quintana Grant Licence 6-Jun-23 6-Jun-23 5-Jun-24 24-Apr-23 498132 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence Renewal 216 Morningside Road, Edinburgh Superdrug Stores PLC Stephanie Lonnie Grant Licence 27-Jun-23 9-May-23 8-May-26 24-Apr-23 498189 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 216 Morningside Road, Edinburgh Ms Kirstin Bell Grant Licence 28-Jun-23 28-Jun-23 8-May-26 24-Apr-23 498190 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 216 Morningside Road, Edinburgh Ms Alisha Flauger Grant Licence 28-Jun-23 28-Jun-23 8-May-26 24-Apr-23 498191 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 216 Morningside Road, Edinburgh Ms Jane Jappy Grant Licence 28-Jun-23 28-Jun-23 8-May-26 24-Apr-23 498192 Invalid application Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 216 Morningside Road, Edinburgh Application not considered 26-Apr-23 21-Apr-23 497901 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 19 Bread Street, Edinburgh Mr Patryk Piatek Grant Licence 4-May-23 4-May-23 19-Mar-25 18-Apr-23 497547 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Renewal 19 Easter Road, Edinburgh Ms Noemi Sorrentino Grant Licence 15-Jun-23 15-Jun-23 2-Jul-26 18-Apr-23 497903 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 12c Timber Bush, North Leith Samantha Leslie Crawford Grant Licence 16-May-23 16-May-23 15-May-24 15-Apr-23 497570 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence Renewal 23a Blair Street, Old Town Mr Wojciech Przychodzki Grant Licence 22-May-23 20-Jun-23 19-Jun-26 13-Apr-23 497518 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence Renewal 19 Easter Road, Edinburgh Watermelon Tattoo Ltd Mr Sandie Tweedie Grant Licence 29-May-23 3-Jul-23 2-Jul-26 13-Apr-23 497520 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 19 Easter Road, Edinburgh Miss Natalia Isabel jimenez Braga Grant Licence 7-Jun-23 7-Jun-23 2-Jul-26 13-Apr-23 497638 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Renewal 19 Easter Road, Edinburgh Mr Enrique Vega Muñoz Grant Licence 7-Jun-23 7-Jun-23 2-Jul-26 12-Apr-23 497425 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New Fort Kinnaird Retail Park Ms Abbi Korankye Grant Licence 25-May-23 25-May-23 30-Sep-24 12-Apr-23 497492 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 70 Nicolson Street, Newington Superdrug Stores PLC Michelle Ferguson Grant Licence 15-Jun-23 15-Jun-23 14-Jun-24 12-Apr-23 497860 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 70 Nicolson Street, Newington James Rosa Grant Licence 27-Jun-23 27-Jun-23 14-Jun-24 12-Apr-23 497863 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 70 Nicolson Street, Newington Kirsty Sibbald Grant Licence 28-Jun-23 28-Jun-23 14-Jun-24 12-Apr-23 497864 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 70 Nicolson Street, Newington Declan Dobson Grant Licence 28-Jun-23 28-Jun-23 14-Jun-24 12-Apr-23 497866 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 70 Nicolson Street, Newington Heather Munro Grant Licence 28-Jun-23 28-Jun-23 14-Jun-24 12-Apr-23 497868 Application incomplete Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 70 Nicolson Street, Newington Incompetent Application 22-May-23 11-Apr-23 497327 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 31 Spylaw Street, Colinton Skulltec Scalp Micro Pigmentation (Edinburgh) Ltd Ms Lynsey Janette Stewart Grant Licence 21-Nov-23 21-Nov-23 20-Nov-24 6-Apr-23 497220 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 248 Canongate, Edinburgh Ms Alexa Hofler Grant Licence 25-May-23 25-May-23 30-Jun-24 3-Apr-23 496781 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New Peripatetic Operator Ms Fiona Minto Grant Licence 17-May-23 17-May-23 16-May-24 3-Apr-23 496782 Licence refused Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 101-103 Saughtonhall Drive, Saughtonhall Ms Ashley Gibson Ms Ashley Gibson Refuse Licence Application 21-Dec-23 31-Mar-23 496600 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 12c Timber Bush, North Leith Ms Dominika Szymanek Grant Licence 5-May-23 5-May-23 4-May-24 31-Mar-23 496616 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 72 Haymarket Terrace, Edinburgh Ms Cassandra Lydia McGregor Grant Licence 2-May-23 2-May-23 11-Nov-25 30-Mar-23 495906 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 27a Haddington Place, Broughton Ms Paulina Lukasik Grant Licence 13-Jun-23 13-Jun-23 12-Jun-24 30-Mar-23 496605 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 72 Haymarket Terrace, Edinburgh Mr Michael Foley Grant Licence 2-May-23 2-May-23 11-Nov-25 30-Mar-23 496608 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 72 Haymarket Terrace, Edinburgh Ms Lucy Bouj Scott Grant Licence 2-May-23 2-May-23 11-Nov-25 29-Mar-23 496037 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 90a Princes Street, New Town Ms Guangmei Yang Grant Licence 6-Apr-23 6-Apr-23 10-Oct-23 27-Mar-23 496392 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence Renewal 86 Newington Road, Edinburgh Ms Christina McLean Ms Christina McLean Grant Licence 20-Jun-23 29-Mar-23 28-Mar-24 26-Mar-23 496309 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence Renewal 80 Walter Scott Avenue, Edinburgh Sophie Dutnall Grant Licence 10-May-23 30-Mar-23 29-Mar-24 25-Mar-23 496344 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 3 Jeffrey Street, Edinburgh Mr Benjamin Parsons Grant Licence 20-Apr-23 20-Apr-23 13-Jan-26 25-Mar-23 496388 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence Temporary 44 Home Street, Edinburgh Jarno Theijn Jarno Theijn Grant Licence 4-Apr-23 4-Apr-23 6-Apr-23 24-Mar-23 496306 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 69 Viewforth, Edinburgh Ms Chloe Thomson Ms Chloe Thomson Grant Licence 25-May-23 25-May-23 24-May-24 24-Mar-23 496308 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 19 Bread Street, Edinburgh Ms Amy Dawn Marciniak Grant Licence 20-Apr-23 20-Apr-23 19-Mar-25 24-Mar-23 496318 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New Unit 16 Gyle Centre, Gyle Avenue Miss Caitlin M C Doyle Grant Licence 13-Jun-23 13-Jun-23 30-Sep-25 24-Mar-23 496320 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New Unit 25, Ocean Terminal, 98 Ocean Drive, Edinburgh Miss Lucy Mae Coxhead Grant Licence 2-May-23 2-May-23 15-Sep-25 23-Mar-23 496273 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 44 Home Street, Edinburgh Ms Sabrina Russotti Venegas Grant Licence 27-Apr-23 27-Apr-23 16-Dec-24 22-Mar-23 492929 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence Renewal 111 Leith Walk, Edinburgh Ms Emily Mapp Grant Licence 5-Sep-23 3-Feb-23 2-Feb-24 20-Mar-23 496070 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 90a Princes Street, New Town Ms Aliza Hamid Grant Licence 6-Apr-23 6-Apr-23 10-Oct-23 16-Mar-23 495770 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New Unit 16, Gyle Centre, Gyle Avenue, Edinburgh Ms Megan Irvine Grant Licence 22-Mar-23 22-Mar-23 30-Sep-25 15-Mar-23 495687 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 128 St John's Road, Edinburgh Ms Sophie Gillies Grant Licence 24-Apr-23 24-Apr-23 23-Apr-24 15-Mar-23 495709 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 260 Portobello High Street, Edinburgh Mr Sean Forbes Grant Licence 12-May-23 12-May-23 31-Jul-24 14-Mar-23 495568 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 19 Bread Street, Edinburgh Mr Pawel Kizlich Grant Licence 27-Mar-23 27-Mar-23 19-Mar-25 14-Mar-23 495578 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New St James Quarter, Edinburgh Nancy Methven Grant Licence 18-Apr-23 18-Apr-23 16-Feb-26 14-Mar-23 495579 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New St James Quarter, Edinburgh Kira Noble Grant Licence 18-Apr-23 18-Apr-23 16-Feb-26 13-Mar-23 495826 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence Renewal 83 Princes Street, Edinburgh Superdrug Stores PLC Steven Chalmers Grant Licence 1-May-23 26-Mar-23 25-Mar-26 13-Mar-23 495936 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Variation 83 Princes Street, Edinburgh Superdrug Stores PLC Steven Chalmers Grant Licence 24-Apr-23 24-Apr-23 25-Mar-26 13-Mar-23 495940 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 83 Princes Street, Edinburgh Ms Caitlin Barclay Grant Licence 1-May-23 1-May-23 25-Mar-26 13-Mar-23 495942 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 83 Princes Street, Edinburgh Keiran Fairhurst Grant Licence 1-May-23 1-May-23 25-Mar-26 13-Mar-23 495945 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 83 Princes Street, Edinburgh Ms Lisa Savoury Grant Licence 1-May-23 25-Mar-26 13-Mar-23 495946 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 83 Princes Street, Edinburgh Ana Cristina Sabria Ibo Grant Licence 1-May-23 25-Mar-26 11-Mar-23 495513 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 30 Maritime Street, Edinburgh Ms Suzanne Collins Grant Licence 30-Mar-23 30-Mar-23 17-Oct-25 10-Mar-23 495444 Application withdrawn Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New Peripatetic Operator Ms Noelia Sanchez Application Withdrawn 15-Jun-23 10-Mar-23 495452 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence Renewal 20 Morningside Road, Morningside Emma Hunter Grant Licence 27-Apr-23 5-Apr-23 4-Apr-24 9-Mar-23 493500 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence Renewal 56 Dalry Road, Edinburgh Mr Marek Skalny Grant Licence 10-May-23 9-May-23 8-May-26 9-Mar-23 495293 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence Variation Unit 7c 26 South Groathill Avenue, Edinburgh Superdrug Stores PLC David Lanbie Grant Licence 17-Apr-23 17-Apr-23 28-Feb-26 9-Mar-23 495296 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New Unit 7c 26 South Groathill Avenue, Edinburgh Chandler Morton Grant Licence 19-Apr-23 19-Apr-23 28-Feb-26 9-Mar-23 495297 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New Unit 7c 26 South Groathill Avenue, Edinburgh Kaitlin Carter Grant Licence 18-Apr-23 18-Apr-23 28-Feb-26 9-Mar-23 495299 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New Unit 7c 26 South Groathill Avenue, Edinburgh Lauren McCue Grant Licence 18-Apr-23 18-Apr-23 28-Feb-26 9-Mar-23 495300 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New Fort Kinnaird Retail Park Abbey Georgeson Grant Licence 18-Apr-23 18-Apr-23 28-Feb-26 9-Mar-23 495301 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New Fort Kinnaird Retail Park Cerys Molak Grant Licence 18-Apr-23 28-Feb-26 9-Mar-23 495303 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New Fort Kinnaird Retail Park Emma Wilson Grant Licence 18-Apr-23 18-Apr-23 28-Feb-26 9-Mar-23 495305 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New Fort Kinnaird Retail Park Hannah Davis Grant Licence 18-Apr-23 18-Apr-23 28-Feb-26 9-Mar-23 495306 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New Fort Kinnaird Retail Park Jenner Sangster Grant Licence 18-Apr-23 18-Apr-23 28-Feb-26 9-Mar-23 495307 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New Fort Kinnaird Retail Park Lisa Reid Grant Licence 18-Apr-23 28-Feb-26 9-Mar-23 495309 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New Fort Kinnaird Retail Park Rachel Jenkins Grant Licence 18-Apr-23 18-Apr-23 28-Feb-26 9-Mar-23 495312 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New St James Quarter, Edinburgh Alyssa Gibson Grant Licence 18-Apr-23 18-Apr-23 16-Feb-26 9-Mar-23 495313 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New St James Quarter, Edinburgh Emma Crawford Grant Licence 18-Apr-23 18-Apr-23 16-Feb-26 9-Mar-23 495314 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New St James Quarter, Edinburgh Kathleen Mitchell Grant Licence 18-Apr-23 18-Apr-23 16-Feb-26 9-Mar-23 495339 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence Renewal 47-47a Broughton Street, Edinburgh Ms Jen Wood Grant Licence 5-Jun-23 12-Mar-23 11-Mar-24 6-Mar-23 495124 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence Renewal Peripatetic Operator Mr Paul Reynolds Grant Licence 23-Nov-23 3-May-23 2-May-26 3-Mar-23 494959 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 30 Maritime Street, Edinburgh Ms Bergetta Coleman Grant Licence 27-Mar-23 27-Mar-23 17-Oct-25 2-Mar-23 494817 Application withdrawn Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New Unit 6, Gyle Centre, Gyle Avenue, South Gyle Shannon Spendiff Application Withdrawn 21-Apr-23 2-Mar-23 494825 Invalid application Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New Unit 6, Gyle Centre, Gyle Avenue, South Gyle Incompetent Application 6-Mar-23 28-Feb-23 494656 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 69b Ocean Drive, North Leith Ms Natalia Patrycja Aniolkiewicz Grant Licence 5-Jul-23 5-Jul-23 4-Jul-24 24-Feb-23 494408 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 119 Corstorphine Road, Murrayfield Ms Amy Daly Grant Licence 25-Apr-23 25-Apr-23 24-Apr-24 24-Feb-23 494465 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 5 Marchmont Road, Edinburgh Ms Katharine Bootland Grant Licence 29-Mar-23 29-Mar-23 28-Mar-24 22-Feb-23 494321 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New Unit 16 Gyle Centre, Gyle Avenue Ms Rachel Bird Grant Licence 23-Mar-23 23-Mar-23 30-Sep-25 21-Feb-23 494343 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New Unit 16 Gyle Centre, Gyle Avenue Rachel Bell Grant Licence 19-Apr-23 19-Apr-23 30-Sep-25 21-Feb-23 494368 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 382 Morningside Road, Edinburgh Pauline Smyth Grant Licence 24-Apr-23 24-Apr-23 23-Apr-24 20-Feb-23 483290 Invalid application Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 19 Brighton Place, Portobello West Beach Medispa Ltd Miss Livia Hallen Application not considered 28-Apr-23 16-Feb-23 489800 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence Renewal 24 Bernard Street, Edinburgh Ming Chen Ltd Ms Ming Chen Robertson Grant Licence 16-Mar-23 1-Dec-22 30-Nov-25 14-Feb-23 493553 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence Renewal Fort Kinnaird Retail Park Superdrug Stores PLC Sharon Boyle Grant Licence 18-Apr-23 1-Mar-23 28-Feb-26 10-Feb-23 497575 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 23a Blair Street, Old Town Mr Piotr Gorecki Grant Licence 22-May-23 22-May-23 19-Jun-26 9-Feb-23 493488 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence Renewal St James Quarter, Edinburgh Superdrug Stores PLC Nicola Melia Grant Licence 18-Apr-23 17-Feb-23 16-Feb-26 9-Feb-23 493491 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence Renewal Unit 7c 26 South Groathill Avenue, Edinburgh Superdrug Stores PLC David Lanbie Grant Licence 17-Apr-23 1-Mar-23 28-Feb-26 9-Feb-23 493496 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Renewal 56 Dalry Road, Edinburgh Fae Louisa Chamberlain Grant Licence 10-May-23 10-May-23 8-May-26 9-Feb-23 493499 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Renewal 56 Dalry Road, Edinburgh Ms Sofia Jabeen Grant Licence 10-May-23 10-May-23 8-May-26 8-Feb-23 493330 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence Renewal Peripatetic Operator Susan Janet Mallinder Grant Licence 19-Apr-23 22-Feb-23 21-Feb-26 7-Feb-23 492825 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 3 Jeffrey Street, Edinburgh Mr Tomasz Turlej Grant Licence 11-Apr-23 11-Apr-23 10-Apr-24 6-Feb-23 489613 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 8 Haddington Place, Edinburgh The zest Group Scotland Ltd Ms Louise Caithness Grant Licence 9-Mar-23 9-Mar-23 8-Mar-24 2-Feb-23 492840 Application withdrawn Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New Unit 6, Gyle Centre, Gyle Avenue, South Gyle Superdrug Stores PLC Ms Wendy Benzie Application Withdrawn 21-Apr-23 1-Feb-23 485874 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 53 George Street, New Town Astrid & Miyu LTD Ms Kaya Hera Black Grant Licence 7-Mar-23 7-Mar-23 6-Mar-24 31-Jan-23 492934 Application withdrawn Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 56 Dalry Road, Edinburgh Mr Bijay Shrestha Application Withdrawn 9-May-23 8-May-23 30-Jan-23 489139 Invalid application Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 536 Lanark Road West, Balerno Ms Lindsey Lawson Application not considered 12-Sep-23 30-Jan-23 492824 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 51 Cumberland Street, Edinburgh Ms Natasha Smith Grant Licence 10-Mar-23 10-Mar-23 12-May-25 30-Jan-23 492944 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New Fleming House, 35 Kinnaird Park, Edinburgh Ms Charlotte Hawthorn Grant Licence 29-Mar-23 29-Mar-23 30-Sep-24 27-Jan-23 492558 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence Renewal 8 Drummond Street, Edinburgh Szabolcs Kiss Grant Licence 17-Apr-23 28-Jan-23 27-Jan-26 27-Jan-23 492562 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 128 South Gyle Gardens, Broomhall Ms Yuen Ting Wu Grant Licence 17-Apr-23 17-Apr-23 16-Apr-24 26-Jan-23 492485 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2023 Mr Billy Hay Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 17-Mar-23 25-Mar-23 26-Mar-23 26-Jan-23 492486 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2023 Ms Emma Sweeney Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 17-Mar-23 25-Mar-23 26-Mar-23 25-Jan-23 497573 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 23a Blair Street, Old Town Ms Lea Gondos Grant Licence 15-May-23 15-May-23 19-Jun-26 24-Jan-23 491334 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New Peripatetic Operator Ms Laura Robertson Grant Licence 29-Mar-23 29-Mar-23 28-Mar-24 24-Jan-23 492346 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence Renewal Peripatetic Operator Ronald Hough Grant Licence 5-Apr-23 3-Feb-23 2-Feb-24 22-Jan-23 492128 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2023 Mr George Crewe Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 17-Mar-23 25-Mar-23 26-Mar-23 22-Jan-23 492130 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2023 Mr Mikkel Ostberg Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 17-Mar-23 25-Mar-23 26-Mar-23 22-Jan-23 492131 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2023 Mr Jake Heery Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 17-Mar-23 25-Mar-23 26-Mar-23 20-Jan-23 492182 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 225 Leith Walk, Edinburgh Mr Peter Mackie Grant Licence 4-Apr-23 4-Apr-23 3-Apr-24 17-Jan-23 491915 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2023 Mr Alessandro Pennella Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 17-Mar-23 25-Mar-23 26-Mar-23 17-Jan-23 491916 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2023 Mr Nick Lee Baldwin Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 17-Mar-23 25-Mar-23 26-Mar-23 17-Jan-23 491917 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2023 Mrs Rachel Jamie Baldwin Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 17-Mar-23 25-Mar-23 26-Mar-23 17-Jan-23 491919 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2023 Mr Simon Hook Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 17-Mar-23 25-Mar-23 26-Mar-23 17-Jan-23 491920 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2023 Mr Chris Meighan Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 17-Mar-23 25-Mar-23 26-Mar-23 16-Jan-23 491870 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2023 Mr Jamie Adair Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 17-Mar-23 25-Mar-23 26-Mar-23 16-Jan-23 491871 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2023 Ms Kiera Haxton Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 17-Mar-23 25-Mar-23 26-Mar-23 16-Jan-23 491872 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2023 Ms Lauren Machulik Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 17-Mar-23 25-Mar-23 26-Mar-23 16-Jan-23 491874 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2023 Miss Marta Terrones Ferrer Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 17-Mar-23 25-Mar-23 26-Mar-23 16-Jan-23 491875 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2023 Mr Mo Hussain Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 17-Mar-23 25-Mar-23 26-Mar-23 14-Jan-23 491942 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence Renewal 13 Hamilton Place, Stockbridge Ms Emma Everest Grant Licence 12-Jul-23 21-Dec-22 20-Dec-23 13-Jan-23 491531 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2023 Mr Greg Scott Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 17-Mar-23 25-Mar-23 26-Mar-23 13-Jan-23 491559 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2023 Mr Marcus MaGuire Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 17-Mar-23 25-Mar-23 26-Mar-23 13-Jan-23 491670 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2023 Mr Jamie Greaves Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 17-Mar-23 25-Mar-23 26-Mar-23 12-Jan-23 491500 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2023 Mr James Aitken Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 21-Feb-23 25-Mar-23 26-Mar-23 12-Jan-23 491501 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2023 Mr Stewart McKellor Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 13-Mar-23 25-Mar-23 26-Mar-23 12-Jan-23 491502 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2023 Mr Jamie Allan Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 13-Mar-23 25-Mar-23 26-Mar-23 12-Jan-23 491503 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2023 Mr Ruben Gomez Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 13-Mar-23 25-Mar-23 26-Mar-23 12-Jan-23 491504 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2023 Mr Mark Alford Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 13-Mar-23 25-Mar-23 26-Mar-23 12-Jan-23 491505 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2023 Mr Simone Capecchi Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 13-Mar-23 25-Mar-23 26-Mar-23 12-Jan-23 491506 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2023 Mr Ash Hickman Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 13-Mar-23 25-Mar-23 26-Mar-23 12-Jan-23 491508 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2023 Mr Marcus Mellor Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 13-Mar-23 25-Mar-23 26-Mar-23 12-Jan-23 491510 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2023 Ms Aimee MacDonald Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 13-Mar-23 25-Mar-23 26-Mar-23 12-Jan-23 491511 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2023 Mr Roddy Mclean Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 13-Mar-23 25-Mar-23 26-Mar-23 12-Jan-23 491512 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2023 Mr Mark Jamieson Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 13-Mar-23 25-Mar-23 26-Mar-23 12-Jan-23 491513 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2023 Mr Duncan Sweeney Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 13-Mar-23 25-Mar-23 26-Mar-23 12-Jan-23 491514 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2023 Ms Mhairi Campbell Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 13-Mar-23 25-Mar-23 26-Mar-23 12-Jan-23 491516 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2023 Mr David Michael Fox Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 13-Mar-23 25-Mar-23 26-Mar-23 12-Jan-23 491517 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2023 Ms Stephanie White Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 13-Mar-23 25-Mar-23 26-Mar-23 12-Jan-23 491518 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2023 Mr Sam Rivers Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 13-Mar-23 25-Mar-23 26-Mar-23 12-Jan-23 491520 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2023 Ms Charlotte Ross Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 13-Mar-23 25-Mar-23 26-Mar-23 12-Jan-23 491521 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2023 Mr Charlie Braddock Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 13-Mar-23 25-Mar-23 26-Mar-23 12-Jan-23 491522 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2023 Mr Paolo DeFrancesco Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 13-Mar-23 25-Mar-23 26-Mar-23 12-Jan-23 491523 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2023 Mr Alex Lundborg Voronin Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 13-Mar-23 25-Mar-23 26-Mar-23 12-Jan-23 491524 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2023 Mr Kristoffer Lindback Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 13-Mar-23 25-Mar-23 26-Mar-23 12-Jan-23 491525 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2023 Mr Alex Woodhead Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 13-Mar-23 25-Mar-23 26-Mar-23 12-Jan-23 491526 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2023 Mr Kieran Williamson Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 13-Mar-23 25-Mar-23 26-Mar-23 12-Jan-23 491527 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2023 Mr Mark Wallace Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 13-Mar-23 25-Mar-23 26-Mar-23 12-Jan-23 491528 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2023 Mr Blair Thomson Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 13-Mar-23 25-Mar-23 26-Mar-23 12-Jan-23 491530 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2023 Mr Lorenzo Rossi Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 13-Mar-23 25-Mar-23 26-Mar-23 12-Jan-23 491532 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2023 Ms Ashleigh Bell Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 13-Mar-23 25-Mar-23 26-Mar-23 12-Jan-23 491534 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2023 Mr Lluis Febrer Torres Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 13-Mar-23 25-Mar-23 26-Mar-23 12-Jan-23 491535 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2023 Ms Danielle Mawby Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 13-Mar-23 25-Mar-23 26-Mar-23 12-Jan-23 491536 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2023 Kirsten Stevenson Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 13-Mar-23 25-Mar-23 26-Mar-23 12-Jan-23 491537 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2023 Mr Daryl Watson Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 13-Mar-23 25-Mar-23 26-Mar-23 12-Jan-23 491538 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2023 Mr Kyle Shields Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 13-Mar-23 25-Mar-23 26-Mar-23 12-Jan-23 491539 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2023 Mr Darryl David Mullen Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 13-Mar-23 25-Mar-23 26-Mar-23 12-Jan-23 491540 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2023 Ms Viviana Calvo Moreno Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 13-Mar-23 25-Mar-23 26-Mar-23 12-Jan-23 491541 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2023 Miss Danielle Alison Green Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 13-Mar-23 25-Mar-23 26-Mar-23 12-Jan-23 491542 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2023 Mr William Sparling Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 13-Mar-23 25-Mar-23 26-Mar-23 12-Jan-23 491543 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2023 Mr Vincenzo Barbareschi Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 14-Mar-23 25-Mar-23 26-Mar-23 12-Jan-23 491544 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2023 Mr Daniel Jimenez Aguilar Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 14-Mar-23 25-Mar-23 26-Mar-23 12-Jan-23 491546 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2023 Mr Fabian Langes Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 14-Mar-23 25-Mar-23 26-Mar-23 12-Jan-23 491547 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2023 Mr Jay Corden Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 14-Mar-23 25-Mar-23 26-Mar-23 12-Jan-23 491548 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2023 Mr Gary Montgomery Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 14-Mar-23 25-Mar-23 26-Mar-23 12-Jan-23 491549 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2023 Mr Timothy Joel Fairfax Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 14-Mar-23 25-Mar-23 26-Mar-23 12-Jan-23 491550 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2023 Ms Morag Sangster Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 14-Mar-23 25-Mar-23 26-Mar-23 12-Jan-23 491551 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2023 Mr Nik Monks Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 14-Mar-23 25-Mar-23 26-Mar-23 12-Jan-23 491553 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2023 Mr John Grant Gibson Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 14-Mar-23 25-Mar-23 26-Mar-23 12-Jan-23 491554 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2023 Ms Alana Donnelly Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 14-Mar-23 25-Mar-23 26-Mar-23 12-Jan-23 491556 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2023 Mr Daniel Sean Devine Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 14-Mar-23 25-Mar-23 26-Mar-23 12-Jan-23 491557 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2023 Mr Jacob Noakes Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 14-Mar-23 25-Mar-23 26-Mar-23 12-Jan-23 491558 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2023 Ms Skye Graham Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 14-Mar-23 25-Mar-23 26-Mar-23 12-Jan-23 491560 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2023 Miss Beau Scott Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 14-Mar-23 25-Mar-23 26-Mar-23 12-Jan-23 491561 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2023 Mr Iain Mullen Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 14-Mar-23 25-Mar-23 26-Mar-23 12-Jan-23 491562 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2023 Mr Alexander Widell Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 14-Mar-23 25-Mar-23 26-Mar-23 12-Jan-23 491563 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2023 Mr Robert Seth Larnach Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 14-Mar-23 25-Mar-23 26-Mar-23 12-Jan-23 491565 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2023 Fabio Gucciardi Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 14-Mar-23 25-Mar-23 26-Mar-23 12-Jan-23 491567 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2023 Mr John Philip Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 14-Mar-23 25-Mar-23 26-Mar-23 12-Jan-23 491568 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2023 Ms Elpida Palantza Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 14-Mar-23 25-Mar-23 26-Mar-23 12-Jan-23 491569 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2023 Mr Matthew Back Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 14-Mar-23 25-Mar-23 26-Mar-23 12-Jan-23 491570 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2023 Mr Alexander David Rattray Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 14-Mar-23 25-Mar-23 26-Mar-23 12-Jan-23 491571 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2023 Mr Dominic McCluskey Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 16-Mar-23 25-Mar-23 26-Mar-23 12-Jan-23 491572 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2023 Ms Inmaculada Alted Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 16-Mar-23 25-Mar-23 26-Mar-23 12-Jan-23 491573 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2023 Ms Stephanie Scott Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 16-Mar-23 25-Mar-23 26-Mar-23 12-Jan-23 491575 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2023 Mr James Surridge Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 16-Mar-23 25-Mar-23 26-Mar-23 12-Jan-23 491576 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2023 Mr Peter Murray Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 16-Mar-23 25-Mar-23 26-Mar-23 12-Jan-23 491577 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2023 Ms Sophie Arnott Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 16-Mar-23 25-Mar-23 26-Mar-23 12-Jan-23 491579 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2023 Mr Ryan Gaylor Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 16-Mar-23 25-Mar-23 26-Mar-23 12-Jan-23 491580 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2023 Mr Peter Quinn Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 16-Mar-23 25-Mar-23 26-Mar-23 12-Jan-23 491581 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2023 Ms Laura Jane Penman Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 16-Mar-23 25-Mar-23 26-Mar-23 12-Jan-23 491582 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2023 Mr Ross Irvine Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 16-Mar-23 25-Mar-23 26-Mar-23 12-Jan-23 491583 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2023 Ms Kaja Novsak Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 16-Mar-23 25-Mar-23 26-Mar-23 12-Jan-23 491584 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2023 Mr George Paterson Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 16-Mar-23 25-Mar-23 26-Mar-23 12-Jan-23 491585 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2023 Mr Daniel Kelly Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 16-Mar-23 25-Mar-23 26-Mar-23 12-Jan-23 491587 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2023 Mr Martin Wood Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 16-Mar-23 25-Mar-23 26-Mar-23 12-Jan-23 491588 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2023 Ms Laura Ann Miller Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 16-Mar-23 25-Mar-23 26-Mar-23 12-Jan-23 491589 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2023 Ms Paige Davidson Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 16-Mar-23 25-Mar-23 26-Mar-23 12-Jan-23 491590 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2023 Ms Laura Kennedy Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 16-Mar-23 25-Mar-23 26-Mar-23 12-Jan-23 491591 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2023 Ms Gillian Turner Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 16-Mar-23 25-Mar-23 26-Mar-23 12-Jan-23 491592 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2023 Mr Kevin Reid Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 16-Mar-23 25-Mar-23 26-Mar-23 12-Jan-23 491594 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2023 Mr Callum Barry Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 16-Mar-23 25-Mar-23 26-Mar-23 12-Jan-23 491595 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2023 Ms Marie Cox Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 16-Mar-23 25-Mar-23 26-Mar-23 12-Jan-23 491596 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2023 Mr Stephen Kelly Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 16-Mar-23 25-Mar-23 26-Mar-23 12-Jan-23 491597 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2023 Mr Chris Newport Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 16-Mar-23 25-Mar-23 26-Mar-23 12-Jan-23 491599 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2023 Mr Daniel Williams Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 16-Mar-23 25-Mar-23 26-Mar-23 12-Jan-23 491600 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2023 Mr Nick Mayes Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 16-Mar-23 25-Mar-23 26-Mar-23 12-Jan-23 491601 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2023 Gavin Lyon Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 16-Mar-23 25-Mar-23 26-Mar-23 12-Jan-23 491602 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2023 Andrea Furci Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 16-Mar-23 25-Mar-23 26-Mar-23 12-Jan-23 491603 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2023 Mr Diglio Clemente Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 16-Mar-23 25-Mar-23 26-Mar-23 12-Jan-23 491604 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2023 Mr Lewis Parkin Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 16-Mar-23 25-Mar-23 26-Mar-23 12-Jan-23 491605 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2023 Mr Scott A Smith Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 16-Mar-23 25-Mar-23 26-Mar-23 12-Jan-23 491606 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2023 Ms Olivia Chell Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 16-Mar-23 25-Mar-23 26-Mar-23 12-Jan-23 491607 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2023 Mr Jack Michael Peppiette Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 16-Mar-23 25-Mar-23 26-Mar-23 12-Jan-23 491608 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2023 Mr Jason Corbett Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 16-Mar-23 25-Mar-23 26-Mar-23 12-Jan-23 491610 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2023 Mr Marley Cessford Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 16-Mar-23 25-Mar-23 26-Mar-23 12-Jan-23 491611 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2023 Mr Wesley Vaughn Tesdale Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 16-Mar-23 25-Mar-23 26-Mar-23 12-Jan-23 491612 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2023 Mr Troy Neely Mort Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 16-Mar-23 25-Mar-23 26-Mar-23 12-Jan-23 491613 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2023 Mr Rizzetto Roberto Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 16-Mar-23 25-Mar-23 26-Mar-23 12-Jan-23 491614 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2023 Ms Charissa Louise Ward Gregson Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 16-Mar-23 25-Mar-23 26-Mar-23 12-Jan-23 491615 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2023 Mr Robert Lee Fraser Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 16-Mar-23 25-Mar-23 26-Mar-23 12-Jan-23 491616 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2023 Ms Thais De Melo Ferreira Blanc Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 16-Mar-23 25-Mar-23 26-Mar-23 12-Jan-23 491618 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2023 Ms Courtenay Dickson Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 16-Mar-23 25-Mar-23 26-Mar-23 12-Jan-23 491619 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2023 Mr Marc Malcolm Davidson Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 16-Mar-23 25-Mar-23 26-Mar-23 12-Jan-23 491620 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2023 Mr Bradley Tompkins Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 16-Mar-23 25-Mar-23 26-Mar-23 12-Jan-23 491621 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2023 Ms Ellen Roberts Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 16-Mar-23 25-Mar-23 26-Mar-23 12-Jan-23 491622 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2023 Mr Anthony Firstbrook Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 16-Mar-23 25-Mar-23 26-Mar-23 12-Jan-23 491623 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2023 Ms Sadee Glover Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 16-Mar-23 25-Mar-23 26-Mar-23 12-Jan-23 491624 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2023 Ms Kym Munster Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 16-Mar-23 25-Mar-23 26-Mar-23 12-Jan-23 491625 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2023 Mr Steven Clark Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 16-Mar-23 25-Mar-23 26-Mar-23 12-Jan-23 491626 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2023 Mr Stephen Cairns Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 16-Mar-23 25-Mar-23 26-Mar-23 12-Jan-23 491627 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2023 Miss Abbie Williams Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 16-Mar-23 25-Mar-23 26-Mar-23 12-Jan-23 491629 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2023 Miss Debbie Jones Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 16-Mar-23 25-Mar-23 26-Mar-23 12-Jan-23 491630 Application withdrawn Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2023 Application Withdrawn 18-Jan-23 25-Mar-23 26-Mar-23 12-Jan-23 491631 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2023 Mr Pedro Sanchez Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 16-Mar-23 25-Mar-23 26-Mar-23 12-Jan-23 491633 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2023 Mr Fernando Lopez Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 16-Mar-23 25-Mar-23 26-Mar-23 12-Jan-23 491635 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2023 Mr Ashbury Levi Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 16-Mar-23 25-Mar-23 26-Mar-23 12-Jan-23 491636 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2023 Ms Andrea Alonso Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 16-Mar-23 25-Mar-23 26-Mar-23 12-Jan-23 491638 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2023 Miss Adriana Monfort Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 16-Mar-23 25-Mar-23 26-Mar-23 12-Jan-23 491640 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2023 Mr Ryan Engels Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 16-Mar-23 25-Mar-23 26-Mar-23 12-Jan-23 491641 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2023 Sean Logan Delong Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 16-Mar-23 25-Mar-23 26-Mar-23 12-Jan-23 491642 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2023 Mr Justin Matthew Wilson Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 16-Mar-23 25-Mar-23 26-Mar-23 12-Jan-23 491643 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2023 Jung Eun Lee Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 16-Mar-23 25-Mar-23 26-Mar-23 12-Jan-23 491645 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2023 Mr Boris Bianchi Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 16-Mar-23 25-Mar-23 26-Mar-23 12-Jan-23 491646 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2023 Liesbeth De Stercke Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 16-Mar-23 25-Mar-23 26-Mar-23 12-Jan-23 491647 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2023 Mr Shaun Pattinson Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 16-Mar-23 25-Mar-23 26-Mar-23 12-Jan-23 491648 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2023 Mr Chavez Pattinson Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 16-Mar-23 25-Mar-23 26-Mar-23 12-Jan-23 491650 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2023 Menegazzo Jacopo Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 16-Mar-23 25-Mar-23 26-Mar-23 12-Jan-23 491651 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2023 Mr Duncan Calum Fyfe Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 16-Mar-23 25-Mar-23 26-Mar-23 12-Jan-23 491652 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2023 Mr Simone Sallianezza Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 16-Mar-23 25-Mar-23 26-Mar-23 12-Jan-23 491654 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2023 Ms Eleanor Williams Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 16-Mar-23 25-Mar-23 26-Mar-23 12-Jan-23 491655 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2023 Ms Charlotte Jane Anne Paterson Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 16-Mar-23 25-Mar-23 26-Mar-23 12-Jan-23 491656 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2023 Mr Lewis McKechnie Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 16-Mar-23 25-Mar-23 26-Mar-23 12-Jan-23 491658 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2023 Mr Helio Meniconi Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 16-Mar-23 25-Mar-23 26-Mar-23 12-Jan-23 491659 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2023 Lord Osei-Tutu Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 16-Mar-23 25-Mar-23 26-Mar-23 12-Jan-23 491662 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2023 Mr Sam Ricketts Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 16-Mar-23 25-Mar-23 26-Mar-23 12-Jan-23 491663 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2023 Mr Bartosz Pochel Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 16-Mar-23 25-Mar-23 26-Mar-23 12-Jan-23 491664 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2023 Mr Marcin Ptak Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 16-Mar-23 25-Mar-23 26-Mar-23 12-Jan-23 491665 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2023 Mr Wojciech Przychodzki Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 16-Mar-23 25-Mar-23 26-Mar-23 12-Jan-23 491666 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2023 Ms Freya Duckett Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 16-Mar-23 25-Mar-23 26-Mar-23 12-Jan-23 491667 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2023 Mr Stephen Dali Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 16-Mar-23 25-Mar-23 26-Mar-23 12-Jan-23 491668 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2023 Mr Andrew Ferguson Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 16-Mar-23 25-Mar-23 26-Mar-23 12-Jan-23 491671 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2023 Ms Amanda West Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 16-Mar-23 25-Mar-23 26-Mar-23 12-Jan-23 491672 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2023 Ms Lucy O'Connell Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 16-Mar-23 25-Mar-23 26-Mar-23 12-Jan-23 491673 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2023 Ms Lily Rafferty Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 16-Mar-23 25-Mar-23 26-Mar-23 12-Jan-23 491674 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2023 Ms Lacey Law Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 16-Mar-23 25-Mar-23 26-Mar-23 12-Jan-23 491675 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2023 Miss Lauren Stephens Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 16-Mar-23 25-Mar-23 26-Mar-23 12-Jan-23 491676 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2023 Mr Craig Anthony Hubert Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 16-Mar-23 25-Mar-23 26-Mar-23 12-Jan-23 491677 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2023 Ms Iris Lys Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 16-Mar-23 25-Mar-23 26-Mar-23 12-Jan-23 491678 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2023 Mr Thibault Brassart Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 16-Mar-23 25-Mar-23 26-Mar-23 12-Jan-23 491679 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2023 Ms Karolina Tyl Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 16-Mar-23 25-Mar-23 26-Mar-23 12-Jan-23 491680 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2023 Mr David Barclay Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 16-Mar-23 25-Mar-23 26-Mar-23 12-Jan-23 491681 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2023 Ms Ellis Arch Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 17-Mar-23 25-Mar-23 26-Mar-23 12-Jan-23 491682 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2023 Mr Jim Gray Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 17-Mar-23 25-Mar-23 26-Mar-23 12-Jan-23 491684 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2023 Ms Harriet Cox Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 17-Mar-23 25-Mar-23 26-Mar-23 12-Jan-23 491685 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2023 Ms Maria Ruiz Lopez Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 17-Mar-23 25-Mar-23 26-Mar-23 12-Jan-23 491686 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2023 Mr Daniel Gasparz Mathiere Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 17-Mar-23 25-Mar-23 26-Mar-23 12-Jan-23 491687 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2023 Mr Arnau Ballus Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 17-Mar-23 25-Mar-23 26-Mar-23 12-Jan-23 491688 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2023 Ms Andrea Cea De Vega Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 17-Mar-23 25-Mar-23 26-Mar-23 12-Jan-23 491689 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2023 Mr Mark Andrew McEwan Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 17-Mar-23 25-Mar-23 26-Mar-23 12-Jan-23 491691 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2023 Miss Karen Hogg Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 17-Mar-23 25-Mar-23 26-Mar-23 12-Jan-23 491692 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2023 Mr Mattia Pedrini Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 17-Mar-23 25-Mar-23 26-Mar-23 12-Jan-23 491693 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Scottish Tattoo Convention 2023 Mr Jonathan Scott Pullin Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 17-Mar-23 25-Mar-23 26-Mar-23 9-Jan-23 482083 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 111a Swanston Road Ms Man Yuen Luk Grant Licence 10-Mar-23 10-Mar-23 9-Mar-24 6-Jan-23 491234 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence Renewal 7 Grassmarket, Edinburgh Ms Pauline Perrier Grant Licence 5-Apr-23 18-Feb-23 17-Feb-24 4-Jan-23 491068 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 23a Blair Street, Old Town Mr Piotr Marian Bajor Grant Licence 15-Feb-23 15-Feb-23 19-Jun-23 4-Jan-23 491070 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 23a Blair Street, Old Town Mr Kamil Pawel Zielinski Grant Licence 9-Mar-23 9-Mar-23 19-Jun-23 4-Jan-23 491073 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 23a Blair Street, Old Town Ms Agnieszka Ciepluch Grant Licence 9-Mar-23 9-Mar-23 19-Jun-23 31-Dec-22 490994 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 87/2 Rose Street Mr Konstantinos Stamoulis Grant Licence 15-Mar-23 15-Mar-23 14-Mar-24 30-Dec-22 490944 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence Renewal 9 Morningside Drive, Edinburgh Ms Kamun Li Grant Licence 27-Mar-23 30-Dec-22 29-Dec-23 30-Dec-22 490973 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New Flat 6, 2 Cadiz Street, South Leith Ms Panagiota Terzi Grant Licence 16-Mar-23 16-Mar-23 15-Mar-24 25-Dec-22 490803 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 8 Drummond Street, Edinburgh Mr Viktor Khvorostianyi Grant Licence 21-Feb-23 21-Feb-23 20-Feb-24 23-Dec-22 490752 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 289 Easter Road, Edinburgh Ms Edyta Kedzierawska Grant Licence 7-Feb-23 7-Feb-23 9-May-23 23-Dec-22 490754 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 289 Easter Road, Edinburgh Ms Malgorzata Dudzinska Grant Licence 7-Feb-23 7-Feb-23 30-May-23 23-Dec-22 490755 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 289 Easter Road, Edinburgh Ms Grzegorz Glab Grant Licence 7-Feb-23 7-Feb-23 30-May-23 22-Dec-22 490676 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New Unit 16, Gyle Centre, Gyle Avenue, Edinburgh Ms Courtney Faichney Grant Licence 2-Feb-23 2-Feb-23 30-Sep-25 16-Dec-22 490290 Invalid application Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 111 Comiston Road, Cluny E&G Health and Tourism Ltd Filiz Altioglu Cig Incompetent Application 1-Feb-23 16-Dec-22 490305 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence Renewal 6 Vivian Terrace, Corbiehill Ms Shairron Murray Grant Licence 23-Mar-23 6-Jan-23 5-Jan-26 16-Dec-22 490341 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence Renewal 8 Drummond Street, Edinburgh Mr Konrad Jastrzab Grant Licence 24-Mar-23 18-Dec-22 17-Dec-25 16-Dec-22 492343 Application withdrawn Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 111 Comiston Road, Cluny Application Withdrawn 1-Feb-23 15-Dec-22 494342 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New Unit 25, Ocean Terminal, 98 Ocean Drive, Edinburgh Ms Amy Laird Grant Licence 3-Apr-23 3-Apr-23 15-Sep-25 14-Dec-22 490150 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 90a Princes Street, New Town Ms Janette Abrantes Grant Licence 2-Feb-23 2-Feb-23 10-Oct-23 14-Dec-22 490151 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 90a Princes Street, New Town Ms Danai Lezkidou Grant Licence 2-Feb-23 2-Feb-23 10-Oct-23 9-Dec-22 489801 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 24 Bernard Street, Edinburgh Ms Ran Zhao Grant Licence 16-Mar-23 16-Mar-23 30-Nov-25 9-Dec-22 489840 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 159 Great Junction Street, North Leith Miss Anna Pironkova Grant Licence 21-Jun-23 21-Jun-23 20-Jun-24 9-Dec-22 489872 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 109-111 Bruntsfield Place, Edinburgh Ms Ria Yvonne Henderson Grant Licence 10-Mar-23 10-Mar-23 3-Oct-23 9-Dec-22 489873 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 109-111 Bruntsfield Place, Edinburgh Ms Derna Hughes Grant Licence 2-Mar-23 2-Mar-23 3-Oct-23 8-Dec-22 489824 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New Regus Business Lounge, 1st floor Fort Kinnaird Retail Park, Edinburgh Mr Gareth Alan Carr Grant Licence 4-May-23 4-May-23 3-May-24 6-Dec-22 492100 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 8 Haddington Place, Edinburgh Ms Lisa Lang Grant Licence 14-Mar-23 14-Mar-23 8-Mar-24 2-Dec-22 489533 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence Renewal 160 Gorgie Road, Edinburgh Saorsa Tattoo Ltd Patrycia Rudera Grant Licence 21-Mar-23 27-Jan-23 26-Jan-24 24-Nov-22 488670 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New Unit RU25 Ocean Terminal Miss Sophie Carol-Anne Stewart Grant Licence 7-Feb-23 7-Feb-23 15-Sep-25 22-Nov-22 488578 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 128 St John's Road, Edinburgh Ms Kirsty McIntosh Grant Licence 21-Feb-23 21-Feb-23 20-Feb-24 21-Nov-22 488847 Invalid application Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 160 Gorgie Road, Edinburgh Ms Ellis Katy Page Application not considered 13-Feb-23 17-Nov-22 488251 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 57 Home Street, Edinburgh Roksana Katarzyna Milek Grant Licence 3-Mar-23 3-Mar-23 2-Mar-24 16-Nov-22 487981 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 90a Princes Street, New Town Ms Hajrah Beg Grant Licence 31-Jan-23 31-Jan-23 10-Oct-23 16-Nov-22 488837 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 160 Gorgie Road, Edinburgh Amanda Solarewicz Amanda Solarewicz Grant Licence 2-Mar-23 27-Jan-23 26-Jan-24 15-Nov-22 487959 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 3 Jeffrey Street, Edinburgh Miss Ellie Nisbet Grant Licence 22-Feb-23 22-Feb-23 13-Jan-26 15-Nov-22 488106 Application withdrawn Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 36a Albany Street, Edinburgh Application Withdrawn 12-Jan-23 14-Nov-22 487957 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 3 Jeffrey Street, Edinburgh Ms Gillian Shaw Grant Licence 22-Feb-23 22-Feb-23 13-Jan-26 14-Nov-22 490410 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 3 Jeffrey Street, Edinburgh Ms Courtenay Dickson Grant Licence 22-Feb-23 22-Feb-23 13-Jan-26 11-Nov-22 487982 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 90a Princes Street, New Town Ms Leah Twamley Grant Licence 31-Jan-23 31-Jan-23 10-Oct-23 10-Nov-22 487704 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 55 Timber Bush, Edinburgh Ms Ruxandra Andreea Onita Grant Licence 21-Feb-23 21-Feb-23 20-Feb-24 10-Nov-22 487898 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence Variation Unit 16, Gyle Centre, Gyle Avenue, Edinburgh Claire's Accessories UK Ltd Ms Kirsty Cairns Grant Licence 22-Dec-22 22-Dec-22 30-Sep-25 10-Nov-22 496234 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence Renewal 72 Haymarket Terrace, Edinburgh BLKWRK Studio Mr Darren Millar Grant Licence 1-May-23 12-Nov-22 11-Nov-25 9-Nov-22 487357 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 8 Lauriston Street, Edinburgh Ms Charlotte Jane Machin Grant Licence 4-Jan-23 4-Jan-23 3-Jan-24 9-Nov-22 487945 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 3 Jeffrey Street, Edinburgh Mr Akos Pasztor Grant Licence 8-Mar-23 8-Mar-23 13-Jan-26 7-Nov-22 496232 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 3 Jeffrey Street, Edinburgh Ms Eilidh Findlay Grant Licence 30-Mar-23 30-Mar-23 13-Jan-26 6-Nov-22 487936 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 3 Jeffrey Street, Edinburgh Ms Sarah Rachael Gregory Grant Licence 7-Mar-23 7-Mar-23 13-Jan-26 6-Nov-22 487937 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 3 Jeffrey Street, Edinburgh Reese Francey Grant Licence 7-Mar-23 7-Mar-23 13-Jan-26 6-Nov-22 487939 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 3 Jeffrey Street, Edinburgh Mr Marc Malcolm Davidson Grant Licence 7-Mar-23 7-Mar-23 13-Jan-26 3-Nov-22 487901 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 1b Easter Road, Albion Ms Beth Jenkins Grant Licence 16-Jan-23 16-Jan-23 1-Dec-25 3-Nov-22 487907 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence Renewal 3 Jeffrey Street, Edinburgh Red 75 Ltd Ms Joanna Gray Grant Licence 22-Feb-23 14-Jan-23 13-Jan-26 3-Nov-22 496230 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 3 Jeffrey Street, Edinburgh Thais De Melo Ferreira Blanc Grant Licence 30-Mar-23 30-Mar-23 13-Jan-26 1-Nov-22 487627 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence Renewal 39 Easter Road, Edinburgh Mr Julian Moray Fortunez Grant Licence 28-Dec-22 15-Feb-23 15-Feb-26 27-Oct-22 487112 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New Fort Kinnaird Retail Park Ms Emma Hill Grant Licence 18-Apr-23 18-Apr-23 28-Feb-26 27-Oct-22 487116 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New Fort Kinnaird Retail Park Ms Amber Durie Grant Licence 18-Apr-23 18-Apr-23 28-Feb-26 27-Oct-22 487117 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 83 Princes Street, Edinburgh Ms Natalie Welsh Grant Licence 16-Feb-23 16-Feb-23 25-Mar-23 27-Oct-22 487118 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 83 Princes Street, Edinburgh Ms Caitlin Barclay Grant Licence 15-Feb-23 15-Feb-23 25-Mar-23 25-Oct-22 486586 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 92 South Clerk Street, Edinburgh Mr Logan McDonald Grant Licence 19-Dec-22 19-Dec-22 18-Mar-25 25-Oct-22 486588 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 92 South Clerk Street, Edinburgh Mr Lewis McKechnie Grant Licence 19-Dec-22 19-Dec-22 18-Mar-25 25-Oct-22 486590 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 92 South Clerk Street, Edinburgh Mr Stephen Cairns Grant Licence 19-Dec-22 19-Dec-22 18-Mar-25 25-Oct-22 486591 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 92 South Clerk Street, Edinburgh Ms Charlotte Jane Anne Paterson Grant Licence 19-Dec-22 19-Dec-22 18-Mar-25 24-Oct-22 486421 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 83c Craighall Road, Trinity Mr James Beavis Grant Licence 2-May-23 2-May-23 1-May-24 19-Oct-22 486019 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 2-4 Salamander Street, South Leith Miss Kamila Karasewicz Grant Licence 21-Feb-23 21-Feb-23 20-Jan-24 18-Oct-22 485641 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence Renewal 130 Gorgie Road, Edinburgh Mr William Brown Grant Licence 27-Mar-23 30-Nov-23 29-Nov-25 18-Oct-22 485642 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 130 Gorgie Road, Edinburgh Ms Paige Brown Grant Licence 27-Mar-23 27-Mar-23 29-Nov-25 17-Oct-22 485821 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence Renewal 162 Albert Street, Edinburgh Mr Kritsada Tanthasuriya Grant Licence 18-Jan-23 19-Nov-22 18-Nov-25 13-Oct-22 485759 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New Unit 16, Gyle Centre, Gyle Avenue, Edinburgh Ms Kirsty Chevone Bennett Grant Licence 31-Jan-23 31-Jan-23 30-Sep-25 13-Oct-22 485767 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New Unit 16, Gyle Centre, Gyle Avenue, Edinburgh Mr Tren Thomas Dickson Grant Licence 31-Jan-23 31-Jan-23 30-Sep-25 11-Oct-22 485352 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 8 Coltbridge Avenue, Murrayfield Mrs Vesta Mitchell Grant Licence 8-Feb-23 8-Feb-23 7-Feb-24 5-Oct-22 486646 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 46 Marionville Road, Edinburgh Natrabrow Ltd Ms Louise Bain Grant Licence 31-Jan-23 31-Jan-23 30-Jan-24 3-Oct-22 486593 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 2-4 Salamander Street, South Leith Klaudia Malecka Grant Licence 18-Jan-23 18-Jan-23 17-Jan-24 26-Sep-22 486342 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 55 Timber Bush, Edinburgh Ms Larissa Travassos do Nascimento Grant Licence 28-Nov-22 28-Nov-22 27-Nov-23 23-Sep-22 486279 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 12 Ormiston Terrace, Corstorphine Ms Maisa Aghatabay Grant Licence 16-Mar-23 16-Mar-23 15-Mar-24 22-Sep-22 486226 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 1b Easter Road, Albion Enea Adam Grant Licence 16-Jan-23 16-Jan-23 1-Dec-25 21-Sep-22 486124 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence Renewal 1b Easter Road, Albion Ms Nikki Jae Lloyd-Proctor Grant Licence 9-Jan-23 2-Dec-22 1-Dec-25 21-Sep-22 486126 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 1b Easter Road, Albion Sophie Elizabeth Apter Grant Licence 16-Jan-23 16-Jan-23 1-Dec-25 21-Sep-22 486128 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 1b Easter Road, Albion Ms Kate Sophie Glover Grant Licence 16-Jan-23 16-Jan-23 1-Dec-25 21-Sep-22 486130 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 1b Easter Road, Albion Eugenia Vazquez Rojas Grant Licence 16-Jan-23 16-Jan-23 1-Dec-25 15-Sep-22 484602 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 4 Meadowbank Avenue, Willowbrae Ms Donata Kiaunyte Grant Licence 7-Feb-23 7-Feb-23 13-Sep-23 14-Sep-22 483452 Application withdrawn Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 38 Morningside Road, Morningside Ms Irena Gryadunova Application Withdrawn 14-Feb-23 14-Sep-22 483453 Invalid application Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 38 Morningside Road, Morningside Michelle Wu Incompetent Application 14-Jun-23 14-Sep-22 483454 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 38 Morningside Road, Morningside Ms Claire Wallace Grant Licence 10-Mar-23 10-Mar-23 9-Mar-24 12-Sep-22 484285 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 48 St Stephen Street, Edinburgh Ms Victoria Robinson Grant Licence 5-Jan-23 5-Jan-23 4-Jan-24 7-Sep-22 488581 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 38 Morningside Road, Morningside The Nail Yard Ltd Claire Wallace Grant Licence 10-Mar-23 10-Mar-23 9-Mar-24 6-Sep-22 483239 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New Unit 17a, Gyle Centre, Gyle Avenue, Edinburgh Monsoon Accessorize Ltd Ms Wendy Knox Grant Licence 20-Dec-22 20-Dec-22 19-Dec-23 6-Sep-22 490644 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New Unit 17a, Gyle Centre, Gyle Avenue, Edinburgh Ms Arianna Christie Grant Licence 6-Jan-23 6-Jan-23 19-Dec-23 6-Sep-22 490650 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New Unit 17a, Gyle Centre, Gyle Avenue, Edinburgh Ms Sharon McIntosh Grant Licence 6-Jan-23 6-Jan-23 19-Dec-23 6-Sep-22 490654 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New Unit 17a, Gyle Centre, Gyle Avenue, Edinburgh Catherine Mary Stuart Grant Licence 6-Jan-23 6-Jan-23 19-Dec-23 5-Sep-22 483198 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 8-8a South Clerk Street, Newington Mr Christopher Humphries Grant Licence 19-Jan-23 19-Jan-23 18-Jan-24 30-Aug-22 484335 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 1a Brougham Place, Edinburgh Ms Alison Sidgwick Grant Licence 23-Dec-22 23-Dec-22 13-Oct-25 24-Aug-22 481874 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Renewal 30 Maritime Street, Edinburgh Ms Diana Veidenthalerova Grant Licence 30-Sep-22 30-Sep-22 17-Oct-25 24-Aug-22 481879 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 30 Maritime Street, Edinburgh Mr Callum Black Grant Licence 30-Sep-22 30-Sep-22 17-Oct-25 24-Aug-22 482632 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence Renewal 67 Great Junction Street, Edinburgh Mr Adam Fitzcharles Grant Licence 9-Dec-22 3-Sep-22 2-Sep-25 24-Aug-22 486110 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 67 Great Junction Street, Edinburgh Mr Steven Antonio Gilmour Grant Licence 16-Dec-22 16-Dec-22 2-Sep-25 24-Aug-22 486113 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 67 Great Junction Street, Edinburgh Mr Grzegorz Klich Grant Licence 16-Dec-22 16-Dec-22 2-Sep-25 24-Aug-22 486115 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 67 Great Junction Street, Edinburgh Michael Latorre Grant Licence 16-Dec-22 16-Dec-22 2-Sep-25 24-Aug-22 486118 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 67 Great Junction Street, Edinburgh Daire El Sibai Grant Licence 16-Dec-22 16-Dec-22 2-Sep-25 23-Aug-22 482451 Invalid application Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence Renewal Unit 16, Gyle Centre, Gyle Avenue, Edinburgh Incompetent Application 6-Dec-22 23-Aug-22 482452 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence Renewal Unit 16, Gyle Centre, Gyle Avenue, Edinburgh Claire's Accessories UK Ltd Ms Kirsty Cairns Grant Licence 22-Dec-22 1-Oct-22 30-Sep-25 22-Aug-22 482342 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence Renewal 22 Montrose Terrace, Edinburgh Ms Zivile Smitaite Grant Licence 22-Feb-23 13-Aug-22 12-Aug-25 22-Aug-22 482375 Decision made Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New Unit 59, Ocean Terminal, 98 Ocean Drive, North Leith Xuheng Guo Grant Licence 11-Jan-23 11-Jan-23 10-Feb-24 19-Aug-22 482223 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence Renewal Unit 25, Ocean Terminal, 98 Ocean Drive, Edinburgh Claire's Accessories UK Ltd Ms Sharon O'Rourke Grant Licence 28-Dec-22 16-Sep-22 15-Sep-25 19-Aug-22 482227 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Renewal Unit 25, Ocean Terminal, 98 Ocean Drive, Edinburgh Miss Sophie Carol-Anne Stewart Grant Licence 28-Dec-22 28-Dec-22 15-Sep-25 18-Aug-22 481955 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 238 Leith Walk, Edinburgh Mr Alan Alexander Proctor Grant Licence 17-Sep-22 17-Sep-22 15-Sep-23 16-Aug-22 481826 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence Renewal 2, 87 Rose Street North Lane, Edinburgh Miss Gemma Campbell Grant Licence 21-Dec-22 7-Sep-22 6-Sep-25 15-Aug-22 481687 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 154 Ferry Road, Edinburgh Culture Ink Ltd Mr Omar Beldjilali Gallego Grant Licence 28-Feb-23 28-Feb-23 27-Feb-24 11-Aug-22 481571 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 38 William Street, Edinburgh Claire Gates-Sjoblom Grant Licence 9-Mar-23 9-Mar-23 8-Mar-24 10-Aug-22 481513 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 19 Bread Street, Edinburgh Natasha Smith Grant Licence 16-Dec-22 16-Dec-22 19-Mar-25 10-Aug-22 481514 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Renewal 19 Bread Street, Edinburgh Zen OConor Grant Licence 16-Dec-22 16-Dec-22 19-Mar-25 10-Aug-22 481515 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 19 Bread Street, Edinburgh Alba Garces Carretero Grant Licence 16-Dec-22 16-Dec-22 19-Mar-25 9-Aug-22 481435 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 19 Easter Road, Edinburgh Alice Smith Grant Licence 20-Dec-22 20-Dec-22 2-Jul-23 9-Aug-22 481436 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 19 Easter Road, Edinburgh Enrique Vega Munoz Grant Licence 28-Nov-22 28-Nov-22 2-Jul-23 9-Aug-22 481873 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence Renewal 30 Maritime Street, Edinburgh Saltire Studios Limited Mr Jamie Cris Johnstone Grant Licence 29-Sep-22 18-Oct-22 17-Oct-25 9-Aug-22 481880 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Renewal 30 Maritime Street, Edinburgh Mr Ryan James Findlay Grant Licence 30-Sep-22 30-Sep-22 17-Oct-25 9-Aug-22 482446 Application withdrawn Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 335-337 Leith Walk, Albion Ineta Zalite Application Withdrawn 21-Mar-23 5-Aug-22 481375 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 24 Lochrin Buildings, Edinburgh Ms Dominika Justyna Szymczyk Grant Licence 5-Jan-23 5-Jan-23 4-Jan-24 5-Aug-22 481980 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 15 Portland Place, Edinburgh Lora Rose Young Grant Licence 28-Nov-22 28-Nov-22 29-Jul-23 5-Aug-22 482036 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 15 Portland Place, Edinburgh Bethany Astina Moffatt Grant Licence 28-Nov-22 28-Nov-22 29-Jul-23 4-Aug-22 481557 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 15 Portland Place, Edinburgh Justin Yaroma Grant Licence 21-Feb-23 21-Feb-23 29-Jul-23 3-Aug-22 481368 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 238 Leith Walk, Edinburgh Ms Nikki Jae Lloyd-Proctor Grant Licence 16-Sep-22 16-Sep-22 15-Sep-23 3-Aug-22 481409 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 121 Rose Street, Edinburgh Mr Darren Hasan-Ali Grant Licence 3-Oct-22 3-Oct-22 2-Oct-23 3-Aug-22 481483 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence Renewal 1a Brougham Place, Edinburgh Tollcross Tattoo Club Ltd Mr Benjamin Parsons Grant Licence 20-Dec-22 14-Oct-22 13-Oct-25 2-Aug-22 481141 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence Renewal 1f1, 37 Queensferry Street, New Town Ms Sarah-Louise Alexander Grant Licence 1-Dec-22 4-Aug-22 3-Aug-25 2-Aug-22 481581 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence Renewal 16 Clerk Street, Edinburgh Mrs Yan Yun Grant Licence 10-Jan-23 31-Aug-22 30-Aug-25 1-Aug-22 481130 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence Renewal 86-92 Causewayside, Sciennes Wiktoria Piejczew Grant Licence 28-Dec-22 22-Mar-23 21-Mar-26 28-Jul-22 481122 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence Renewal 2b Pirrie Street, Edinburgh Mr Ross Naylor Grant Licence 9-Dec-22 30-Jul-22 29-Jul-25 28-Jul-22 481138 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 2b Pirrie Street, Edinburgh Miss Hazel Hoskyns-Abrahall Grant Licence 9-Dec-22 30-Jul-22 29-Jul-25 27-Jul-22 481118 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New Unit 16, Gyle Centre, Gyle Avenue, Edinburgh Ms Daisy Donnachie Grant Licence 6-Jan-23 6-Jan-23 30-Sep-25 26-Jul-22 480967 Invalid application Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 90a Princes Street, New Town Incompetent Application 1-Aug-22 21-Jul-22 480607 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 1a Brougham Place, Edinburgh Mr James Andrew Nelson Grant Licence 11-Jan-23 11-Jan-23 13-Oct-25 20-Jul-22 480452 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 2 Harper Place, Hyvots Bank Ms Lyndsey Rachel Stewart Ms Lyndsey Rachel Stewart Grant Licence 23-Mar-23 23-Mar-23 22-Mar-24 20-Jul-22 480504 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 6-8 Bread Street, Old Town Ms Nicola Calzado Martes Ms Nicola Calzado Martes Grant Licence 17-Nov-22 17-Nov-22 16-Nov-23 20-Jul-22 480565 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 47-47a Broughton Street, Edinburgh Miss Charlotte Reece Miss Charlotte Reece Grant Licence 4-Oct-22 4-Oct-22 3-Oct-23 8-Jul-22 479983 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 238 Leith Walk, Edinburgh Mr Sean James Scoular Grant Licence 17-Sep-22 17-Sep-22 15-Sep-23 7-Jul-22 479817 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence Renewal 15 Portland Place, Edinburgh Mr John Greaney Grant Licence 24-Nov-22 30-Jul-22 29-Jul-23 7-Jul-22 479821 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 238 Leith Walk, Edinburgh Miss Alana Dalziel Grant Licence 17-Sep-22 17-Sep-22 15-Sep-23 30-Jun-22 479261 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New Fort Kinnaird Retail Park Ms Amy Laird Grant Licence 14-Sep-22 14-Sep-22 30-Sep-24 29-Jun-22 455447 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Renewal 260 Portobello High Street, Edinburgh Mrs Jan Craig Grant Licence 10-Jun-22 10-Jun-22 31-Jul-24 28-Jun-22 479721 Invalid application Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 15-Jul-22 24-Jun-22 478795 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 249a St John's Road, Corstorphine Ms Rhona Fletcher Ms Rhona Fletcher Grant Licence 13-Jun-23 13-Jun-23 12-Jun-24 24-Jun-22 478819 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New Peripatetic Operator Ms Omayma Laing Ms Omayma Laing Grant Licence 19-Dec-22 19-Dec-22 18-Dec-23 23-Jun-22 478653 Invalid application Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence Renewal 56 St Stephen Street, Edinburgh Incompetent Application 28-Oct-22 23-Jun-22 478654 Invalid application Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Renewal 56 St Stephen Street, Edinburgh Application not considered 28-Oct-22 23-Jun-22 478761 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence Renewal 9 East Fountainbridge, Edinburgh Mr Alexander David Rattray Grant Licence 15-Feb-23 21-Jun-22 20-Jun-23 20-Jun-22 478475 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence Variation 5 Marchmont Road, Edinburgh Mr Simeon Zlatarev Grant Licence 21-Jul-22 21-Jul-22 7-Dec-24 17-Jun-22 478446 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New Unit 16 Gyle Centre, Gyle Avenue Ms Shannon Catherine Gilbride Grant Licence 6-Jan-23 6-Jan-23 30-Sep-25 16-Jun-22 481601 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 248 Canongate, Edinburgh Ashleigh Seeley Grant Licence 25-Nov-22 25-Nov-22 30-Jun-24 15-Jun-22 478203 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 25 Bruntsfield Place, Edinburgh Ms Jillian Sharp Ms Jillian Sharp Grant Licence 21-Sep-22 21-Sep-22 20-Sep-23 14-Jun-22 478148 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 2-4 Salamander Street, South Leith Ms Oliwia Muszynska Grant Licence 10-Oct-22 10-Oct-22 9-Oct-23 10-Jun-22 477909 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 8 Drummond Street, Edinburgh Maksym Serha Maksym Serha Grant Licence 10-Nov-22 10-Nov-22 9-Nov-23 8-Jun-22 477149 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 3 Jeffrey Street, Edinburgh Matias Nicolas Pereira Sosa Grant Licence 12-Sep-22 12-Sep-22 11-Sep-23 7-Jun-22 477640 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 102 Newhaven Road, Edinburgh Ms Izabela Morgan Grant Licence 30-Sep-22 30-Sep-22 29-Sep-23 7-Jun-22 477706 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New Arch 9, 17 East Market Street, Old Town Ms Amy Daly Grant Licence 5-Dec-22 5-Dec-22 28-Feb-23 6-Jun-22 467291 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence Renewal 166 Bruntsfield Place, Edinburgh Ms Elisa Falkenburg Grant Licence 8-Aug-22 31-Dec-21 30-Dec-22 6-Jun-22 475674 Invalid application Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New Unit 16, Gyle Centre, Gyle Avenue, Edinburgh Mehenaz Rommel Islam Incompetent Application 16-Jun-22 30-Sep-22 6-Jun-22 477710 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New Unit 4 2 Fountainbridge Square Octangle Edinburgh Limited Ms Allana Masson Grant Licence 27-Sep-22 27-Sep-22 26-Sep-23 24-May-22 455081 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 260 Portobello High Street, Edinburgh Christopher Humphries Grant Licence 5-Jul-22 5-Jul-22 4-Jul-23 24-May-22 475984 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 51 Cumberland Street, Edinburgh Ms Larissa Travassos do Nascimento Ms Larissa Travassos do Nascimento Grant Licence 20-Oct-22 20-Oct-22 19-Oct-23 19-May-22 476419 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence Renewal 5 Marischal Place, Edinburgh Ms Karen Harris Grant Licence 26-Oct-22 21-Jun-22 20-Jun-25 18-May-22 465383 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence Renewal 5 Marchmont Road, Edinburgh Mr Simeon Zlatarev Grant Licence 21-Jul-22 8-Dec-21 7-Dec-24 16-May-22 475959 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 51 Cumberland Street, Edinburgh Ms Victoria Isabella Craig-Colquhoun Ms Victoria Isabella Craig-Colquhoun Grant Licence 11-Oct-22 11-Oct-22 10-Oct-23 16-May-22 476134 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence Renewal 3 Telford Road, Edinburgh Mrs Karen Smeaton Grant Licence 12-Oct-22 25-Aug-22 24-Aug-25 12-May-22 475957 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 51 Cumberland Street, Edinburgh Ms Anna Maxwell Brown Grant Licence 11-Jul-22 11-Jul-22 10-Jul-23 11-May-22 475504 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 56 Dalry Road, Edinburgh Fae Louisa Chamberlain Grant Licence 8-Sep-22 8-Sep-22 8-May-23 11-May-22 475806 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence Renewal 289 Easter Road, Edinburgh Explodink Tattoo Ltd Mr Lukasz Skrzypinski Grant Licence 16-Sep-22 10-May-22 9-May-23 11-May-22 475920 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 4 Meadowbank Avenue, Willowbrae Jennifer Robertson Grant Licence 14-Sep-22 14-Sep-22 13-Sep-23 9-May-22 474441 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence Renewal 47-47a Broughton Street, Edinburgh Ms Dominika Szymanek Grant Licence 26-Jul-22 13-May-22 12-May-23 5-May-22 474345 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence Renewal 8 Drummond Street, Edinburgh Mr Alexandros Gkoro Grant Licence 17-Aug-22 19-Apr-22 18-Apr-23 5-May-22 475471 Application withdrawn Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 5 Marchmont Road, Edinburgh Douglas Alexander Application Withdrawn 18-Aug-22 5-May-22 475508 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence Renewal 126 Morningside Road, Edinburgh Mr Zong'yi Wan Grant Licence 2-Sep-22 1-Jun-22 31-May-25 4-May-22 474495 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 3 Jeffrey Street, Edinburgh Ms Courtenay Dickson Grant Licence 7-Jul-22 7-Jul-22 13-Jan-23 4-May-22 474872 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New Unit 16 Gyle Centre, Gyle Avenue Zuzana Butulova Grant Licence 7-Jul-22 7-Jul-22 30-Sep-22 3-May-22 474159 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence Renewal 51 Cumberland Street, Edinburgh Take Note Tattoo Ltd Mr Paul Cruickshank Grant Licence 7-Oct-22 13-May-22 12-May-25 2-May-22 474335 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence Renewal 8 Drummond Street, Edinburgh Mr Marcel Kiss Ms Krisztina Csepes Grant Licence 8-Aug-22 19-Apr-22 18-Apr-25 1-May-22 475166 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 23a Blair Street, Old Town Miss Agnieszka Skulicz Grant Licence 15-Aug-22 15-Aug-22 19-Jun-23 1-May-22 475171 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 23a Blair Street, Old Town Mr Daniel Baczewski Grant Licence 15-Aug-22 15-Aug-22 19-Jun-23 29-Apr-22 474339 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence Renewal 8 Drummond Street, Edinburgh Mr Akos Pasztor Grant Licence 9-Aug-22 19-Apr-22 18-Apr-23 28-Apr-22 474341 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence Renewal 8 Drummond Street, Edinburgh Mr Rafael Mauricio Flocco Grant Licence 9-Aug-22 19-Apr-22 18-Apr-25 26-Apr-22 474337 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence Renewal 8 Drummond Street, Edinburgh Get Inked Limited Ms Krisztina Csepes Grant Licence 9-Aug-22 22-Apr-22 21-Apr-25 26-Apr-22 474344 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence Renewal 8 Drummond Street, Edinburgh Mr Kristian Woody Astell Grant Licence 9-Aug-22 20-Apr-22 19-Apr-23 19-Apr-22 474463 Invalid application Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 51 Cumberland Street, Edinburgh Anna Maxwell Brown Incompetent Application 1-Jun-22 19-Apr-22 474465 Invalid application Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 51 Cumberland Street, Edinburgh Incompetent Application 15-Jun-22 13-Apr-22 474168 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 8 Groathill Road North, Easter Drylaw Christina Goldie Grant Licence 5-Jul-22 5-Jul-22 4-Jul-23 13-Apr-22 474429 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence Renewal Peripatetic Operator Ms Karen Morrison Grant Licence 5-May-22 9-Apr-22 8-Apr-23 12-Apr-22 473762 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 47-47a Broughton Street, Edinburgh Samantha Leslie Crawford Grant Licence 3-Aug-22 3-Aug-22 2-Aug-23 12-Apr-22 474118 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 23a Blair Street, Old Town Mr Wojciech Przychodzki Grant Licence 20-Jun-22 20-Jun-22 19-Jun-23 12-Apr-22 474119 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 23a Blair Street, Old Town Mr Marcin Ptak Grant Licence 20-Jun-22 20-Jun-22 19-Jun-23 12-Apr-22 474121 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 23a Blair Street, Old Town Mr Bartosz Pochel Grant Licence 20-Jun-22 20-Jun-22 19-Jun-23 12-Apr-22 474122 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 23a Blair Street, Old Town Ms Freya Duckett Grant Licence 20-Jun-22 20-Jun-22 19-Jun-23 7-Apr-22 473471 Application withdrawn Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 162 Dalry Road, Dalry Ms Wioletta Mirga Application Withdrawn 18-May-22 29-Mar-22 473000 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 216 Morningside Road, Edinburgh Superdrug Stores PLC Stephanie Lonnie Grant Licence 9-May-22 9-May-22 8-May-23 29-Mar-22 473002 Licence surrendered Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 216 Morningside Road, Edinburgh Ms Kirstin Bell Grant Licence 11-May-22 11-May-22 8-May-23 29-Mar-22 473004 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 216 Morningside Road, Edinburgh Ms Jane Jappy Grant Licence 9-May-22 9-May-22 8-May-23 29-Mar-22 473007 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 216 Morningside Road, Edinburgh Ms Alisha Flauger Grant Licence 9-May-22 9-May-22 8-May-23 29-Mar-22 473031 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 3 Jeffrey Street, Edinburgh Mr Karolis Bakutis Grant Licence 14-Sep-22 14-Sep-22 13-Sep-23 25-Mar-22 472849 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 3 Jeffrey Street, Edinburgh Ms Reese Francey Grant Licence 17-Aug-22 17-Aug-22 13-Jan-23 24-Mar-22 472732 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence Renewal 156 Morningside Road, Edinburgh Heartship Tattoos Mr Werner Jacobs Grant Licence 24-Nov-22 29-Aug-22 28-Aug-25 24-Mar-22 472736 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 156 Morningside Road, Edinburgh Mrs Catherine Jacobs Grant Licence 24-Nov-22 27-Aug-22 28-Aug-25 23-Mar-22 469432 Application withdrawn Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 8a Montagu Terrace, Edinburgh Ms Fiona Mary Dickson Application Withdrawn 5-Jan-23 22-Mar-22 472544 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New Unit 16, Gyle Centre, Gyle Avenue, Edinburgh Ms Kirsty Cairns Grant Licence 11-Apr-22 11-Apr-22 30-Sep-22 17-Mar-22 472105 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 72 Haymarket Terrace, Edinburgh Mr Robbie Johnston Grant Licence 19-Jul-22 19-Jul-22 11-Nov-22 17-Mar-22 472114 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 90a Princes Street, New Town Claire's Accessories UK Ltd Ms Timea Zadori Grant Licence 11-Oct-22 11-Oct-22 10-Oct-23 17-Mar-22 472182 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 90a Princes Street, New Town Ms Julia Quetgles Nadal Grant Licence 20-Oct-22 20-Oct-22 10-Oct-23 17-Mar-22 472184 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 90a Princes Street, New Town Ms Sharon O'Rourke Grant Licence 20-Oct-22 20-Oct-22 10-Oct-23 12-Mar-22 471654 Application withdrawn Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 238 Leith Walk, Edinburgh Application Withdrawn 9-Aug-22 8-Mar-22 471404 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 19 London Road, Edinburgh Dermal Graphics Ltd Mr Louis Claes Grant Licence 24-Nov-22 24-Nov-22 23-Nov-23 8-Mar-22 486270 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 19 London Road, Edinburgh Ms Claire Mary Thomson Grant Licence 9-Dec-22 9-Dec-22 23-Nov-23 7-Mar-22 471270 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 109-111 Bruntsfield Place, Edinburgh Ms Jemma - Leigh Anderson Ms Jemma - Leigh Anderson Grant Licence 4-Oct-22 4-Oct-22 3-Oct-23 4-Mar-22 471174 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 18 Bristo Place, Edinburgh Mr Athanasios Razis Mr Athanasios Razis Grant Licence 29-Sep-22 29-Sep-22 28-Sep-23 28-Feb-22 470820 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence Renewal 7 Morningside Drive, Edinburgh Ms Beata Polec Grant Licence 23-May-22 2-Mar-22 1-Mar-25 25-Feb-22 470636 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 25 Jock's Lodge, Edinburgh Ms Samantha Robertson Ms Samantha Robertson Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 27-Jul-22 27-Jul-22 26-Jul-23 25-Feb-22 470638 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 25 Jock's Lodge, Edinburgh Ms Oana Coman Grant Licence 25-Aug-22 26-Aug-22 26-Jul-23 22-Feb-22 470513 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New Peripatetic Operator Ms Jill McLaggan Grant Licence 27-Apr-22 27-Apr-22 26-Apr-23 18-Feb-22 470154 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 19 Bread Street, Edinburgh Simon Blossfeldt Grant Licence 24-Nov-22 20-Mar-22 19-Mar-25 18-Feb-22 470396 Application withdrawn Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 8 Coltbridge Avenue, Murrayfield Ms Tracy McKeown Application Withdrawn 9-May-22 18-Feb-22 470421 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence Renewal 92 South Clerk Street, Edinburgh Mr Ian Alexander McAlister Grant Licence 24-Nov-22 19-Mar-22 18-Mar-25 16-Feb-22 469972 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 19 Bread Street, Edinburgh Ms Diana Katarzna Pikus Grant Licence 24-Nov-22 20-Mar-22 19-Mar-25 16-Feb-22 470100 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Renewal 19 Bread Street, Edinburgh Mr Tomasz Jackowski Grant Licence 24-Nov-22 20-Mar-22 19-Mar-25 15-Feb-22 468654 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence Renewal 57 Oxgangs Park, Edinburgh Ms Carol Fortune Grant Licence 9-Aug-22 1-Mar-22 28-Feb-25 14-Feb-22 469836 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence Renewal 19 Bread Street, Edinburgh Okie Dokie Group Ltd Mr Dawid Maciej Rodziewicz Grant Licence 21-Nov-22 20-Mar-22 19-Mar-25 8-Feb-22 469531 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 160 Gorgie Road, Edinburgh Ellis Katy Page Grant Licence 9-Mar-22 8-Mar-22 26-Jan-23 8-Feb-22 469548 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 118 Raeburn Place, Stockbridge Angela Williamson Grant Licence 5-Apr-22 5-Apr-22 4-Apr-23 3-Feb-22 469281 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 56 Dalry Road, Edinburgh Mr Marek Skalny Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 9-May-22 9-May-22 8-May-23 2-Feb-22 447668 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 101 Easter Road, Albion Joanne Grind Limited Granted by' Operation of Law' 24-Dec-21 24-Dec-20 24-Dec-22 2-Feb-22 469220 Invalid application Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 86 Walter Scott Avenue, Edinburgh Sophie Dutnall Incompetent Application 8-Mar-22 2-Feb-22 470249 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 80 Walter Scott Avenue, Edinburgh Sophie Dutnall Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 30-Mar-22 30-Mar-22 29-Mar-23 31-Jan-22 468953 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 160 Gorgie Road, Edinburgh Amanda Solarewicz Grant Licence 8-Mar-22 8-Mar-22 26-Jan-23 26-Jan-22 468752 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence Renewal 35 William Street, Edinburgh Ms Lisa Lee Grant Licence 21-Nov-22 10-Mar-22 9-Mar-25 26-Jan-22 468805 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence Renewal 111 Leith Walk, Edinburgh Ms Emily Mapp Grant Licence 24-Nov-22 3-Feb-22 2-Feb-23 25-Jan-22 468702 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence Renewal 25 Marchmont Crescent, Edinburgh Allure Beauty Lounge Ms Shannon Twist Grant Licence 24-Jan-23 5-Jan-22 4-Jan-25 24-Jan-22 468022 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 209 St John's Road, Corstorphine Madeleine Laing Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 20-Apr-22 20-Apr-22 19-Apr-23 24-Jan-22 468676 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Renewal 92 Dalry Road, Edinburgh Alexandra Holzbarova Grant Licence 15-Sep-22 25-Jan-22 24-Jan-23 24-Jan-22 468681 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence Renewal 92 Dalry Road, Edinburgh Energize Aesthetic Limited Lucia Holzbarova Grant Licence 15-Sep-22 25-Jan-22 24-Jan-23 24-Jan-22 468682 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Renewal 92 Dalry Road, Edinburgh Ms Carrie Ann McKendry Grant Licence 15-Sep-22 25-Jan-22 25-Jan-23 20-Jan-22 468284 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New Unit 25, Ocean Terminal, 98 Ocean Drive, Edinburgh Ms Hajrah Beg Grant Licence 27-Jan-22 27-Jan-22 15-Sep-22 17-Jan-22 468023 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 361 Leith Walk, Edinburgh Mr Lee Gibson-Wolf Grant Licence 15-Aug-22 15-Aug-22 14-Aug-23 17-Jan-22 468080 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New Unit 16, Gyle Centre, Gyle Avenue, Edinburgh Ms Natalia Szekalska Grant Licence 11-Feb-22 11-Feb-22 30-Sep-22 11-Jan-22 458418 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 3 Jeffrey Street, Edinburgh Mr James Andrew Nelson Grant Licence 21-Jan-22 21-Jan-22 13-Jan-23 11-Jan-22 467650 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence Renewal 55 Timber Bush, Edinburgh Ecdysis Studio Ltd Ms Laura Young Grant Licence 25-Nov-22 12-Apr-22 11-Apr-25 11-Jan-22 467653 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence Renewal 55 Timber Bush, Edinburgh Mr David Strods Grant Licence 28-Nov-22 19-Apr-22 18-Apr-25 7-Jan-22 467519 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New Unit 16, Gyle Centre, Gyle Avenue, Edinburgh Mr Bradley Ramsay Grant Licence 11-Feb-22 11-Feb-22 30-Sep-22 5-Jan-22 467352 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 48 Portobello Road Ms Natalia Gal-Bracha Grant Licence 24-Nov-22 24-Nov-22 24-Nov-23 5-Jan-22 467392 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence Renewal 7 Grassmarket, Edinburgh Ms Pauline Perrier Grant Licence 24-Nov-22 18-Feb-22 17-Feb-23 3-Jan-22 467357 Application withdrawn Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence Renewal 102 Hanover Street, Edinburgh Application Withdrawn 19-Oct-22 28-Dec-21 467567 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence Renewal 9 Morningside Drive, Edinburgh Ms Kamun Li Grant Licence 28-Nov-22 30-Dec-21 29-Dec-22 24-Dec-21 467013 Invalid application Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New Incompetent Application 21-Nov-22 20-Dec-21 466750 Application withdrawn Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New Unit 6, Gyle Centre, Gyle Avenue, South Gyle Application Withdrawn 19-Dec-22 20-Dec-21 466819 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New Peripatetic Operator Pearlyn Quan Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 20-Apr-22 20-Apr-22 19-Apr-23 10-Dec-21 466260 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence Renewal 28 Comiston Road, Edinburgh Ms Judit Lizdene Grant Licence 21-Nov-22 21-Nov-22 19-Dec-22 7-Dec-21 465963 Application withdrawn Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 136 Ferry Road, Craigleith Delfina Lewczuk Application Withdrawn 16-Jun-22 6-Dec-21 465911 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 8 Drummond Street, Edinburgh Kyriako Seferi Robert Bohacs Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 23-Mar-22 23-Mar-22 22-Mar-23 29-Nov-21 465523 Application withdrawn Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New Unit 7c 26 South Groathill Avenue, Edinburgh Superdrug Stores PLC Kushdeep Singh Application Withdrawn 9-Feb-22 29-Nov-21 465527 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New Unit 7c 26 South Groathill Avenue, Edinburgh Superdrug Stores PLC Kieran Fairhurst Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 1-Mar-22 1-Mar-22 28-Feb-23 29-Nov-21 465531 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New Unit 7c 26 South Groathill Avenue, Edinburgh Superdrug Stores PLC Lauren McCue Grant Licence 10-Mar-22 10-Mar-22 28-Feb-23 29-Nov-21 465574 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New Fort Kinnaird Retail Park Superdrug Stores PLC Sharon Boyle Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 1-Mar-22 1-Mar-22 28-Feb-23 26-Nov-21 465338 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 17 East Market Street, Old Town Ms Rebecca Robinson Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 1-Mar-22 1-Mar-22 28-Feb-23 25-Nov-21 465340 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New Unit 16, Gyle Centre, Gyle Avenue, Edinburgh Ms Ella Rose Smith Grant Licence 17-Jan-22 17-Jan-22 30-Sep-22 25-Nov-21 468601 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 17 East Market Street, Old Town Alexandra Ciobanu Grant Licence 1-Mar-22 1-Mar-22 28-Feb-23 25-Nov-21 468602 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 17 East Market Street, Old Town Hayley Arnold Hayley Arnold Grant Licence 1-Mar-22 1-Mar-22 28-Feb-23 24-Nov-21 465231 Invalid application Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 25 Jock's Lodge, Edinburgh Incompetent Application 21-Mar-22 18-Nov-21 464843 Invalid application Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 154 Ferry Road, Edinburgh Ferry Road Tattoo Ltd Alexa Hoflier Incompetent Application 22-Sep-22 17-Nov-21 455325 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 147 Slateford Road, Slateford Kirsti Turrell Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 24-Jan-22 24-Jan-22 23-Jan-23 15-Nov-21 464374 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Renewal 36-37 West Preston Street, Edinburgh Claire Tong Grant Licence 22-Mar-22 22-Mar-22 27-Mar-24 15-Nov-21 464378 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 30 Maritime Street, Edinburgh Ms Diana Veidenthalerova Grant Licence 30-Dec-21 30-Dec-21 17-Oct-22 15-Nov-21 466749 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 30 Maritime Street, Edinburgh Mr Callum Black Grant Licence 30-Dec-21 30-Dec-21 17-Oct-22 15-Nov-21 466757 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 30 Maritime Street, Edinburgh Mr Ryan James Findlay Grant Licence 30-Dec-21 30-Dec-21 17-Oct-22 3-Nov-21 463582 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 3 Jeffrey Street, Edinburgh Mr Emannuel De Sousa Fernandes Grant Licence 24-Jan-22 24-Jan-22 13-Jan-23 2-Nov-21 463612 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 51 Cumberland Street, Edinburgh Ms Larissa Travassos do Nascimento Grant Licence 22-Mar-22 22-Mar-22 12-May-22 22-Oct-21 447612 Invalid application Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 60 Leith Walk, Edinburgh SAIA Aesthetics Ltd Ms Martine Dempsey Incompetent Application 10-Jan-22 20-Oct-21 462673 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 48 Great Junction Street, North Leith Keryn Lowe O'Donnell Grant Licence 28-Jul-22 28-Jul-22 27-Jul-23 15-Oct-21 462155 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence Renewal 162 Albert Street, Edinburgh Mr Kritsada Tanthasuriya Grant Licence 14-Sep-22 19-Nov-21 18-Nov-22 6-Oct-21 460965 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New Peripatetic Operator Ronald Hough Grant Licence 3-Feb-22 3-Feb-22 2-Feb-23 5-Oct-21 463765 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence Renewal 44 Home Street, Edinburgh Mr Jeffrey Scott Kohl Grant Licence 10-Nov-21 17-Dec-21 16-Dec-24 4-Oct-21 460770 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New St James Quarter, Edinburgh Superdrug Stores PLC Nicola Melia Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 17-Feb-22 17-Feb-22 16-Feb-23 4-Oct-21 460772 Invalid application Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New St James Quarter, Edinburgh Superdrug Stores PLC Nicola Melia Incompetent Application 31-Dec-21 4-Oct-21 460773 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New St James Quarter, Edinburgh Superdrug Stores PLC Alyssa Gibson Grant Licence 22-Feb-22 22-Feb-22 16-Feb-23 4-Oct-21 460774 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New St James Quarter, Edinburgh Superdrug Stores PLC Susan Crawford Grant Licence 21-Feb-22 21-Feb-22 16-Feb-23 4-Oct-21 460775 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New St James Quarter, Edinburgh Superdrug Stores PLC Leanne McDade Grant Licence 21-Feb-22 21-Feb-22 16-Feb-23 4-Oct-21 462490 Application withdrawn Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 8 Chesser Grove, Slateford Application Withdrawn 12-Nov-21 1-Oct-21 467488 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 20 Morningside Road, Morningside Emma Hunter Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 5-Apr-22 5-Apr-22 4-Apr-23 20-Sep-21 444129 Application withdrawn Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New Flat 1, 2 Hawkhill Close, Albion Ms Ellen Michelle Williamson Application Withdrawn 25-Apr-22 20-Sep-21 459914 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New Peripatetic Operator Susan Janet Mallinder Grant Licence 22-Feb-22 22-Feb-22 21-Feb-23 20-Sep-21 460051 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 3 Jeffrey Street, Edinburgh Miss Ellie Nisbet Grant Licence 28-Jan-22 28-Jan-22 13-Jan-23 20-Sep-21 460055 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 30 Maritime Street, Edinburgh Vincent Wolff Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 28-Jan-22 28-Jan-22 27-Jan-23 18-Sep-21 459911 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence Renewal 150-152 West Granton Road, Edinburgh Ms Agnieszka Metlewicz Grant Licence 14-Nov-22 18-Sep-21 17-Mar-23 16-Sep-21 459837 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 3 Jeffrey Street, Edinburgh Mr Ruairidh Douglas Michael Von Linden Grant Licence 24-Jan-22 24-Jan-22 13-Jan-23 16-Sep-21 463678 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 56 Dalry Road, Edinburgh Ms Freya Duckett Grant Licence 20-Dec-21 20-Dec-21 31-Mar-23 16-Sep-21 463679 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 56 Dalry Road, Edinburgh Ms Ruxandra Andreea Onita Grant Licence 20-Dec-21 20-Dec-21 31-Mar-23 14-Sep-21 459723 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 3 Jeffrey Street, Edinburgh Ms Shirley Pettigrew Grant Licence 24-Jan-22 24-Jan-22 13-Jan-23 11-Sep-21 459561 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 3 Jeffrey Street, Edinburgh Mr Alan William Ross Grant Licence 24-Jan-22 24-Jan-22 13-Jan-23 7-Sep-21 459562 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 3 Jeffrey Street, Edinburgh Mr Vytautus Baltrusaitis Grant Licence 24-Jan-22 24-Jan-22 13-Jan-23 6-Sep-21 468619 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 210a Newhaven Road, Newhaven Ms Anna Kedziora Grant Licence 29-Aug-22 29-Aug-22 28-Aug-23 31-Aug-21 459563 Invalid application Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence Renewal 154 Ferry Road, Edinburgh Ms Alexa Hoefler Incompetent Application 5-Jul-22 30-Aug-21 464132 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 6 Vivian Terrace, Corbiehill Ms Shairron Murray Grant Licence 6-Jan-22 6-Jan-22 5-Jan-23 27-Aug-21 468941 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New Fleming House, 35 Kinnaird Park, Edinburgh Ms Alannah Watson Grant Licence 18-Mar-22 18-Mar-22 30-Sep-24 27-Aug-21 468943 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New Fleming House, 35 Kinnaird Park, Edinburgh Ms Donna Donnelly Grant Licence 18-Mar-22 18-Mar-22 30-Sep-24 27-Aug-21 468944 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New Fleming House, 35 Kinnaird Park, Edinburgh Ms Kyra Watson Grant Licence 18-Mar-22 18-Mar-22 30-Sep-24 27-Aug-21 468945 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New Fleming House, 35 Kinnaird Park, Edinburgh Ms Dannielle Wilson Grant Licence 18-Mar-22 18-Mar-22 30-Sep-24 27-Aug-21 468946 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New Fleming House, 35 Kinnaird Park, Edinburgh Ms Ellie Grace Quinn Grant Licence 18-Mar-22 18-Mar-22 30-Sep-24 27-Aug-21 468947 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence Renewal Fleming House, 35 Kinnaird Park, Edinburgh Claires Accessories UK Ltd Ms Donna Donnelly Grant Licence 18-Mar-22 1-Oct-21 30-Sep-24 27-Aug-21 468948 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New Fleming House, 35 Kinnaird Park, Edinburgh Ms Leigh June Lindsay Barry Grant Licence 18-Mar-22 18-Mar-22 30-Sep-24 25-Aug-21 468874 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 240 Leith Walk, Albion Ms Thursa MacKenzie Gawthorpe Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 25-Jul-22 25-Jul-22 24-Jul-23 21-Aug-21 458415 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 3 Jeffrey Street, Edinburgh Ms Eilidh Findlay Grant Licence 24-Jan-22 24-Jan-22 13-Jan-23 18-Aug-21 458177 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 3 Jeffrey Street, Edinburgh Ms Thais De Melo Ferreira Blanc Grant Licence 2-Feb-22 2-Feb-22 13-Jan-23 18-Aug-21 464855 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 20 Quality Street Lane, Davidson's Mains Ms Angela Williamson Grant Licence 8-Dec-21 8-Dec-21 7-Dec-22 18-Aug-21 478288 Invalid application Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence Renewal 11a Atholl Place, Edinburgh Mr Darren Hasan-Ali Incompetent Application 18-Aug-22 17-Aug-21 478317 Decision made Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 11a Atholl Place, Edinburgh Ms Ashleigh Seeley Application not considered 21-Jul-22 18-Aug-21 17-Aug-21 478318 Decision made Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 11a Atholl Place, Edinburgh Miss Charlotte Reece Application not considered 21-Jul-22 18-Aug-21 17-Aug-21 478319 Decision made Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 11a Atholl Place, Edinburgh Mr Dominic Willox Application not considered 21-Jul-22 17-Aug-21 478320 Decision made Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 11a Atholl Place, Edinburgh Mr Enrique Vega Muñoz Application not considered 21-Jul-22 18-Aug-21 17-Aug-21 478323 Decision made Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 11a Atholl Place, Edinburgh Miss Lauren Kathleen Ann Preston Application not considered 21-Jul-22 18-Aug-21 17-Aug-21 478324 Decision made Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 11a Atholl Place, Edinburgh Ms Lora Hogg Application not considered 21-Jul-22 17-Aug-21 478326 Decision made Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 11a Atholl Place, Edinburgh Miss Phoebe Hilary Bonnar Application not considered 21-Jul-22 18-Aug-21 16-Aug-21 458156 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 3 Jeffrey Street, Edinburgh Ms Gillian Shaw Grant Licence 24-Jan-22 24-Jan-22 13-Jan-23 16-Aug-21 458164 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 3 Jeffrey Street, Edinburgh Mr Omar Beldjilali Gallego Grant Licence 24-Jan-22 24-Jan-22 13-Jan-23 16-Aug-21 458171 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 3 Jeffrey Street, Edinburgh Ms Apolonia Pogorzelska Grant Licence 24-Jan-22 24-Jan-22 13-Jan-23 15-Aug-21 457515 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 3 Jeffrey Street, Edinburgh Mr Marc Malcolm Davidson Grant Licence 24-Jan-22 24-Jan-22 13-Jan-23 15-Aug-21 458174 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence Renewal 39 Easter Road, Edinburgh Mr Julian Moray Fortunez Grant Licence 14-Nov-22 15-Aug-21 15-Feb-23 15-Aug-21 458194 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 3 Jeffrey Street, Edinburgh Ms Sarah Rachael Gregory Grant Licence 24-Jan-22 24-Jan-22 13-Jan-23 10-Aug-21 461415 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 44 Home Street, Edinburgh Ms Natalia Patrycja Aniolkiewicz Grant Licence 10-Nov-21 10-Nov-21 16-Dec-24 9-Aug-21 496453 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence Renewal 1 Jackson's Close, Edinburgh Ms Anna Salman Granted by' Operation of Law' 13-Apr-23 1-Oct-21 9-Nov-23 31-Jul-21 457509 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 3 Jeffrey Street, Edinburgh Red 75 Ltd Ms Joanna Gray Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 14-Jan-22 14-Jan-22 13-Jan-23 29-Jul-21 457025 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 24 Haddington Place, Broughton Megan Parry Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 7-Feb-22 7-Feb-22 6-Feb-23 27-Jul-21 456901 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence Variation 19 Bread Street, Edinburgh Okie Dokie Group Ltd Mr Dawid Maciej Rodziewicz Grant Licence 20-Oct-21 20-Oct-21 19-Mar-22 21-Jul-21 456246 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 64 Newcraighall Road, Newcraighall Mrs Vikki Glen Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 13-Jan-22 13-Jan-22 12-Jan-23 19-Jul-21 464547 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence Renewal 54 Bridge Road, Edinburgh Peaches Colinton Ms Rachel Irene Kemp Grant Licence 17-Jan-22 20-Aug-21 19-Aug-24 19-Jul-21 464550 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 54 Bridge Road, Edinburgh Ms Lindsey Jane Stewardson Grant Licence 18-Jan-22 18-Jan-22 19-Aug-24 15-Jul-21 456328 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 160 Gorgie Road, Edinburgh Saorsa Tattoo Ltd Patrycia Rudera Grant Licence 26-Jan-02 27-Jan-22 26-Jan-23 14-Jul-21 464552 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 54 Bridge Road, Edinburgh Ms Deirdrie Rawlings- Ratley Grant Licence 18-Jan-22 18-Jan-22 19-Aug-24 13-Jul-21 448242 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence Renewal 18 Bristo Place, Edinburgh Mrs Xing Hui Liang Grant Licence 11-Aug-21 19-Dec-20 18-Dec-23 12-Jul-21 467237 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence Renewal 36 West Port, Edinburgh Mr James McGonigle Grant Licence 7-Apr-22 1-Aug-21 31-Jul-24 12-Jul-21 469829 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 36 West Port, Edinburgh John Johnson Grant Licence 7-Apr-22 7-Apr-22 31-Jul-24 12-Jul-21 469830 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 36 West Port, Edinburgh Ismael Fernandez Fernandez Grant Licence 7-Apr-22 7-Apr-22 31-Jul-24 11-Jul-21 456232 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence Renewal 15 Portland Place, Edinburgh Mr John Greaney Grant Licence 9-Jun-22 30-Jul-21 29-Jul-22 9-Jul-21 456085 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 8 Drummond Street, Edinburgh Szabolcs Kiss Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 28-Jan-22 28-Jan-22 27-Jan-23 9-Jul-21 458417 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 44 Home Street, Edinburgh Ms Fiona Colley Grant Licence 10-Nov-21 10-Nov-21 16-Dec-24 9-Jul-21 458422 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 44 Home Street, Edinburgh Ms Megan Donald Grant Licence 10-Nov-21 10-Nov-21 16-Dec-24 5-Jul-21 455725 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 13 Hamilton Place, Stockbridge Ms Emma Everest Grant Licence 21-Dec-21 21-Dec-21 20-Dec-22 29-Jun-21 455446 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence Renewal 260 Portobello High Street, Edinburgh Dragonheart Tattoo UK Ltd Mr Russ Craig Grant Licence 10-Jun-22 1-Aug-21 31-Jul-24 28-Jun-21 455327 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 48 Lochrin Buildings, Tollcross Nabila Ramae Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 23-Mar-22 23-Mar-22 22-Mar-23 24-Jun-21 455091 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 260 Portobello High Street, Edinburgh Miss Justina Kruszelnicka Grant Licence 11-Jul-22 11-Jul-22 10-Jul-23 24-Jun-21 465376 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New Unit 16, Gyle Centre, Gyle Avenue, Edinburgh Ms Linda Ann Scott Brown Grant Licence 19-Jan-22 19-Jan-22 30-Sep-22 24-Jun-21 469781 Application withdrawn Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 289 Easter Road, Edinburgh Bartlomiej Tadeusz Liwoch Application Withdrawn 14-Mar-22 22-Jun-21 454844 Invalid application Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 11 Kinnaird Park, Edinburgh Miss Sana Iqbal Incompetent Application 3-Feb-22 22-Jun-21 455077 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 260 Portobello High Street, Edinburgh Mr Steven Mullins Grant Licence 10-Jun-22 10-Jun-22 9-Jun-23 21-Jun-21 454754 Application withdrawn Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 199 Gorgie Road, Gorgie Ms Lesley Ann J Fenton Application Withdrawn 22-Feb-22 17-Jun-21 456331 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 38 Dalry Road, Edinburgh Ms Veronica Merlo Grant Licence 29-Dec-21 29-Dec-21 20-May-23 15-Jun-21 454460 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New Unit 6, Gyle Centre, Gyle Avenue, South Gyle Superdrug Stores PLC Ms Wendy Benzie Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 7-Jan-22 7-Jan-22 6-Jan-23 15-Jun-21 454461 Application withdrawn Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New Unit 6, Gyle Centre, Gyle Avenue, South Gyle Maryann Ferguson Application Withdrawn 13-Jan-22 15-Jun-21 455047 Invalid application Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 31 Parkgrove Street, Barnton Amanda Solarewicz Application not considered 7-Jun-22 14-Jun-21 454396 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 16 South Trinity Road, Edinburgh Ms Alicja Maria Janczi Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 18-Jan-22 18-Jan-22 17-Jan-23 2-Jun-21 446291 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 1b Easter Road, Albion Ms Nikki Jae Lloyd-Proctor Grant Licence 1-Dec-21 2-Dec-21 1-Dec-22 2-Jun-21 446453 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 1b Easter Road, Albion Ms Kate Sophie Middleton Grant Licence 1-Dec-21 2-Dec-21 1-Dec-22 1-Jun-21 491914 Invalid application Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Renewal 225 Leith Walk, Edinburgh Mr Sean Paul Mackie Incompetent Application 1-Jun-21 26-May-21 452744 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence Renewal 36 St Stephen Street Mrs Emma Goldie Grant Licence 21-Jun-22 25-Feb-21 24-Feb-24 26-May-21 454539 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 30 Maritime Street, Edinburgh Saltire Studios Limited Mr Jamie Cris Johnstone Grant Licence 18-Oct-21 18-Oct-21 17-Oct-22 25-May-21 438872 Invalid application Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 80 Walter Scott Avenue, Edinburgh Ms Alix Alexander Incompetent Application 23-Feb-22 25-May-21 472709 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 2-4 Salamander Street, South Leith Ms Julia Pawlak Grant Licence 6-Jul-22 6-Jul-22 5-Jul-23 21-May-21 460988 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 295b St John's Road, Edinburgh Ms Michelle Janette Wegg Grant Licence 15-Jun-22 15-Jun-22 14-Jun-23 18-May-21 475531 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence Renewal 49 Blackfriars Street, Edinburgh R Scott Tattoo Ltd Ms Stephanie Scott Grant Licence 17-Jun-22 22-Mar-21 21-Mar-25 18-May-21 475532 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 49 Blackfriars Street, Edinburgh Mr Mark Andrew McEwan Grant Licence 4-Jul-22 4-Jul-22 21-Mar-25 18-May-21 475533 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 49 Blackfriars Street, Edinburgh Ms Cathryn Dunn Grant Licence 4-Jul-22 4-Jul-22 21-Mar-25 14-May-21 452541 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New Unit 25, Ocean Terminal, 98 Ocean Drive, Edinburgh Miss Sophie Carol-Anne Stewart Grant Licence 15-Dec-21 15-Dec-21 15-Sep-22 14-May-21 463201 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 8 Drummond Street, Edinburgh Mr Konrad Jastrzab Grant Licence 18-Dec-21 18-Dec-21 17-Dec-22 14-May-21 464405 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 8 Drummond Street, Edinburgh Steve Schwery Grant Licence 10-Mar-22 10-Mar-22 9-Mar-23 14-May-21 466136 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 1b Easter Road, Albion Sophie Elizabeth Apter Grant Licence 13-Feb-22 13-Feb-22 1-Dec-22 13-May-21 465616 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence Renewal Unit 17a, Gyle Centre, Gyle Avenue, Edinburgh Monsoon Accessorize Ltd Ms Caitlin McDade Grant Licence 15-Feb-22 20-Jul-21 19-Jul-22 13-May-21 465621 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New Unit 17a, Gyle Centre, Gyle Avenue, Edinburgh Ms Wendy Knox Grant Licence 15-Feb-22 15-Feb-22 19-Jul-22 13-May-21 465622 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New Unit 17a, Gyle Centre, Gyle Avenue, Edinburgh Ms Hannah Sweeney Grant Licence 15-Feb-22 15-Feb-22 19-Jul-22 13-May-21 465623 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New Unit 17a, Gyle Centre, Gyle Avenue, Edinburgh Ms Arianna Christie Grant Licence 15-Feb-22 15-Feb-22 19-Jul-22 13-May-21 465624 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New Unit 17a, Gyle Centre, Gyle Avenue, Edinburgh Ms Sharon McIntosh Grant Licence 15-Feb-22 15-Feb-22 19-Jul-22 12-May-21 452181 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence Renewal 283 Leith Walk, Edinburgh Plus 48 Tattoo Ltd Mr Maxwell Hewat Grant Licence 3-May-22 15-May-21 14-May-24 11-May-21 442939 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 98 Bruntsfield Place, Edinburgh Ms Olga Admaeva Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 13-Sep-21 13-Sep-21 12-Sep-22 29-Apr-21 443406 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 37 North West Circus Place, Stockbridge Ms Katherine Dandridge Grant Licence 9-Feb-22 9-Feb-22 8-Feb-23 28-Apr-21 450160 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence Renewal 8 Ormiston Terrace, Edinburgh Mr Teng Long Grant Licence 31-Jul-21 3-Aug-20 2-Aug-23 26-Apr-21 477485 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 56 St Stephen Street, Edinburgh Ms Tanya Heard Granted by' Operation of Law' 6-Sep-22 6-Sep-22 7-Apr-23 23-Apr-21 451030 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New Peripatetic Operator Ms Sheona Lindsay Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 15-Feb-22 15-Feb-22 14-Feb-23 23-Apr-21 451104 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence Renewal 36-37 West Preston Street, Edinburgh Christine Alison Emma Motion Grant Licence 22-Mar-22 28-Mar-21 27-Mar-24 19-Apr-21 447466 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence Renewal 150-152 West Granton Road, Edinburgh Ms Agnieszka Metlewicz Grant Licence 12-May-21 18-Sep-20 17-Sep-21 19-Apr-21 450707 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 283 Leith Walk, Edinburgh Mr Barry Goddard Grant Licence 14-Feb-22 14-Feb-22 13-Feb-23 12-Apr-21 447462 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence Renewal 84 Portobello High Street, Edinburgh St Clair's Tattoo Ltd Mr Paul Slifer Grant Licence 31-Jul-21 26-Sep-20 25-Sep-23 12-Apr-21 447468 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence Renewal 41 Roseburn Terrace, Edinburgh Mrs Leanne Prior Grant Licence 2-Jul-21 4-Oct-20 3-Oct-21 12-Apr-21 451114 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 5 Marchmont Road, Edinburgh Ms Ylva Beda Marie Kothen Grant Licence 24-Aug-21 24-Aug-21 7-Dec-21 9-Apr-21 450952 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence Renewal 248 Canongate, Edinburgh Mr Jared Sanders Grant Licence 9-Apr-22 1-Jul-21 30-Jun-24 9-Apr-21 450953 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Renewal 248 Canongate, Edinburgh Ms Kate Sophie Middleton Grant Licence 17-May-22 9-Apr-22 30-Jun-24 9-Apr-21 450955 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Renewal 248 Canongate, Edinburgh Ms Nicky McCabe Granted by' Operation of Law' 16-May-22 9-Apr-22 9-Apr-23 9-Apr-21 450956 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Renewal 248 Canongate, Edinburgh Ms Sarah Hunter Crowe Grant Licence 17-May-22 9-Apr-22 30-Jun-24 9-Apr-21 450957 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Renewal 248 Canongate, Edinburgh Ian Norwood Campbell Grant Licence 17-May-22 9-Apr-22 30-Jun-24 9-Apr-21 450959 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Renewal 248 Canongate, Edinburgh Mr Calum Cochrane Granted by' Operation of Law' 17-May-22 9-Apr-22 9-Apr-23 1-Apr-21 444794 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 15 Portland Place, Edinburgh Mr Calum Hobley Grant Licence 16-Aug-21 16-Aug-21 29-Jul-22 31-Mar-21 446874 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 23 Broughton Street, Edinburgh Ms Jill Mullan Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 5-Nov-21 5-Nov-21 4-Nov-22 29-Mar-21 450267 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 19 Bruntsfield Place, Bruntsfield Ms Nadine Jane Ramsay Granted by' Operation of Law' 29-Mar-22 29-Mar-22 29-Mar-23 28-Mar-21 460102 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 86 Newington Road, Edinburgh Ms Christina McLean Granted by' Operation of Law' 28-Mar-22 28-Mar-22 28-Mar-23 24-Mar-21 443783 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 54 Lochrin Buildings, Edinburgh Miss Georgia Duff Granted by' Operation of Law' 8-Sep-22 9-Feb-22 9-Feb-23 22-Mar-21 449458 Invalid application Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 248 Canongate, Edinburgh Ms Rowan Stein Incompetent Application 17-Dec-21 22-Mar-21 449832 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 86 Causewayside, Sciennes Wiktoria Piejczew Granted by' Operation of Law' 26-Jul-22 22-Mar-22 22-Mar-23 18-Mar-21 442351 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 89 Henderson Street, Edinburgh Mr Jack Michael Peppiette Grant Licence 21-Apr-21 21-Apr-21 27-Nov-23 18-Mar-21 442517 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 89 Henderson Street, Edinburgh Mr Wesley Vaughn Tesdale Grant Licence 20-Apr-21 20-Apr-21 27-Nov-23 16-Mar-21 448726 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 2 Gilmore Park, Edinburgh Ms Danielle Alison Green Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 15-Feb-22 15-Feb-22 14-Feb-23 16-Mar-21 448871 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 1f1, 37 Queensferry Street, New Town Mr Daniel Fullerton Davies Mitchell-Dowling Grant Licence 7-Feb-22 7-Feb-22 6-Feb-23 16-Mar-21 448872 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 1f1, 37 Queensferry Street, New Town Mr James Kristian Chinnery Grant Licence 4-Feb-22 4-Feb-22 3-Feb-23 16-Mar-21 449955 Application withdrawn Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 200 Lindsay Road, Edinburgh Michelle Grimley Application Withdrawn 10-Mar-22 15-Mar-21 448587 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 1f1, 37 Queensferry Street, New Town Ms Sarah-Louise Alexander Grant Licence 4-Aug-21 4-Aug-21 3-Aug-22 12-Mar-21 445733 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 19 Easter Road, Edinburgh Ms Luiza Tavares De Queiroz Grant Licence 29-Apr-21 29-Apr-21 2-Jul-23 11-Mar-21 442522 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 89 Henderson Street, Edinburgh Ms Olivia Chell Grant Licence 20-Apr-21 20-Apr-21 27-Nov-23 9-Mar-21 430216 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence Renewal 118 Bruntsfield Place, Edinburgh Ms Amy Daly Grant Licence 3-May-21 22-Mar-20 21-Mar-23 8-Mar-21 448612 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence Renewal 53 Easter Road, Edinburgh Mr Jaroslaw Rzymski Grant Licence 7-Jul-21 9-Mar-21 8-Mar-22 1-Mar-21 448112 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 92 Dalry Road, Edinburgh Ms Carrie Ann McKendry Grant Licence 26-Nov-21 26-Nov-21 24-Jan-22 22-Feb-21 441432 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 68 North Street, Ratho Eloche Ltd Ms Marie Johnstone Grant Licence 22-Apr-21 22-Apr-21 21-Apr-22 22-Feb-21 441433 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 68 North Street, Ratho Ms Carrie McKendry Grant Licence 22-Apr-21 22-Apr-21 21-Apr-22 16-Feb-21 443679 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 153 Dundee Street, Edinburgh Mr Cameron Thomson Grant Licence 12-Jul-21 12-Jul-21 11-Jul-22 10-Feb-21 448162 Licence superseded Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 19 Bread Street, Edinburgh Mr Konstantinos Stratomitros Superseded 29-Oct-21 29-Oct-21 19-Mar-22 10-Feb-21 448362 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 19 Bread Street, Edinburgh Ms Diana Katarzna Pikus Grant Licence 29-Oct-21 29-Oct-21 19-Mar-22 10-Feb-21 448364 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 19 Bread Street, Edinburgh Ms Dominika Justyna Szymczyk Buciuto Grant Licence 29-Oct-21 29-Oct-21 19-Mar-22 10-Feb-21 448366 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 19 Bread Street, Edinburgh Mr Konstantinos Stamoutis Grant Licence 29-Oct-21 29-Oct-21 19-Mar-22 10-Feb-21 448382 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence Renewal 19 Bread Street, Edinburgh Okie Dokie Group Ltd Mr Dawid Maciej Rodziewicz Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 20-Oct-21 20-Mar-21 19-Mar-22 10-Feb-21 448384 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 19 Bread Street, Edinburgh Simon Blossfeldt Grant Licence 5-Nov-21 5-Nov-21 19-Mar-22 10-Feb-21 448387 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 19 Bread Street, Edinburgh Mr Tomasz Jackowski Grant Licence 29-Oct-21 29-Oct-21 19-Mar-22 10-Feb-21 448404 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 19 Bread Street, Edinburgh Mr Maciej Roman Hartman Grant Licence 29-Oct-21 29-Oct-21 19-Mar-22 2-Feb-21 447743 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence Renewal Peripatetic Operator Mr Paul Reynolds Granted by' Operation of Law' 13-Jun-22 2-May-22 2-May-23 28-Jan-21 444372 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New Gf2, 18 Charlotte Square, New Town Mr Mauricio Carlos Quintana Granted by' Operation of Law' 28-Jan-22 28-Jan-22 28-Jan-23 20-Jan-21 447510 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 2b Pirrie Street, Edinburgh Mr Ross Naylor Grant Licence 30-Jul-21 30-Jul-21 29-Jul-22 20-Jan-21 450499 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 2b Pirrie Street, Edinburgh Miss Hazel Hoskyns-Abrahall Grant Licence 31-Jul-21 31-Jul-21 29-Jul-22 7-Jan-21 447706 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence Renewal 56 St Stephen Street, Edinburgh Face & Body Clinic Ms Tanya Heard Granted by' Operation of Law' 26-May-22 7-Apr-22 7-Apr-23 17-Dec-20 443341 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence Renewal 50 Cockburn Street, Edinburgh Dr Sarah Price Grant Licence 14-Dec-21 21-Feb-21 20-Feb-24 17-Dec-20 447267 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence Renewal 7 Grassmarket, Edinburgh Ms Pauline Perrier Grant Licence 16-Dec-21 18-Feb-21 17-Feb-22 16-Dec-20 447685 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 3 Telford Road, Edinburgh Mrs Karen Smeaton Grant Licence 25-Aug-21 25-Aug-21 24-Aug-22 15-Dec-20 442480 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 89 Henderson Street, Edinburgh Mr Marley Sutherland Cessford Grant Licence 23-Mar-21 23-Mar-21 27-Nov-23 14-Dec-20 438912 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 44 Biggar Road, Edinburgh Ms Man Yuen Luk Grant Licence 18-Aug-21 18-Aug-21 17-Aug-22 14-Dec-20 443281 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence Renewal 28 Comiston Road, Edinburgh Ms Judit Lizdene Grant Licence 15-Nov-21 20-Dec-20 19-Dec-21 14-Dec-20 448247 Application withdrawn Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 160 Gorgie Road, Edinburgh Application Withdrawn 24-Nov-21 7-Dec-20 447651 Application withdrawn Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 160 Gorgie Road, Edinburgh Ms Dorota Smalec Application Withdrawn 13-Sep-21 3-Dec-20 447467 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence Renewal 168 Great Junction Street, Edinburgh Ms Wiktoria Piejczew Grant Licence 31-Jul-21 3-Feb-21 2-Feb-22 26-Nov-20 442343 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 35 William Street, Edinburgh Ms Lisa Lee Grant Licence 10-Mar-21 10-Mar-21 9-Mar-22 25-Nov-20 447579 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 53 Easter Road, Edinburgh Miss Izabela Nguyen Ha Grant Licence 15-Sep-21 15-Sep-21 8-Mar-22 20-Nov-20 441867 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 44 Home Street, Edinburgh Mr Jeffrey Scott Kohl Grant Licence 17-Dec-20 17-Dec-20 16-Dec-21 18-Nov-20 448137 Invalid application Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 68 North Street, Ratho Eloche Ltd Ms Marie Johnstone Application not considered 14-Sep-21 18-Nov-20 448138 Invalid application Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 68 North Street, Ratho Ms Carrie McKendry Application not considered 14-Sep-21 16-Nov-20 431478 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 53 Easter Road, Edinburgh Mr Rafal Sielski Grant Licence 18-Aug-21 18-Aug-21 8-Mar-22 16-Nov-20 431479 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 53 Easter Road, Edinburgh Ms Marianna Moroz Grant Licence 18-Aug-21 18-Aug-21 8-Mar-22 15-Nov-20 451101 Invalid application Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence Renewal 11 Jeffrey Street, Edinburgh Cyan Beauty Studios Incompetent Application 15-Nov-21 19-Nov-20 13-Nov-20 442347 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence Renewal 89 Henderson Street, Edinburgh Mr Jason Corbett Grant Licence 24-Feb-21 28-Nov-20 27-Nov-23 12-Nov-20 443898 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 11a Atholl Place, Edinburgh Miss Charlotte Reece Grant Licence 18-Jun-21 18-Jun-21 18-Aug-21 12-Nov-20 443899 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 11a Atholl Place, Edinburgh Mr Enrique Vega Muñoz Grant Licence 18-Jun-21 18-Jun-21 18-Aug-21 12-Nov-20 443900 Application withdrawn Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 11a Atholl Place, Edinburgh Miss Joanna Ziora Application Withdrawn 9-Apr-21 12-Nov-20 443901 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 11a Atholl Place, Edinburgh Miss Lauren Kathleen Ann Preston Grant Licence 18-Jun-21 18-Jun-21 18-Aug-21 12-Nov-20 443902 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 11a Atholl Place, Edinburgh Miss Phoebe Hilary Bonnar Grant Licence 18-Jun-21 18-Jun-21 18-Aug-21 12-Nov-20 443903 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 11a Atholl Place, Edinburgh Miss Rachel Anne Oliver Grant Licence 18-Jun-21 18-Jun-21 18-Aug-21 12-Nov-20 447543 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 72 Haymarket Terrace, Edinburgh Mr Michael Foley Grant Licence 31-Jul-21 12-Nov-20 11-Nov-22 12-Nov-20 447682 Invalid application Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 54 Lochrin Buildings, Edinburgh Incompetent Application 29-Sep-22 11-Nov-20 447533 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 72 Haymarket Terrace, Edinburgh BLKWRK Studio Mr Darren Millar Granted by' Operation of Law' 11-Nov-21 12-Nov-21 11-Nov-22 10-Nov-20 438921 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 59 Elbe Street, Edinburgh Ms Weronika Pranczk-Wilusz Grant Licence 15-Oct-21 15-Oct-21 14-Oct-22 28-Oct-20 433801 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 9 Morningside Drive, Edinburgh Ms Kamun Li Grant Licence 30-Dec-20 30-Dec-20 29-Dec-21 26-Oct-20 445047 Application withdrawn Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 72 Haymarket Terrace, Edinburgh Ms Sophia Kim Mas Application Withdrawn 9-Apr-21 23-Oct-20 439591 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 361 Leith Walk, Edinburgh Mr Lee Gibson-Wolf Grant Licence 19-Nov-20 19-Nov-20 18-Nov-21 21-Oct-20 439502 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 361 Leith Walk, Edinburgh Mr Aiden Reiss Grant Licence 19-Nov-20 19-Nov-20 18-Nov-21 13-Oct-20 438918 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 289 Easter Road, Edinburgh Explodink Tattoo Ltd Mr Lukasz Skrzypinski Grant Licence 10-May-21 10-May-21 9-May-22 2-Oct-20 434260 Invalid application Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 3 Jeffrey Street, Edinburgh Ms Shirley Pettigrew Incompetent Application 8-Nov-21 2-Oct-20 444218 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence Renewal 1f2, 6 North Charlotte Street, Edinburgh Mr Pascal Da Silva Grant Licence 24-Feb-21 6-Oct-20 5-Oct-23 2-Oct-20 447555 Application incomplete Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 3 Jeffrey Street, Edinburgh Ms Shirley Pettigrew 29-Sep-20 423116 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence Renewal 128 St John's Road, Edinburgh Ms Maria Liptakova Grant Licence 21-Jun-21 25-Oct-19 21-Dec-21 16-Sep-20 436417 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 238 Leith Walk, Edinburgh Ms Kate Sophie Middleton Grant Licence 7-Oct-20 7-Oct-20 31-Jul-22 15-Sep-20 447936 Invalid application Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New Fort Kinnaird Incompetent Application 26-Jul-21 8-Sep-20 439245 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 260 Portobello High Street, Edinburgh Miss Justina Kruszelnicka Grant Licence 20-Apr-21 20-Apr-21 31-Jul-21 8-Sep-20 447814 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence Renewal Fort Kinnaird Elegance Brow and Beauty Ltd Ms Kavita Kumar Grant Licence 26-Jul-21 18-Sep-20 17-Sep-21 1-Sep-20 440654 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 93 Newcraighall Road, Edinburgh Miss Elsa-Kaye Patterson Granted by' Operation of Law' 1-Sep-21 1-Sep-21 1-Sep-22 31-Aug-20 442280 Application incomplete Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 9-11 Salisbury Place, Edinburgh Ms Judit Lizdene Application not considered 26-Oct-21 30-Aug-20 446798 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence Renewal 62 Captain's Road, Edinburgh Ms Denise Harris Grant Licence 22-Jun-21 17-Oct-20 16-Oct-23 28-Aug-20 452797 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New Unit 16, Gyle Centre, Gyle Avenue, Edinburgh Ms Deborah Bertice Frasier Grant Licence 23-Jun-21 23-Jun-21 30-Sep-22 27-Aug-20 444539 Invalid application Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 36-37 West Preston Street, Edinburgh Ms Victoria Alexandria McAlinden Application not considered 25-Jun-21 26-Aug-20 445589 Invalid application Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence Renewal Murrayfield Hospital, 122 Corstorphine Road, Edinburgh Ms Fiona Ramsay Application not considered 12-Oct-21 1-Jul-20 31-Aug-21 21-Aug-20 444686 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 8 Drummond Street, Edinburgh Mr Kristian Woody Astell Grant Licence 20-Apr-21 20-Apr-21 19-Apr-22 20-Aug-20 430671 Application withdrawn Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence Renewal 24 Broughton Street, Edinburgh Alba Science Ltd Ms Marie Reynolds Application Withdrawn 16-Mar-21 18-Aug-20 443664 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 8 Drummond Street, Edinburgh Mr Akos Pasztor Grant Licence 19-Apr-21 19-Apr-21 18-Apr-22 18-Aug-20 443665 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 8 Drummond Street, Edinburgh Mr Alexandros Gkoro Grant Licence 19-Apr-21 19-Apr-21 18-Apr-22 18-Aug-20 443666 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 8 Drummond Street, Edinburgh Get Inked Limited Ms Krisztina Csepes Grant Licence 22-Apr-21 22-Apr-21 21-Apr-22 18-Aug-20 443667 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 8 Drummond Street, Edinburgh Mr Marcel Kiss Grant Licence 19-Apr-21 19-Apr-21 18-Apr-22 18-Aug-20 443668 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 8 Drummond Street, Edinburgh Mr Rafael Mauricio Flocco Grant Licence 19-Apr-21 19-Apr-21 18-Apr-22 14-Aug-20 438919 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 5 Marchmont Road, Edinburgh Ms Larissa Travassos do Nascimento Grant Licence 11-Dec-20 11-Dec-20 7-Dec-21 13-Aug-20 445583 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence Renewal 39 Easter Road, Edinburgh Mr Julian Moray Fortunez Grant Licence 31-May-21 15-Aug-20 14-Aug-21 12-Aug-20 443662 Application withdrawn Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 51 Cumberland Street, Edinburgh Ms Jayne Kaya Carin Anderton-Tyers Application Withdrawn 1-Feb-21 12-Aug-20 443663 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 51 Cumberland Street, Edinburgh Ms Victoria Isabella Craig-Colquhoun Grant Licence 13-May-21 13-May-21 12-May-22 11-Aug-20 443659 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 51 Cumberland Street, Edinburgh Take Note Tattoo Ltd Mr Paul Cruickshank Grant Licence 13-May-21 13-May-21 12-May-22 11-Aug-20 443661 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 51 Cumberland Street, Edinburgh Ms Anna Maxwell Brown Grant Licence 13-May-21 13-May-21 12-May-22 10-Aug-20 438182 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 92 South Clerk Street, Edinburgh Mr Ian Alexander McAlister Mr Ian Alexander McAlister Grant Licence 19-Mar-21 19-Mar-21 18-Mar-22 7-Aug-20 444640 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence Renewal Peripatetic Operator Ms Mio Kuroiwa Grant Licence 26-Mar-21 10-Oct-20 9-Oct-23 6-Aug-20 443655 Invalid application Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New Fort Kinnaird Retail Park Ms Jade Monro Application not considered 18-Aug-21 31-Jul-20 443517 Invalid application Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 10 Croall Place, Edinburgh Ms Amie Mee Application not considered 8-Nov-21 27-Jul-20 443507 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence Renewal 18 Bristo Place, Edinburgh Ms Hannah May Swift Grant Licence 26-Jul-21 4-Jul-20 3-Jul-23 21-Jul-20 443506 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence Renewal 15 Portland Place, Edinburgh Mr John Greaney Grant Licence 23-Jun-21 30-Jul-20 29-Jul-21 20-Jul-20 438922 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 55 Timber Bush, Edinburgh Mr David Strods Grant Licence 19-Apr-21 19-Apr-21 18-Apr-22 20-Jul-20 438923 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 55 Timber Bush, Edinburgh Ecdysis Studio Ltd Ms Laura Young Grant Licence 12-Apr-21 12-Apr-21 11-Apr-22 14-Jul-20 443442 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence Variation 283 Leith Walk, Edinburgh Plus 48 Tattoo Ltd Mr Maxwell Hewat Grant Licence 18-Mar-21 18-Mar-21 14-May-21 13-Jul-20 443503 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence Renewal 1a Brougham Place, Edinburgh Red Hot And Blue Tattoo Ltd Mr Benjamin Parsons Granted by' Operation of Law' 13-Nov-21 1-Jul-20 13-Jul-22 10-Jul-20 438907 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 47-47a Broughton Street, Edinburgh Ms Dominika Szymanek Grant Licence 13-May-21 13-May-21 12-May-22 7-Jul-20 428833 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New Peripatetic Operator Ms Monika Niemczynowicz Grant Licence 3-Feb-21 3-Feb-21 2-Feb-22 6-Jul-20 438882 Application withdrawn Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New Mr Barry Goddard Application Withdrawn 16-Jul-21 30-Jun-20 438408 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence Renewal 38 Dalry Road, Edinburgh Mr Reeve Young Grant Licence 25-Jan-21 20-May-20 20-May-23 30-Jun-20 447261 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence Renewal 19 Easter Road, Edinburgh Watermelon Tattoo Ltd Mr Sandie Tweedie Grant Licence 1-Apr-21 3-Jul-20 2-Jul-23 30-Jun-20 447264 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Renewal 19 Easter Road, Edinburgh Ms Noemi Sorrentino Grant Licence 1-Apr-21 1-Apr-21 2-Jul-23 29-Jun-20 432957 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 69 Viewforth, Edinburgh Ms Nicolle McFarlane Grant Licence 31-May-21 31-May-21 30-May-22 15-Jun-20 434702 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 67 Great Junction Street, Edinburgh Mr Grzegorz Klich Grant Licence 17-Nov-20 17-Nov-20 2-Sep-22 11-Jun-20 425624 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 16 Blackwood Crescent, Edinburgh Ms Natalia Kulczynska Granted by' Operation of Law' 11-Jun-21 11-Jun-21 10-Jun-22 25-May-20 436655 Invalid application Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 18 Comely Bank Avenue, Edinburgh Ms Yvonne Wrigglesworth Application not considered 18-Aug-21 28-Apr-20 425614 Application withdrawn Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence Renewal 184 Easter Road, Edinburgh Miss Michelle Grimley Application Withdrawn 25-Nov-20 9-Dec-19 9-Dec-20 27-Apr-20 433003 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence Renewal 30 West Nicolson Street, Edinburgh Ms Morag Sangster Grant Licence 17-Nov-20 4-May-20 3-May-23 19-Apr-20 428856 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 111 Leith Walk, Edinburgh Ms Emily Mapp Grant Licence 2-Feb-21 2-Feb-21 2-Feb-22 14-Apr-20 432886 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence Renewal 283 Leith Walk, Edinburgh Plus 48 Tattoo Ltd Mrs Olga Kennedy Grant Licence 13-Nov-20 15-May-20 14-May-21 23-Mar-20 427452 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 3 Jeffrey Street, Edinburgh Mr Dominic Ryan Rutherford Grant Licence 7-Apr-20 7-Apr-20 21-Sep-21 12-Mar-20 431902 Invalid application Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 6-Mar-20 431475 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence Renewal 53 Easter Road, Edinburgh Mr Jaroslaw Rzymski Grant Licence 19-Nov-20 9-Mar-20 8-Mar-21 6-Mar-20 431476 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 53 Easter Road, Edinburgh Mr Lukasz Skrzypinski Grant Licence 23-Feb-21 23-Feb-21 8-Mar-21 5-Mar-20 431350 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence Renewal 83 Princes Street, Edinburgh Superdrug Stores PLC Ms Nicola-Holly Valente Grant Licence 13-Nov-20 26-Mar-20 25-Mar-23 5-Mar-20 432281 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 83 Princes Street, Edinburgh Ms Lisa Savoury Grant Licence 13-Nov-20 13-Nov-20 25-Mar-23 5-Mar-20 432285 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 83 Princes Street, Edinburgh Ms Becky Ann Wilson Grant Licence 13-Nov-20 13-Nov-20 25-Mar-23 5-Mar-20 432290 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 83 Princes Street, Edinburgh Ms Penny Donaghy Grant Licence 13-Nov-20 13-Nov-20 25-Mar-23 4-Mar-20 431337 Application withdrawn Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 47 Broughton Street, Edinburgh Application Withdrawn 31-May-20 3-Mar-20 431129 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence Renewal 47-47a Broughton Street, Edinburgh Ms Jen Wood Grant Licence 24-Sep-20 12-Mar-20 11-Mar-23 28-Feb-20 425628 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 46 Marionville Road, Edinburgh Natrabrow Ltd Ms Louise Bain Grant Licence 22-Oct-20 22-Oct-20 21-Oct-21 28-Feb-20 432655 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 5 Marchmont Road, Edinburgh Mr Simeon Zlatavev Grant Licence 8-Dec-20 8-Dec-20 7-Dec-21 24-Feb-20 429837 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence Renewal 11 Home Street, Edinburgh Ms Jian Feng Grant Licence 18-Sep-20 26-Feb-20 25-Feb-23 21-Feb-20 428169 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 154 Ferry Road, Edinburgh Ms Alexa Hoefler Grant Licence 15-Jul-20 15-Jul-20 14-Jul-21 21-Feb-20 430397 Invalid application Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence Renewal 11 Home Street, Edinburgh Application not considered 12-May-20 20-Feb-20 426028 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New Unit 17a, Gyle Centre, Gyle Avenue, Edinburgh Monsoon Accessorize Ltd Ms Caitlin McDade Grant Licence 20-Jul-20 20-Jul-20 19-Jul-21 20-Feb-20 426030 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New Unit 17a, Gyle Centre, Gyle Avenue, Edinburgh Ms Abigail Jane Hall Grant Licence 20-Jul-20 20-Jul-20 19-Jul-21 20-Feb-20 426031 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New Unit 17a, Gyle Centre, Gyle Avenue, Edinburgh Ms Sharon McIntosh Grant Licence 20-Jul-20 20-Jul-20 19-Jul-21 20-Feb-20 426032 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New Unit 17a, Gyle Centre, Gyle Avenue, Edinburgh Ms Hannah Sweeney Grant Licence 20-Jul-20 20-Jul-20 19-Jul-21 20-Feb-20 426034 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New Unit 17a, Gyle Centre, Gyle Avenue, Edinburgh Ms Serena Yedigli Grant Licence 20-Jul-20 20-Jul-20 19-Jul-21 20-Feb-20 426035 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New Unit 17a, Gyle Centre, Gyle Avenue, Edinburgh Ms Arianna Christie Grant Licence 20-Jul-20 20-Jul-20 19-Jul-21 14-Feb-20 429940 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 166 Bruntsfield Place, Edinburgh Ms Elisa Falkenburg Grant Licence 31-Dec-20 31-Dec-20 30-Dec-21 10-Feb-20 429553 Application withdrawn Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 49 Broughton Street, Edinburgh Ms Rowan Flannigan Application Withdrawn 12-Nov-20 10-Feb-20 429554 Application withdrawn Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 49 Broughton Street, Edinburgh Ms Hannah O'Donnell Application Withdrawn 12-Nov-20 10-Feb-20 429555 Application withdrawn Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 49 Broughton Street, Edinburgh Elysium Health and Beauty Limited Ms Claire Summers Application Withdrawn 12-Nov-20 10-Feb-20 429619 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 56 Dalry Road, Edinburgh Mr Wojciech Przychodzki Grant Licence 28-Jan-21 28-Jan-21 31-Mar-23 10-Feb-20 429620 Application withdrawn Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 56 Dalry Road, Edinburgh Mr Ashley Andrew Christie Application Withdrawn 27-Jan-21 10-Feb-20 429621 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence Renewal 56 Dalry Road, Edinburgh Mr Marcin Ptak Grant Licence 23-Dec-20 1-Apr-20 31-Mar-23 10-Feb-20 429622 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 56 Dalry Road, Edinburgh Mr Marek Skalny Grant Licence 28-Jan-21 28-Jan-21 31-Mar-23 10-Feb-20 429623 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 56 Dalry Road, Edinburgh Miss Agnieszka Skulicz Grant Licence 28-Jan-21 28-Jan-21 31-Mar-23 10-Feb-20 429624 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 56 Dalry Road, Edinburgh Ms Sofia Jabeen Grant Licence 28-Jan-21 28-Jan-21 31-Mar-23 10-Feb-20 429625 Application withdrawn Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 56 Dalry Road, Edinburgh Mr Karol Kurtysiak Application Withdrawn 27-Jan-21 10-Feb-20 429626 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 56 Dalry Road, Edinburgh Mr Bartosz Pochel Grant Licence 28-Jan-21 28-Jan-21 31-Mar-23 7-Feb-20 431739 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 21a Haddington Place, Edinburgh Ivy Therapy Limited Ms Amanda Tod Grant Licence 16-Nov-20 16-Nov-20 15-Nov-21 6-Feb-20 429417 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence Renewal 30-32 Lochrin Buildings, Edinburgh Lingyun Tian Ltd Ms Ling Yun Tian Granted by' Operation of Law' 6-May-21 6-May-21 6-May-22 3-Feb-20 429119 Application withdrawn Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 30 Easter Road, Edinburgh Ms Cinzia Ledonne Application Withdrawn 29-Jun-20 30-Jan-20 428155 Application withdrawn Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 5 Dundonald Street, Edinburgh Ms Natalie McIntosh Application Withdrawn 25-Aug-20 30-Jan-20 428912 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 8 Lauriston Street, Edinburgh Ms Charlotte Jane Machin Grant Licence 22-Sep-20 22-Sep-20 21-Sep-21 29-Jan-20 428853 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New Unit 16, Gyle Centre, Gyle Avenue, Edinburgh Miss Paige Matthews Grant Licence 20-Apr-20 20-Apr-20 30-Sep-22 29-Jan-20 431776 Invalid application Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 187 Causewayside, Edinburgh Ms Mariola Macharzynska Application not considered 22-May-20 27-Jan-20 428645 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence Renewal 73 Elm Row Mr William Hooper Grant Licence 18-Nov-20 1-Apr-20 31-Mar-23 24-Jan-20 428528 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 7 Morningside Drive, Edinburgh Ms Beata Polec Grant Licence 2-Mar-21 2-Mar-21 1-Mar-22 23-Jan-20 428301 Decision made Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr James Aitken Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 27-Feb-20 28-Mar-20 29-Mar-20 23-Jan-20 428302 Decision made Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Lewis McKechnie Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 27-Feb-20 28-Mar-20 29-Mar-20 23-Jan-20 428303 Decision made Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Kristoffer Lindback Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 27-Feb-20 28-Mar-20 29-Mar-20 23-Jan-20 428304 Decision made Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Mikkel Ostberg Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 27-Feb-20 28-Mar-20 29-Mar-20 23-Jan-20 428305 Decision made Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Takayuki Nagura Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 27-Feb-20 28-Mar-20 29-Mar-20 23-Jan-20 428306 Decision made Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Ms Cassandra Frances Boothroyd Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 27-Feb-20 28-Mar-20 29-Mar-20 23-Jan-20 428307 Decision made Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Callum Berry Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 27-Feb-20 28-Mar-20 29-Mar-20 23-Jan-20 428308 Decision made Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr John Philip Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 27-Feb-20 28-Mar-20 29-Mar-20 23-Jan-20 428309 Decision made Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Kevin Reid Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 27-Feb-20 28-Mar-20 29-Mar-20 23-Jan-20 428310 Decision made Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Ms Ellie Roberts Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 27-Feb-20 28-Mar-20 29-Mar-20 23-Jan-20 428311 Decision made Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Ms Gillian Turner Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 27-Feb-20 28-Mar-20 29-Mar-20 23-Jan-20 428312 Decision made Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Sean James Scoular Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 27-Feb-20 28-Mar-20 29-Mar-20 23-Jan-20 428313 Decision made Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr William Purnell Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 27-Feb-20 28-Mar-20 29-Mar-20 23-Jan-20 428314 Decision made Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Vytautus Baltrusaitis Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 27-Feb-20 28-Mar-20 29-Mar-20 23-Jan-20 428315 Decision made Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Ruben Gomez Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 27-Feb-20 28-Mar-20 29-Mar-20 23-Jan-20 428316 Decision made Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Wesley Vaughn Tesdale Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 27-Feb-20 28-Mar-20 29-Mar-20 23-Jan-20 428317 Application withdrawn Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Anthony Firstbrook Application Withdrawn 16-Mar-20 28-Mar-20 29-Mar-20 23-Jan-20 428318 Decision made Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Timothy Joel Fairfax Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 27-Feb-20 28-Mar-20 29-Mar-20 23-Jan-20 428319 Decision made Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Stephen Cairns Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 27-Feb-20 28-Mar-20 29-Mar-20 23-Jan-20 428320 Decision made Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Ms Stephanie Scott Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 27-Feb-20 28-Mar-20 29-Mar-20 23-Jan-20 428321 Decision made Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Ms Stephanie White Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 27-Feb-20 28-Mar-20 29-Mar-20 23-Jan-20 428322 Decision made Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Stephen Dally Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 2-Mar-20 28-Mar-20 29-Mar-20 23-Jan-20 428323 Decision made Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Ms Sydney Kathleen Dyer Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 2-Mar-20 28-Mar-20 29-Mar-20 23-Jan-20 428324 Decision made Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Pedro Mario Recio Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 2-Mar-20 28-Mar-20 29-Mar-20 23-Jan-20 428325 Decision made Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Toby Gawler Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 2-Mar-20 28-Mar-20 29-Mar-20 23-Jan-20 428326 Decision made Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Thomas Arnison Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 2-Mar-20 28-Mar-20 29-Mar-20 23-Jan-20 428327 Decision made Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Maciej Woziwoda Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 2-Mar-20 28-Mar-20 29-Mar-20 23-Jan-20 428328 Decision made Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Wojciech Przychodzki Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 2-Mar-20 28-Mar-20 29-Mar-20 23-Jan-20 428329 Decision made Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Ms Tracy Demetriou Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 2-Mar-20 28-Mar-20 29-Mar-20 23-Jan-20 428330 Decision made Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Adam Cwiek Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 2-Mar-20 28-Mar-20 29-Mar-20 23-Jan-20 428331 Decision made Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Karol Kurtysiak Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 2-Mar-20 28-Mar-20 29-Mar-20 23-Jan-20 428332 Decision made Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Shaun Pattinson Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 2-Mar-20 28-Mar-20 29-Mar-20 23-Jan-20 428333 Decision made Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Simone Mariotti Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 2-Mar-20 28-Mar-20 29-Mar-20 23-Jan-20 428334 Decision made Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Stewart McKellor Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 2-Mar-20 28-Mar-20 29-Mar-03 23-Jan-20 428335 Decision made Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Ms Danielle Mawby Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 2-Mar-20 28-Mar-20 29-Mar-20 23-Jan-20 428336 Decision made Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Sergio Ferrer Jaimez Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 2-Mar-20 28-Mar-20 29-Mar-20 23-Jan-20 428337 Decision made Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Ms Shannon Hazel Douglas Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 2-Mar-20 28-Mar-20 29-Mar-20 23-Jan-20 428338 Decision made Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Ms Kanae Nishiyama Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 2-Mar-20 28-Mar-20 29-Mar-20 23-Jan-20 428339 Decision made Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Damien Rodriguez Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 2-Mar-20 28-Mar-20 29-Mar-20 23-Jan-20 428340 Decision made Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Ashbury Levi Smith Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 2-Mar-20 28-Mar-20 29-Mar-20 23-Jan-20 428341 Decision made Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Christopher Jenkinson Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 2-Mar-20 28-Mar-20 29-Mar-20 23-Jan-20 428342 Decision made Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Ms Abigail Tonge Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 2-Mar-20 28-Mar-20 29-Mar-20 23-Jan-20 428343 Decision made Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Ms Sam Nancy Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 2-Mar-20 28-Mar-20 29-Mar-20 23-Jan-20 428344 Decision made Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Jonathan Scott Pullin Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 2-Mar-20 28-Mar-20 29-Mar-20 23-Jan-20 428345 Decision made Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Ms Sarah Helfen Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 2-Mar-20 28-Mar-20 29-Mar-20 23-Jan-20 428346 Decision made Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Ms Samantha Leigh Rawlings Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 2-Mar-20 28-Mar-20 29-Mar-20 23-Jan-20 428347 Decision made Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Alessandro Pennella Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 2-Mar-20 28-Mar-20 29-Mar-20 23-Jan-20 428348 Decision made Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Ms Rachel Baldwin Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 2-Mar-20 28-Mar-20 29-Mar-20 23-Jan-20 428349 Decision made Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Dan Kelly Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 2-Mar-20 28-Mar-20 29-Mar-20 23-Jan-20 428350 Decision made Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Ms Charissa Louise Ward Gregson Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 2-Mar-20 28-Mar-20 29-Mar-20 23-Jan-20 428351 Decision made Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Robert Lee Fraser Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 2-Mar-20 28-Mar-20 29-Mar-20 23-Jan-20 428352 Decision made Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Roberto Poliri Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 2-Mar-20 28-Mar-20 29-Mar-20 23-Jan-20 428353 Decision made Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Roddy Mclean Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 2-Mar-20 28-Mar-20 29-Mar-20 23-Jan-20 428354 Decision made Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Ross Duncan Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 2-Mar-20 28-Mar-20 29-Mar-20 23-Jan-20 428355 Decision made Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Ms Sadee Glover Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 2-Mar-20 28-Mar-20 29-Mar-20 23-Jan-20 428356 Decision made Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Sam Ricketts Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 2-Mar-20 28-Mar-20 29-Mar-20 23-Jan-20 428357 Decision made Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Sam Rivers Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 2-Mar-20 28-Mar-20 29-Mar-20 23-Jan-20 428358 Decision made Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Ms Olivia Chell Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 2-Mar-20 28-Mar-20 29-Mar-20 23-Jan-20 428359 Decision made Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Omar Boggian Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 2-Mar-20 28-Mar-20 29-Mar-20 23-Jan-20 428361 Decision made Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Ms Paige Davidson Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 2-Mar-20 28-Mar-20 29-Mar-20 23-Jan-20 428362 Decision made Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Nick Mayes Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 2-Mar-20 28-Mar-20 29-Mar-20 23-Jan-20 428363 Decision made Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Mohammed Hussain Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 2-Mar-20 28-Mar-20 29-Mar-20 23-Jan-20 428364 Decision made Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Lord Osei-Tutu Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 2-Mar-20 28-Mar-20 29-Mar-20 23-Jan-20 428365 Decision made Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Thibault Brassart Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 2-Mar-20 28-Mar-20 29-Mar-20 23-Jan-20 428366 Decision made Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Neil Dransfield Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 2-Mar-20 28-Mar-20 29-Mar-20 23-Jan-20 428367 Decision made Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Matthew Back Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 2-Mar-20 28-Mar-20 29-Mar-20 23-Jan-20 428368 Decision made Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Ms Mhairi Paterson Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 2-Mar-20 28-Mar-20 29-Mar-20 23-Jan-20 428369 Decision made Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Ms Michalina Rutkowska Grant Licence 4-Mar-20 28-Mar-20 29-Mar-20 23-Jan-20 428370 Decision made Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Martin Wood Grant Licence 4-Mar-20 28-Mar-20 29-Mar-20 23-Jan-20 428371 Decision made Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Mark Andrew McEwan Grant Licence 4-Mar-20 28-Mar-20 29-Mar-20 23-Jan-20 428372 Decision made Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Ms Marta Terrones Ferrer Grant Licence 4-Mar-20 28-Mar-20 29-Mar-20 23-Jan-20 428373 Decision made Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Marcin Ptak Grant Licence 4-Mar-20 28-Mar-20 29-Mar-20 23-Jan-20 428374 Decision made Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Marcus Maguire Grant Licence 4-Mar-20 28-Mar-20 29-Mar-20 23-Jan-20 428375 Decision made Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Ms Marie Cox Grant Licence 4-Mar-20 28-Mar-20 29-Mar-20 23-Jan-20 428376 Decision made Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Mark Ford Grant Licence 4-Mar-20 28-Mar-20 29-Mar-20 23-Jan-20 428377 Decision made Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Lorenzo Rossi Grant Licence 4-Mar-20 28-Mar-20 29-Mar-20 23-Jan-20 428378 Decision made Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Ms Lucy O'Connell Grant Licence 4-Mar-20 28-Mar-20 29-Mar-20 23-Jan-20 428379 Decision made Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Lukas Ferencic Grant Licence 4-Mar-20 28-Mar-20 29-Mar-20 23-Jan-20 428381 Decision made Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Luke Kempton Grant Licence 4-Mar-20 28-Mar-20 29-Mar-20 23-Jan-20 428382 Decision made Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Marc Malcolm Davidson Grant Licence 4-Mar-20 28-Mar-20 29-Mar-20 23-Jan-20 428383 Decision made Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Lluis Febrer Torres Grant Licence 4-Mar-20 28-Mar-20 29-Mar-20 23-Jan-20 428384 Decision made Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Grant Licence 4-Mar-20 28-Mar-20 29-Mar-20 23-Jan-20 428385 Decision made Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr David Barclay Grant Licence 4-Mar-20 28-Mar-20 29-Mar-20 23-Jan-20 428386 Decision made Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Ms Kathryn Wandner Grant Licence 4-Mar-20 28-Mar-20 29-Mar-20 23-Jan-20 428387 Decision made Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Darryl David Mullen Grant Licence 4-Mar-20 28-Mar-20 29-Mar-20 23-Jan-20 428388 Decision made Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Ms Karolina Sylwia Tyc Grant Licence 28-Mar-20 29-Mar-20 23-Jan-20 428389 Decision made Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Daryl Watson Grant Licence 4-Mar-20 28-Mar-20 29-Mar-20 23-Jan-20 428390 Decision made Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Ms Karen Hogg Grant Licence 4-Mar-20 28-Mar-20 29-Mar-20 23-Jan-20 428391 Decision made Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Josh Russell Grant Licence 4-Mar-20 28-Mar-20 29-Mar-20 23-Jan-20 428392 Decision made Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Ms Kaja Novsak Grant Licence 4-Mar-20 28-Mar-20 29-Mar-20 23-Jan-20 428393 Decision made Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Ms Danielle Rose Grant Licence 4-Mar-20 28-Mar-20 29-Mar-20 23-Jan-20 428394 Decision made Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Ms Danielle Green Grant Licence 4-Mar-20 28-Mar-20 29-Mar-20 23-Jan-20 428395 Decision made Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Daniel Williams Grant Licence 4-Mar-20 28-Mar-20 29-Mar-20 23-Jan-20 428396 Decision made Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Dan Moreno Grant Licence 4-Mar-20 28-Mar-20 29-Mar-20 23-Jan-20 428397 Decision made Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr John Cheetham Grant Licence 4-Mar-20 28-Mar-20 29-Mar-20 23-Jan-20 428398 Decision made Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Mark Wallace Grant Licence 4-Mar-20 28-Mar-20 29-Mar-20 23-Jan-20 428399 Decision made Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Kieran Williams Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 6-Mar-20 28-Mar-20 29-Mar-20 23-Jan-20 428400 Decision made Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Jamie Gray Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 6-Mar-20 28-Mar-20 29-Mar-20 23-Jan-20 428401 Decision made Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Ms Jessi James Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 6-Mar-20 28-Mar-20 29-Mar-20 23-Jan-20 428402 Decision made Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Ms Jessica Veprovsky Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 6-Mar-20 28-Mar-20 29-Mar-20 23-Jan-20 428403 Decision made Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Craig Anthony Hubert Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 6-Mar-20 28-Mar-20 29-Mar-20 23-Jan-20 428404 Decision made Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Blair Thomson Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 6-Mar-20 28-Mar-20 29-Mar-20 23-Jan-20 428405 Decision made Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr William Sparling Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 6-Mar-20 28-Mar-20 29-Mar-20 23-Jan-20 428406 Decision made Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Jay Thurley Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 6-Mar-20 28-Mar-20 29-Mar-20 23-Jan-20 428407 Decision made Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Jamie Greaves Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 6-Mar-20 28-Mar-20 29-Mar-20 23-Jan-20 428408 Decision made Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Jason Corbett Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 6-Mar-20 28-Mar-20 29-Mar-20 23-Jan-20 428409 Decision made Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Jamie Adair Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 6-Mar-20 28-Mar-20 29-Mar-20 23-Jan-20 428410 Decision made Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Ms Isla McDonald Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 6-Mar-20 28-Mar-20 29-Mar-20 23-Jan-20 428411 Decision made Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Jacopo Menegazzo Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 6-Mar-20 28-Mar-20 29-Mar-20 23-Jan-20 428412 Decision made Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Jack Michael Peppiette Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 6-Mar-20 28-Mar-20 29-Mar-20 23-Jan-20 428413 Decision made Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Jake Heery Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 6-Mar-20 28-Mar-20 29-Mar-20 23-Jan-20 428414 Decision made Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr James Andrew Nelson Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 6-Mar-20 28-Mar-20 29-Mar-20 23-Jan-20 428415 Decision made Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr James Surridge Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 6-Mar-20 28-Mar-20 29-Mar-20 23-Jan-20 428416 Decision made Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Jamie Allan Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 6-Mar-20 28-Mar-20 29-Mar-20 23-Jan-20 428417 Decision made Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Ms Alana Dalziel Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 6-Mar-20 28-Mar-20 29-Mar-20 23-Jan-20 428418 Decision made Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Ms Ashleigh Bell Grant Licence 6-Mar-20 28-Mar-20 29-Mar-20 23-Jan-20 428419 Decision made Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Alexander Widell Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 6-Mar-20 28-Mar-20 29-Mar-20 23-Jan-20 428420 Decision made Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Andrew Ferguson Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 6-Mar-20 28-Mar-20 29-Mar-20 23-Jan-20 428421 Decision made Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Billy Saunders Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 6-Mar-20 28-Mar-20 29-Mar-20 23-Jan-20 428422 Decision made Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Ms Abbie Williams Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 6-Mar-20 28-Mar-20 29-Mar-20 23-Jan-20 428423 Decision made Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Aleksei Lundborg Voronin Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 6-Mar-20 28-Mar-20 29-Mar-20 23-Jan-20 428424 Decision made Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Roberto Rizzetto Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 6-Mar-20 28-Mar-20 29-Mar-20 23-Jan-20 428425 Decision made Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Ms Abbie McNeill Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 6-Mar-20 28-Mar-20 29-Mar-20 23-Jan-20 428426 Decision made Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Ms Anja Ferencic Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 6-Mar-20 28-Mar-20 29-Mar-20 23-Jan-20 428427 Decision made Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Andrea Cucinotta Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 6-Mar-20 28-Mar-20 29-Mar-20 23-Jan-20 428428 Decision made Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Boris Bianchi Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 6-Mar-20 28-Mar-20 29-Mar-20 23-Jan-20 428429 Decision made Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Bradley Tompkins Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 6-Mar-20 28-Mar-20 29-Mar-20 23-Jan-20 428430 Decision made Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Billy Hay Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 6-Mar-20 28-Mar-20 29-Mar-20 23-Jan-20 428431 Decision made Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Ms Amanda West Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 6-Mar-20 28-Mar-20 29-Mar-20 23-Jan-20 428432 Decision made Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Ms Charlotte Jane Anne Paterson Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 6-Mar-20 28-Mar-20 29-Mar-20 23-Jan-20 428433 Decision made Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Ms Charlotte Ross Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 6-Mar-20 28-Mar-20 29-Mar-20 23-Jan-20 428434 Decision made Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Chavez Pattinson Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 6-Mar-20 28-Mar-20 29-Mar-20 23-Jan-20 428435 Decision made Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Christopher Meighan Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 6-Mar-20 28-Mar-20 29-Mar-20 23-Jan-20 428436 Decision made Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Chris Newport Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 6-Mar-20 28-Mar-20 29-Mar-20 23-Jan-20 428437 Decision made Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Ms Adriana Maluquer Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 6-Mar-20 28-Mar-20 29-Mar-20 23-Jan-20 428438 Decision made Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Arnaw Ballos Pamiej Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 6-Mar-20 28-Mar-20 29-Mar-20 23-Jan-20 428439 Decision made Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Adrian Gravia Rubio Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 6-Mar-20 28-Mar-20 29-Mar-20 23-Jan-20 428440 Decision made Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Ms Debbie Jones Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 6-Mar-20 28-Mar-20 29-Mar-20 23-Jan-20 428441 Decision made Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Kyle Shields Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 6-Mar-20 28-Mar-20 29-Mar-20 23-Jan-20 428442 Decision made Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Ms Drew Linden Meier Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 6-Mar-20 28-Mar-20 29-Mar-20 23-Jan-20 428443 Decision made Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Ms Palantza Elpida Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 6-Mar-20 28-Mar-20 29-Mar-20 23-Jan-20 428444 Decision made Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Duncan Sweeny Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 6-Mar-20 28-Mar-20 29-Mar-20 23-Jan-20 428445 Decision made Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Ms Laura Jane Penman Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 6-Mar-20 28-Mar-20 29-Mar-20 23-Jan-20 428446 Decision made Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Ms Ellis Arch Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 6-Mar-20 28-Mar-20 29-Mar-20 23-Jan-20 428447 Decision made Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Ms Emma Sweeney Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 6-Mar-20 28-Mar-20 29-Mar-20 23-Jan-20 428448 Decision made Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Fabian Langes Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 6-Mar-20 28-Mar-20 29-Mar-20 23-Jan-20 428449 Decision made Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Ms Aimee MacDonald Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 6-Mar-20 28-Mar-20 29-Mar-20 23-Jan-20 428450 Decision made Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Ms Laura Kennedy Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 6-Mar-20 28-Mar-20 29-Mar-20 23-Jan-20 428451 Decision made Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Jorge Jimenez Gutierrez Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 6-Mar-20 28-Mar-20 29-Mar-20 23-Jan-20 428452 Decision made Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Ms Lauren Karen Machulik Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 6-Mar-20 28-Mar-20 29-Mar-20 23-Jan-20 428453 Decision made Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Miss Lauren Stephens Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 6-Mar-20 28-Mar-20 29-Mar-20 23-Jan-20 428454 Decision made Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Iain Mullen Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 6-Mar-20 28-Mar-20 29-Mar-20 23-Jan-20 428455 Decision made Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Ms Hollie Pryce-Jones Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 6-Mar-20 28-Mar-20 29-Mar-20 23-Jan-20 428457 Decision made Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Ms Harriet Cox Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 6-Mar-20 28-Mar-20 29-Mar-20 23-Jan-20 428458 Decision made Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Bartosz Pochel Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 6-Mar-20 28-Mar-20 29-Mar-20 23-Jan-20 428459 Decision made Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Michael Gibson Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 6-Mar-20 28-Mar-20 29-Mar-20 23-Jan-20 428460 Decision made Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Ms Linn Aasne Gironneroe Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 6-Mar-20 28-Mar-20 29-Mar-20 23-Jan-20 428461 Decision made Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Ms Gillian Badger Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 6-Mar-20 28-Mar-20 29-Mar-20 23-Jan-20 428462 Decision made Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr George Thomas Paterson Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 6-Mar-20 28-Mar-20 29-Mar-20 23-Jan-20 428463 Decision made Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Liam Matthew Queeney Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 9-Mar-20 28-Mar-20 29-Mar-20 23-Jan-20 428464 Decision made Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Ms Lily Foster-Rafferty Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 9-Mar-20 28-Mar-20 29-Mar-20 23-Jan-20 428465 Decision made Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Ms Iris Lys Blanc Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 9-Mar-20 28-Mar-20 29-Mar-20 23-Jan-20 428466 Decision made Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr George Crewe Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 9-Mar-20 28-Mar-20 29-Mar-20 23-Jan-20 428467 Decision made Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Ms Morag Sangster Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 9-Mar-20 28-Mar-20 29-Mar-20 23-Jan-20 428468 Decision made Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Nik Costas Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 9-Mar-20 28-Mar-20 29-Mar-20 23-Jan-20 428469 Decision made Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Ms Laura Ann Miller Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 16-Mar-20 28-Mar-20 29-Mar-20 23-Jan-20 428470 Decision made Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr David Michael Fox Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 9-Mar-20 28-Mar-20 29-Mar-20 23-Jan-20 428471 Decision made Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr David James Robertson Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 9-Mar-20 28-Mar-20 29-Mar-20 23-Jan-20 428472 Decision made Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Ms Gabriela Alicia Lastra Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 9-Mar-20 28-Mar-20 29-Mar-20 23-Jan-20 428473 Decision made Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Marcus Mellor Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 9-Mar-20 28-Mar-20 29-Mar-20 23-Jan-20 428474 Decision made Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Toshiyuki Nishimura Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 9-Mar-20 28-Mar-20 29-Mar-20 23-Jan-20 428475 Decision made Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Gavin Lyons Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 16-Mar-20 28-Mar-20 29-Mar-20 23-Jan-20 428476 Decision made Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Ms Beau Redman Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 9-Mar-20 28-Mar-20 29-Mar-20 23-Jan-20 428477 Decision made Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Benjamin Ashmead Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 9-Mar-20 28-Mar-20 29-Mar-20 23-Jan-20 428478 Decision made Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Ms Alana Forsyth Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 9-Mar-20 28-Mar-20 29-Mar-20 23-Jan-20 428479 Decision made Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Ms Kym Munster Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 9-Mar-20 28-Mar-20 29-Mar-20 23-Jan-20 428480 Decision made Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Scott A Smith Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 9-Mar-20 28-Mar-20 29-Mar-20 23-Jan-20 428481 Invalid application Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Ms Kirsten Stevenson Application not considered 21-Jul-20 28-Mar-20 29-Mar-20 23-Jan-20 428482 Decision made Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Ross Irvine Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 9-Mar-20 28-Mar-20 29-Mar-20 23-Jan-20 428484 Decision made Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Robert Brown Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 9-Mar-20 28-Mar-20 29-Mar-20 23-Jan-20 428803 Decision made Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Paul Clave Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 9-Mar-20 28-Mar-20 29-Mar-20 23-Jan-20 428804 Decision made Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Ms Jody Cockcroft Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 9-Mar-20 28-Mar-20 29-Mar-20 22-Jan-20 428161 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence Renewal 170 Gorgie Road, Edinburgh Ms Yingchun Zhang Grant Licence 5-Jan-21 28-Feb-20 27-Feb-23 20-Jan-20 427987 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence Renewal 61 Montrose Terrace, Edinburgh Redemption Ink Edinburgh Mr Patryk Kacaca Grant Licence 15-Dec-20 4-Feb-20 3-Feb-23 16-Jan-20 427838 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 19 Bread Street, Edinburgh Mr Maciej Roman Hartman Grant Licence 13-Aug-20 13-Aug-20 19-Mar-21 15-Jan-20 427715 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence Renewal 21 Manor Place, Edinburgh Mr Quintus Farrell Grant Licence 25-May-20 27-Feb-20 26-Feb-23 15-Jan-20 427776 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence Renewal 19 Bread Street, Edinburgh Okie Dokie Group Ltd Mr Dawid Maciej Rodziewicz Grant Licence 13-Aug-20 20-Mar-20 19-Mar-21 15-Jan-20 427777 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Renewal 19 Bread Street, Edinburgh Simon Blossfeldt Grant Licence 13-Aug-20 13-Aug-20 19-Mar-21 15-Jan-20 427778 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 19 Bread Street, Edinburgh Mr Tomasz Jackowski Grant Licence 13-Aug-20 13-Aug-20 19-Mar-21 15-Jan-20 427779 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 19 Bread Street, Edinburgh Ms Diana Katarzna Pikus Grant Licence 13-Aug-20 13-Aug-20 19-Mar-21 13-Jan-20 427561 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Renewal Unit 25, Ocean Terminal, 98 Ocean Drive, Edinburgh Ms Julia Quetgles Nadal Grant Licence 16-Mar-20 16-Mar-20 15-Sep-22 13-Jan-20 427562 Licence superseded Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence Variation Unit 16, Gyle Centre, Gyle Avenue, Edinburgh Superseded 25-Mar-20 13-Jan-20 427597 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 162 Albert Street, Edinburgh Mr Kritsada Tanthasuriya Grant Licence 19-Nov-20 19-Nov-20 18-Nov-21 8-Jan-20 427684 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence Variation Unit 16, Gyle Centre, Gyle Avenue, Edinburgh Claire's Accessories UK Ltd Ms Lindsey Watson Grant Licence 29-Jan-20 29-Jan-20 30-Sep-22 7-Jan-20 427152 Decision made Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 2b Pirrie Street, Edinburgh Ms Courtenay Dickson Application not considered 12-Mar-21 7-Jan-20 427155 Decision made Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 2b Pirrie Street, Edinburgh Mr Ewan Lothbrok Application not considered 12-Mar-21 7-Jan-20 427157 Decision made Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 2b Pirrie Street, Edinburgh Katarzyna Zawadzka Application not considered 12-Mar-21 27-Dec-19 426771 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 7 Grassmarket, Edinburgh Ms Pauline Perrier Grant Licence 18-Feb-20 18-Feb-20 17-Feb-21 16-Dec-19 414469 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 48 Princes Street, Edinburgh Regis UK Ltd Ms Fiona McCracken Grant Licence 14-Feb-20 14-Feb-20 13-Feb-21 16-Dec-19 415132 Decision made Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 36-37 West Preston Street, Edinburgh Ms Kelley Lamberton Application not considered 18-May-20 16-Dec-19 426131 Invalid application Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence Variation 48 Princes Street, Edinburgh Regis UK Ltd Application not considered 14-Feb-20 13-Dec-19 426029 Invalid application Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New Unit 17a, Gyle Centre, Gyle Avenue, Edinburgh Ms Caitlin McDade Application not considered 20-Feb-20 3-Dec-19 425389 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence Renewal 28 Comiston Road, Edinburgh Ms Judit Lizdene Grant Licence 17-Nov-20 19-Dec-19 19-Dec-20 2-Dec-19 425306 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 36 St Stephen Street Mrs Emma Goldie Grant Licence 25-Feb-20 25-Feb-20 24-Feb-21 2-Dec-19 425330 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 19 Torphichen Place, Edinburgh Ms Donka Tsvetkova Karabunarlieva Grant Licence 17-Nov-20 17-Nov-20 16-Nov-21 29-Nov-19 425166 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 25 Marchmont Crescent, Edinburgh Allure Beauty Lounge Ms Shannon Twist Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 8-Dec-20 5-Jan-21 4-Jan-22 28-Nov-19 417143 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 72 Haymarket Terrace, Edinburgh Mr Michael Foley Grant Licence 12-Dec-19 12-Dec-19 11-Nov-20 28-Nov-19 425153 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 92 Dalry Road, Edinburgh Energize Aesthetic Limited Ms Lucia Holzbarova Grant Licence 25-Jan-21 25-Jan-21 24-Jan-22 28-Nov-19 425154 Invalid application Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 92 Dalry Road, Edinburgh Ms Lucia Holzbarova Application not considered 14-Feb-20 28-Nov-19 425155 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 92 Dalry Road, Edinburgh Ms Sonya Kratka Grant Licence 25-Jan-21 25-Jan-21 24-Jan-22 28-Nov-19 425156 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 92 Dalry Road, Edinburgh Ms Alexandra Holzbarova Grant Licence 25-Jan-21 25-Jan-21 24-Jan-22 28-Nov-19 425943 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New Unit 25, Ocean Terminal, 98 Ocean Drive, Edinburgh Ms Sasha Mae Fraser Grant Licence 23-Jan-20 23-Jan-20 16-Sep-22 28-Nov-19 425946 Invalid application Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New Unit 25, Ocean Terminal, 98 Ocean Drive, Edinburgh Ms Sharon O'Rourke Application not considered 12-Dec-19 28-Nov-19 425952 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New Unit 25, Ocean Terminal, 98 Ocean Drive, Edinburgh Ms Maeve O'Boyle Grant Licence 23-Jan-20 23-Jan-20 16-Sep-22 28-Nov-19 425961 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New Unit 16, Gyle Centre, Gyle Avenue, Edinburgh Ms Eve Berrick Grant Licence 29-Jan-20 29-Jan-20 30-Sep-22 28-Nov-19 425962 Invalid application Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New Unit 16, Gyle Centre, Gyle Avenue, Edinburgh Ms Lindsey Watson Application not considered 12-Dec-19 28-Nov-19 425964 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New Unit 16, Gyle Centre, Gyle Avenue, Edinburgh Ms Courtney McKenzie Grant Licence 29-Jan-20 29-Jan-20 30-Sep-22 28-Nov-19 425965 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New Unit 16, Gyle Centre, Gyle Avenue, Edinburgh Ms Dominika Rojkowicz Grant Licence 29-Jan-20 29-Jan-20 30-Sep-22 28-Nov-19 425966 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New Unit 16, Gyle Centre, Gyle Avenue, Edinburgh Ms Louise Margaret Eaton Grant Licence 29-Jan-20 29-Jan-20 30-Sep-22 26-Nov-19 424981 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 89 Henderson Street, Edinburgh Ms Jessica James-Harris Grant Licence 10-Mar-20 10-Mar-20 9-Mar-21 26-Nov-19 424983 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 3 Jeffrey Street, Edinburgh Ms Sophia Mas Grant Licence 19-Feb-20 19-Feb-20 21-Sep-21 22-Nov-19 424784 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence Renewal 35-37 Bread Street, Edinburgh Mr Tom Lawrence Grant Licence 18-Feb-20 9-Dec-19 19-Dec-22 18-Nov-19 414679 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 72 Haymarket Terrace, Edinburgh Ms Melissa Anne Gardner Grant Licence 14-Feb-20 14-Feb-20 11-Nov-20 13-Nov-19 424264 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence Renewal 24 Bernard Street, Edinburgh Ming Chen Ltd Ms Ming Chen Robertson Grant Licence 27-May-20 1-Dec-19 30-Nov-22 13-Nov-19 424265 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 24 Bernard Street, Edinburgh Ms Ran Zhao Grant Licence 28-May-20 1-Dec-19 30-Nov-22 8-Nov-19 414833 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 3 Marchmont Road, Edinburgh Serene Beauty Therapy Ltd Ms Sarah Allan Grant Licence 23-Dec-19 23-Dec-19 22-Dec-20 4-Nov-19 423657 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 248 Canongate, Edinburgh Ms Kate Sophie Middleton Grant Licence 18-Feb-20 18-Feb-20 30-Jun-21 4-Nov-19 423676 Invalid application Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 1a Brougham Place, Edinburgh Ms Alison Sidgwick Application not considered 18-Aug-20 31-Oct-19 425398 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence Variation Fort Kinnaird Retail Park Superdrug Stores Plc Ms Susan McMurdo Grant Licence 3-Jan-20 3-Jan-20 19-Jun-20 28-Oct-19 420374 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 154 Ferry Road, Edinburgh Ferry Road Tattoo Ltd Mr Alexander Cruickshank Grant Licence 7-Dec-19 7-Dec-19 6-Dec-20 24-Oct-19 419699 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 41 Dalry Road, Edinburgh Zuri Beauty Ms Pauline Murage Grant Licence 18-Feb-20 18-Feb-20 17-Feb-21 21-Oct-19 422788 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 3 Jeffrey Street, Edinburgh Ms Thais De Melo Ferreira Blanc Grant Licence 18-Feb-20 18-Feb-20 21-Sep-21 18-Oct-19 422641 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 62 Granton Road, Edinburgh Ms Kirsty Ewart Ms Kirsty Ewart Grant Licence 18-Feb-20 18-Feb-20 17-Feb-21 16-Oct-19 422492 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence Renewal 130 Gorgie Road, Edinburgh Mr William Brown Grant Licence 14-Feb-20 29-Nov-19 29-Nov-22 15-Oct-19 422376 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence Renewal 288 Portobello High Street, Edinburgh Ms Julie Anne Talbot Grant Licence 22-Sep-20 17-Oct-19 17-Oct-20 15-Oct-19 422523 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 3 Jeffrey Street, Edinburgh Ms Pauline Perrier Grant Licence 24-Oct-19 29-Oct-19 24-Nov-19 15-Oct-19 422524 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 7 Grassmarket, Edinburgh Ms Pauline Perrier Grant Licence 24-Oct-19 29-Oct-19 24-Nov-19 10-Oct-19 422119 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 1a Brougham Place, Edinburgh Mr Daniel Fullerton Davies Mitchell-Dowling Grant Licence 6-Jan-20 6-Jan-20 30-Jun-20 10-Oct-19 422120 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 1a Brougham Place, Edinburgh Ms Sarah-Louise Alexander Grant Licence 6-Jan-20 6-Jan-20 30-Jun-20 10-Oct-19 422151 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 3 Jeffrey Street, Edinburgh Mr Alan William Ross Grant Licence 18-Feb-20 18-Feb-20 21-Sep-21 10-Oct-19 422152 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 3 Jeffrey Street, Edinburgh Emanuel De Sousa Fernandes Grant Licence 18-Feb-20 18-Feb-20 21-Sep-21 9-Oct-19 422053 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence Renewal 160 Gorgie Road, Edinburgh Mr Piotr Krzysztof Ceran Grant Licence 18-Feb-20 5-Jan-20 4-Jan-21 9-Oct-19 422054 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 160 Gorgie Road, Edinburgh Mr Maciej Wozinoda Grant Licence 27-Feb-20 27-Feb-20 4-Jan-21 9-Oct-19 422056 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 160 Gorgie Road, Edinburgh Mr Michal Bohutyn Grant Licence 27-Feb-20 27-Feb-20 4-Jan-21 9-Oct-19 422057 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 160 Gorgie Road, Edinburgh Mr Krzysztof Szymeczko Grant Licence 27-Feb-20 27-Feb-20 4-Jan-21 9-Oct-19 422058 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 160 Gorgie Road, Edinburgh Mr Adam Cwiek Grant Licence 27-Feb-20 27-Feb-20 4-Jan-21 9-Oct-19 422090 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New Unit 25, Ocean Terminal, 98 Ocean Drive, Edinburgh Ms Sian Smith Grant Licence 29-Jan-20 29-Jan-20 15-Sep-22 8-Oct-19 421912 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 102 Hanover Street, Edinburgh Ms Kate Harahan Grant Licence 24-Feb-20 24-Feb-20 23-Feb-21 7-Oct-19 421828 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 83 Princes Street, Edinburgh Ms Katarzyna Budoran Grant Licence 10-Jan-20 10-Jan-20 25-Mar-20 7-Oct-19 421829 Application withdrawn Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 3 Mountcastle Drive North, Edinburgh Ms Chiara Alletta Application Withdrawn 6-Feb-20 3-Oct-19 421654 Invalid application Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New Application not considered 4-Feb-20 3-Oct-19 421711 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 19 London Road, Edinburgh Ms Claire Mary Thomson Grant Licence 17-Aug-20 17-Aug-20 10-Aug-21 3-Oct-19 421712 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 19 London Road, Edinburgh Mr Louis Claes Grant Licence 11-Aug-20 11-Aug-20 10-Aug-21 2-Oct-19 417466 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New Fort Kinnaird Retail Park Mr Cameron Tanter Grant Licence 3-Jan-20 3-Jan-20 2-Oct-21 1-Oct-19 421535 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 283 Leith Walk, Edinburgh Mr Filip Kasny Grant Licence 12-Dec-19 12-Dec-19 14-May-20 1-Oct-19 421566 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 153 Dundee Street, Edinburgh Mr Marley Sutherland Cessford Grant Licence 18-Feb-20 18-Feb-20 12-Oct-22 30-Sep-19 421408 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence Renewal 14 Glasgow Road, Edinburgh Ms Lorraine Thomson Grant Licence 18-Feb-20 23-Oct-19 22-Oct-22 26-Sep-19 421244 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 53 Easter Road, Edinburgh Mr Lukasz Skrzypinski Grant Licence 6-Jan-20 6-Jan-20 8-Mar-20 25-Sep-19 421164 Application withdrawn Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 11 East Norton Place, Edinburgh Ms Joanna Evans Application Withdrawn 20-Oct-20 23-Sep-19 428846 Invalid application Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 7 Grassmarket, Edinburgh Ms Pauline Perrier Application not considered 29-Jan-20 17-Sep-19 414090 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 36 St Stephen Street Ms Malgorzata Wolska Granted by' Operation of Law' 17-Dec-20 18-Dec-20 17-Dec-21 17-Sep-19 420652 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence Renewal 153 Dundee Street, Edinburgh Mr Logan McDonald Mr Marley Sutherland Cessford Grant Licence 3-Jan-20 13-Oct-19 12-Oct-22 16-Sep-19 420537 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New Suite 1, 7-9 North St David Street, Edinburgh Ms Carolyn McKean Grant Licence 27-Feb-20 27-Feb-20 26-Feb-21 16-Sep-19 420541 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence Renewal 18 Bristo Place, Edinburgh Ms Jo Thomson Grant Licence 14-Feb-20 14-Feb-20 17-Oct-20 16-Sep-19 429186 Application withdrawn Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Application Withdrawn 4-Feb-20 13-Sep-19 420450 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 7 Grassmarket, Edinburgh Ms Dana Caroline Patterson Grant Licence 24-Oct-19 24-Oct-19 23-Oct-20 12-Sep-19 420395 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence Renewal 1f2, 6 North Charlotte Street, Edinburgh Mr Pascal Da Silva Grant Licence 23-Jan-20 6-Oct-19 5-Oct-20 12-Sep-19 420416 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 7 Grassmarket, Edinburgh Ms Joanne Baker Grant Licence 14-Feb-20 14-Feb-20 13-Feb-21 12-Sep-19 420417 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 7 Grassmarket, Edinburgh Mr Chris Morris Grant Licence 14-Feb-20 14-Feb-20 13-Feb-21 10-Sep-19 414315 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 11 Jeffrey Street, Edinburgh Ms Judit Lizdene Grant Licence 22-Nov-19 22-Nov-19 19-Nov-20 10-Sep-19 420137 Decision made Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 65a South Clerk Street, Edinburgh Ms Vaiva Erencaite Grant Licence 25-Feb-20 25-Feb-20 24-Feb-20 10-Sep-19 420148 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence Renewal 150-152 West Granton Road, Edinburgh Ms Agnieszka Metlewicz Grant Licence 24-Jul-20 18-Sep-19 17-Sep-20 5-Sep-19 419903 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 21-23 Church Hill Place, Edinburgh Ms Angela Williamson Grant Licence 1-Jul-20 1-Jul-20 30-Jun-21 4-Sep-19 419847 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence Renewal 2, 87 Rose Street North Lane, Edinburgh Miss Gemma Campbell Grant Licence 18-Feb-20 7-Sep-19 6-Sep-22 3-Sep-19 419214 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 53 Easter Road, Edinburgh Ms Courtenay Dickson Grant Licence 12-Dec-19 12-Dec-19 8-Mar-20 2-Sep-19 417663 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 260 Portobello High Street, Edinburgh Miss Justina Kruszelnicka Grant Licence 14-Oct-19 14-Oct-19 13-Oct-20 28-Aug-19 419398 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence Renewal 67 Great Junction Street, Edinburgh Mr Adam Fitzcharles Grant Licence 18-Feb-20 3-Sep-19 2-Sep-22 28-Aug-19 419401 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 67 Great Junction Street, Edinburgh Mr Steven Antonio Gilmour Grant Licence 18-Feb-20 18-Feb-20 2-Sep-22 22-Aug-19 419072 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence Renewal Unit 16, Gyle Centre, Gyle Avenue, Edinburgh Claire's Accessories UK Ltd Ms Lindsey Watson Grant Licence 29-Jan-20 1-Oct-19 30-Sep-22 22-Aug-19 423508 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 53 Dundas Street, Edinburgh Dr Nestor's Aesthetics Surgery Ltd Lynsey Crosbie Grant Licence 24-Feb-20 24-Feb-20 23-Feb-21 21-Aug-19 418916 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence Renewal Unit 25, Ocean Terminal, 98 Ocean Drive, Edinburgh Claire's Accessories UK Ltd Ms Sharon O'Rourke Grant Licence 23-Jan-20 16-Sep-19 15-Sep-22 20-Aug-19 418847 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Renewal 19 Easter Road, Edinburgh Ms Luiza Pape Grant Licence 12-Dec-19 12-Dec-19 2-Jul-20 19-Aug-19 411026 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 72 Haymarket Terrace, Edinburgh Ms Cassandra Lydia McGregor Grant Licence 20-Nov-19 20-Nov-19 11-Nov-20 19-Aug-19 418742 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 2 Gilmore Park, Edinburgh Mrs Jacqueline Sandelands-Strom Grant Licence 25-Feb-20 25-Feb-20 24-Feb-21 19-Aug-19 418743 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 2 Gilmore Park, Edinburgh Mr Thomas Allen-Strom Grant Licence 16-Mar-20 16-Mar-20 24-Feb-21 15-Aug-19 411824 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Renewal 1a Brougham Place, Edinburgh Ms Charlotte Jane Anne Paterson Grant Licence 17-Oct-19 1-Jul-19 30-Jun-20 15-Aug-19 411825 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Renewal 1a Brougham Place, Edinburgh Mr Ian Alexander McAlister Grant Licence 17-Oct-19 1-Jul-19 30-Jun-20 15-Aug-19 411826 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 1a Brougham Place, Edinburgh Ms Kaja Novsak Grant Licence 17-Oct-19 17-Oct-19 30-Jun-20 15-Aug-19 411827 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Renewal 1a Brougham Place, Edinburgh Mr Stephen Cairns Grant Licence 17-Oct-19 1-Jul-19 30-Jun-20 15-Aug-19 411828 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Renewal 1a Brougham Place, Edinburgh Ms Kerry Gentle Grant Licence 10-Jan-20 10-Jan-20 30-Jun-20 15-Aug-19 411829 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Renewal 1a Brougham Place, Edinburgh Mr Lewis McKechnie Grant Licence 17-Oct-19 1-Jul-19 30-Jun-20 15-Aug-19 411832 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Renewal 1a Brougham Place, Edinburgh Ms Charlotte Ross Grant Licence 17-Oct-19 1-Jul-19 30-Jun-20 15-Aug-19 411833 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence Renewal 1a Brougham Place, Edinburgh Red Hot And Blue Tattoo Ltd Mr Benjamin Parsons Grant Licence 17-Oct-19 1-Jul-19 30-Jun-20 15-Aug-19 418544 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence Variation 1a Brougham Place, Edinburgh Red Hot And Blue Tattoo Ltd Mr Benjamin Parsons Grant Licence 17-Oct-19 17-Oct-19 30-Jun-20 14-Aug-19 418539 Decision made Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence Variation 238 Leith Walk, Edinburgh Ms Nikki Jae Lloyd-Proctor Grant Licence 4-Oct-19 13-Aug-19 418385 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 168 Great Junction Street, Edinburgh Ms Wiktoria Piejczew Grant Licence 3-Feb-20 3-Feb-20 2-Feb-21 12-Aug-19 418335 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence Renewal 20 William Street, Edinburgh Mrs Jean Swan Grant Licence 14-Feb-20 21-Oct-19 20-Oct-20 8-Aug-19 418045 Invalid application Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 8 Drummond Street, Edinburgh Mr Lubomir Franciak Application not considered 8-Apr-20 7-Aug-19 413980 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New Peripatetic Operator Ms Mio Kuroiwa Grant Licence 10-Oct-19 10-Oct-19 9-Oct-20 6-Aug-19 417793 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence Renewal 16 Clerk Street, Edinburgh Mrs Yan Yun Grant Licence 23-Jan-20 31-Aug-19 30-Aug-22 2-Aug-19 417660 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New Unit 16, Gyle Centre, Gyle Avenue, Edinburgh Ms Arooj Arif Butt Grant Licence 2-Sep-19 2-Sep-19 30-Sep-22 30-Jul-19 417471 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New Fort Kinnaird Retail Park Ms Mairi Allan Grant Licence 4-Oct-19 4-Oct-19 16-Jun-20 29-Jul-19 417359 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 11a Atholl Place, Edinburgh Bon Gianluca Grant Licence 24-Jan-20 24-Jan-20 18-Aug-21 29-Jul-19 417360 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 11a Atholl Place, Edinburgh Ms Apolonia Pogorzelska Grant Licence 24-Jan-20 24-Jan-20 18-Aug-21 29-Jul-19 417361 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 11a Atholl Place, Edinburgh Ms Ashleigh Seeley Grant Licence 18-Feb-20 18-Feb-20 18-Aug-21 29-Jul-19 417362 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 11a Atholl Place, Edinburgh Mr Shane Joseph Mangan Grant Licence 24-Jan-20 24-Jan-20 18-Aug-21 24-Jul-19 417105 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 27 Candlemaker Row, Edinburgh Mr Pawel Kizlich Grant Licence 7-Dec-19 7-Dec-19 13-Jan-20 23-Jul-19 414678 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 72 Haymarket Terrace, Edinburgh BLKWRK Studio Mr Darren Millar Grant Licence 12-Nov-19 12-Nov-19 11-Nov-20 18-Jul-19 407705 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New Fort Kinnaird Elegance Brow and Beauty Ltd Grant Licence 18-Sep-19 18-Sep-19 17-Sep-20 17-Jul-19 416638 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 16 Blackwood Crescent, Edinburgh Ms Bethany Dear Grant Licence 1-Jun-20 1-Jun-20 31-May-21 16-Jul-19 416524 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence Renewal 15 Portland Place, Edinburgh Mr John Greaney Grant Licence 16-Mar-20 16-Mar-20 29-Jul-20 16-Jul-19 416526 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Renewal 15 Portland Place, Edinburgh Mr Calum Hobley Grant Licence 14-Feb-20 14-Feb-20 29-Jul-20 16-Jul-19 416530 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence Renewal 22 Montrose Terrace, Edinburgh Ms Zivile Smitaite Grant Licence 18-Feb-20 12-Aug-19 12-Aug-22 9-Jul-19 416158 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 61 Montrose Terrace, Edinburgh Ms Agnieszka Krawczyk Grant Licence 12-Dec-19 12-Dec-19 3-Feb-20 1-Jul-19 415503 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Renewal Unit 16, Gyle Centre, Gyle Avenue, Edinburgh Miss Philippa Walker Grant Licence 7-Dec-19 7-Dec-19 30-Sep-22 25-Jun-19 415105 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 19 Easter Road, Edinburgh Ms Adriana Rodriguez Monfort Grant Licence 7-Dec-19 7-Dec-19 2-Jul-20 25-Jun-19 415106 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 19 Easter Road, Edinburgh Mr James Chinnery Grant Licence 12-Dec-19 12-Dec-19 2-Jul-20 25-Jun-19 415163 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Renewal 36a Albany Street, Edinburgh Ms Jill Storstein Grant Licence 22-Nov-19 22-Nov-19 18-Jun-22 18-Jun-19 414693 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New Fort Kinnaird Miss Sana Iqbal Grant Licence 19-Sep-19 19-Sep-19 17-Sep-20 14-Jun-19 414463 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Renewal 47-52 Princes Street, Edinburgh Ms Daisy Jennifer McClure Grant Licence 14-Feb-20 14-Feb-20 13-Feb-21 14-Jun-19 414464 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Renewal 48 Princes Street, Edinburgh Ms Sarah McConnachie Grant Licence 14-Feb-20 14-Feb-20 13-Feb-21 14-Jun-19 414466 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Renewal 48 Princes Street, Edinburgh Ms Philomenia Currie Grant Licence 14-Feb-20 14-Feb-20 13-Feb-21 14-Jun-19 414467 Application withdrawn Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Renewal 48 Princes Street, Edinburgh Ms Victoria Hitchen Application Withdrawn 29-Nov-19 14-Jun-19 414468 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Renewal 48 Princes Street, Edinburgh Ms Kerry Orlik Grant Licence 14-Feb-20 14-Feb-20 13-Feb-21 14-Jun-19 414489 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence Renewal 9 East Fountainbridge, Edinburgh Mr Alexander David Rattray Grant Licence 14-Feb-20 21-Jun-19 20-Jun-22 14-Jun-19 414490 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Renewal 9 East Fountainbridge, Edinburgh Mr Ross Irvine Grant Licence 19-Feb-20 19-Feb-20 20-Jun-22 14-Jun-19 414491 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Renewal 9 East Fountainbridge, Edinburgh Ms Kirsten Stevenson Grant Licence 18-Feb-20 21-Jun-19 20-Jun-22 14-Jun-19 414492 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Renewal 9 East Fountainbridge, Edinburgh Mr Kyle Shields Grant Licence 18-Feb-20 20-Jun-22 14-Jun-19 414493 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Renewal 9 East Fountainbridge, Edinburgh Ms Laura Jane Penman Grant Licence 25-Feb-20 25-Feb-20 20-Jun-22 12-Jun-19 414284 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence Renewal 36a Albany Street, Edinburgh Ms Rachel Forrest Grant Licence 7-Nov-19 19-Jun-19 18-Jun-22 12-Jun-19 414316 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 11 Jeffrey Street, Edinburgh Cyan Beauty Studios Nadia Ashley Grant Licence 20-Nov-19 20-Nov-19 19-Nov-20 10-Jun-19 414106 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 8 Drummond Street, Edinburgh Mr Akos Pasztor Grant Licence 2-Aug-19 2-Aug-19 11-Sep-21 10-Jun-19 414107 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 8 Drummond Street, Edinburgh Mr Patrik Nadudvari Grant Licence 2-Aug-19 2-Aug-19 11-Sep-21 10-Jun-19 414108 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 8 Drummond Street, Edinburgh Mr Steve Shwery Grant Licence 2-Aug-19 2-Aug-19 11-Sep-21 10-Jun-19 414109 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 238 Leith Walk, Edinburgh Ms Alana Dalziel Grant Licence 6-Aug-19 6-Aug-19 31-Jul-22 6-Jun-19 413943 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New Unit 53, Ocean Terminal, 98 Ocean Drive, Edinburgh Ms Xuheng Guo Grant Licence 16-Mar-20 16-Mar-20 15-Mar-21 4-Jun-19 413780 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence Renewal Fort Kinnaird Retail Park Superdrug Stores PLC Ms Susan McMurdo Grant Licence 3-Jan-20 20-Jun-20 19-Jun-20 3-Jun-19 413679 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 156 Morningside Road, Edinburgh Mrs Catherine Jacobs Grant Licence 14-Nov-19 14-Nov-19 28-Aug-22 3-Jun-19 413680 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence Renewal 156 Morningside Road, Edinburgh Heartship Tattoos Mr Werner Jacobs Grant Licence 7-Nov-19 29-Aug-19 28-Aug-22 3-Jun-19 413754 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New Unit 3, 5a Giles Street, Edinburgh Ms Sarah Mary Monaghan Grant Licence 10-Jan-20 10-Jan-20 9-Jan-21 23-May-19 414471 Invalid application Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 54 Lochrin Buildings Ms Angela Jeanette Collins Application not considered 6-Sep-19 21-May-19 412605 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 51 Cumberland Street, Edinburgh Mr Alan Beveridge Grant Licence 9-Jul-19 9-Jul-19 4-Sep-20 20-May-19 412404 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New Unit 25, Ocean Terminal, 98 Ocean Drive, Edinburgh Ms Maeve O'Boyle Grant Licence 1-Aug-19 1-Aug-19 31-Jul-20 17-May-19 412284 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Renewal 238 Leith Walk, Edinburgh Mr Sean James Scoular Grant Licence 17-Oct-19 31-Jul-19 31-Jul-22 13-May-19 411792 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 61 Montrose Terrace, Edinburgh Mr Daire El Sibai Grant Licence 30-Jul-19 30-Jul-19 3-Feb-20 10-May-19 411575 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence Renewal 5 Marischal Place, Edinburgh Ms Karen Harris Grant Licence 2-Dec-19 21-Jun-19 20-Jun-22 8-May-19 411325 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 62 Captain's Road, Edinburgh Ms Denise Harris Grant Licence 17-Oct-19 17-Oct-19 16-Oct-20 6-May-19 411128 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence Variation Peripatetic Operator Ms Jill McLaggan Grant Licence 4-Oct-19 4-Oct-19 2-Jan-20 30-Apr-19 404069 Application withdrawn Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 72 Haymarket Terrace, Edinburgh Mr Robert William Neillings Application not considered 17-Oct-19 30-Apr-19 410731 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 48 St Stephen Street, Edinburgh Ms Victoria Robinson Grant Licence 10-Oct-19 11-Oct-19 10-Oct-20 30-Apr-19 410752 Application withdrawn Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 179 Saughton Road, Edinburgh Margaret Brown Application Withdrawn 9-Jul-19 24-Apr-19 410210 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence Renewal 126 Morningside Road, Edinburgh Mr Zong'yi Wan Grant Licence 10-Jan-20 1-Jun-19 31-May-22 24-Apr-19 410213 Application withdrawn Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 154 Ferry Road, Edinburgh Mr Tadas Liutas Application Withdrawn 19-Aug-19 18-Apr-19 409893 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 3 Jeffrey Street, Edinburgh Ms Luiza Pape Grant Licence 24-Jul-19 24-Jul-19 21-Sep-21 16-Apr-19 409745 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence Renewal 238 Leith Walk, Edinburgh Ms Nikki Jae Lloyd-Proctor Grant Licence 4-Oct-19 1-Aug-19 31-Jul-22 16-Apr-19 409746 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 238 Leith Walk, Edinburgh Ms Rachel Jenna Peppiette Grant Licence 16-Aug-19 16-Aug-19 31-Jul-22 16-Apr-19 409747 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 238 Leith Walk, Edinburgh Mr Rafael Mauricio Flocco Grant Licence 14-Aug-19 14-Aug-19 31-Jul-22 16-Apr-19 409748 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Renewal 238 Leith Walk, Edinburgh Mr Alan Proctor Grant Licence 14-Nov-19 1-Aug-19 31-Jul-22 11-Apr-19 409455 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence Variation 28 Comiston Road, Edinburgh Ms Olga Admaeva Grant Licence 29-May-19 29-May-19 13-Mar-20 10-Apr-19 409381 Licence surrendered Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 147 Morningside Road, Edinburgh Ms Sharon McKenzie Grant Licence 30-Jul-19 30-Jul-19 29-Jul-20 5-Apr-19 409043 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence Renewal Peripatetic Operator Ms Karen Morrison Grant Licence 18-Sep-19 9-Apr-19 8-Apr-22 4-Apr-19 406516 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 24 Canning Street, Edinburgh Ms Charmaine Shepherd Grant Licence 17-Jul-19 17-Jul-19 16-Jul-20 4-Apr-19 406693 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 283 Leith Walk, Edinburgh Plus 48 Tattoo Ltd Grant Licence 15-May-19 15-May-19 14-May-20 1-Apr-19 408625 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 283 Leith Walk, Edinburgh Ms Veronica Merlo Grant Licence 17-Jun-19 17-Jun-19 14-May-20 1-Apr-19 408626 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 283 Leith Walk, Edinburgh Miss Jane Veitch Grant Licence 17-Jun-19 17-Jun-19 14-May-20 1-Apr-19 408645 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 54 Home Street, Edinburgh Ms Agnieszka Wnuk Grant Licence 26-Jun-19 26-Jun-19 25-Jun-20 28-Mar-19 408400 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New Fleming House, 35 Kinnaird Park, Edinburgh Ms Sandra Wallace Grant Licence 27-May-19 27-May-19 30-Sep-21 28-Mar-19 408401 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New Fleming House, 35 Kinnaird Park, Edinburgh Ms Kyra Watson Grant Licence 27-May-19 27-May-19 30-Sep-21 27-Mar-19 408266 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 34-34b Alva Street, Edinburgh Ms Sharon McKenzie Grant Licence 2-Sep-19 2-Sep-19 1-Sep-20 27-Mar-19 408328 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New Unit 16, Gyle Centre, Gyle Avenue, Edinburgh Ms Louise Margaret Eaton Grant Licence 10-Jun-19 10-Jun-19 30-Sep-19 27-Mar-19 408329 Application withdrawn Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New Unit 16, Gyle Centre, Gyle Avenue, Edinburgh Application not considered 17-Apr-19 30-Sep-19 27-Mar-19 408330 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New Unit 16, Gyle Centre, Gyle Avenue, Edinburgh Ms Courtney McKenzie Grant Licence 10-Jun-19 10-Jun-19 30-Sep-19 27-Mar-19 408334 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New Unit 25, Ocean Terminal, 98 Ocean Drive, Edinburgh Ms Nicole Millar Grant Licence 5-Dec-19 5-Dec-19 15-Sep-22 22-Mar-19 407931 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 3 Jeffrey Street, Edinburgh Miss Ellie Nisbet Grant Licence 8-May-19 8-May-19 21-Sep-21 21-Mar-19 407903 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 3 Jeffrey Street, Edinburgh Mr James Andrew Nelson Grant Licence 20-May-19 20-May-19 21-Sep-21 21-Mar-19 407904 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 3 Jeffrey Street, Edinburgh Mr Jordan Newnham Grant Licence 23-May-19 23-May-19 21-Sep-21 21-Mar-19 407914 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 160 Gorgie Road, Edinburgh Ms Sophie Lawson Grant Licence 20-May-19 20-May-19 4-Jan-20 21-Mar-19 407915 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 160 Gorgie Road, Edinburgh Ms Paulina Moscinska Grant Licence 17-Jul-19 17-Jul-19 4-Jan-20 20-Mar-19 407818 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 8 Drummond Street, Edinburgh Ms Krisztina Csepes Grant Licence 2-May-19 2-May-19 11-Sep-21 20-Mar-19 407819 Invalid application Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 8 Drummond Street, Edinburgh Mr Alexandros Gkoro Application not considered 27-May-19 11-Sep-21 20-Mar-19 407820 Invalid application Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 8 Drummond Street, Edinburgh Ms Natasha Girwan Application not considered 5-Dec-19 11-Sep-21 14-Mar-19 407230 Invalid application Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New Application not considered 6-May-20 14-Mar-19 407266 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 16 South Trinity Road, Edinburgh Ms Alicja Maria Janczi Grant Licence 7-Nov-19 7-Nov-19 6-Nov-20 13-Mar-19 407190 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 18 Bristo Place, Edinburgh Ms Hannah May Swift Grant Licence 4-Jul-19 4-Jul-19 3-Jul-20 13-Mar-19 407197 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 93 Newcraighall Road, Edinburgh Ms Emilia Gilbert Grant Licence 8-May-19 8-May-19 7-May-20 12-Mar-19 407130 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Marc Malcolm Davidson Grant Licence 27-Mar-19 30-Mar-19 31-Mar-19 11-Mar-19 407007 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New Fleming House, 35 Kinnaird Park, Edinburgh Ms Alannah Watson Grant Licence 17-Apr-19 17-Apr-19 30-Sep-21 11-Mar-19 407008 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New Unit 16, Gyle Centre, Gyle Avenue, Edinburgh Ms Stephanie Kirkwood Grant Licence 17-Apr-19 17-Apr-19 30-Sep-19 11-Mar-19 407010 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New Fleming House, 35 Kinnaird Park, Edinburgh Ms Leigh June Lindsay Barry Grant Licence 17-Apr-19 17-Apr-19 30-Sep-21 8-Mar-19 406876 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence Renewal 53 Easter Road, Edinburgh Mr Jaroslaw Rzymski Grant Licence 24-Jul-19 9-Mar-19 8-Mar-20 8-Mar-19 406877 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Renewal 53 Easter Road, Edinburgh Mr Rafal Sielski Grant Licence 24-Jul-19 24-Jul-19 8-Mar-20 8-Mar-19 406892 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence Renewal 7 East Pilton Farm Wynd, Edinburgh Miss Fiona McLaurin Grant Licence 24-May-19 1-Aug-19 31-Jul-22 7-Mar-19 406694 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 283 Leith Walk, Edinburgh Mr Javier Peinado Pulido Grant Licence 15-May-19 15-May-19 14-May-20 7-Mar-19 406695 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 283 Leith Walk, Edinburgh Jaye Anderton-Tyers Grant Licence 15-May-19 15-May-19 14-May-20 5-Mar-19 406569 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 54 Home Street, Edinburgh Ms Antonella Caltabiano Grant Licence 4-Oct-19 4-Oct-19 3-Oct-20 4-Mar-19 402914 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 38 Dalry Road, Edinburgh Mr Reeve Young Grant Licence 21-May-19 21-May-19 20-May-20 1-Mar-19 406331 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 61 Montrose Terrace, Edinburgh Ms Barbara Glinka Grant Licence 4-Apr-19 4-Apr-19 3-Feb-20 28-Feb-19 396107 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 248 Canongate, Edinburgh Ms Morticia Campbell Grant Licence 16-Apr-19 16-Apr-19 30-Jun-21 27-Feb-19 404569 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Renewal 7 Grassmarket, Edinburgh Miss Keira Kirkpatrick Grant Licence 20-Mar-19 20-Mar-19 17-Aug-20 27-Feb-19 405280 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 39a Dalry Road, Edinburgh Ms Julia Pawlak Grant Licence 9-Jul-19 9-Jul-19 8-Jul-20 25-Feb-19 406001 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence Renewal 19 Easter Road, Edinburgh Watermelon Tattoo Ltd Mr Sandy Tweedie Grant Licence 2-Aug-19 3-Jul-19 2-Jul-20 22-Feb-19 405825 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence Renewal 118 Bruntsfield Place, Edinburgh Ms Amy Daly Grant Licence 16-May-19 22-Mar-19 21-Mar-20 15-Feb-19 405282 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence Renewal 47-47a Broughton Street, Edinburgh Ms Jen Wood Grant Licence 4-Apr-19 12-Mar-19 11-Mar-20 15-Feb-19 405283 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Renewal 47-47a Broughton Street, Edinburgh Ms Deborah Pow Grant Licence 2-May-19 12-Mar-19 11-Mar-20 15-Feb-19 405284 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Renewal 47-47a Broughton Street, Edinburgh Ms Aileen Murray Grant Licence 2-May-19 2-May-19 11-Mar-20 15-Feb-19 405310 Invalid application Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 61 Montrose Terrace, Edinburgh Mr Andrew Munson Application not considered 14-May-19 12-Feb-19 405021 Invalid application Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New Mr Dean Jason Swinscoe Application not considered 20-May-19 11-Feb-19 404966 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 10b Queensferry Street, Edinburgh Ms Katherine Dandridge Grant Licence 23-May-19 23-May-19 22-May-20 7-Feb-19 401124 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 86 Newington Road, Edinburgh Ms Christina McLean Grant Licence 16-Jul-19 16-Jul-19 15-Jul-20 6-Feb-19 404639 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 19 Bread Street, Edinburgh Mr Przemyslaw Lukasz Marcisz Grant Licence 20-Mar-19 20-Mar-19 19-Mar-20 6-Feb-19 404640 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 19 Bread Street, Edinburgh Mr Kamil Marek Naszkowski Grant Licence 21-Mar-19 21-Mar-19 19-Mar-20 6-Feb-19 404641 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 19 Bread Street, Edinburgh Mr Rafal Krzystof Kowalski Grant Licence 21-Mar-19 21-Mar-19 19-Mar-20 6-Feb-19 404642 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 19 Bread Street, Edinburgh Mr Konrad Piotr Rosiek Grant Licence 21-Mar-19 21-Mar-19 19-Mar-20 6-Feb-19 404643 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 19 Bread Street, Edinburgh Mr Mateusz Henryk Lopatka Grant Licence 21-Mar-19 21-Mar-19 19-Mar-20 6-Feb-19 404644 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 19 Bread Street, Edinburgh Mr Maciej Roman Hartman Grant Licence 20-Mar-19 20-Mar-19 19-Mar-20 4-Feb-19 402862 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 7 Grassmarket, Edinburgh Mr Thomas Allen-Strom Grant Licence 1-May-19 1-May-19 30-Apr-20 31-Jan-19 404251 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Ms Olivia Chell Grant Licence 26-Mar-19 30-Mar-19 31-Mar-19 31-Jan-19 404278 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Stefano Pitera Grant Licence 26-Mar-19 30-Mar-19 31-Mar-19 29-Jan-19 403545 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 21 Manor Place, Edinburgh Mr Quintus Farrell Grant Licence 27-Feb-19 27-Feb-19 26-Feb-20 28-Jan-19 403983 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence Renewal 57 Oxgangs Park, Edinburgh Ms Carol Fortune Grant Licence 4-Apr-19 1-Mar-19 28-Feb-22 25-Jan-19 403892 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 19 Easter Road, Edinburgh Ms Adriana Rodriguez Monfort Grant Licence 14-Mar-19 14-Mar-19 2-Jul-19 24-Jan-19 403802 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 3 Jeffrey Street, Edinburgh Ms Alison Sidgwick Grant Licence 20-Mar-19 20-Mar-19 21-Sep-21 16-Jan-19 403147 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr James Aitken Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 22-Mar-19 30-Mar-19 31-Mar-19 16-Jan-19 403148 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Ms Gabriela Lastra Grant Licence 22-Mar-19 30-Mar-19 31-Mar-19 16-Jan-19 403151 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr James Surridge Grant Licence 22-Mar-19 30-Mar-19 31-Mar-19 16-Jan-19 403152 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Ms Stephanie White Grant Licence 22-Mar-19 30-Mar-19 31-Mar-19 16-Jan-19 403155 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Maciej Woziwoda Grant Licence 22-Mar-19 30-Mar-19 31-Mar-19 16-Jan-19 403156 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Levi Barnett Grant Licence 22-Mar-19 30-Mar-19 31-Mar-19 16-Jan-19 403157 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Ms Beau Redman Grant Licence 22-Mar-19 30-Mar-19 31-Mar-19 16-Jan-19 403158 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Alejandro Gonzalez Munoz Grant Licence 22-Mar-19 30-Mar-19 31-Mar-19 16-Jan-19 403159 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Ms Barbara Leonard Grant Licence 22-Mar-19 30-Mar-19 31-Mar-19 16-Jan-19 403161 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Ms Rebecca Marsh Grant Licence 22-Mar-19 30-Mar-19 31-Mar-19 16-Jan-19 403162 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Aleksei Lundborg Voronin Grant Licence 22-Mar-19 30-Mar-19 31-Mar-19 16-Jan-19 403163 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Ms Amanda West Grant Licence 22-Mar-19 30-Mar-19 31-Mar-19 16-Jan-19 403164 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Andrew Syme Grant Licence 22-Mar-19 30-Mar-19 31-Mar-19 16-Jan-19 403165 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Angel Mitov Grant Licence 22-Mar-19 30-Mar-19 31-Mar-19 16-Jan-19 403166 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Aaron Piechocinski Grant Licence 22-Mar-19 30-Mar-19 31-Mar-19 16-Jan-19 403167 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Ms Abbie Williams Grant Licence 22-Mar-19 30-Mar-19 31-Mar-19 16-Jan-19 403168 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Alan Proctor Grant Licence 22-Mar-19 30-Mar-19 31-Mar-19 16-Jan-19 403169 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Ms Alana Forsyth Grant Licence 22-Mar-19 30-Mar-19 31-Mar-19 16-Jan-19 403170 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Alessandro Pennella Grant Licence 22-Mar-19 30-Mar-19 31-Mar-19 16-Jan-19 403171 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Billy Hay Grant Licence 22-Mar-19 30-Mar-19 31-Mar-19 16-Jan-19 403172 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Billy Saunders Grant Licence 22-Mar-19 30-Mar-19 31-Mar-19 16-Jan-19 403173 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Kevin Reid Grant Licence 22-Mar-19 30-Mar-19 31-Mar-19 16-Jan-19 403174 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Ms Kerry Gentle Grant Licence 22-Mar-19 30-Mar-19 31-Mar-19 16-Jan-19 403175 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Karol Kurtysiak Grant Licence 22-Mar-19 30-Mar-19 31-Mar-19 16-Jan-19 403176 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Ms Karen Hogg Grant Licence 22-Mar-19 30-Mar-19 31-Mar-19 16-Jan-19 403177 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Ms Kara Alexander Grant Licence 22-Mar-19 30-Mar-19 31-Mar-19 16-Jan-19 403178 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Ms Kanae Nishiyama Grant Licence 22-Mar-19 30-Mar-19 31-Mar-19 16-Jan-19 403179 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Julen Munoz Grant Licence 22-Mar-19 30-Mar-19 31-Mar-19 16-Jan-19 403180 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr John Philip Grant Licence 22-Mar-19 30-Mar-19 31-Mar-19 16-Jan-19 403181 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr John Cheetham Grant Licence 22-Mar-19 30-Mar-19 31-Mar-19 16-Jan-19 403182 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Joe Frost Grant Licence 22-Mar-19 30-Mar-19 31-Mar-19 16-Jan-19 403183 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Ms Jody Cockcroft Grant Licence 22-Mar-19 30-Mar-19 31-Mar-19 16-Jan-19 403184 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Ms Jessica Veprovsky Grant Licence 22-Mar-19 30-Mar-19 31-Mar-19 16-Jan-19 403185 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Jay Thurley Grant Licence 22-Mar-19 30-Mar-19 31-Mar-19 16-Jan-19 403186 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Jamie Greaves Grant Licence 22-Mar-19 30-Mar-19 31-Mar-19 16-Jan-19 403187 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Jamie Adair Grant Licence 22-Mar-19 30-Mar-19 31-Mar-19 16-Jan-19 403188 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Jamie Allan Grant Licence 22-Mar-19 30-Mar-19 31-Mar-19 16-Jan-19 403189 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Ruben Gomez Grant Licence 22-Mar-19 30-Mar-19 31-Mar-19 16-Jan-19 403190 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Ms Jaclyn Marie Huertas Grant Licence 25-Mar-19 30-Mar-19 31-Mar-19 16-Jan-19 403191 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Ms Isla McDonald Grant Licence 25-Mar-19 30-Mar-19 31-Mar-19 16-Jan-19 403192 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Jack Michael Peppiette Grant Licence 25-Mar-19 30-Mar-19 31-Mar-19 16-Jan-19 403193 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Jacopo Henegarro Grant Licence 25-Mar-19 30-Mar-19 31-Mar-19 16-Jan-19 403194 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Ms Gina Ilczyszyn Grant Licence 25-Mar-19 30-Mar-19 31-Mar-19 16-Jan-19 403195 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Iain Mullen Grant Licence 25-Mar-19 30-Mar-19 31-Mar-19 16-Jan-19 403196 Decision made Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Ian Alexander McAlister Grant Licence 25-Mar-19 30-Mar-19 31-Mar-19 16-Jan-19 403197 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Ian Higgins Grant Licence 25-Mar-19 30-Mar-19 31-Mar-19 16-Jan-19 403198 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Michael Gibson Grant Licence 25-Mar-19 30-Mar-19 31-Mar-19 16-Jan-19 403199 Decision made Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr George Thomas Paterson Grant Licence 25-Mar-19 30-Mar-19 31-Mar-19 16-Jan-19 403200 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Drew Linden Meier Grant Licence 25-Mar-19 30-Mar-19 31-Mar-19 16-Jan-19 403201 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh George Crewe Grant Licence 25-Mar-19 30-Mar-19 31-Mar-19 16-Jan-19 403202 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Gavin Lyons Grant Licence 25-Mar-19 30-Mar-19 31-Mar-19 16-Jan-19 403208 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Wojciech Przychodzki Grant Licence 25-Mar-19 30-Mar-19 31-Mar-19 16-Jan-19 403209 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Greg Scott Grant Licence 22-Mar-19 30-Mar-19 31-Mar-19 16-Jan-19 403210 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Leandro Manuel Luis Lopez Grant Licence 25-Mar-19 30-Mar-19 31-Mar-19 16-Jan-19 403211 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Vytautas Baltrusaitis Grant Licence 25-Mar-19 30-Mar-19 31-Mar-19 16-Jan-19 403212 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Ash Hickman Grant Licence 27-Mar-19 30-Mar-19 31-Mar-19 16-Jan-19 403213 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Chavez Pattinson Grant Licence 25-Mar-19 30-Mar-19 31-Mar-19 16-Jan-19 403214 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Chris Jenkinson Grant Licence 25-Mar-19 30-Mar-19 31-Mar-19 16-Jan-19 403215 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Christopher Meighan Grant Licence 25-Mar-19 30-Mar-19 31-Mar-19 16-Jan-19 403216 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Chris Newport Grant Licence 25-Mar-19 30-Mar-19 31-Mar-19 16-Jan-19 403217 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Ms Charlotte Ross Grant Licence 25-Mar-19 30-Mar-19 31-Mar-19 16-Jan-19 403218 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Jason Corbett Grant Licence 25-Mar-19 30-Mar-19 31-Mar-19 16-Jan-19 403220 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Craig Anthony Hubert Grant Licence 22-Mar-19 30-Mar-19 31-Mar-19 16-Jan-19 403221 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Damien Rodriguez Grant Licence 25-Mar-19 30-Mar-19 31-Mar-19 16-Jan-19 403222 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Daniel Williams Grant Licence 27-Mar-19 30-Mar-19 31-Mar-19 16-Jan-19 403223 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Ms Danielle Green Grant Licence 25-Mar-19 30-Mar-19 31-Mar-19 16-Jan-19 403224 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Daniel Baczewski Grant Licence 25-Mar-19 30-Mar-19 31-Mar-19 16-Jan-19 403225 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Ms Danielle Rose Grant Licence 25-Mar-19 30-Mar-19 31-Mar-19 16-Jan-19 403226 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Fabian Langes Grant Licence 25-Mar-19 30-Mar-19 31-Mar-19 16-Jan-19 403227 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Darryl David Mullen Grant Licence 25-Mar-19 30-Mar-19 31-Mar-19 16-Jan-19 403228 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Daryl Watson Grant Licence 25-Mar-19 30-Mar-19 31-Mar-19 16-Jan-19 403229 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr David Strods Grant Licence 25-Mar-19 30-Mar-19 31-Mar-19 16-Jan-19 403230 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr David Barry Grant Licence 25-Mar-19 30-Mar-19 31-Mar-19 16-Jan-19 403231 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Adam Cornish Grant Licence 25-Mar-19 30-Mar-19 31-Mar-19 16-Jan-19 403232 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Darby Woodall Grant Licence 26-Mar-19 30-Mar-19 31-Mar-19 16-Jan-19 403233 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Antonio Gabriele Grant Licence 25-Mar-19 30-Mar-19 31-Mar-19 16-Jan-19 403234 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Roberto Rizzetto Grant Licence 25-Mar-19 30-Mar-19 31-Mar-19 16-Jan-19 403235 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Timothy Joel Fairfax Grant Licence 25-Mar-19 30-Mar-19 31-Mar-19 16-Jan-19 403236 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Ms Natassia Wild Grant Licence 25-Mar-19 30-Mar-19 31-Mar-19 16-Jan-19 403237 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Jon Vasey Grant Licence 27-Mar-19 30-Mar-19 31-Mar-19 16-Jan-19 403238 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Ms Stephanie Scott Grant Licence 25-Mar-19 30-Mar-19 31-Mar-19 16-Jan-19 403239 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Stephen Cairns Grant Licence 27-Mar-19 30-Mar-19 31-Mar-19 16-Jan-19 403240 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Alexander Woodhead Grant Licence 27-Mar-19 30-Mar-19 31-Mar-19 16-Jan-19 403241 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Ms Tracy Demetriou Grant Licence 27-Mar-19 30-Mar-19 31-Mar-19 16-Jan-19 403242 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Ms Danielle Mawby Grant Licence 27-Mar-19 30-Mar-19 31-Mar-19 16-Jan-19 403243 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Neil Dransfield Grant Licence 28-Mar-19 30-Mar-19 31-Mar-19 16-Jan-19 403244 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Shaun Pattinson Grant Licence 27-Mar-19 30-Mar-19 31-Mar-19 16-Jan-19 403245 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Adrian Desgracia Grant Licence 25-Mar-19 30-Mar-19 31-Mar-19 16-Jan-19 403246 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Iluis Figueras Grant Licence 25-Mar-19 30-Mar-19 31-Mar-19 16-Jan-19 403247 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Ms Adriana Maloquer Grant Licence 25-Mar-19 30-Mar-19 31-Mar-19 16-Jan-19 403248 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Jorge Jimenez Gutierrez Grant Licence 26-Mar-19 30-Mar-19 31-Mar-19 16-Jan-19 403249 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Sean James Scoular Grant Licence 25-Mar-19 30-Mar-19 31-Mar-19 16-Jan-19 403250 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Lukasz Skrzypinski Grant Licence 25-Mar-19 30-Mar-19 31-Mar-19 16-Jan-19 403265 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Scott A Smith Grant Licence 25-Mar-19 30-Mar-19 31-Mar-19 16-Jan-19 403266 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Iluis Febrer Grant Licence 25-Mar-19 30-Mar-19 31-Mar-19 16-Jan-19 403267 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Blair Thomson Grant Licence 25-Mar-19 30-Mar-19 31-Mar-19 16-Jan-19 403268 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Boris Christian Bianchi Grant Licence 25-Mar-19 30-Mar-19 31-Mar-19 16-Jan-19 403269 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Callum Berry Grant Licence 25-Mar-19 30-Mar-19 31-Mar-19 16-Jan-19 403270 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Ms Charissa Louise Ward Gregson Grant Licence 26-Mar-19 30-Mar-19 31-Mar-19 16-Jan-19 403271 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr William Purnell Grant Licence 26-Mar-19 30-Mar-19 31-Mar-19 16-Jan-19 403272 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Jake Heery Grant Licence 26-Mar-19 30-Mar-19 31-Mar-19 16-Jan-19 403273 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Wesley Vaughn Tesdale Grant Licence 26-Mar-19 30-Mar-19 31-Mar-19 16-Jan-19 403274 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Ms Kirsten Stevenson Grant Licence 26-Mar-19 30-Mar-19 31-Mar-19 16-Jan-19 403275 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Ms Kaja Novsak Grant Licence 26-Mar-19 30-Mar-19 31-Mar-19 16-Jan-19 403276 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr David Michael Fox Grant Licence 26-Mar-19 30-Mar-19 31-Mar-19 16-Jan-19 403277 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr David Barclay Grant Licence 26-Mar-19 30-Mar-19 31-Mar-19 16-Jan-19 403278 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr David James Robertson Grant Licence 26-Mar-19 30-Mar-19 31-Mar-19 16-Jan-19 403279 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Ms Debbie Jones Grant Licence 26-Mar-19 30-Mar-19 31-Mar-19 16-Jan-19 403280 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Didac Gonzalez Grant Licence 26-Mar-19 30-Mar-19 31-Mar-19 16-Jan-19 403281 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Dominic McCluskey Grant Licence 26-Mar-19 30-Mar-19 31-Mar-19 16-Jan-19 403282 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Ms Ellis Arch Grant Licence 26-Mar-19 30-Mar-19 31-Mar-19 16-Jan-19 403283 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Ms Ellie Nieta Torres Grant Licence 26-Mar-19 30-Mar-19 31-Mar-19 16-Jan-19 403284 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Ms Emma Sweeney Grant Licence 26-Mar-19 30-Mar-19 31-Mar-19 16-Jan-19 403285 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Andrew Ferguson Grant Licence 26-Mar-19 30-Mar-19 31-Mar-19 16-Jan-19 403286 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Andrea Cucinotta Grant Licence 26-Mar-19 30-Mar-19 31-Mar-19 16-Jan-19 403287 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Jim Gray Grant Licence 26-Mar-19 30-Mar-19 31-Mar-19 16-Jan-19 403288 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Stewart McKellor Grant Licence 26-Mar-19 30-Mar-19 31-Mar-19 16-Jan-19 403289 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Bartosz Pochel Grant Licence 26-Mar-19 30-Mar-19 31-Mar-19 16-Jan-19 403290 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Kenneth Alan Turner Grant Licence 26-Mar-19 30-Mar-19 31-Mar-19 16-Jan-19 403291 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Kristoffer Lindback Grant Licence 26-Mar-19 30-Mar-19 31-Mar-19 16-Jan-19 403292 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Marcus Mellor Grant Licence 26-Mar-19 30-Mar-19 31-Mar-19 16-Jan-19 403293 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Miguel Majeo Grant Licence 25-Mar-19 30-Mar-19 31-Mar-19 16-Jan-19 403294 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Troy Neely Mort Grant Licence 25-Mar-19 30-Mar-19 31-Mar-19 16-Jan-19 403295 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Anthony Firstbrook Grant Licence 25-Mar-19 30-Mar-19 31-Mar-19 16-Jan-19 403296 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Grant Licence 25-Mar-19 30-Mar-19 31-Mar-19 16-Jan-19 403297 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Toby Gawler Grant Licence 25-Mar-19 30-Mar-19 31-Mar-19 16-Jan-19 403298 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Mohammed Hussain Grant Licence 25-Mar-19 30-Mar-19 31-Mar-19 16-Jan-19 403299 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Mitchell Allenden Grant Licence 25-Mar-19 30-Mar-19 31-Mar-19 16-Jan-19 403300 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Ms Mhairi Paterson Grant Licence 25-Mar-19 30-Mar-19 31-Mar-19 16-Jan-19 403305 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Justin M Wilson Grant Licence 25-Mar-19 30-Mar-19 31-Mar-19 16-Jan-19 403306 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Martin James Wood Grant Licence 25-Mar-19 30-Mar-19 31-Mar-19 16-Jan-19 403307 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Mark Wallace Grant Licence 25-Mar-19 30-Mar-19 31-Mar-19 16-Jan-19 403308 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Mark Ford Grant Licence 26-Mar-19 30-Mar-19 31-Mar-19 16-Jan-19 403309 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Matthew Back Grant Licence 26-Mar-19 30-Mar-19 31-Mar-19 16-Jan-19 403310 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Mark Andrew McEwan Grant Licence 26-Mar-19 30-Mar-19 31-Mar-19 16-Jan-19 403311 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Ms Marie Cox Grant Licence 26-Mar-19 30-Mar-19 31-Mar-19 16-Jan-19 403312 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Marcus Maguire Grant Licence 26-Mar-19 30-Mar-19 31-Mar-19 16-Jan-19 403313 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Ms Manni Kalsi Grant Licence 26-Mar-19 30-Mar-19 31-Mar-19 16-Jan-19 403314 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Luke Kempton Grant Licence 26-Mar-19 30-Mar-19 31-Mar-19 16-Jan-19 403315 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Ms Lucy O'Connell Grant Licence 26-Mar-19 30-Mar-19 31-Mar-19 16-Jan-19 403316 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Ms Lorena Morato Grant Licence 26-Mar-19 30-Mar-19 31-Mar-19 16-Jan-19 403317 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Lorenzo Rossi Grant Licence 26-Mar-19 30-Mar-19 31-Mar-19 16-Jan-19 403318 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Lord Osei-Tutu Grant Licence 26-Mar-19 30-Mar-19 31-Mar-19 16-Jan-19 403319 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Liam Querney Grant Licence 26-Mar-19 30-Mar-19 31-Mar-19 16-Jan-19 403320 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Lewis Parkin Grant Licence 26-Mar-19 30-Mar-19 31-Mar-19 16-Jan-19 403321 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Lewis McKechnie Grant Licence 26-Mar-19 30-Mar-19 31-Mar-19 16-Jan-19 403322 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Miss Lauren Stephens Grant Licence 26-Mar-19 30-Mar-19 31-Mar-19 16-Jan-19 403323 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Ms Laura Jane Penman Grant Licence 26-Mar-19 30-Mar-19 31-Mar-19 16-Jan-19 403324 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Ms Laura Kennedy Grant Licence 26-Mar-19 30-Mar-19 31-Mar-19 16-Jan-19 403325 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Ms Kym Munster Grant Licence 26-Mar-19 30-Mar-19 31-Mar-19 16-Jan-19 403326 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Kyle Shields Grant Licence 26-Mar-19 30-Mar-19 31-Mar-19 16-Jan-19 403327 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Ms Louise Marklew Grant Licence 26-Mar-19 30-Mar-19 31-Mar-19 16-Jan-19 403328 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Davide Pitteri Grant Licence 26-Mar-19 30-Mar-19 31-Mar-19 16-Jan-19 403329 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Jonathan Scott Pullin Grant Licence 27-Mar-19 30-Mar-19 31-Mar-19 16-Jan-19 403330 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Ms Sarah-Louise Alexander Grant Licence 27-Mar-19 30-Mar-19 31-Mar-19 16-Jan-19 403331 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Ms Sarah-Kate McWhinney Grant Licence 27-Mar-19 30-Mar-19 31-Mar-19 16-Jan-19 403332 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Ms Sarah Helfen Grant Licence 27-Mar-19 30-Mar-19 31-Mar-19 16-Jan-19 403333 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Ms Samantha Whitehead Grant Licence 27-Mar-19 30-Mar-19 31-Mar-19 16-Jan-19 403334 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Sam Rivers Grant Licence 27-Mar-19 30-Mar-19 31-Mar-19 16-Jan-19 403335 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Sam Ricketts Grant Licence 27-Mar-19 30-Mar-19 31-Mar-19 16-Jan-19 403336 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Ms Sadee Glover Grant Licence 27-Mar-19 30-Mar-19 31-Mar-19 16-Jan-19 403337 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Ross Irvine Grant Licence 27-Mar-19 30-Mar-19 31-Mar-19 16-Jan-19 403338 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Ross Duncan Grant Licence 27-Mar-19 30-Mar-19 31-Mar-19 16-Jan-19 403339 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Robert Lee Fraser Grant Licence 27-Mar-19 30-Mar-19 31-Mar-19 16-Jan-19 403340 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Dan Kelly Grant Licence 27-Mar-19 30-Mar-19 31-Mar-19 16-Jan-19 403341 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Rafael Joao Cavicchioli Grant Licence 27-Mar-19 30-Mar-19 31-Mar-19 16-Jan-19 403342 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Ms Rachel Baldwin Grant Licence 27-Mar-19 30-Mar-19 31-Mar-19 16-Jan-19 403343 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Ricardo Contreras Esta Lecca Grant Licence 27-Mar-19 30-Mar-19 31-Mar-19 16-Jan-19 403344 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Rafael Gonzalez Grant Licence 27-Mar-19 30-Mar-19 31-Mar-19 16-Jan-19 403345 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Paul Clave Grant Licence 27-Mar-19 30-Mar-19 31-Mar-19 16-Jan-19 403346 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Ms Paige Davidson Grant Licence 27-Mar-19 30-Mar-19 31-Mar-19 16-Jan-19 403347 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Pablo Hernandez Grant Licence 27-Mar-19 30-Mar-19 31-Mar-19 16-Jan-19 403348 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Omar Boggian Grant Licence 27-Mar-19 30-Mar-19 31-Mar-19 16-Jan-19 403349 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Nik Monks Grant Licence 27-Mar-19 30-Mar-19 31-Mar-19 16-Jan-19 403350 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Nick Mayes Grant Licence 27-Mar-19 30-Mar-19 31-Mar-19 16-Jan-19 403351 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Ms Morag Sangster Grant Licence 27-Mar-19 30-Mar-19 31-Mar-19 15-Jan-19 403024 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 19 Bread Street, Edinburgh Okie Dokie Group Ltd Mr Dawid Maciej Rodziewicz Grant Licence 20-Mar-19 20-Mar-19 19-Mar-20 14-Jan-19 402861 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 7 Grassmarket, Edinburgh Mr Elliott Wells Grant Licence 21-Feb-19 21-Feb-19 20-Feb-20 14-Jan-19 402879 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 83 Princes Street, Edinburgh Superdrug Stores PLC Ms Nicola-Holly Valente Grant Licence 26-Mar-19 26-Mar-19 25-Mar-20 14-Jan-19 402880 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 83 Princes Street, Edinburgh Ms Jade Munro Grant Licence 28-Mar-19 28-Mar-19 25-Mar-20 14-Jan-19 402881 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 83 Princes Street, Edinburgh Ms Courtney Rankine Grant Licence 28-Mar-19 28-Mar-19 25-Mar-20 14-Jan-19 402882 Application withdrawn Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 83 Princes Street, Edinburgh Ms Bogumila Rohjowska Application not considered 27-Nov-19 14-Jan-19 402883 Decision made Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New Application not considered 29-Apr-19 10-Dec-18 401068 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 92 Dalry Road, Edinburgh Bohacs Group Limited Mr Robert Bohacs Grant Licence 14-Feb-19 14-Feb-19 13-Feb-20 10-Dec-18 401069 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 92 Dalry Road, Edinburgh Ms Sonya Kratka Grant Licence 14-Feb-19 14-Feb-19 13-Feb-20 10-Dec-18 401070 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 92 Dalry Road, Edinburgh Ms Lucia Holzbarova Grant Licence 14-Feb-19 14-Feb-19 13-Feb-20 10-Dec-18 401071 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 92 Dalry Road, Edinburgh Ms Alexandra Holzbarova Grant Licence 14-Mar-19 14-Mar-19 13-Feb-20 7-Dec-18 400926 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 28 Comiston Road, Edinburgh Ms Judit Lizdene Grant Licence 20-Dec-18 20-Dec-18 19-Dec-19 7-Dec-18 400957 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 61 Montrose Terrace, Edinburgh Redemption Ink Edinburgh Mr Patryk Kacaca Grant Licence 4-Feb-19 4-Feb-19 3-Feb-20 4-Dec-18 400700 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 61 Montrose Terrace, Edinburgh Mr Radoslaw Sliwa Grant Licence 4-Feb-19 4-Feb-19 3-Feb-20 4-Dec-18 400702 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 61 Montrose Terrace, Edinburgh Mr Tomasz Jackowski Grant Licence 4-Feb-19 4-Feb-19 3-Feb-20 27-Nov-18 397334 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 5 Marchmont Road, Edinburgh Ms Amie Mee Grant Licence 12-Feb-19 12-Feb-19 11-Feb-20 20-Nov-18 399701 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 2 Torphichen Street, Edinburgh Ms Emma Everest Grant Licence 4-Feb-19 4-Feb-19 7-Jul-20 19-Nov-18 399581 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New Fleming House, 35 Kinnaird Park, Edinburgh Ms Samantha Jane Reid Grant Licence 1-Mar-19 1-Mar-19 30-Sep-21 16-Nov-18 399439 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence Renewal 11 Jeffrey Street, Edinburgh Ms Rachel Sylvester Grant Licence 25-Jan-19 20-Nov-18 20-Nov-19 15-Nov-18 399237 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 3a Randolph Place, Edinburgh Ms Angela Williamson Grant Licence 25-Jan-19 25-Jan-19 24-Jan-20 15-Nov-18 399250 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 19 Easter Road, Edinburgh Ms Sarah-Louise Alexander Grant Licence 29-Mar-19 29-Mar-19 2-Jul-20 15-Nov-18 399302 Application withdrawn Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New Unit 16, Gyle Centre, Gyle Avenue, Edinburgh Ms Fausta Urbietyte Application Withdrawn 6-Dec-18 15-Nov-18 399303 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New Unit 16, Gyle Centre, Gyle Avenue, Edinburgh Ms Dominika Roykowicz Grant Licence 12-Dec-18 12-Dec-18 30-Sep-19 15-Nov-18 399304 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New Unit 16, Gyle Centre, Gyle Avenue, Edinburgh Ms Margaret Reddington Grant Licence 14-Dec-18 14-Dec-18 30-Sep-19 15-Nov-18 399311 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Renewal 160 Gorgie Road, Edinburgh Mr Michal Bohutyn Grant Licence 28-Jan-19 28-Jan-19 4-Jan-20 15-Nov-18 399312 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence Renewal 160 Gorgie Road, Edinburgh Mr Piotr Krzysztof Ceran Grant Licence 24-Jan-19 5-Jan-19 4-Jan-20 15-Nov-18 399313 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Renewal 160 Gorgie Road, Edinburgh Mr Maciej Wozinoda Grant Licence 24-Jan-19 5-Jan-19 4-Jan-20 15-Nov-18 399315 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Renewal 160 Gorgie Road, Edinburgh Mr Lukasz Skrzypinski Grant Licence 24-Jan-19 5-Jan-20 4-Jan-20 15-Nov-18 399316 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Renewal 160 Gorgie Road, Edinburgh Mr Krzysztof Szymeczko Grant Licence 4-Feb-19 5-Jan-19 4-Jan-20 15-Nov-18 399317 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 160 Gorgie Road, Edinburgh Mr Konrad Kolada Grant Licence 24-Jan-19 5-Jan-19 4-Jan-20 14-Nov-18 399205 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 11a Atholl Place, Edinburgh Miss Jane Veitch Grant Licence 24-Jan-19 24-Jan-19 18-Aug-21 13-Nov-18 392984 Invalid application Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 72 Haymarket Terrace, Edinburgh Mr Toni Serrano Romero Application not considered 29-Oct-19 12-Nov-18 398902 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence Renewal 14 Roseburn Terrace, Edinburgh Mrs Emma Goldie Grant Licence 14-Mar-19 25-Dec-18 24-Dec-21 12-Nov-18 398991 Invalid application Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New Ms Ylva Beda Marie Kothen Application not considered 3-Sep-19 6-Nov-18 394190 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 91 Hanover Street, Edinburgh SKN Clinics Ltd Ms Leanne Mckeeman Grant Licence 20-Dec-18 20-Dec-18 19-Dec-19 1-Nov-18 396751 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 28 Comiston Road, Edinburgh Ms Olga Admaeva Grant Licence 14-Mar-19 14-Mar-19 13-Mar-20 30-Oct-18 397689 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 12 West Terrace, South Queensferry Ms Wilma Collier Grant Licence 4-Jan-19 4-Jan-19 3-Jan-20 25-Oct-18 397347 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 30-32 Lochrin Buildings, Edinburgh Lingyun Tian Ltd Ms Ling Yun Tian Grant Licence 12-Feb-19 12-Feb-19 11-Feb-20 24-Oct-18 397289 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 19 Easter Road, Edinburgh Ms Charlotte Wilson-Scott Grant Licence 12-Dec-18 12-Dec-18 2-Jul-19 24-Oct-18 397290 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 19 Easter Road, Edinburgh Mr James Chinnery Grant Licence 9-Dec-18 9-Dec-18 2-Jul-19 23-Oct-18 397147 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 53 Easter Road, Edinburgh Ms Dominika Justyna Szymczyk Buciuto Grant Licence 20-Mar-19 20-Mar-19 8-Mar-20 23-Oct-18 397185 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 47-47a Broughton Street, Edinburgh Ms Natalia Kulczynska Grant Licence 18-Jan-19 18-Jan-19 17-Jan-20 18-Oct-18 396852 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 53 Easter Road, Edinburgh Ms Courtenay Dickson Grant Licence 1-Nov-18 1-Nov-19 8-Mar-19 17-Oct-18 390089 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence Variation 49a Broughton Street, Edinburgh Elysium Health and Beauty Limited Ms Christina Downey Grant Licence 16-Nov-18 16-Nov-18 18-Nov-19 10-Oct-18 394181 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 25 Jock's Lodge, Edinburgh Ms Samantha Robertson Grant Licence 23-Jul-19 23-Jul-19 22-Jul-20 9-Oct-18 396165 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 283 Leith Walk, Edinburgh Mr Javier Peinado Pulido Grant Licence 3-Jan-19 3-Jan-19 13-May-19 8-Oct-18 396039 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 75 Bread Street, Edinburgh Ms Claudia Aguiran Fernandez Grant Licence 14-Dec-18 14-Dec-18 31-Oct-21 8-Oct-18 396040 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Renewal 75 Bread Street, Edinburgh Ms Aoife Kilalea Grant Licence 28-Dec-18 1-Nov-18 31-Oct-21 8-Oct-18 396041 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Renewal 75 Bread Street, Edinburgh Mr Daire El Sibai Grant Licence 28-Dec-18 1-Nov-18 31-Oct-21 4-Oct-18 395817 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence Renewal 28 Comiston Road, Edinburgh Sorella Beauty Limited Ms Jacqueline DiRollo Grant Licence 25-Jan-19 10-Oct-18 9-Oct-19 3-Oct-18 395697 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 47-52 Princes Street, Edinburgh Ms Philomenia Currie Grant Licence 21-Nov-18 21-Nov-18 8-May-19 3-Oct-18 395698 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 47-52 Princes Street, Edinburgh Ms Daisy Jennifer McClure Grant Licence 21-Nov-18 21-Nov-18 8-May-19 3-Oct-18 395699 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 47-52 Princes Street, Edinburgh Ms Tammie Elizabeth Chirnside Grant Licence 26-Nov-18 27-Nov-18 8-May-19 1-Oct-18 395390 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 91 Hanover Street, Edinburgh Ms Joana Joy Pullar Grant Licence 28-Dec-18 28-Dec-18 19-Dec-19 1-Oct-18 395450 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence Renewal 75 Bread Street, Edinburgh Ms Tara Davison Grant Licence 12-Dec-18 1-Nov-18 31-Oct-21 1-Oct-18 395454 Decision made Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 533 Gorgie Road Ms Diana Katarzna Pikus Application not considered 30-Sep-19 1-Oct-18 395493 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence Renewal 20 William Street, Edinburgh Mrs Jean Swan Grant Licence 9-Jan-19 20-Oct-18 20-Oct-19 26-Sep-18 395114 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New Peripatetic Operator Ms Jill McLaggan Grant Licence 3-Jan-19 3-Jan-19 2-Jan-20 26-Sep-18 395145 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 184 Easter Road, Edinburgh Miss Michelle Grimley Grant Licence 9-Dec-18 9-Dec-18 8-Dec-19 25-Sep-18 395057 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New Unit 16, Gyle Centre, Gyle Avenue, Edinburgh Ms Samantha Stewart-Carruthers Grant Licence 16-Nov-18 16-Nov-18 30-Sep-19 25-Sep-18 395059 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New Unit 16, Gyle Centre, Gyle Avenue, Edinburgh Ms Geraldine Patzwaldt Grant Licence 21-May-19 30-Sep-19 25-Sep-18 395062 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New Unit 25, Ocean Terminal, 98 Ocean Drive, Edinburgh Miss Nicole Marie Millar Grant Licence 29-Nov-18 29-Nov-18 28-Nov-18 24-Sep-18 394946 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New Unit 25, Ocean Terminal, 98 Ocean Drive, Edinburgh Ms Sasha Mae Fraser Grant Licence 29-Nov-18 29-Nov-18 15-Sep-19 20-Sep-18 394793 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence Variation 3 Jeffrey Street, Edinburgh Graincard Ltd Ms Joanna Gray Grant Licence 27-Dec-18 27-Dec-18 21-Sep-19 18-Sep-18 393546 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence Renewal 3 Jeffrey Street, Edinburgh Graincard Ltd Ms Joanna Gray Grant Licence 27-Dec-18 22-Sep-18 21-Sep-21 17-Sep-18 394564 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence Variation 238 Leith Walk, Edinburgh Ms Nikki Jae Lloyd-Proctor Grant Licence 21-Nov-18 21-Nov-18 31-Jul-19 13-Sep-18 393687 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 19 Easter Road, Edinburgh Mr Glenn Segard Grant Licence 1-Nov-18 1-Nov-18 2-Jul-19 6-Sep-18 393989 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 9 East Fountainbridge, Edinburgh Mr Kyle Shields Grant Licence 28-Dec-18 28-Dec-18 20-Jun-19 6-Sep-18 393990 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Renewal 9 East Fountainbridge, Edinburgh Mr Ross Irvine Grant Licence 28-Dec-18 28-Dec-18 20-Jun-19 6-Sep-18 393991 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Renewal 9 East Fountainbridge, Edinburgh Ms Kirsten Stevenson Grant Licence 21-Nov-18 21-Nov-18 20-Jun-19 5-Sep-18 393940 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 27 Candlemaker Row, Edinburgh Ms Shirley Pettigrew Grant Licence 9-Dec-18 9-Dec-18 13-Jan-20 3-Sep-18 393724 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence Renewal 2, 87 Rose Street North Lane, Edinburgh Miss Gemma Campbell Grant Licence 29-Nov-18 7-Sep-18 6-Sep-19 3-Sep-18 393738 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 27 Candlemaker Row, Edinburgh Mr Christopher Thomson Grant Licence 14-Mar-19 14-Mar-19 13-Jan-20 31-Aug-18 393528 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Renewal 3 Jeffrey Street, Edinburgh Ms Charlotte Lee Reece Grant Licence 27-Dec-18 27-Dec-18 21-Sep-21 31-Aug-18 393531 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Renewal 3 Jeffrey Street, Edinburgh Mr Rafael Joao Cavicchioli Grant Licence 20-Mar-19 22-Sep-18 21-Sep-21 31-Aug-18 393532 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Renewal 3 Jeffrey Street, Edinburgh Mr Mark Murray Grant Licence 27-Dec-18 27-Dec-18 21-Sep-19 31-Aug-18 393533 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Renewal 3 Jeffrey Street, Edinburgh Mr Vytautas Baltrusaitis Grant Licence 27-Dec-18 27-Dec-18 21-Sep-21 31-Aug-18 393534 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Renewal 3 Jeffrey Street, Edinburgh Mr Boris Christian Bianchi Grant Licence 27-Dec-18 27-Dec-18 21-Sep-21 31-Aug-18 393535 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Renewal 3 Jeffrey Street, Edinburgh Mr Marc Malcolm Davidson Grant Licence 27-Dec-18 27-Dec-18 21-Sep-21 31-Aug-18 393537 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Renewal 3 Jeffrey Street, Edinburgh Mr Daniel Fullerton Davies Mitchell-Dowling Grant Licence 27-Dec-18 27-Dec-18 21-Sep-21 31-Aug-18 393538 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Renewal 3 Jeffrey Street, Edinburgh Ms Gillian Shaw Grant Licence 27-Dec-18 27-Dec-18 21-Sep-21 31-Aug-18 393539 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Renewal 3 Jeffrey Street, Edinburgh Ms Adriana Rodriguez Monfort Grant Licence 27-Dec-18 27-Dec-18 21-Sep-21 31-Aug-18 393540 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Renewal 3 Jeffrey Street, Edinburgh Mr Ruairidh Douglas Michael Von Linden Grant Licence 27-Dec-18 27-Dec-18 21-Sep-21 31-Aug-18 393542 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Renewal 3 Jeffrey Street, Edinburgh Ms Sarah Rachael Gregory Grant Licence 27-Dec-18 27-Dec-18 21-Sep-21 31-Aug-18 393544 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Renewal 3 Jeffrey Street, Edinburgh Ms Dana Caroline Patterson Grant Licence 27-Dec-18 27-Dec-18 21-Sep-21 31-Aug-18 393545 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Renewal 3 Jeffrey Street, Edinburgh Ms Sarah-Louise Alexander Grant Licence 27-Dec-18 27-Dec-18 21-Sep-21 30-Aug-18 393435 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 56 Dalry Road, Edinburgh Mr Karol Kurtysiak Grant Licence 24-Oct-18 24-Oct-18 31-Mar-20 30-Aug-18 393452 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New Mobile Skin Piercer/Tattooist 2018 Dragonheart Tattoo UK Ltd Mrs Jan Craig Grant Licence 9-Jul-19 9-Jul-19 8-Jul-20 29-Aug-18 393086 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence Renewal 11a Atholl Place, Edinburgh Mr Darren Hasan-Ali Grant Licence 16-Jan-19 19-Aug-18 18-Aug-21 29-Aug-18 393530 Application withdrawn Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 11a Atholl Place, Edinburgh Ms Laura Young Application Withdrawn 16-Nov-18 29-Aug-18 393654 Invalid application Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New Unit 16, Gyle Centre, Gyle Avenue, Edinburgh Miss Katie O'Hare Application not considered 4-Oct-18 29-Aug-18 393692 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 11a Atholl Place, Edinburgh Miss Jaye Anderson-Tyers Grant Licence 16-Jan-19 16-Jan-19 18-Aug-21 29-Aug-18 393699 Application withdrawn Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 11a Atholl Place, Edinburgh Ms Caitlin Barron Application Withdrawn 16-Nov-18 29-Aug-18 393703 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Renewal 11a Atholl Place, Edinburgh Miss Rebecca Francis Grant Licence 16-Jan-19 19-Aug-18 18-Aug-21 29-Aug-18 393722 Application withdrawn Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 11a Atholl Place, Edinburgh Miss Ellie Nisbet Application Withdrawn 16-Nov-18 27-Aug-18 393191 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 288 Portobello High Street, Edinburgh Ms Julie Anne Talbot Grant Licence 18-Oct-18 18-Oct-18 17-Oct-19 22-Aug-18 389973 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence Renewal Fleming House, 35 Kinnaird Park, Edinburgh Claires Accessories UK Ltd Ms Donna Donnelly Grant Licence 1-Nov-18 1-Oct-18 30-Sep-21 20-Aug-18 392703 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence Renewal 1 Jackson's Close, Edinburgh Ms Anna Salman Grant Licence 11-Mar-19 1-Oct-18 30-Sep-21 20-Aug-18 392733 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence Renewal 6 Lochside Place, Edinburgh Bohacs Group Limited Mr Robert Bohacs Grant Licence 30-Nov-18 12-Sep-18 11-Sep-21 20-Aug-18 392734 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 6 Lochside Place, Edinburgh Ms Beata Czuba Grant Licence 30-Nov-18 30-Nov-18 11-Sep-21 20-Aug-18 392735 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 6 Lochside Place, Edinburgh Ms Sonya Kratka Grant Licence 30-Nov-18 30-Nov-18 11-Sep-21 20-Aug-18 392736 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 6 Lochside Place, Edinburgh Ms Lucia Holzbarova Grant Licence 30-Nov-18 30-Nov-18 11-Sep-21 20-Aug-18 392738 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence Renewal 8 Drummond Street, Edinburgh Bohacs Group Limited Mr Robert Bohacs Grant Licence 30-Nov-18 12-Sep-18 11-Sep-21 20-Aug-18 392739 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 8 Drummond Street, Edinburgh Mr Omar Gallaego Grant Licence 30-Nov-18 30-Nov-18 11-Sep-21 20-Aug-18 392740 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 8 Drummond Street, Edinburgh Mr Jakub Leszczynski Grant Licence 30-Nov-18 30-Nov-18 11-Sep-21 20-Aug-18 392741 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Renewal 8 Drummond Street, Edinburgh Mr Tomasz Turlej Grant Licence 30-Nov-18 12-Sep-18 11-Sep-21 20-Aug-18 392742 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Renewal 8 Drummond Street, Edinburgh Mr Marcel Kiss Grant Licence 30-Nov-18 12-Sep-18 11-Sep-21 20-Aug-18 392743 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Renewal 8 Drummond Street, Edinburgh Mr Daniel Anderton Grant Licence 30-Nov-18 12-Sep-18 11-Sep-21 20-Aug-18 392744 Application withdrawn Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 8 Drummond Street, Edinburgh Mr Konrad Kolada Application Withdrawn 30-Nov-18 30-Nov-18 11-Sep-21 15-Aug-18 392467 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 2b Pirrie Street, Edinburgh Mr Ross Naylor Grant Licence 14-Mar-19 14-Mar-19 13-Mar-20 1-Aug-18 383879 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 166 Bruntsfield Place, Edinburgh Ms Elisa Falkenburg Grant Licence 28-Jan-19 28-Jan-19 27-Jan-20 25-Jul-18 390936 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence Renewal 15 Portland Place, Edinburgh Mr John Greaney Grant Licence 16-Nov-18 30-Jul-18 29-Jul-19 25-Jul-18 390937 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Renewal 15 Portland Place, Edinburgh Mr Calum Hobley Grant Licence 16-Jan-19 16-Jan-19 29-Jul-19 25-Jul-18 390990 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence Renewal 54 Bridge Road, Edinburgh Peaches Colinton Ms Rachel Irene Kemp Grant Licence 16-Jan-19 20-Aug-18 19-Aug-21 25-Jul-18 390991 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Renewal 54 Bridge Road, Edinburgh Ms Lindsey Jane Stewardson Grant Licence 14-Mar-19 14-Mar-19 19-Aug-21 24-Jul-18 390835 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence Renewal 24 Broughton Street, Edinburgh Alba Science Ltd Ms Marie Reynolds Grant Licence 8-Feb-19 23-Mar-19 22-Mar-20 24-Jul-18 390851 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence Renewal Peripatetic Operator Mr Jonathan Nigel Clogstoun Willmott Grant Licence 26-Nov-18 30-Aug-18 29-Aug-21 23-Jul-18 390760 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence Renewal 150-152 West Granton Road, Edinburgh Ms Agnieszka Metlewicz Grant Licence 24-Oct-18 17-Sep-18 17-Sep-19 18-Jul-18 390398 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New Unit 25, Ocean Terminal, 98 Ocean Drive, Edinburgh Miss Alexandra Macleod Grant Licence 24-Oct-18 24-Oct-18 15-Sep-19 16-Jul-18 390252 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence Renewal 154 Ferry Road, Edinburgh Mr Juan Guerrero Grant Licence 28-Dec-18 15-Aug-18 14-Aug-19 12-Jul-18 390078 Application withdrawn Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 154 Ferry Road, Edinburgh Mr Adam Chacinski Application Withdrawn 31-Jan-19 12-Jul-18 390133 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 35-37 Bread Street, Edinburgh Mr Tom Lawrence Grant Licence 9-Dec-18 9-Dec-18 8-Dec-19 3-Jul-18 389012 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 23 Salamander Street Ms Cressida Gifford Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 27-Feb-19 27-Feb-19 26-Feb-20 2-Jul-18 388822 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence Renewal 36 West Port, Edinburgh Mr James McGonigle Grant Licence 1-Nov-18 31-Jul-18 31-Jul-21 2-Jul-18 388825 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Renewal 36 West Port, Edinburgh Mr John Johnston Grant Licence 16-Nov-18 1-Aug-18 31-Jul-21 2-Jul-18 388826 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Renewal 36 West Port, Edinburgh Mr Ismael Fernandez Fernandez Grant Licence 30-Nov-18 31-Jul-18 31-Jul-21 2-Jul-18 389321 Application withdrawn Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 93 George Street, Edinburgh Ms Antonella Caltabiano Application Withdrawn 6-Dec-18 27-Jun-18 388995 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence Renewal 361 Leith Walk, Edinburgh Ms Yasmin Yang Chen Collard Grant Licence 1-Oct-19 31-Aug-18 31-Aug-21 25-Jun-18 388824 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Renewal 36 West Port, Edinburgh Mr Barry Goddard Grant Licence 16-Nov-18 31-Jul-18 31-Jul-21 22-Jun-18 388677 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 93 George Street, Edinburgh Ms Carolyn McKean Grant Licence 12-Feb-19 12-Feb-19 27-Dec-19 22-Jun-18 388679 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 93 George Street, Edinburgh Ms Ashley Aitchison Grant Licence 12-Feb-19 12-Feb-19 27-Dec-19 22-Jun-18 388691 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 51 Cumberland Street, Edinburgh Ms Anna Maxwell Brown Grant Licence 30-Nov-18 30-Nov-18 4-Sep-20 20-Jun-18 388456 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence Renewal 248 Canongate, Edinburgh Mr Jared Sanders Grant Licence 26-Oct-18 1-Jul-18 30-Jun-21 20-Jun-18 388460 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 248 Canongate, Edinburgh Mr Matt Curtis Grant Licence 26-Oct-18 1-Jul-18 30-Aug-21 20-Jun-18 388480 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence Renewal 9 East Fountainbridge, Edinburgh Mr Alexander David Rattray Mr Barry Davie Grant Licence 14-Dec-18 20-Jun-18 20-Jun-19 20-Jun-18 388481 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 9 East Fountainbridge, Edinburgh Ms Laura Jane Penman Grant Licence 14-Dec-18 14-Dec-18 20-Jun-19 20-Jun-18 390470 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 248 Canongate, Edinburgh Ms Sarah Hunter Crowe Grant Licence 26-Oct-18 1-Jul-18 30-Jun-21 20-Jun-18 390471 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Renewal 248 Canongate, Edinburgh Miss Nicky McCabe Grant Licence 26-Oct-18 1-Jul-18 30-Jun-21 20-Jun-18 390472 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Renewal 248 Canongate, Edinburgh Mr Calum Cochrane Grant Licence 26-Oct-18 1-Jul-18 30-Jun-21 20-Jun-18 390473 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Renewal 248 Canongate, Edinburgh Mr Maxwell Hewat Grant Licence 26-Oct-18 1-Jul-18 30-Jun-21 20-Jun-18 390474 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 248 Canongate, Edinburgh Mr Ian Norwood Campbell Grant Licence 26-Oct-18 1-Jul-18 30-Jun-21 15-Jun-18 388159 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New Unit 16, Gyle Centre, Gyle Avenue, Edinburgh Ms Neith Donnelly Grant Licence 15-Jul-18 15-Jul-18 30-Sep-19 7-Jun-18 387628 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence Renewal 260 Portobello High Street, Edinburgh Dragonheart Tattoo UK Ltd Mr Russ Craig Grant Licence 3-Oct-18 1-Aug-18 31-Jul-21 7-Jun-18 387629 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Renewal 260 Portobello High Street, Edinburgh Mrs Jan Craig Grant Licence 6-Oct-18 31-Jul-18 31-Jul-21 7-Jun-18 387630 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Renewal 260 Portobello High Street, Edinburgh Mr Christopher Humphries Grant Licence 6-Oct-18 31-Jul-18 31-Jul-21 7-Jun-18 387631 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Renewal 260 Portobello High Street, Edinburgh Mr Steven Mullins Grant Licence 27-Sep-18 31-Jul-18 31-Jul-21 5-Jun-18 387399 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New Unit 16, Gyle Centre, Gyle Avenue, Edinburgh Miss Katie O'Hare Grant Licence 6-Oct-18 8-Oct-18 30-Sep-19 4-Jun-18 387216 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence Renewal 156 Morningside Road, Edinburgh Heartship Tattoos Mr Werner Jacobs Grant Licence 24-Oct-18 28-Aug-18 28-Aug-19 4-Jun-18 387217 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Renewal 156 Morningside Road, Edinburgh Mrs Catherine Jacobs Grant Licence 18-Oct-18 29-Aug-18 28-Aug-19 4-Jun-18 387276 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence Renewal 177 Constitution Street, Edinburgh Mr Ritchie Baines Grant Licence 24-Oct-18 30-Jun-18 30-Jun-21 31-May-18 387075 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 1f2, 6 North Charlotte Street, Edinburgh Mr Pascal Da Silva Grant Licence 6-Oct-18 6-Oct-18 5-Oct-19 25-May-18 386560 Application withdrawn Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 18 Bristo Place, Edinburgh Ms Katy Szpunar Ms Ruth Adam Application Withdrawn 11-Dec-18 22-May-18 386174 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 93 George Street, Edinburgh Edinburgh 79 Ltd Mr Scott Stead Grant Licence 28-Dec-18 28-Dec-18 27-Dec-19 21-May-18 386078 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 75 Bread Street, Edinburgh Ms Aoife Kilalea Grant Licence 31-Jul-18 31-Jul-18 31-Oct-18 21-May-18 386084 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence Renewal Edinburgh College, 24 Milton Road East, Edinburgh Edinburgh College Ms Kirsty Brown Grant Licence 9-Dec-18 30-Jun-18 29-Jun-21 17-May-18 385871 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence Renewal 225 Leith Walk, Edinburgh Mr Peter Mackie Grant Licence 27-Jun-18 1-Jul-18 30-Jun-21 17-May-18 385872 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Renewal 225 Leith Walk, Edinburgh Mr Sean Paul Mackie Grant Licence 5-Jul-18 1-Jul-18 30-Jun-21 16-May-18 385725 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 7 Morningside Drive, Edinburgh Ms Beata Polec Grant Licence 10-Dec-18 10-Dec-18 9-Dec-19 15-May-18 385646 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 14 Roseburn Terrace, Edinburgh Ms Malgorzata Wolska Grant Licence 29-Nov-18 29-Nov-18 28-Nov-19 14-May-18 385630 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 18 Bristo Place, Edinburgh Ms Jo Thomson Grant Licence 18-Oct-18 18-Oct-18 17-Oct-19 11-May-18 385492 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 295b St John's Road, Edinburgh Ms Michelle Janette Wegg Grant Licence 27-Dec-18 27-Dec-18 26-Dec-19 8-May-18 385148 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 21a Haddington Place, Edinburgh Ivy Therapy Limited Ms Amanda Tod Grant Licence 14-Dec-18 14-Dec-18 13-Dec-19 27-Apr-18 384440 Application withdrawn Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence Temporary 4-6 Anderson Place, Edinburgh Mr Wojciech Przychodzki Application Withdrawn 7-Jun-18 9-Jun-18 9-Jun-18 19-Apr-18 383578 Application withdrawn Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 6 Lochside Place, Edinburgh Kristyna Kralikova Application Withdrawn 7-Nov-18 19-Apr-18 383579 Licence superseded Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 6 Lochside Place, Edinburgh Ms Sonya Kratka Superseded 1-Nov-18 19-Apr-18 383580 Application withdrawn Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 6 Drummond Street, Edinburgh Mr Fraser Stephenson Application Withdrawn 22-Nov-18 19-Apr-18 384082 Application incomplete Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 101 Saughtonhall Drive Ms Lesley Ann J Fenton Application not considered 27-Nov-18 16-Apr-18 383174 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New Unit F11A Edinburgh Fort Retail Park Superdrug Stores PLC Hayleigh Scott Grant Licence 20-Jun-18 20-Jun-18 19-Jun-19 16-Apr-18 386079 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New Unit F11A Edinburgh Fort Retail Park Gemma Amanda Taylor Grant Licence 20-Jun-18 20-Jun-18 19-Jun-19 16-Apr-18 386095 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New Unit F11A Edinburgh Fort Retail Park Kirsty Amanda Joyce Dixon Grant Licence 20-Jun-18 20-Jun-18 19-Jun-19 16-Apr-18 386098 Decision made Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New Unit F11A Edinburgh Fort Retail Park Susan McMurdo Grant Licence 20-Jun-18 20-Jun-18 19-Jun-19 11-Apr-18 382124 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence Renewal 109-111 Bruntsfield Place, Edinburgh Soprano Ice Edinburgh Grant Licence 20-May-18 9-Jan-18 8-Jan-21 9-Apr-18 382102 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 128 St Johns Road, Edinburgh Ms Maria Liptakova Grant Licence 26-Oct-18 26-Oct-18 25-Oct-19 9-Apr-18 382603 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 51 Cumberland Street, Edinburgh Ms Victoria Isabella Craig-Colquhoun Grant Licence 2-Aug-18 2-Aug-18 4-Sep-20 9-Apr-18 382631 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 19 London Road, Edinburgh Louis Claes Grant Licence 27-Aug-18 27-Aug-18 26-Aug-19 9-Apr-18 382632 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 19 London Road, Edinburgh Ms Elizabeth Keltie-Field Grant Licence 6-Oct-18 6-Oct-18 5-Oct-19 9-Apr-18 382633 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 19 London Road, Edinburgh Ms Claire Mary Thomson Grant Licence 6-Oct-18 6-Oct-18 26-Aug-19 9-Apr-18 382639 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New Fleming House, 35 Kinnaird Park, Edinburgh Leigh Barry Grant Licence 31-Jul-18 31-Jul-18 30-Sep-18 6-Apr-18 382548 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence Renewal 8 Haddington Place, Edinburgh Louise Caithness McFadzean Grant Licence 24-Oct-18 9-Apr-18 8-Apr-21 4-Apr-18 382376 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 67 Great Junction Street, Edinburgh Mr Adam Fitzcharles Grant Licence 3-Sep-18 3-Sep-18 2-Sep-19 3-Apr-18 382209 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 93 Newcraighall Road, Edinburgh Ms Jennifer Marion Robertson Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 27-May-18 27-May-18 26-May-19 21-Mar-18 381187 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 49 Blackfriars Street, Edinburgh Mr John Cheetham Grant Licence 14-Feb-19 14-Feb-19 21-Mar-21 21-Mar-18 381188 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 49 Blackfriars Street, Edinburgh Mr Mark Andrew McEwan Grant Licence 4-Feb-19 22-Mar-18 21-Mar-19 21-Mar-18 381189 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Renewal 49 Blackfriars Street, Edinburgh Eleanor Savage Grant Licence 4-Feb-19 22-Mar-18 21-Mar-21 21-Mar-18 381190 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence Renewal 49 Blackfriars Street, Edinburgh R Scott Tattoo Ltd Ms Stephanie Scott Grant Licence 4-Feb-19 4-Feb-19 21-Mar-21 19-Mar-18 380831 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 19 Easter Road, Edinburgh Watermelon Tattoo Ltd Sandie Tweedie Grant Licence 3-Jul-18 3-Jul-18 2-Jul-19 19-Mar-18 380846 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 154 Ferry Road, Edinburgh Apolonia Pogorzelska Grant Licence 13-May-18 13-May-18 14-Aug-18 16-Mar-18 380737 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 15 Portland Place, Edinburgh Mr Calum Hobley Grant Licence 8-May-18 8-May-18 29-Jul-18 12-Mar-18 380272 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence Renewal 118 Bruntsfield Place, Edinburgh Ms Amy Daly Grant Licence 22-May-18 22-Mar-18 21-Mar-19 7-Mar-18 379939 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Renewal 47-47a Broughton Street, Edinburgh Deborah Pow Grant Licence 27-Jun-18 12-Mar-18 11-Mar-19 7-Mar-18 379940 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 47-47a Broughton Street, Edinburgh Ms Aileen Murray Grant Licence 7-May-18 7-May-18 11-Mar-19 7-Mar-18 379949 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence Renewal Ms Julia Edmonds Grant Licence 13-May-18 11-Apr-18 10-Apr-21 7-Mar-18 379992 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 5 Marischal Place, Edinburgh Ms Karen Harris Grant Licence 21-Jun-18 21-Jun-18 20-Jun-19 7-Mar-18 380000 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Renewal 53 Easter Road, Edinburgh Ms Martyna Kadziela Grant Licence 9-May-18 8-Mar-18 8-Mar-19 7-Mar-18 380001 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Renewal 53 Easter Road, Edinburgh Mr Steven Antonio Gilmour Grant Licence 27-May-18 27-May-18 8-Mar-19 7-Mar-18 380002 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Renewal 53 Easter Road, Edinburgh Mr Rafal Sielski Grant Licence 27-May-18 9-Mar-18 8-Mar-19 7-Mar-18 380003 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence Renewal 53 Easter Road, Edinburgh Mr Jaroslaw Rzymski Grant Licence 9-May-18 9-Mar-18 8-Mar-19 27-Feb-18 379351 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 15 Portland Place, Edinburgh Mr Danny Anderson Mr John Greaney Grant Licence 13-May-18 13-May-18 12-May-19 22-Feb-18 378839 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 238 Leith Walk, Edinburgh Mr Sean James Scoular Grant Licence 6-May-18 6-May-18 31-Jul-19 21-Feb-18 378773 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 15 Portland Place, Edinburgh Megan Grant Grant Licence 8-May-18 8-May-18 29-Jul-18 20-Feb-18 378681 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence Renewal 36-37 West Preston Street, Edinburgh Ms Christine Alison Grant Licence 13-May-18 28-Mar-18 27-Mar-21 13-Feb-18 378188 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 89 Henderson Street, Edinburgh Mr Istvan Antal Grant Licence 8-May-18 8-May-18 27-Nov-20 13-Feb-18 378211 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 75 Bread Street, Edinburgh Mr Daire Elsibai Grant Licence 27-Apr-18 27-Apr-18 31-Oct-18 12-Feb-18 378083 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 53 Dundas Street, Edinburgh Ms Moya Wren Grant Licence 3-Jun-18 3-Jun-18 26-May-19 12-Feb-18 378096 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence Renewal 1 Kirkwood Place, Edinburgh Mr Paul Reynolds Grant Licence 3-Sep-18 31-Mar-18 31-Mar-21 8-Feb-18 377842 Application incomplete Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New Incompetent Application 8-Feb-18 7-Feb-18 377815 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New Peripatetic Operator Ms Karen Morrison Grant Licence 9-Apr-18 9-Apr-18 8-Apr-19 30-Jan-18 377183 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 53 Dundas Street, Edinburgh Dr Nestor's Medical Cosmetic Centre Dr Nestor Demosthenous Grant Licence 27-May-18 27-May-18 26-May-19 30-Jan-18 378295 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 47-52 Princes Street, Edinburgh Regis UK Ltd Vicki Hitchen Grant Licence 9-May-18 9-May-18 8-May-19 30-Jan-18 382660 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 47-52 Princes Street, Edinburgh Ms Kerry Orlik Grant Licence 10-Jun-18 10-Jun-18 8-May-19 30-Jan-18 382662 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 47-52 Princes Street, Edinburgh Ms Melanie Hamill Grant Licence 13-May-18 13-May-18 8-May-19 30-Jan-18 382664 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 47-52 Princes Street, Edinburgh Ms Sarah McLachlan Grant Licence 10-Jun-18 10-Jun-18 8-May-19 30-Jan-18 382671 Invalid application Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 47-52 Princes Street, Edinburgh Ms Vicki Hitchen Application not considered 14-Jun-18 30-Jan-18 382689 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 47-52 Princes Street, Edinburgh Ms Sarah McConnachie Grant Licence 10-Jun-18 10-Jun-18 8-May-19 24-Jan-18 368200 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 35 Kinnaird Park, Edinburgh Miss Marta Perna Grant Licence 6-Mar-18 6-Mar-18 30-Sep-18 24-Jan-18 368201 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 35 Kinnaird Park, Edinburgh Miss Jordane Keddie Grant Licence 6-Mar-18 6-Mar-18 30-Sep-18 23-Jan-18 376419 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 72 Haymarket Terrace, Edinburgh Ms Melissa Anne Gardner Grant Licence 16-Jun-18 16-Jun-18 15-Jun-19 23-Jan-18 376459 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 1 St Colme Street Alicja Janczi Grant Licence 9-May-18 9-May-18 9-May-19 22-Jan-18 376365 Application withdrawn Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 27 Candlemaker Row, Edinburgh Application Withdrawn 18-Apr-18 17-Jan-18 376050 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New Flat 1, 89 Henderson Street, Edinburgh Mr Jack Michael Peppiette Grant Licence 4-May-18 4-May-18 27-Nov-20 16-Jan-18 375968 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 15 Bernard Street, Edinburgh Ms Lucia Pawlak Grant Licence 7-Jan-19 7-Jan-19 6-Jan-20 15-Jan-18 375899 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Renewal 89 Henderson Street, Edinburgh Mr Wesley Vaughn Tesdale Grant Licence 4-May-18 4-May-18 27-Nov-20 12-Jan-18 375737 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 56 Dalry Road, Edinburgh Miss Agnieszka Skulicz Grant Licence 26-Jan-18 26-Jan-18 31-Mar-20 12-Jan-18 375738 Decision made Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 56 Dalry Road, Edinburgh Mr Bartosz Pochel Grant Licence 26-Jan-18 26-Jan-18 31-Mar-20 10-Jan-18 375621 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence Temporary Mr James Aitken Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 16-Mar-18 24-Mar-18 25-Mar-18 10-Jan-18 376842 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Mr Marcus Mellor Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 19-Mar-18 24-Mar-18 25-Mar-18 10-Jan-18 376843 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Ms Debbie Jones Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 19-Mar-18 24-Mar-18 25-Mar-18 10-Jan-18 376844 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Mr Jonathan Scott Pullin Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 19-Mar-18 24-Mar-18 25-Mar-18 10-Jan-18 376845 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Mr Jamie Greaves Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 19-Mar-18 24-Mar-18 25-Mar-18 10-Jan-18 376846 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Mr Sam Ricketts Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 19-Mar-18 24-Mar-18 25-Mar-18 10-Jan-18 376847 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Ms Sadee Glover Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 19-Mar-18 24-Mar-18 25-Mar-18 10-Jan-18 376848 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Mr Nick Ferris Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 19-Mar-18 24-Mar-18 25-Mar-18 10-Jan-18 376851 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Ms Jody Cockcroft Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 19-Mar-18 24-Mar-18 25-Mar-18 10-Jan-18 376852 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Ms Rebecca Marsh Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 19-Mar-18 24-Mar-18 25-Mar-18 10-Jan-18 376853 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Ms Jacelyn Marie Huertas Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 19-Mar-18 24-Mar-18 25-Mar-18 10-Jan-18 376854 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Ms Gina Ilczyszyn Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 19-Mar-18 24-Mar-18 25-Mar-18 10-Jan-18 376855 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Ms Abbie Williams Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 19-Mar-18 24-Mar-18 25-Mar-18 10-Jan-18 376856 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Ms Ellie Nieta Torres Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 20-Mar-18 24-Mar-18 25-Mar-18 10-Jan-18 376857 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Ms Samantha Whitehead Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 20-Mar-18 24-Mar-18 25-Mar-18 10-Jan-18 376858 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Ms Gabriela Lastra Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 20-Mar-18 24-Mar-18 25-Mar-18 10-Jan-18 376859 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Mr Ross Irvine Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 20-Mar-18 24-Mar-18 25-Mar-18 10-Jan-18 376860 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Ms Louise Marklew Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 20-Mar-18 24-Mar-18 25-Mar-18 10-Jan-18 376861 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Mr Mark Andrew McEwan Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 20-Mar-18 24-Mar-18 25-Mar-18 10-Jan-18 376862 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Ms Stephanie Scott Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 20-Mar-18 24-Mar-18 25-Mar-18 10-Jan-18 376863 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Ms Elizabeth Stewart Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 20-Mar-18 24-Mar-18 25-Mar-18 10-Jan-18 376864 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Mr Alexander Woodhead Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 20-Mar-18 24-Mar-18 25-Mar-18 10-Jan-18 376865 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Ms Sarah Anne Nuttall Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 20-Mar-18 24-Mar-18 25-Mar-18 10-Jan-18 376866 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Mr Jason Corbett Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 20-Mar-18 24-Mar-18 25-Mar-18 10-Jan-18 376867 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Mr Jack Michael Peppiette Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 20-Mar-18 24-Mar-18 25-Mar-18 10-Jan-18 376868 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Ms Olivia Chell Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 20-Mar-18 24-Mar-18 25-Mar-18 10-Jan-18 376869 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Mr Neil Dransfield Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 20-Mar-18 24-Mar-18 25-Mar-18 10-Jan-18 376870 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Mr Daryl Watson Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 20-Mar-18 24-Mar-18 25-Mar-18 10-Jan-18 376871 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Ms Amanda West Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 20-Mar-18 24-Mar-18 25-Mar-18 10-Jan-18 376872 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Mr Antony Dickinson Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 20-Mar-18 24-Mar-18 25-Mar-18 10-Jan-18 376873 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Mr Omar Boggian Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 20-Mar-18 24-Mar-18 25-Mar-18 10-Jan-18 376874 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Mr Jaroslav Stachowicz Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 20-Mar-18 24-Mar-18 25-Mar-18 10-Jan-18 376875 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Ms Morag Sangster Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 20-Mar-18 24-Mar-18 25-Mar-18 10-Jan-18 376876 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Mr Nik Koba Monks Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 20-Mar-18 24-Mar-18 25-Mar-18 10-Jan-18 376877 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Ms Michela Bottin Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 20-Mar-18 24-Mar-18 25-Mar-18 10-Jan-18 376878 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Mr Alexander David Rattray Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 20-Mar-18 24-Mar-18 25-Mar-18 10-Jan-18 376879 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Ms Laura Jane Penman Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 20-Mar-18 24-Mar-18 25-Mar-18 10-Jan-18 376880 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Mr Kyle Shields Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 20-Mar-18 24-Mar-18 25-Mar-18 10-Jan-18 376881 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Mr Marcin Ptak Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 20-Mar-18 24-Mar-18 25-Mar-18 10-Jan-18 376882 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Mr Wojciech Przychodzki Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 20-Mar-18 24-Mar-18 25-Mar-18 10-Jan-18 376883 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Mr Daniel Baczewski Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 20-Mar-18 24-Mar-18 25-Mar-18 10-Jan-18 376884 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Mr Daniel Bensmann Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 20-Mar-18 24-Mar-18 25-Mar-18 10-Jan-18 376885 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Mr Daniel Lahrtz Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 20-Mar-18 24-Mar-18 25-Mar-18 10-Jan-18 376886 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Mr Sergio Martinez Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 20-Mar-18 24-Mar-18 25-Mar-18 10-Jan-18 376887 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Mr Lluis Febrer Torres Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 20-Mar-18 24-Mar-18 25-Mar-18 10-Jan-18 376889 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Mr Daniel Hartley Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 20-Mar-18 24-Mar-18 25-Mar-18 10-Jan-18 376890 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Mr William Purnell Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 20-Mar-18 24-Mar-18 25-Mar-18 10-Jan-18 376892 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Mr Jacob Wiman Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 20-Mar-18 24-Mar-18 25-Mar-18 10-Jan-18 376894 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Mr Mitchell Allenden Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 20-Mar-18 24-Mar-18 25-Mar-18 10-Jan-18 376896 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Mr Gustavo Gervasio Barahona Fernandez Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 20-Mar-18 24-Mar-18 25-Mar-18 10-Jan-18 376897 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Mr Miguel Mateo Mendez Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 20-Mar-18 24-Mar-18 25-Mar-18 10-Jan-18 376898 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Mr Greg Scott Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 21-Mar-18 24-Mar-18 25-Mar-18 10-Jan-18 376901 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Mr Ricardo Contreras Estalella Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 21-Mar-18 24-Mar-18 25-Mar-18 10-Jan-18 376903 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Mr Leandro Manuel Luis Lopez Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 21-Mar-18 24-Mar-18 25-Mar-18 10-Jan-18 376904 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Mr Roberto Rizzetto Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 21-Mar-18 24-Mar-18 25-Mar-18 10-Jan-18 376905 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Mr Damien Rodriquez Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 21-Mar-18 24-Mar-18 25-Mar-18 10-Jan-18 376906 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Ms Kanae Nishiyama Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 21-Mar-18 24-Mar-18 25-Mar-18 10-Jan-18 376907 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Ms Danielle Rose Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 21-Mar-18 24-Mar-18 25-Mar-18 10-Jan-18 376908 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Mr Jay Thurley Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 21-Mar-18 24-Mar-18 25-Mar-18 10-Jan-18 376910 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Mr Bradley Tompkins Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 21-Mar-18 24-Mar-18 25-Mar-18 10-Jan-18 376911 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Mr James Williams Matthews Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 19-Mar-18 24-Mar-18 25-Mar-18 10-Jan-18 376913 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Mr David James Robertson Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 19-Mar-18 24-Mar-18 25-Mar-18 10-Jan-18 376914 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Mr Scott A Smith Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 19-Mar-18 24-Mar-18 25-Mar-18 10-Jan-18 376915 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Mr David Michael Fox Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 19-Mar-18 24-Mar-18 25-Mar-18 10-Jan-18 376916 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Mr George Thomas Paterson Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 19-Mar-18 24-Mar-18 25-Mar-18 10-Jan-18 376917 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Mr Martin Wood Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 19-Mar-18 24-Mar-18 25-Mar-18 10-Jan-18 376918 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Mr Wesley Vaughn Tesdale Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 19-Mar-18 24-Mar-18 25-Mar-18 10-Jan-18 376919 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Mr Troy Neely Mort Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 19-Mar-18 24-Mar-18 25-Mar-18 10-Jan-18 376921 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Mr Justin M Wilson Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 19-Mar-18 24-Mar-18 25-Mar-18 10-Jan-18 376922 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Mr Nick Mayes Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 19-Mar-18 24-Mar-18 25-Mar-18 10-Jan-18 376924 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Mr Daniel Williams Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 19-Mar-18 24-Mar-18 25-Mar-18 10-Jan-18 376926 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Mr Chris Newport Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 19-Mar-18 24-Mar-18 25-Mar-18 10-Jan-18 376927 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Mr Thomas Arnison Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 19-Mar-18 24-Mar-18 25-Mar-18 10-Jan-18 376928 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Ms Kailee Love Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 19-Mar-18 24-Mar-18 25-Mar-18 10-Jan-18 376929 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Mr Michael Nomikos Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 19-Mar-18 24-Mar-18 25-Mar-18 10-Jan-18 376930 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Mr Justin Morcillo Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 19-Mar-18 24-Mar-18 25-Mar-18 10-Jan-18 376931 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Ms Adriana Maluquer Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 19-Mar-18 24-Mar-18 25-Mar-18 10-Jan-18 376932 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Ms Barbara Jimenez JImenez Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 19-Mar-18 24-Mar-18 25-Mar-18 10-Jan-18 376933 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Mr Rafael Gonzalez Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 21-Mar-18 24-Mar-18 25-Mar-18 10-Jan-18 376934 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Ms Tracy Demetriou Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 19-Mar-18 24-Mar-18 25-Mar-18 10-Jan-18 376935 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Mr Will Dozer Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 19-Mar-18 24-Mar-18 25-Mar-18 10-Jan-18 376937 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Mr Luke Kempton Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 19-Mar-18 24-Mar-18 25-Mar-18 10-Jan-18 376938 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Ms Danielle Mawby Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 19-Mar-18 24-Mar-18 25-Mar-18 10-Jan-18 376939 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Ms Charissa Gregson Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 19-Mar-18 24-Mar-18 25-Mar-18 10-Jan-18 376940 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Mr Billy Hay Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 19-Mar-18 24-Mar-18 25-Mar-18 10-Jan-18 376941 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Ms Emma Sweeney Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 19-Mar-18 24-Mar-18 25-Mar-18 10-Jan-18 376942 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Mr Marcus Maguire Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 19-Mar-18 24-Mar-18 25-Mar-18 10-Jan-18 376944 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Mr Dan Kelly Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 19-Mar-18 24-Mar-18 25-Mar-18 10-Jan-18 376945 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Mr Stephen Kelly Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 19-Mar-18 24-Mar-18 25-Mar-18 10-Jan-18 376946 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Ms Kara Alexander Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 21-Mar-18 24-Mar-18 25-Mar-18 10-Jan-18 376947 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Ms Kaja Novsak Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 19-Mar-18 24-Mar-18 25-Mar-18 10-Jan-18 376948 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Mr Joe Frost Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 19-Mar-18 24-Mar-18 25-Mar-18 10-Jan-18 376950 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Mr Timothy Joel Fairfax Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 19-Mar-18 24-Mar-18 25-Mar-18 10-Jan-18 376951 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Ms Marie Cox Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 19-Mar-18 24-Mar-18 25-Mar-18 10-Jan-18 376952 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Mr Liam Matthew Queeney Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 19-Mar-18 24-Mar-18 25-Mar-18 10-Jan-18 376953 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Ms Beau Redman Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 19-Mar-18 24-Mar-18 25-Mar-18 10-Jan-18 376954 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Mr James Surridge Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 19-Mar-18 24-Mar-18 25-Mar-18 10-Jan-18 376955 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Mr Lorenzo Rossi Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 19-Mar-18 24-Mar-18 25-Mar-18 10-Jan-18 376956 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Mr Dani Queipo Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 19-Mar-18 24-Mar-18 25-Mar-18 10-Jan-18 376957 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Mr Andrea Cucinotta Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 19-Mar-18 24-Mar-18 25-Mar-18 10-Jan-18 376958 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Mr Toby Gawler Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 19-Mar-18 24-Mar-18 25-Mar-18 10-Jan-18 376959 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Mr Kristoffer Lindback Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 19-Mar-18 24-Mar-18 25-Mar-18 10-Jan-18 376960 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Mr Erik Nils Svensson Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 19-Mar-18 24-Mar-18 25-Mar-18 10-Jan-18 376961 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Mr Tyson Arndt Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 16-Mar-18 24-Mar-18 25-Mar-18 10-Jan-18 376962 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Ms Natalie Holly Gardiner Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 16-Mar-18 24-Mar-18 25-Mar-18 10-Jan-18 376963 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Mr Lord Osei-Tutu Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 16-Mar-18 24-Mar-18 25-Mar-18 10-Jan-18 376965 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Mr Mark Ford Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 16-Mar-18 24-Mar-18 25-Mar-18 10-Jan-18 376966 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Ms Jessica Veprovsky Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 16-Mar-18 24-Mar-18 25-Mar-18 10-Jan-18 376967 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Mr Adam Ruff Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 16-Mar-18 24-Mar-18 25-Mar-18 10-Jan-18 376968 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Mr Andrew John Smith Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 16-Mar-18 24-Mar-18 25-Mar-18 10-Jan-18 376969 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Ms Keely Rutherford Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 16-Mar-18 24-Mar-18 25-Mar-18 10-Jan-18 376970 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Mr Gavin Lyons Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 16-Mar-18 24-Mar-18 25-Mar-18 10-Jan-18 376973 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Mr Matthew Back Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 16-Mar-18 24-Mar-18 25-Mar-18 10-Jan-18 376974 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Ms Sarah Helfen Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 16-Mar-18 24-Mar-18 25-Mar-18 10-Jan-18 376975 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Ms Kerry Gentle Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 16-Mar-18 24-Mar-18 25-Mar-18 10-Jan-18 376976 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Ms Charlotte Ross Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 16-Mar-18 24-Mar-18 25-Mar-18 10-Jan-18 376977 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Mr Lewis McKechnie Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 16-Mar-18 24-Mar-18 25-Mar-18 10-Jan-18 376978 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Mr Ian Alexander McAlister Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 16-Mar-18 24-Mar-18 25-Mar-18 10-Jan-18 376979 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Mr Blair Thomson Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 16-Mar-18 24-Mar-18 25-Mar-18 10-Jan-18 376980 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Mr Dominic McCluskey Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 16-Mar-18 24-Mar-18 25-Mar-18 10-Jan-18 376981 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Ms Kym Munster Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 16-Mar-18 24-Mar-18 25-Mar-18 10-Jan-18 376982 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Mr Mark Wallace Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 16-Mar-18 24-Mar-18 25-Mar-18 10-Jan-18 376983 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Ms Paige Davidson Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 16-Mar-18 24-Mar-18 25-Mar-18 10-Jan-18 376984 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Mr Maciej Woziwoda Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 16-Mar-18 24-Mar-18 25-Mar-18 10-Jan-18 376985 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Mr Lukasz Skrzypinski Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 16-Mar-18 24-Mar-18 25-Mar-18 10-Jan-18 376988 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Mr Krzystof Szymeczko Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 16-Mar-18 24-Mar-18 25-Mar-18 10-Jan-18 376989 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Mr Alessandro Pennella Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 16-Mar-18 24-Mar-18 25-Mar-18 10-Jan-18 376990 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Mr Ruben Pedraza Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 16-Mar-18 24-Mar-18 25-Mar-18 10-Jan-18 376991 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Mr Jamie Allan Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 16-Mar-18 24-Mar-18 25-Mar-18 10-Jan-18 376992 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Mr Ruben Poyatos Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 16-Mar-18 24-Mar-18 25-Mar-18 10-Jan-18 376993 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Mr Ian Higgins Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 16-Mar-18 24-Mar-18 25-Mar-18 10-Jan-18 376994 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Mr Boris Christian Bianchi Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 16-Mar-18 24-Mar-18 25-Mar-18 10-Jan-18 376995 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Mr Marc Malcolm Davidson Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 16-Mar-18 24-Mar-18 25-Mar-18 10-Jan-18 376996 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Ms Adriana Rodriguez Monfort Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 16-Mar-18 24-Mar-18 25-Mar-18 10-Jan-18 376997 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Mr Ruairidh Douglas Michael Von Linden Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 21-Mar-18 24-Mar-18 25-Mar-18 10-Jan-18 376998 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Mr Craig Anthony Hubert Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 16-Mar-18 24-Mar-18 25-Mar-18 10-Jan-18 376999 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Mr Robert Lee Fraser Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 16-Mar-18 24-Mar-18 25-Mar-18 10-Jan-18 377001 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Mr Stewart McKellor Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 16-Mar-18 24-Mar-18 25-Mar-18 10-Jan-18 377002 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Mr Chris Meighan Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 16-Mar-18 24-Mar-18 25-Mar-18 10-Jan-18 377004 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Mr David Barry Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 16-Mar-18 24-Mar-18 25-Mar-18 10-Jan-18 377005 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Mr Alex Whiley Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 16-Mar-18 24-Mar-18 25-Mar-18 10-Jan-18 377006 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Mr Andrew Ferguson Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 16-Mar-18 24-Mar-18 25-Mar-18 10-Jan-18 377007 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Ms Krystine Danielle McKee Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 16-Mar-18 24-Mar-18 25-Mar-18 10-Jan-18 377008 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Mr Anthony Firstbrook Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 16-Mar-18 24-Mar-18 25-Mar-18 10-Jan-18 377010 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Mr John Philip Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 16-Mar-18 24-Mar-18 25-Mar-18 10-Jan-18 377011 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Mr Kevin Reid Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 16-Mar-18 24-Mar-18 25-Mar-18 10-Jan-18 377013 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Mr Ross Duncan Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 16-Mar-18 24-Mar-18 25-Mar-18 10-Jan-18 377015 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Mr Billy Saunders Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 16-Mar-18 24-Mar-18 25-Mar-18 10-Jan-18 377016 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Mr Jamie MacPhearson Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 16-Mar-18 24-Mar-18 25-Mar-18 10-Jan-18 377017 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Ms Laura Kennedy Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 16-Mar-18 24-Mar-18 25-Mar-18 10-Jan-18 377018 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Mr Roddy Mclean Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 16-Mar-18 24-Mar-18 25-Mar-18 10-Jan-18 377019 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Mr Paul Clave Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 16-Mar-18 24-Mar-18 25-Mar-18 10-Jan-18 377020 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Mr Ash Hickman Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 16-Mar-18 24-Mar-18 25-Mar-18 10-Jan-18 377021 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Ms Alana Dalziel Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 16-Mar-18 24-Mar-18 25-Mar-18 10-Jan-18 377022 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Mr Alan Proctor Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 16-Mar-18 24-Mar-18 25-Mar-18 10-Jan-18 377023 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Mr Dan Hague Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 16-Mar-18 24-Mar-18 25-Mar-18 10-Jan-18 377024 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Mr Darryl David Mullen Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 16-Mar-18 24-Mar-18 25-Mar-18 10-Jan-18 377025 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Mr Iain Mullen Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 16-Mar-18 24-Mar-18 25-Mar-18 10-Jan-18 377026 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Mr Johan Hard AF Segerstad Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 16-Mar-18 24-Mar-18 25-Mar-18 10-Jan-18 377027 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Ms Ellis Arch Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 16-Mar-18 24-Mar-18 25-Mar-18 10-Jan-18 377028 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Mr Kyle Smith Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 16-Mar-18 24-Mar-18 25-Mar-18 10-Jan-18 377030 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Mr Roberto Poliri Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 16-Mar-18 24-Mar-18 25-Mar-18 10-Jan-18 377032 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Ms Barbara Leonard Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 16-Mar-18 24-Mar-18 25-Mar-18 10-Jan-18 377033 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Mr Andrew Syme Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 16-Mar-18 24-Mar-18 25-Mar-18 10-Jan-18 377034 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Mr Jamie Adair Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 16-Mar-18 24-Mar-18 25-Mar-18 10-Jan-18 377035 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Mr Chavez Pattinson Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 16-Mar-18 24-Mar-18 25-Mar-18 10-Jan-18 377036 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Mr Shaun Pattinson Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 16-Mar-18 24-Mar-18 25-Mar-18 10-Jan-18 377037 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Mr Mohammed Hussain Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 16-Mar-18 24-Mar-18 25-Mar-18 10-Jan-18 377038 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Ms Mhairi Paterson Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 16-Mar-18 24-Mar-18 25-Mar-18 10-Jan-18 377039 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Mr Aleksei Lundborg Voronin Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 16-Mar-18 24-Mar-18 25-Mar-18 10-Jan-18 377040 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Ms Karen Hogg Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 16-Mar-18 24-Mar-18 25-Mar-18 10-Jan-18 377041 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Ms Nicola Mantineo Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 16-Mar-18 24-Mar-18 25-Mar-18 10-Jan-18 377042 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Mr Israel Jimena Almagro Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 16-Mar-18 24-Mar-18 25-Mar-18 10-Jan-18 377043 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Mr Jacopo Menegazzo Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 16-Mar-18 24-Mar-18 25-Mar-18 10-Jan-18 377044 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Mr Davide Mastrodonato Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 16-Mar-18 24-Mar-18 25-Mar-18 10-Jan-18 377045 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Mr Ashbury Levi Smith Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 16-Mar-18 24-Mar-18 25-Mar-18 10-Jan-18 377046 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Ms Natassia Wild Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 16-Mar-18 24-Mar-18 25-Mar-18 10-Jan-18 382125 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 109-111 Bruntsfield Place, Edinburgh Ms Siobhan Lennon Grant Licence 14-May-18 14-May-18 8-Jan-21 9-Jan-18 375524 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence Renewal 3a Randolph Place, Edinburgh Ms Jacqui Alexandra Fenner Grant Licence 21-Nov-18 24-Jan-18 24-Jan-21 4-Jan-18 370288 Decision made Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New Fleming House, 35 Kinnaird Park, Edinburgh Ms Kyra Watson Grant Licence 14-Mar-18 14-Mar-18 20-Sep-18 3-Jan-18 375158 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 22 Montrose Terrace, Edinburgh Ms Zivile Smitaite Grant Licence 13-Aug-18 13-Aug-18 12-Aug-19 27-Dec-17 374749 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 36a Albany Street, Edinburgh Ms Jill Storstein Granted by' Operation of Law' 26-Dec-18 26-Dec-18 18-Jun-19 18-Dec-17 379028 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New Unit 25, Ocean Terminal, 98 Ocean Drive, Edinburgh Ms Lucy Julie Campbell Grant Licence 27-Mar-18 27-Mar-18 15-Sep-19 18-Dec-17 380785 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New Unit 16, Gyle Centre, Gyle Avenue, Edinburgh Ms Erin Norma Young Grant Licence 8-May-18 8-May-18 30-Sep-19 15-Dec-17 370823 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 9 Dundas Street, Edinburgh Ms Rebecca Robinson Grant Licence 19-Jul-18 19-Jul-18 18-Jul-19 14-Dec-17 375370 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 160 Gorgie Road, Edinburgh Mr Michael Bohutyu Grant Licence 11-May-18 11-May-18 4-Jan-19 14-Dec-17 378545 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 3 Jeffrey Street, Edinburgh Mr Daniel Fullerton Davies Mitchell-Dowling Grant Licence 11-Jun-18 11-Jun-18 21-Sep-18 14-Dec-17 380778 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 160 Gorgie Road, Edinburgh Mr Lukasz Skrzypinski Grant Licence 9-May-18 5-Jan-18 4-Jan-19 14-Dec-17 380779 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence Renewal 160 Gorgie Road, Edinburgh Mr Piotr Krzysztof Ceran Grant Licence 26-Apr-18 4-Jan-18 4-Jan-19 14-Dec-17 380782 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Renewal 160 Gorgie Road, Edinburgh Mr Krzysztof Szymeczko Grant Licence 9-May-18 9-May-18 4-Jan-19 14-Dec-17 380783 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Renewal 160 Gorgie Road, Edinburgh Mr Maciej Woziwoda Grant Licence 9-May-18 9-May-18 4-Jan-19 11-Dec-17 374065 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence Renewal 18 Bristo Place, Edinburgh Mrs Xing Hui Liang Grant Licence 10-Jun-18 18-Dec-17 18-Dec-20 4-Dec-17 373645 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence Renewal 58 Raeburn Place, Edinburgh Ms Angela Williamson Grant Licence 28-Feb-18 8-Jan-18 8-Jan-19 1-Dec-17 365283 Decision made Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 80 Walter Scott Avenue, Edinburgh Ms Kerri Smithwaite Ms Nicolle McFarlane Grant Licence 7-Feb-18 7-Feb-18 6-Feb-19 28-Nov-17 371718 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New Peripatetic Operator Ms Monika Niemczynowicz Grant Licence 8-May-18 8-May-18 7-May-19 23-Nov-17 372778 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence Renewal 89 Henderson Street, Edinburgh Mr Jason Corbett Grant Licence 4-May-18 4-May-18 27-Nov-20 13-Nov-17 371894 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 140 Ferry Road, Edinburgh Ms Lina Thomson Grant Licence 27-Jun-18 27-Jun-18 26-Jun-19 13-Nov-17 371902 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence Renewal 2-3 Meadowbank Terrace, Edinburgh Mrs Margaret Taylor Grant Licence 27-Mar-18 21-Feb-18 21-Feb-21 13-Nov-17 371947 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 11a Atholl Place, Edinburgh Ms Laura Young Grant Licence 8-May-18 8-May-18 18-Aug-18 13-Nov-17 371948 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 11a Atholl Place, Edinburgh Ms Caitlin Barron Grant Licence 8-May-18 8-May-18 18-Aug-18 13-Nov-17 371949 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 11a Atholl Place, Edinburgh Miss Rebecca Francis Grant Licence 8-May-18 8-May-18 18-Aug-18 7-Nov-17 371542 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 3 Jeffrey Street, Edinburgh Dana Patterson Grant Licence 18-Jan-18 18-Jan-18 21-Sep-18 3-Nov-17 371303 Application withdrawn Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 17 Cadzow Place, Edinburgh Ms Donata Kiaunyte Application Withdrawn 19-Apr-18 1-Nov-17 382126 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence Renewal 50 Cockburn Street, Edinburgh Dr Sarah Price Grant Licence 15-May-18 21-Feb-18 20-Feb-21 25-Oct-17 370517 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 72 Haymarket Terrace, Edinburgh Ms Cassandra Lydia McGregor Grant Licence 5-Jun-18 5-Jun-18 6-Feb-19 25-Oct-17 370545 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New Peripatetic Operator Ms Emily Mapp Granted by' Operation of Law' 24-Oct-18 24-Oct-18 23-Oct-19 25-Oct-17 373658 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence Renewal 20 William Street, Edinburgh Mrs Jean Swan Grant Licence 25-Jan-18 22-Oct-17 20-Oct-18 24-Oct-17 370368 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence Renewal 86 Newington Road, Edinburgh Ms Christina McLean Grant Licence 3-Jun-18 3-Jun-18 3-Nov-18 24-Oct-17 370414 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 72 Haymarket Terrace, Edinburgh Mr Michael Foley Grant Licence 5-Jun-18 5-Jun-18 6-Feb-19 23-Oct-17 370279 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence Renewal 49a Broughton Street, Edinburgh Elysium Health and Beauty Limited Ms Emma Everest Grant Licence 15-May-18 8-Nov-17 18-Nov-19 17-Oct-17 369971 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 3 Jeffrey Street, Edinburgh Mr Rafael Joao Cavicchioli Grant Licence 21-Dec-17 21-Dec-17 21-Sep-18 13-Oct-17 369758 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 47-47a Broughton Street, Edinburgh Ms Jen Wood Grant Licence 12-Mar-18 12-Mar-18 11-Mar-19 9-Oct-17 369383 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 72 Haymarket Terrace, Edinburgh BLKWRK Studio Mr Darren Millar Grant Licence 7-Feb-18 7-Feb-18 6-Feb-19 9-Oct-17 369401 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 36-37 West Preston Street, Edinburgh Ms Julia Pawlak Grant Licence 6-Jul-18 6-Jul-18 23-Jul-18 9-Oct-17 369402 Application withdrawn Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 36-37 West Preston Street, Edinburgh Ms Emma Morton Grant Licence 9-Jan-18 9-Jan-18 27-Mar-18 2-Oct-17 368931 Decision made Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New Unit 25, Ocean Terminal, 98 Ocean Drive, Edinburgh Miss Jenevieve Garrett Grant Licence 19-Feb-18 19-Feb-18 15-Sep-19 2-Oct-17 368939 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 56 Dalry Road, Edinburgh Mr Ashley Andrew Christie Grant Licence 16-Jan-18 16-Jan-18 31-Mar-20 2-Oct-17 368941 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 56 Dalry Road, Edinburgh Ms Sofia Jabeen Grant Licence 18-Jan-18 18-Jan-18 31-Mar-20 29-Sep-17 368718 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 6 Lochside Place, Edinburgh Mr Marek Tomcisak Grant Licence 5-Jan-18 5-Jan-18 11-Sep-18 20-Sep-17 368035 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence Renewal 41 Roseburn Terrace, Edinburgh Mrs Leanne Prior Grant Licence 23-Apr-18 3-Oct-17 3-Oct-20 15-Sep-17 359245 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 11 Jeffrey Street, Edinburgh Ms Rachel Sylvester Grant Licence 21-Nov-17 21-Nov-17 20-Nov-18 15-Sep-17 359246 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 11 Jeffrey Street, Edinburgh Ms Judit Lizdene Grant Licence 21-Nov-17 21-Nov-17 20-Nov-18 15-Sep-17 367711 Application withdrawn Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 260 Portobello High Street, Edinburgh Vicky Thirgood Application Withdrawn 29-Nov-17 13-Sep-17 367537 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Renewal 3 Jeffrey Street, Edinburgh Miss Charlotte Lee Reece Grant Licence 20-Dec-17 20-Dec-17 21-Sep-18 12-Sep-17 367442 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Renewal 1a Brougham Place, Edinburgh Mr Stephen Cairns Grant Licence 30-Jan-18 30-Jan-18 30-Jun-19 12-Sep-17 367445 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence Renewal 84 Portobello High Street, Edinburgh St Clair's Tattoo Ltd Mr Paul Slifer Grant Licence 19-Feb-18 25-Sep-17 25-Sep-20 5-Sep-17 367078 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 39 Easter Road, Edinburgh Mr Michael Latorre Perez Grant Licence 4-Oct-17 4-Oct-17 14-Aug-20 4-Sep-17 367000 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New Unit 25, Ocean Terminal, 98 Ocean Drive, Edinburgh Ms Sarah Miles Grant Licence 6-Nov-17 6-Nov-17 15-Sep-19 1-Sep-17 366908 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 283 Leith Walk, Edinburgh Ms Karolina Randakova Grant Licence 14-May-18 14-May-18 13-May-19 1-Sep-17 375418 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 283 Leith Walk, Edinburgh Ms Shirley Pettigrew Grant Licence 14-May-18 14-May-18 13-May-19 1-Sep-17 375420 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 283 Leith Walk, Edinburgh Ms Courtenay Dickson Grant Licence 14-May-18 14-May-18 13-May-19 1-Sep-17 375438 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 283 Leith Walk, Edinburgh Ms Dominika Justyna Szymczyk Grant Licence 14-May-18 14-May-18 13-May-19 25-Aug-17 366363 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 8 Drummond Street, Edinburgh Mr Sergej Shulga Grant Licence 3-Nov-17 11-Sep-18 25-Aug-17 366364 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 8 Drummond Street, Edinburgh Ms Megan Grant Grant Licence 26-Oct-17 12-Sep-18 12-Sep-18 25-Aug-17 366365 Pending decision Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 8 Drummond Street, Edinburgh Mr Turlej Tomasz Grant Licence 26-Oct-17 26-Oct-17 11-Sep-18 24-Aug-17 366246 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 9 East Fountainbridge, Edinburgh Mr Kyle Shields Grant Licence 3-Nov-17 20-Jun-18 23-Aug-17 366193 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 36a Albany Street, Edinburgh Ms Rachel Forrest Grant Licence 19-Jun-18 19-Jun-18 18-Jun-19 16-Aug-17 365646 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 7 Grassmarket, Edinburgh Miss Keira Kirkpatrick Mr David Corden Grant Licence 8-Mar-18 8-Mar-18 7-Mar-19 16-Aug-17 365671 Application withdrawn Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 42 Main Street, Ratho Ms Nicola Bal Application Withdrawn 18-Dec-17 15-Aug-17 365562 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence Renewal 19 Windsor Place, Edinburgh Ms Carol Cooke Grant Licence 23-Apr-18 15-Aug-17 15-Aug-18 10-Aug-17 365334 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence Renewal 7 Grassmarket, Edinburgh Mr David Corden Grant Licence 6-Mar-18 17-Aug-17 17-Aug-20 10-Aug-17 365335 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence Renewal 7 Grassmarket, Edinburgh Ms Claire Hamill Grant Licence 7-Mar-18 7-Mar-18 17-Feb-20 10-Aug-17 365336 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence Renewal 7 Grassmarket, Edinburgh Ms Michelle Maddison Grant Licence 7-Mar-18 7-Mar-18 1-Sep-20 9-Aug-17 365201 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence Renewal 17 Cadzow Place, Edinburgh Mr Louis Claes Grant Licence 14-Feb-18 16-Aug-17 16-Aug-18 9-Aug-17 365202 Decision made Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 17 Cadzow Place, Edinburgh Elizabeth - Anne Keltie Application not considered 10-May-18 8-Aug-17 365151 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 51 Cumberland Street, Edinburgh Ms Sophie Bellingham Grant Licence 25-Jan-18 25-Jan-18 4-Sep-20 8-Aug-17 365152 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Renewal 51 Cumberland Street, Edinburgh Mr Alan Beveridge Grant Licence 26-Oct-17 4-Sep-18 8-Aug-17 365153 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Renewal 51 Cumberland Street, Edinburgh Mr Paul Cruickshank Grant Licence 25-Jan-18 4-Sep-17 4-Sep-20 8-Aug-17 365154 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Renewal 51 Cumberland Street, Edinburgh Mr Neil Richardson Grant Licence 25-Jan-18 4-Sep-17 4-Sep-20 8-Aug-17 365155 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Renewal 51 Cumberland Street, Edinburgh Ms Angela Jeanette Collins Grant Licence 25-Jan-18 4-Sep-17 4-Sep-20 8-Aug-17 365156 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence Renewal 51 Cumberland Street, Edinburgh Adept Art Collective Ltd Mr Gordon Patterson Grant Licence 19-Jan-18 4-Sep-17 4-Sep-20 4-Aug-17 364952 Application withdrawn Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Renewal Unit 16, Gyle Centre, Gyle Avenue, Edinburgh Miss Priyanka Pujari Application Withdrawn 6-Feb-18 4-Aug-17 364955 Application incomplete Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New Unit 25, Ocean Terminal, 98 Ocean Drive, Edinburgh Miss Anita Jane Moyes Wishart Application not considered 26-Feb-18 31-Jul-17 364642 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence Renewal Murrayfield Hospital, 122 Corstorphine Road, Edinburgh Ms Fiona Ramsay Grant Licence 19-Dec-17 31-Aug-17 31-Aug-20 28-Jul-17 364546 Invalid application Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 8 Lauriston Street, Edinburgh Mr Eric Tessier - Lavigne Application not considered 23-May-18 26-Jul-17 364304 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 552 Gorgie Road, Edinburgh Mr Reeve Young Grant Licence 28-Nov-17 28-Nov-17 27-Nov-18 25-Jul-17 360672 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence Renewal Peripatetic Operator Ms Jacqui Marshall Hoitingh Grant Licence 10-Nov-17 31-Jul-20 25-Jul-17 364211 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence Renewal 105 Comiston Road, Edinburgh Harmonious & Healthy Limited Mrs Qingling Yao Grant Licence 12-Feb-18 9-Oct-17 9-Oct-20 24-Jul-17 364052 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 27 Candlemaker Row, Edinburgh Mr Adam Fitzcharles Grant Licence 2-Nov-17 2-Nov-17 13-Jan-20 20-Jul-17 363885 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 160 Gorgie Road, Edinburgh Mr Michal Bohutyn Grant Licence 1-Nov-17 1-Nov-17 4-Jan-18 20-Jul-17 363888 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 84 Portobello High Street, Edinburgh Ms Rebecca Lohr Grant Licence 8-Nov-17 8-Nov-17 25-Sep-20 19-Jul-17 363795 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 15 Portland Place, Edinburgh Mr Craig Wightman Grant Licence 10-Oct-17 29-Jun-18 19-Jul-17 363858 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence Renewal 39 Easter Road, Edinburgh Mr Julian Moray Fortunez Grant Licence 18-Oct-17 15-Aug-17 14-Aug-20 12-Jul-17 363260 Application withdrawn Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 41 Dalry Road, Edinburgh Ms Pauline Murage Application Withdrawn 11-Apr-18 11-Jul-17 363134 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence Renewal 15 Portland Place, Edinburgh Mr John Greaney Grant Licence 10-Oct-17 30-Jul-17 29-Jul-18 3-Jul-17 362442 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 56 Dalry Road, Edinburgh Mr Tomasz Krzeslowski Grant Licence 13-Dec-17 13-Dec-17 31-Mar-20 3-Jul-17 362443 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 56 Dalry Road, Edinburgh Mr Rafael Joao Cavicchioli Grant Licence 18-Oct-17 18-Oct-17 31-Mar-20 23-Jun-17 361741 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence Renewal 24 Broughton Street, Edinburgh Alba Science Ltd Ms Marie Reynolds Granted by' Operation of Law' 8-Feb-19 23-Mar-18 22-Mar-19 22-Jun-17 361728 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 133-135 Morrison Street, Edinburgh Ms Elisa Falkenburg Grant Licence 2-Nov-17 2-Nov-17 1-Nov-18 14-Jun-17 361157 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 8 Drummond Street, Edinburgh Bohacs Group Limited Mr Robert Bohacs Grant Licence 12-Sep-17 12-Sep-17 11-Sep-18 14-Jun-17 361159 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 8 Drummond Street, Edinburgh Mr Marcel Kiss Grant Licence 28-Sep-17 28-Sep-17 11-Sep-18 14-Jun-17 361160 Decision made Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 6 Lochside Place, Edinburgh Ms Krisztina Csepes Grant Licence 28-Sep-17 11-Sep-18 14-Jun-17 361161 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 6 Lochside Place, Edinburgh Bohacs Group Limited Mr Robert Bohacs Grant Licence 12-Sep-17 12-Sep-17 11-Sep-18 14-Jun-17 361162 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 6 Lochside Place, Edinburgh Ms Martina Marcekova Grant Licence 3-Oct-17 3-Oct-17 11-Sep-18 14-Jun-17 361163 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 6 Lochside Place, Edinburgh Ms Maria Liptakova Grant Licence 3-Oct-17 3-Oct-17 11-Sep-18 14-Jun-17 361164 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 8 Drummond Street, Edinburgh Mr Daniel Anderton Grant Licence 3-Oct-17 3-Oct-17 2-Oct-18 14-Jun-17 361165 Application withdrawn Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 8 Drummond Street, Edinburgh Mr Erik Tesar Application Withdrawn 7-Nov-17 3-Oct-17 11-Sep-18 13-Jun-17 361045 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence Renewal 2 Torphichen Street, Edinburgh Ms Marny Abercromby Grant Licence 7-Nov-17 4-Jul-17 7-Jul-20 13-Jun-17 361046 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Renewal 2 Torphichen Street, Edinburgh Ms Romana Abercromby Grant Licence 7-Nov-17 4-Jul-17 7-Jul-20 13-Jun-17 361048 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 2 Torphichen Street, Edinburgh Ms Joana Joy Pullar Grant Licence 7-Nov-17 7-Nov-17 7-Jul-20 13-Jun-17 361049 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 2 Torphichen Street, Edinburgh Ms Rebecca Calder Grant Licence 7-Nov-17 7-Nov-17 7-Jul-20 2-Jun-17 360412 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 156 Morningside Road, Edinburgh Mrs Catherine Jacobs Grant Licence 3-Oct-17 28-Aug-17 28-Aug-18 2-Jun-17 360413 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 156 Morningside Road, Edinburgh Heartship Tattoos Mr Werner Jacobs Grant Licence 29-Aug-17 29-Aug-17 28-Aug-18 2-Jun-17 360439 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence Renewal 8 Ormiston Terrace, Edinburgh Mr Teng Long Grant Licence 25-Jan-18 2-Aug-17 2-Aug-20 31-May-17 360317 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence Renewal 37 South Bridge, Edinburgh Mr Kritsada Tanthasuriya Grant Licence 26-Feb-18 30-Jun-17 30-Jun-20 22-May-17 359477 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New Unit 25, Ocean Terminal, 98 Ocean Drive, Edinburgh Miss Vicky Sutherland Gillespie Grant Licence 3-Nov-17 3-Nov-17 15-Sep-19 19-May-17 359289 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 75 Bread Street, Edinburgh Mr Conor Alexander McAllister Grant Licence 15-Aug-17 15-Aug-17 31-Oct-18 18-May-17 359222 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 2, 87 Rose Street North Lane, Edinburgh Miss Gemma Campbell Grant Licence 8-Sep-17 8-Sep-17 7-Sep-18 18-May-17 359256 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 1a Brougham Place, Edinburgh Ms Charlotte Ross Grant Licence 1-Feb-18 1-Feb-18 30-Sep-19 11-May-17 358799 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 48 St Stephen Street, Edinburgh Ms Victoria Robinson Grant Licence 10-Oct-17 10-Oct-17 9-Oct-18 4-May-17 358210 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 89 Henderson Street, Edinburgh Ms Olivia Chell Grant Licence 9-May-18 9-May-18 27-Nov-20 2-May-17 358067 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 33 Alva Street, Edinburgh Claire's Beauty Salon Ltd Ms Claire Chalmers Buchan Grant Licence 5-Dec-17 5-Dec-17 4-Dec-18 2-May-17 358069 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 33 Alva Street, Edinburgh Ms Ann Barclay Grant Licence 5-Dec-17 5-Dec-17 4-Dec-18 2-May-17 358070 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 33 Alva Street, Edinburgh Ms Kinga Luckiewicz Grant Licence 5-Dec-17 5-Dec-17 4-Dec-18 1-May-17 357993 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 17 Cadzow Place, Edinburgh Ms Elizabeth Keltie-Field Grant Licence 15-Jun-17 14-Jun-17 16-Aug-17 25-Apr-17 357529 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 11a Atholl Place, Edinburgh Mr Ross Naylor Grant Licence 3-Nov-17 18-Aug-18 25-Apr-17 357530 Invalid application Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 11a Atholl Place, Edinburgh Ms Leonna Murray Application not considered 18-Aug-18 21-Apr-17 357345 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 9 East Fountainbridge, Edinburgh Ms Laura Jane Penman Grant Licence 21-Jun-17 21-Jun-17 20-Jun-18 19-Apr-17 357104 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 9 East Fountainbridge, Edinburgh Mr Alexander David Rattray Mr Barry Davie Grant Licence 21-Jun-17 21-Jun-17 20-Jun-18 18-Apr-17 356938 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 260 Portobello High Street, Edinburgh Mr Christopher Humphries Grant Licence 10-Aug-17 10-Aug-17 31-Jul-18 18-Apr-17 356958 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 154 Ferry Road, Edinburgh Mr Juan Guerrero Grant Licence 15-Aug-17 15-Aug-17 14-Aug-18 18-Apr-17 356960 Application withdrawn Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 154 Ferry Road, Edinburgh Miss Silvia Naranjo Santana Application Withdrawn 24-Aug-17 11-Apr-17 356650 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 255 St John's Road, Edinburgh LMQ Hair and Beauty Ltd Ms Laura Nicol Grant Licence 15-Aug-17 15-Aug-17 14-Aug-18 10-Apr-17 356603 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 150-152 West Granton Road, Edinburgh Ms Agnieszka Metlewicz Grant Licence 18-Sep-17 18-Sep-17 17-Sep-18 6-Apr-17 356387 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 28 Comiston Road, Edinburgh Sorella Beauty Limited Ms Jacqueline DiRollo Grant Licence 10-Oct-17 10-Oct-17 9-Oct-18 6-Apr-17 356422 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Renewal 53 Easter Road, Edinburgh Mr Steven Antonio Gilmour Grant Licence 15-Aug-17 15-Aug-17 8-Mar-18 6-Apr-17 356425 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 30 West Nicolson Street, Edinburgh Ms Laura Consuela Smith Grant Licence 19-Jun-17 14-Jun-17 3-May-20 6-Apr-17 356426 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 30 West Nicolson Street, Edinburgh Mr George Andrew Greenhill Grant Licence 14-Jun-17 14-Jun-17 3-May-20 6-Apr-17 356427 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 30 West Nicolson Street, Edinburgh Mr Nik Monks Grant Licence 14-Jun-17 14-Jun-17 3-May-18 6-Apr-17 356428 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 30 West Nicolson Street, Edinburgh Mr Adriano M Velleda Grant Licence 14-Jun-17 14-Jun-17 3-May-18 6-Apr-17 356429 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Renewal 30 West Nicolson Street, Edinburgh Mr Erik Grieve Grant Licence 17-Jul-17 20-Jul-17 3-May-20 6-Apr-17 356430 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 30 West Nicolson Street, Edinburgh Mr Fraser Hutcheson Grant Licence 14-Jun-17 14-Jun-17 3-May-20 6-Apr-17 356431 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence Renewal 30 West Nicolson Street, Edinburgh Ms Morag Sangster Grant Licence 14-Jun-17 3-May-17 3-May-20 6-Apr-17 356441 Application withdrawn Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 39 Roseburn Terrace, Edinburgh Ms Elisa Falkenburg Application Withdrawn 17-Jul-17 4-Apr-17 356234 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 51 Cumberland Street, Edinburgh Sophie Bellingham Grant Licence 17-Jul-17 17-Jul-17 4-Sep-17 3-Apr-17 356151 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence Renewal 30 Orchard Brae Gardens, Edinburgh Ms Malgorzata Wolska Grant Licence 28-Sep-17 28-Sep-17 27-Sep-20 29-Mar-17 355854 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 3 Jeffrey Street, Edinburgh Mr Mark Murray Graincard Ltd Grant Licence 14-Jun-17 14-Jun-17 21-Sep-18 28-Mar-17 355706 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 48 St Stephen Street, Edinburgh Ms Michelle Goonewardena Grant Licence 15-Aug-17 15-Aug-17 14-Aug-18 23-Mar-17 355410 Licence expired Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 72 Haymarket Terrace, Edinburgh Mr Toni Serrano Romero Grant Licence 15-Aug-17 15-Aug-17 30-May-18 20-Mar-17 355093 Invalid application Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 203 Gorgie Road, Edinburgh Mr Jarolsaw Dominik Drabicki Application not considered 31-May-17 16-Mar-17 354805 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 260 Portobello High Street, Edinburgh Ms Rebecca Hamilton Grant Licence 27-Apr-17 27-Apr-17 31-Jul-18 16-Mar-17 354815 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Renewal 27 Candlemaker Row, Edinburgh Ms Heather Joyee Cheung Grant Licence 19-May-17 19-May-17 13-Jan-20 15-Mar-17 354752 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 27 Candlemaker Row, Edinburgh Mr Bradley John George Grant Licence 27-Nov-17 27-Nov-17 13-Jan-20 13-Mar-17 354480 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence Renewal 73 Elm Row Mr Bill Hooper Grant Licence 17-Jul-17 31-Aug-17 31-Mar-20 10-Mar-17 354404 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Renewal 1a Brougham Place, Edinburgh Ms Charlotte Jane Anne Paterson Grant Licence 15-Aug-17 15-Aug-17 8-Jul-18 6-Mar-17 354055 Invalid application Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 30-32 Lochrin Buildings, Edinburgh Lingyun Tian Ltd Incompetent Application 9-Mar-18 23-Feb-17 353198 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence Renewal 170 Gorgie Road, Edinburgh Ms Yingchun Zhang Grant Licence 26-Apr-17 27-Feb-17 27-Feb-20 20-Feb-17 349443 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 49 Blackfriars Street, Edinburgh R Scott Tattoo Ltd Ms Stephanie Scott Grant Licence 22-Mar-17 22-Mar-17 21-Mar-18 20-Feb-17 352837 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 3 Jeffrey Street, Edinburgh Ms Adriana Rodriguez Monfort Grant Licence 22-Mar-17 22-Mar-17 21-Sep-18 20-Feb-17 352914 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New Ms Julia Edmonds Grant Licence 11-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 10-Apr-18 14-Feb-17 352396 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New FORT KINNAIRD RETAIL PARK, 35 Kinnaird Park Ms Stephanie Horrocks Grant Licence 23-Mar-17 27-Mar-17 30-Sep-18 10-Feb-17 352177 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence Renewal 47-47a Broughton Street, Edinburgh Mr Edward Staples Mr Edward Staples Grant Licence 22-Mar-17 14-Feb-17 14-Feb-18 10-Feb-17 352178 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Renewal 47-47a Broughton Street, Edinburgh Ms Deborah Pow Grant Licence 22-Mar-17 15-Feb-17 14-Feb-18 8-Feb-17 351957 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence Renewal 56 Dalry Road, Edinburgh Mr Marcin Ptak Grant Licence 11-Apr-17 31-Mar-17 31-Mar-20 8-Feb-17 351958 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Renewal 56 Dalry Road, Edinburgh Mr Christian Micallef Grant Licence 11-Apr-17 1-Apr-17 31-Mar-20 8-Feb-17 351959 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Renewal 56 Dalry Road, Edinburgh Mr Marek Skalny Grant Licence 11-Apr-17 31-Mar-17 31-Mar-20 8-Feb-17 351960 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Renewal 56 Dalry Road, Edinburgh Mr Daniel Baczewski Grant Licence 11-Apr-17 31-Mar-17 31-Mar-20 8-Feb-17 351961 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Renewal 56 Dalry Road, Edinburgh Mr Jakub Blazewicz Grant Licence 11-Apr-17 31-Mar-17 31-Mar-20 8-Feb-17 351962 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Renewal 56 Dalry Road, Edinburgh Mr Wojciech Przychodzki Grant Licence 11-Apr-17 1-Apr-17 31-Mar-20 7-Feb-17 351815 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 160 Gorgie Road, Edinburgh Mr Maciej Woziwoda Grant Licence 22-Mar-17 22-Mar-17 4-Jan-18 26-Jan-17 347966 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 89 Henderson Street, Edinburgh Mr Jack Michael Peppiette Grant Licence 21-Mar-17 21-Mar-17 27-Nov-17 26-Jan-17 350794 Licence superseded Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary Superseded 26-Jan-17 24-Jan-17 342055 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Ms Michelle Maddison Grant Licence 15-Mar-17 25-Mar-17 26-Mar-17 24-Jan-17 342056 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Ms Claire Hamill Grant Licence 15-Mar-17 25-Mar-17 26-Mar-17 24-Jan-17 350579 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Andrew John Smith Grant Licence 14-Mar-17 25-Mar-17 26-Mar-17 24-Jan-17 350582 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Ivo Ignatiev Grant Licence 14-Mar-17 25-Mar-17 26-Mar-17 24-Jan-17 350584 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Daniel Bensmann Grant Licence 14-Mar-17 25-Mar-17 26-Mar-17 24-Jan-17 350588 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Ms Charissa Gregson Grant Licence 14-Mar-17 25-Mar-17 26-Mar-17 24-Jan-17 350591 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Andrew Ferguson Grant Licence 14-Mar-17 25-Mar-17 26-Mar-17 24-Jan-17 350599 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Matthew Hart Grant Licence 14-Mar-17 25-Mar-17 26-Mar-17 24-Jan-17 350602 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr William Purnell Grant Licence 14-Mar-17 25-Mar-17 26-Mar-17 24-Jan-17 350604 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Andrea Cucinotta Grant Licence 14-Mar-17 25-Mar-17 26-Mar-17 24-Jan-17 350605 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Robert Lee Fraser Grant Licence 14-Mar-17 25-Mar-17 26-Mar-17 24-Jan-17 350609 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Ms Kara Ann Alexander Grant Licence 14-Mar-17 25-Mar-17 26-Mar-17 24-Jan-17 350615 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Mitchell Allenden Grant Licence 14-Mar-17 25-Mar-17 26-Mar-17 24-Jan-17 350617 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Ms Sara Gallacher Grant Licence 14-Mar-17 25-Mar-17 26-Mar-17 24-Jan-17 350619 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Ms Sarah Helfen Grant Licence 14-Mar-17 25-Mar-17 26-Mar-17 24-Jan-17 350620 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Lewis McKechnie Grant Licence 14-Mar-17 25-Mar-17 26-Mar-17 24-Jan-17 350623 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Ms Sarah Whitehouse Grant Licence 14-Mar-17 25-Mar-17 26-Mar-17 24-Jan-17 350624 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Lukasz Andrzejewski Grant Licence 14-Mar-17 25-Mar-17 26-Mar-17 24-Jan-17 350625 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Lord Osei-Tutu Grant Licence 14-Mar-17 25-Mar-17 26-Mar-17 24-Jan-17 350627 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Jon Vasey Grant Licence 14-Mar-17 25-Mar-17 26-Mar-17 24-Jan-17 350628 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Ms Laura Jane Penman Grant Licence 14-Mar-17 25-Mar-17 26-Mar-17 24-Jan-17 350629 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Joe Ellis Grant Licence 14-Mar-17 25-Mar-17 26-Mar-17 24-Jan-17 350632 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Ms Stephanie Scott Grant Licence 15-Mar-17 25-Mar-17 26-Mar-17 24-Jan-17 350634 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr James Sturidge Grant Licence 14-Mar-17 25-Mar-17 26-Mar-17 24-Jan-17 350636 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Simon Gordon Gunn Grant Licence 14-Mar-17 25-Mar-17 26-Mar-17 24-Jan-17 350637 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Stephen Kelly Grant Licence 14-Mar-17 25-Mar-17 26-Mar-17 24-Jan-17 350639 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Liam Matthew Queeney Grant Licence 14-Mar-17 25-Mar-17 26-Mar-17 24-Jan-17 350640 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Daniel Baczewski Grant Licence 14-Mar-17 25-Mar-17 26-Mar-17 24-Jan-17 350641 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Johan Hard AF Segerstad Grant Licence 14-Mar-17 25-Mar-17 26-Mar-17 24-Jan-17 350643 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Ms Leah Moule Grant Licence 14-Mar-17 25-Mar-17 26-Mar-17 24-Jan-17 350644 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Stephen Cairns Grant Licence 15-Mar-17 25-Mar-17 26-Mar-17 24-Jan-17 350645 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Michael Nomikos Grant Licence 14-Mar-17 25-Mar-17 26-Mar-17 24-Jan-17 350646 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Thomas Paul Pollard Grant Licence 15-Mar-17 25-Mar-17 26-Mar-17 24-Jan-17 350647 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Ms L'Ain Freefall Grant Licence 14-Mar-17 25-Mar-17 26-Mar-17 24-Jan-17 350648 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Ms Natasha Nikitchenko Grant Licence 14-Mar-17 25-Mar-17 26-Mar-17 24-Jan-17 350650 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Kyle Smith Grant Licence 14-Mar-17 25-Mar-17 26-Mar-17 24-Jan-17 350651 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr David Swambo Grant Licence 14-Mar-17 25-Mar-17 26-Mar-17 24-Jan-17 350652 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Stewart McKellor Grant Licence 15-Mar-17 25-Mar-17 26-Mar-17 24-Jan-17 350653 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Kevin Reid Grant Licence 14-Mar-17 25-Mar-17 26-Mar-17 24-Jan-17 350654 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Jonathan Scott Pullin Grant Licence 15-Mar-17 25-Mar-17 26-Mar-17 24-Jan-17 350655 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Ms Kerry-Anne Richardson Grant Licence 14-Mar-17 25-Mar-17 26-Mar-17 24-Jan-17 350662 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Ms Kerry Gentle Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 15-Mar-17 25-Mar-17 26-Mar-17 24-Jan-17 350663 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Ms Keely Rutherford Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 15-Mar-17 25-Mar-17 26-Mar-17 24-Jan-17 350664 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Shaun Bailey Grant Licence 15-Mar-17 25-Mar-17 26-Mar-17 24-Jan-17 350665 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Gavin Evans Grant Licence 14-Mar-17 25-Mar-17 26-Mar-17 24-Jan-17 350666 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Ashley Davies Grant Licence 14-Mar-17 25-Mar-17 26-Mar-17 24-Jan-17 350667 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Shaun Pattinson Grant Licence 15-Mar-17 25-Mar-17 26-Mar-17 24-Jan-17 350668 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Ms Louise Evelyn Marklew Grant Licence 15-Mar-17 25-Mar-17 26-Mar-17 24-Jan-17 350670 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Ms Karen Hogg Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 15-Mar-17 25-Mar-17 26-Mar-17 24-Jan-17 350671 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Ms Jo Harrison Grant Licence 14-Mar-17 25-Mar-17 26-Mar-17 24-Jan-17 350672 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Ms Alana Forsyth Grant Licence 15-Mar-17 25-Mar-17 26-Mar-17 24-Jan-17 350673 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Matthew Roberts Grant Licence 14-Mar-17 25-Mar-17 26-Mar-17 24-Jan-17 350674 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Neil Jonathan Slider Grant Licence 15-Mar-17 25-Mar-17 26-Mar-17 24-Jan-17 350677 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr David Robertson Grant Licence 15-Mar-17 25-Mar-17 26-Mar-17 24-Jan-17 350678 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Ms Samantha Whitehead Grant Licence 15-Mar-17 25-Mar-17 26-Mar-17 24-Jan-17 350679 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Sam Ricketts Grant Licence 15-Mar-17 25-Mar-17 26-Mar-17 24-Jan-17 350680 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Ignacio Lassalle Grant Licence 14-Mar-17 25-Mar-17 26-Mar-17 24-Jan-17 350681 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr John Philip Grant Licence 15-Mar-17 25-Mar-17 26-Mar-17 24-Jan-17 350682 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Alejo Fandino Rodriguez Grant Licence 14-Mar-17 25-Mar-17 26-Mar-17 24-Jan-17 350683 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Joe Frost Grant Licence 15-Mar-17 25-Mar-17 26-Mar-17 24-Jan-17 350684 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Ms Jody Dauber Grant Licence 15-Mar-17 25-Mar-17 26-Mar-17 24-Jan-17 350685 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Joe Capobianco Grant Licence 14-Mar-17 25-Mar-17 26-Mar-17 24-Jan-17 350687 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Jamie Gray Grant Licence 15-Mar-17 25-Mar-17 26-Mar-17 24-Jan-17 350688 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Ms Sadee Glover Grant Licence 15-Mar-17 25-Mar-17 26-Mar-17 24-Jan-17 350689 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Jay Sabella Grant Licence 15-Mar-17 25-Mar-17 26-Mar-17 24-Jan-17 350690 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Ruairidh Douglas Michael Von Linden Grant Licence 15-Mar-17 25-Mar-17 26-Mar-17 24-Jan-17 350691 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Jason Corbett Grant Licence 15-Mar-17 25-Mar-17 26-Mar-17 24-Jan-17 350692 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr William Ross Grant Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 15-Mar-17 25-Mar-17 26-Mar-17 24-Jan-17 350693 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Jamie Greaves Grant Licence 15-Mar-17 25-Mar-17 26-Mar-17 24-Jan-17 350694 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Roberto Poliri Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 15-Mar-17 25-Mar-17 26-Mar-17 24-Jan-17 350706 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Scott Simpson Mr James Aitken Grant Licence 15-Mar-17 25-Mar-17 26-Mar-17 24-Jan-17 350712 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Helio Meniconi Mr James Aitken Grant Licence 15-Mar-17 25-Mar-17 26-Mar-17 24-Jan-17 350714 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Dom Wiley Mr James Aitken Grant Licence 15-Mar-17 25-Mar-17 26-Mar-17 24-Jan-17 350717 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Will Dozer Mr James Aitken Grant Licence 15-Mar-17 25-Mar-17 26-Mar-17 24-Jan-17 350718 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Wojciech Przychodzki Mr James Aitken Grant Licence 15-Mar-17 25-Mar-17 26-Mar-17 24-Jan-17 350721 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Vytautas Baltrusaitis Mr James Aitken Grant Licence 15-Mar-17 25-Mar-17 26-Mar-17 24-Jan-17 350724 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Thomas Arnison Mr James Aitken Grant Licence 15-Mar-17 25-Mar-17 26-Mar-17 24-Jan-17 350725 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Timothy Joel Fairfax Mr James Aitken Grant Licence 15-Mar-17 25-Mar-17 26-Mar-17 24-Jan-17 350727 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Steven Kerr Mr James Aitken Grant Licence 15-Mar-17 25-Mar-17 26-Mar-17 24-Jan-17 350731 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Ms Stephanie White Mr James Aitken Grant Licence 15-Mar-17 25-Mar-17 26-Mar-17 24-Jan-17 350740 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Edward Staples Mr James Aitken Grant Licence 15-Mar-17 25-Mar-17 26-Mar-17 24-Jan-17 350741 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Ms Jen Wood Mr James Aitken Grant Licence 15-Mar-17 25-Mar-17 26-Mar-17 24-Jan-17 350742 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Mohammed Hussain Mr James Aitken Grant Licence 15-Mar-17 25-Mar-17 26-Mar-17 24-Jan-17 350745 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Jamie Adair Mr James Aitken Grant Licence 15-Mar-17 25-Mar-17 26-Mar-17 24-Jan-17 350746 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Andrew Syme Mr James Aitken Grant Licence 15-Mar-17 25-Mar-17 26-Mar-17 24-Jan-17 350750 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Ms Beau Redman Mr James Aitken Grant Licence 15-Mar-17 25-Mar-17 26-Mar-17 24-Jan-17 350752 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Adam Ruff Mr James Aitken Grant Licence 15-Mar-17 25-Mar-17 26-Mar-17 24-Jan-17 350809 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Ms Amanda West Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 15-Mar-17 25-Mar-17 26-Mar-17 24-Jan-17 350810 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Ms Raffaella Ricci Grant Licence 15-Mar-17 25-Mar-17 26-Mar-17 24-Jan-17 350811 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Thomas Allen-Strom Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 15-Mar-17 25-Mar-17 26-Mar-17 24-Jan-17 350812 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Ms Paula Castle Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 15-Mar-17 25-Mar-17 26-Mar-17 24-Jan-17 350813 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Ms Paige Davidson Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 15-Mar-17 25-Mar-17 26-Mar-17 24-Jan-17 350814 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Omar Boggian Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 15-Mar-17 25-Mar-17 26-Mar-17 24-Jan-17 350816 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Ms Olivia Chell Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 15-Mar-17 25-Mar-17 26-Mar-17 24-Jan-17 350822 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Nick Mayes Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 15-Mar-17 25-Mar-17 26-Mar-17 24-Jan-17 350831 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Ms Chloe Aspey Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 14-Mar-17 25-Mar-17 26-Mar-17 24-Jan-17 350835 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Neil Dransfield Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 14-Mar-17 25-Mar-17 26-Mar-17 24-Jan-17 350838 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Adam Cornish Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 14-Mar-17 25-Mar-17 26-Mar-17 24-Jan-17 350839 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Ms Lucy Hawkins Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 14-Mar-17 25-Mar-17 26-Mar-17 24-Jan-17 350840 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Matthew Baker Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 14-Mar-17 25-Mar-17 26-Mar-17 24-Jan-17 350842 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Marek Skalny Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 14-Mar-17 25-Mar-17 26-Mar-17 24-Jan-17 350843 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Mark Ford Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 14-Mar-17 25-Mar-17 26-Mar-17 24-Jan-17 350847 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Mark Andrew McEwan Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 14-Mar-17 25-Mar-17 26-Mar-17 24-Jan-17 350851 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Ms Marie Cox Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 14-Mar-17 25-Mar-17 26-Mar-17 24-Jan-17 350852 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Marcus Maguire Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 14-Mar-17 25-Mar-17 26-Mar-17 24-Jan-17 350854 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Marcin Ptak Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 14-Mar-17 25-Mar-17 26-Mar-17 24-Jan-17 350857 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Ms Morag Sangster Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 14-Mar-17 25-Mar-17 26-Mar-17 24-Jan-17 350861 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Ms Natalie Holly Gardiner Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 14-Mar-17 25-Mar-17 26-Mar-17 24-Jan-17 350864 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Adriaan Morales Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 14-Mar-17 25-Mar-17 26-Mar-17 24-Jan-17 350869 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Ms Natassia Wild Grant Licence 15-Mar-17 25-Mar-17 26-Mar-17 24-Jan-17 350959 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Christopher Meighan Grant Licence 14-Mar-17 25-Mar-17 26-Mar-17 24-Jan-17 350960 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Ms Charlotte Jane Anne Paterson Grant Licence 14-Mar-17 25-Mar-17 26-Mar-17 24-Jan-17 350961 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Ms Charlotte Ross Grant Licence 14-Mar-17 25-Mar-17 26-Mar-17 24-Jan-17 350962 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Billy Hay Grant Licence 14-Mar-17 25-Mar-17 26-Mar-17 24-Jan-17 350963 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Callum Berry Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 15-Mar-17 25-Mar-17 26-Mar-17 24-Jan-17 350964 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Ms Barbara Leonard Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 14-Mar-17 25-Mar-17 26-Mar-17 24-Jan-17 350965 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Andrew McNally Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 15-Mar-17 25-Mar-17 26-Mar-17 24-Jan-17 350968 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Alan Proctor Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 14-Mar-17 25-Mar-17 26-Mar-17 24-Jan-17 350969 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Ms Abbie Williams Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 14-Mar-17 25-Mar-17 26-Mar-17 24-Jan-17 350974 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Ms Aimee Bray Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 15-Mar-17 25-Mar-17 26-Mar-17 24-Jan-17 350981 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Albert Edward Thomas Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 14-Mar-17 25-Mar-17 26-Mar-17 24-Jan-17 350986 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Ms Arielle Gagnon Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 14-Mar-17 25-Mar-17 26-Mar-17 24-Jan-17 350992 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Billy Saunders Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 14-Mar-17 25-Mar-17 26-Mar-17 24-Jan-17 350998 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Daniel Williams Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 14-Mar-17 25-Mar-17 26-Mar-17 24-Jan-17 351004 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Michael Gibson Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 14-Mar-17 25-Mar-17 26-Mar-17 24-Jan-17 351010 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr James Williams Matthews Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 14-Mar-17 25-Mar-17 26-Mar-17 24-Jan-17 351012 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Jacob Wiman Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 14-Mar-17 25-Mar-17 26-Mar-17 24-Jan-17 351014 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Ms Lauren Spoors Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 14-Mar-17 25-Mar-17 26-Mar-17 24-Jan-17 351015 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Erik Nils Svensson Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 14-Mar-17 25-Mar-17 26-Mar-17 24-Jan-17 351017 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Ross Duncan Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 14-Mar-17 25-Mar-17 26-Mar-17 24-Jan-17 351018 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Ms Tracy Demetriou Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 14-Mar-17 25-Mar-17 26-Mar-17 24-Jan-17 351020 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Scott A Smith Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 14-Mar-17 25-Mar-17 26-Mar-17 24-Jan-17 351021 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Daryl Watson Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 14-Mar-17 25-Mar-17 26-Mar-17 24-Jan-17 351023 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Wesley Vaughn Tesdale Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 14-Mar-17 25-Mar-17 26-Mar-17 24-Jan-17 351024 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Justin M Wilson Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 14-Mar-17 25-Mar-17 26-Mar-17 24-Jan-17 351031 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Bradley Tompkins Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 14-Mar-17 25-Mar-17 26-Mar-17 24-Jan-17 351036 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Alex James Anthony Bage Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 14-Mar-17 25-Mar-17 26-Mar-17 24-Jan-17 351037 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Ms Teresa Sharpe Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 14-Mar-17 25-Mar-17 26-Mar-17 24-Jan-17 351041 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Zunini Leonardo Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 14-Mar-17 25-Mar-17 26-Mar-17 24-Jan-17 351043 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Ms Laura Buss Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 14-Mar-17 25-Mar-17 26-Mar-17 24-Jan-17 351044 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Vasilis Tzamalis Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 14-Mar-17 25-Mar-17 26-Mar-17 24-Jan-17 351046 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Thanasios Kiousis Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 14-Mar-17 25-Mar-17 26-Mar-17 24-Jan-17 351050 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Ricardo Contreras Estalella Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 14-Mar-17 25-Mar-17 26-Mar-17 24-Jan-17 351060 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Rafael Gonzales Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 14-Mar-17 25-Mar-17 26-Mar-17 24-Jan-17 351061 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Matthew Back Mr James Aitken Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 14-Mar-17 25-Mar-17 26-Mar-17 24-Jan-17 351062 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Miguel Mateo Mendez Mr James Aitken Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 14-Mar-17 25-Mar-17 26-Mar-17 24-Jan-17 351064 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Kristoffer Lindback Mr James Aitken Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 14-Mar-17 25-Mar-17 26-Mar-17 24-Jan-17 351066 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Aleksei Lundborg Voronin Mr James Aitken Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 14-Mar-17 25-Mar-17 26-Mar-17 24-Jan-17 351068 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Gustavo Barahona Mr James Aitken Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 14-Mar-17 25-Mar-17 26-Mar-17 24-Jan-17 351069 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Antony Dickinson Mr James Aitken Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 14-Mar-17 25-Mar-17 26-Mar-17 24-Jan-17 351071 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Roberto Rizzetto Mr James Aitken Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 14-Mar-17 25-Mar-17 26-Mar-17 24-Jan-17 351074 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Davide Pitteri Mr James Aitken Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 15-Mar-17 25-Mar-17 26-Mar-17 24-Jan-17 351076 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Jay Thurley Mr James Aitken Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 15-Mar-17 25-Mar-17 26-Mar-17 24-Jan-17 351077 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Dan Hague Mr James Aitken Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 15-Mar-17 25-Mar-17 26-Mar-17 24-Jan-17 351079 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Ms Erin Lucas Mr James Aitken Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 15-Mar-17 25-Mar-17 26-Mar-17 24-Jan-17 351242 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Jack Michael Pepplette Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 15-Mar-17 25-Mar-17 26-Mar-17 24-Jan-17 351248 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Ian Alexander McAlister Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 15-Mar-17 25-Mar-17 26-Mar-17 24-Jan-17 351251 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Ian Higgins Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 15-Mar-17 25-Mar-17 26-Mar-17 24-Jan-17 351252 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Iain Mullen Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 15-Mar-17 25-Mar-17 26-Mar-17 24-Jan-17 351254 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Greg Scott Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 15-Mar-17 25-Mar-17 26-Mar-17 24-Jan-17 351261 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr George Thomas Paterson Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 15-Mar-17 25-Mar-17 26-Mar-17 24-Jan-17 351267 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Gavin Lyons Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 15-Mar-17 25-Mar-17 26-Mar-17 24-Jan-17 351271 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Ms Gabriela Latra Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 15-Mar-17 25-Mar-17 26-Mar-17 24-Jan-17 351272 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Jamie Allan Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 15-Mar-17 25-Mar-17 26-Mar-17 24-Jan-17 351273 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Michal Telepian Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 15-Mar-17 25-Mar-17 26-Mar-17 24-Jan-17 351275 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Diego Fernandez Conte Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 15-Mar-17 25-Mar-17 26-Mar-17 24-Jan-17 351276 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Ruben Gomez Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 15-Mar-17 25-Mar-17 26-Mar-17 24-Jan-17 351278 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Ms Emma Sweeney Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 15-Mar-17 25-Mar-17 26-Mar-17 24-Jan-17 351279 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Elliott Wells Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 15-Mar-17 25-Mar-17 26-Mar-17 24-Jan-17 351281 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr David Barry Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 15-Mar-17 25-Mar-17 26-Mar-17 24-Jan-17 351282 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr David Michael Fox Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 15-Mar-17 25-Mar-17 26-Mar-17 24-Jan-17 351284 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Daryll David Mullen Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 15-Mar-17 25-Mar-17 26-Mar-17 24-Jan-17 351285 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Ms Danielle Rose Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 15-Mar-17 25-Mar-17 26-Mar-17 24-Jan-17 351286 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Chavez Pattinson Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 15-Mar-17 25-Mar-17 26-Mar-17 24-Jan-17 351287 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Ms Lydia Hazleton Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 15-Mar-17 25-Mar-17 26-Mar-17 24-Jan-17 351290 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Daniel Sean Devine Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 15-Mar-17 25-Mar-17 26-Mar-17 24-Jan-17 351294 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Daniel Hartley Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 15-Mar-17 25-Mar-17 26-Mar-17 24-Jan-17 351297 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Craig Watts Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 15-Mar-17 25-Mar-17 26-Mar-17 24-Jan-17 351300 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Ms Clara Clark Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 15-Mar-17 25-Mar-17 26-Mar-17 24-Jan-17 351302 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Marcus Brendan Mellon Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 15-Mar-17 25-Mar-17 26-Mar-17 24-Jan-17 354021 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence Renewal 3a Randolph Place, Edinburgh Ms Jacqui Alexandra Fenner Grant Licence 28-Mar-17 24-Jan-17 24-Jan-18 23-Jan-17 350560 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr James Aitken Grant Licence with Additional Conditions 14-Mar-17 25-Mar-17 26-Mar-17 23-Jan-17 350566 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Mr Alex Rodriges Grant Licence 14-Mar-17 25-Mar-17 26-Mar-17 23-Jan-17 350573 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Ms Jaclyn Marie Huertas Grant Licence 14-Mar-17 25-Mar-17 26-Mar-17 23-Jan-17 350575 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Ms Rebecca Vincent Grant Licence 14-Mar-17 25-Mar-17 26-Mar-17 20-Jan-17 350188 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Licence New 7 Ravenscroft Place, Edinburgh Ms Taru-Maija Burstall Grant Licence 12-Apr-17 12-Apr-17 11-Apr-18 18-Jan-17 350052 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Ms Noemi Sorrentino Grant Licence 15-Mar-17 25-Mar-17 26-Mar-17 18-Jan-17 350054 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Temporary 15 New Mart Road, Edinburgh Ms Sarah- Louise Alexander Grant Licence 15-Mar-17 25-Mar-17 26-Mar-17 17-Jan-17 349926 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 160 Gorgie Road, Edinburgh Mr Jakub Marek Swibtkowski Grant Licence 24-Feb-17 24-Feb-17 4-Jan-18 11-Jan-17 349436 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence Renewal 3 Jeffrey Street, Edinburgh Ms Gillian Shaw Grant Licence 21-Mar-17 23-Mar-17 21-Sep-18 11-Jan-17 349444 Decision made Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 49 Blackfriars Street, Edinburgh Ms Louise Evelyn Marklew Grant Licence 22-Mar-17 22-Mar-17 21-Mar-18 11-Jan-17 349445 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 49 Blackfriars Street, Edinburgh Mr Mark Andrew McEwan Grant Licence 22-Mar-17 22-Mar-17 21-Mar-18 11-Jan-17 349446 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 49 Blackfriars Street, Edinburgh Mr John Cheetham Grant Licence 22-Mar-17 22-Mar-17 21-Mar-18 11-Jan-17 349447 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 49 Blackfriars Street, Edinburgh Ms Eleanor Savage R Scott Tattoo Ltd Grant Licence 22-Mar-17 22-Mar-17 21-Mar-18 11-Jan-17 349509 Licence issued Skin Piercing/Tattooing Employee Licence New 51 Cumberland Street, Edinburgh Ms Angela Jeanette Collins Grant Licence 3-Mar-17 3-Mar-17 4-Sep-17
  • Https://

    Active Travel Programme of Infrastructure Improvements for 2018-19 Project type - note 1 NAME/ LOCATION - note 2BRIEF DESCRIPTION/NOTES D e si g n a n d o th e r w o rk p ri o r to i m p le m e n ti n g - n o te 4 Im p le m e n ti n g O n h o ld Locality - NB.
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    Comments on specific brownfield sites: Site 137: Sandport Place The existing frontage buildings to Quayside street to the North make a positive contribution to the CA and therefore we would recommend their retention.... This tower, part of Adam’s original design, was located at the top of the north avenue and acted as both an eye catcher from the house and a viewpoint from which to survey the panoramic views north over Edinburgh, the Firth of Forth and beyond.
  • Screen Determination - West Edinburgh Placemaking Framework and Strategic Masterplan

    In terms of your response to Boxes 7 and 8 above, set out those components of the plan that are likely to require screening: Understanding the Framework Area Delivering Net Zero Landscape, Biodiversity, the Green Blue Network and the Airport Strategic Open Space, Play and Recreation Strategic Connections, Access and Movement, Parking Living Well Locally: Delivering 20 minute Neighbourhoods Creating a distinctive Place The Strategic Masterplan Infrastructure First, Delivery and Phasing Identifying interactions of the plan with the environment and Considering the likely significance of any interactions (Box 10) Plan Components Bi od iv er si ty , flo ra an d fa un a Po pu la tio n an d hu m an h ea lth So il W at er A ir Cl im at ic fa ct or s M at er ia l a ss et s Cu ltu ra l h er ita ge La nd sc ap e In te r- re la tio ns hi p is su es Explanation of Potential Environmental Effects Explanation of Significance Understanding the Framework Area This component is factual and sets out the different land uses, the sites, and the key issues in West Edinburgh.
  • Microsoft Word - TfE 2022 Consolidated Financial Statements - Final - 19 May 2023.doc

    Edinburgh has regularly been at the top of the Local Authority league table for enrolment.... This was achieved by a reduction in emissions per kwh generated by our electricity supplier and the replacement of £100k of depot lighting to LED lighting.... They also operate bus services in West Lothian and operate open top sightseeing tours in Edinburgh and the City Region, in addition to day tours by coach, private hire and excursions.