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    at Treeworks 50 Metres East Of 22 Ravelston Dykes Road Edinburgh Christine Bachelet Le Chardon Service Company Ltd., 14 Riversdale Crescent Edinburgh EH12 5QT Delegated Decision GRANTED 21 June 2024 Community Council: Craigleith/Blackhall 24/01926/LBC (Listed Building Consent) New rear dormer and replacement roof light; internal alterations.... Add a matching composite trellis to the top of the hedge for privacy.... at 1F2 23 Royal Crescent Edinburgh EH3 6QA Mr Wallace & Ms De Braekeleer, 1F2 23 Royal Crescent Edinburgh EH3 6QA Delegated Decision GRANTED 20 June 2024 Community Council: New Town/Broughton 24/01035/FUL (Planning Permission) Refurbishment of existing office building including; new roof top extension and extended terrace, replacement plant areas and external alterations comprising; upgrade of facade, repositioning of building entrance and other ancillary works at 1 Semple Street Edinburgh EH3 8BL CBRE Investment Management., Local Delegated Decision GRANTED 19 June 2024 Community Council: Tollcross Page 19 24/00901/CLES TL (Certificate of Lawfulness Existing STL) Application for the issue of a Certificate of Lawfulness confirming its existing use and a short-term let visitor accommodation.
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    Craigpark Quarry Land at Ratho, Edinburgh West - Illustrative Promotion Plan: Parcel A, B & C PARCEL B: Land to the east of the Edinburgh International Climbing Arena PARCEL C: Land to the North of the Union Canal, West of Ratho Hall Former Cement Works Brownfield Development Opportunity M8 M oto rw ay Cor rid or M8 Motorway Corridor RATH O VI LLAG E Deve lope d Ed ge RATHO VILLAGE Conservation Area Cala Homes ‘The Mooring’ Ca la H om es ‘C ra ig P ar k’ RATHO Leisure / Tourism Wavegarden Scotland Ratho Hall Kirkton Hall Ratho Parish Church Ratho Marina Ratho Primary School Freelands Ratho Mains Ransfield Hillend Hillwood Quarry Cemetery WOODED RIDGE UNION CANA L UNION CAN AL UNION CANAL Edinburgh International Climbing Arena PARCEL B LEISURE, REC... PARCEL A: 9.7 Hectares 250 to 300 dwellings based upon a mixed density approach of 25 units / ha to 35 units / ha • Strengthened landscape margins • hierarchy of built density from ‘village green’ typology (2 to 3 storey) to lower density village margins (1.5 to 2 storey) to the north west • ‘village green’ upon arrival with internal green infrastructure corridor to north western POS • access to wider parcels PARCEL B: 3.0 Hectares Leisure, Tourism & Recreation - including accommodation 2Ha developable space • Strengthened landscape margins and ecological enhancement • landform manipulation and mitigation to enable built form to sit down beyond a perceived landscape ridge • built form to primarily utilise the west of the site with lower density ‘accommodation’ to the eastern limits • access to wider parcels PARCEL C: 3.0 Hectares 1Ha developable space Informal Leisure, Tourism (inc. accommodation) & Recreation - Union ‘Canal Park’ • Strengthened landscape margins • Small scale, quality built form (1 storey) to the southern slope edges, screening by existing mature woodland restricting intervisibility A A P.O.S PR OP OS ED W OO DL AN D UNION CA NAL WOODED RIDGE C Residential Public Open Space Leisure / Tourism - Formal Leisure / Tourism - Informal Protective Landscape Framework Proposed Mitigating Protection of Visual Amenity & Special Qualities through Informal Open Space and Quality Built Interventions Land at Ratho, Edinburgh West - VISION DOCUMENT w: .... This northern part of CAA 7 is visually discrete and the landform, surrounding roads and ridge top woodland would provide firm boundaries.
  • Microsoft Word - LDP Action Programme 2018 16 Jan 2018

    Place Development Construction: £500,000 Design (at 15%): £75,000 Contingency (at 7.5%): £37,500 Total cost: £612,500 2026 Salamander St to Foot of the Walk (and beyond) Elbe St – Reset cobbles with flat tops/smooth for cycling (300m : £45,000) Place Development Construction: £360,000 Design (at 15%): £ 54,000 Contingency (at 7.5%): £ 27,000 2026 Edinburgh Local Development Plan Action Programme January 2018 10 Total cost: £ 441,000 Bernard St/Salamander Street active travel and public realm project (to Seafield Place) Segregated cycleway (whole length – 1250m) 3m wide + 0.5 sep strip (pinch to 2m wide in some sections). £750,000 Continuous footways Seafield Pl to Constitution St: 20 £200,000 Zebra crossings every 200m metre: 6 £120,000 Moderate Public realm improvements Salamander St to Elbe St: seating, planters, build outs, change road materials, widen footway on south side by 1m. £500,000 Shared use Plaza – Constitution St to Timber Bush, tighten junctions, new road surfacing materials, seating, planters, widen footways, new crossings £2,500,000 Shared use Street – Timber Bush to shore – widen footway, setted street, trees, seating £500,000 Shore/Bernard Junction – widen footways, raised tables, seating and planters £150,000 Place Development Construction: £5,000,000 Design (at 15%): £750,000 Contingency (at 7.5%): £375,000 Total cost: £6,125,000 2026 Craigentinny – Leith Links Cycle link T7.... Place Development Construction: £103,500 Design (at 15%): £15,525 Contingency (at 7.5%): £7,763 Total cost: £126,788 Financial contribution to be required in PPP 2023 Bus route Craigs Road/Turnhouse Rd and upgrade bus infrastructure on Turnhouse Rd Place Development £400,000 estimate cost To be delivered as integral part of development secured through planning condition(s). 2023 Edinburgh Local Development Plan Action Programme January 2018 27 New footway/cycleway along south-west side of Turnhouse Road and 3no. crossing facilities Turnhouse Rd and Craigs Rd at Maybury Rd Place Development Paths (100m): £21,000 Crossing facilities x2: £75,000 = £96k (Indicative construction costs: £100k) Total design + Construction cost: £115,000 To be delivered as integral part of development secured through planning condition(s). 2023 CAMMO (HSG 20) Site status - PAN submitted.
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    17 DUBL IN ST REET LAN E SO UTH 11 19 Club 1 27 25 23 D U B LIN S TR E E T 1311 Multre es W alk 20 to 2 4 21 19 18 12 to 1 6 23 Sub Sta El 17 36 13 15 11 7 5 3 2 4 3 3a1 61.3m 4 to 1 0 21 32 24 16 60.0m 9 7 5b 5a5 16 15 NORT H CLY DE ST REET LANE 4 Bus Station 34 35 TCBs N O R TH S T A N D R E W S TR E E T 19 17 29 28 LB26 ST AN DREW SQU ARE Melville's Monument Statue B M 70.27m 37 to 39 Shelter HouseThe Coach College 7a 7b 8b El Sub Sta4NOR THUM BERL AND STRE ET S E LAN E The Royal Scots Club 30 26 Shelter ABE RC RO MB Y P LAC E 11 to 13 16 PH 14 123 121 115113 117 109 105101 107 17 16 19 3 20 1 LB N E LS O N S TR E E T4 to 8 21 1 2 to 4 ABERCROMBY PLACE 5 to 7 York Buildi ngs QUE EN S TREE T NORT H ST ANDR EW L ANE 23 9LB 7 10 BM 6 2.01m Natio nal Po rtrait G allery 5 3 1a 1 21 to 22 2 to 8 N O R TH S T D A V ID S TR E E T 19 Queen Street Gardens 3 4 to 6 122 5 BBC Scotland 9 7 BM 6 0.31m 8 11 THIST LE ST REET NE L ANE Royal College of Physicians 10 9 15 17 19 21 23 El Sub Sta 13 15 St Andrew's and St George's George THIS TLE S TREE T SE LAN E Thistl e Cou rt 1 2 9 3 11 13a 19 17 16 1 64.3m 80 PH 91 to 99 73 BM 6 4.58m 79 to 89 77 to Shelt er BUSSTOP AHEAD ONLY AHEAD ONLY TURNRIGHT S helter S helter Shelt er TA X IS BUSLANE BUSLANE TRAM ONLY TRAM ONLY BUS STOP BUS STOP STOP SOLO M/C ONLY BUSSTOPBUSSTOP Shelt er Shelte r TA X IS PERM IT HO LDER S ON LY PERM IT HO LDER S ON LY PERM IT HO LDER S ON LY LO A D IN G O N LY BUS TAXI ONLY D K D K D K D K D K DK D K D K D K D K DK D K D K D K DK DK D K D K DK DK D U B LIN S TR E E T 3a 37 to 39 23 1 Shelter 3 60.0m 21 to 22 61.3m 1 LB 9 9 35 N O R TH S T A N D R E W S TR E E T 5 LB Melville's NORT H CLY DE ST REET LANE Statue 19 4 TCBs 15 to 19 Monument 11 5 1a 5 17 16 3 29 7 13 1 7 3 26 4 St Andrew's 10 13a THIS TLE S TREE T SO UTH EAST LAN E 2 11 2 to 8 11 3 9 4 to 6 19 2 9 3 12 2 34 Multre es W alk Bus Station 1b Pond 43 1 TCB TCB 1 28 Thistl e Cou rt 1 5 Prosp ect House 5b 5a QUE EN S TREE T ALL CLASS ONE OPERATIVES ENGAGED IN TEMPORARY TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT OPERATIONS ARE LANTRA APPROVED AND ACCREDITED TO SECTOR SCHEME 12 ALL SIGNS TO COMPLY WITH THE DETAILS OF THE T.S.R.G.D. 2002 ALL TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT TO COMPLY WITH CHAPTER 8 of the T.S.M.
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    3 3a1 5a5 16 15 NORT H CLY DE ST REET LANE 4 Bus Station 34 35 TCBs N O R TH S T A N D R E W S TR E E T 19 17 29 28 LB26 ST AN DREW SQU ARE Melville's Monument Statue B M 70.27m 37 to 39 Shelter PCs 1 2 42 ST A NDRE W SQ UARE 3 59.4m 11 to 13 16 PH 14 121 115113 117 109 105101 107 QUE EN S TREE T NORT H ST ANDR EW L ANE 23 9LB 7 10 Natio nal Po rtrait G allery 5 3 1a 1 21 to 22 2 to 8 N O R TH S T D A V ID S TR E E T 19 3 4 to 6 122 5 BBC Scotland 9 7 BM 6 0.31m 8 11 THIST LE ST REET NE L ANE Royal College of Physicians 10 9 15 17 19 21 23 El Sub Sta 13 15 St Andrew's and St George's Church 19 George Hotel 21 THIS TLE S TREE T SE LAN E Thistl e Cou rt 1 2 9 3 13 11 13a BM 69.99m 14 10 627 25 2 3 GEO RGE STRE ET 14a 16 19 17 LB 16 1 GEOR GE STRE ET TCBs 13 12 10 64.3m PH 91 to 99 73 Bank BM 6 4.58m 79 to 89 77 to 71 H A N O V E R S TR E E T 62 69 68.9m Statue 2931 BUSSTOP AHEAD ONLY AHEAD ONLY TURNLEFT TURNRIGHT S helter S helter Shelt er TA X IS BUSLANE TRAM ONLY TRAM ONLY TURNLEFT BUS STOP BUS STOP STOP SOLO M/C ONLY DISABLED DISABLED DISABLED TA X IS PERM IT HO LDER S ON LY PERM IT HO LDER S ON LY PERM IT HO LDER S ON LY LO A D IN G O N LY BUSTAXIONLY BUS TAXI ONLY BUS TAXI ONLY AHEAD ONLY BUSTAXIONLY D K D K D K D K D K D K D K DK DK DK D K D K DK DK D K D K D K D K DK D K D K D K D K DK D K D K DK DK DK DK D K D K DK DK DK 13 MEUS E LAN E 15 TC B s 1713 S O U TH S T D A V ID S TR E E T 11 PH 6 to 11 1515 7 8 12 10 3a 7 6 37 to 39 17 PCs 8 23 1 S TR E E T 5 LB PH 14 ST A NDRE W SQ UARE Shelter TCBs 9 19 21 21 to 22 3 1 LB 8 35 N O R TH S T A N D R E W S TR E E T 5 LB 42 16 to 2 2 Melville's 13 to 23 2 NORT H CLY DE ST REET LANE Statue 19 TCBs 15 to 19 Monument 5 1a S O U TH S T A N D R E W 3 1 17 16 3 29 1 3 26 4 19 St Andrew's 10 10 13a THIS TLE S TREE T SO UTH EAST LAN E 2 11 2 to 8 11 3 9 14a 4 to 6 13 Church ROSE ST N ORTH LAN E 19 2 6 9 3 12 14 34 Bus Station 19 The Dome TC B s TC B s 5 1b Pond 43 1 TCB Ps Posts TCB Shelters 1 28 Thistl e Cou rt 1 12 to 1 3 5 Prosp ect House Hotel 21 (ph) 14 5a 10 ALL CLASS ONE OPERATIVES ENGAGED IN TEMPORARY TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT OPERATIONS ARE LANTRA APPROVED AND ACCREDITED TO SECTOR SCHEME 12 ALL SIGNS TO COMPLY WITH THE DETAILS OF THE T.S.R.G.D. 2002 ALL TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT TO COMPLY WITH CHAPTER 8 of the T.S.M.
  • Https:// Page 3 of 3 DSDP – Intermediate booking form v2 – wk2 Nov 24 Unit Name Content Group Regulatory framework of the Taxi & Private Hire industry This unit will provide the knowledge required to understand: • How to meet the requirements to hold and renew a licence • Local Licence Conditions • Duties and responsibilities of the licence holder R e g u la to ry F ra m e w o rk Road Safety when driving passengers in a Taxi or PHV This module will provide the knowledge required to understand: • Factors affecting drivers’ judgment and concentration • Transportation of customers in a safe and comfortable manner • Compliance requirements for vehicle and driver licence conditions • Response in an emergency V e h ic le Professional Customer Service in the Taxi and Private Hire industry This module will provide the knowledge required to understand: • Providing a professional service • Requirements, licence conditions and precautions when transporting • Communication skills • Customer grievance and complaints handling S e rv ic e Picking up and setting down passengers and fares in the Taxi and PHC industry This module will provide the knowledge required to understand: • Rules, safety measures and restrictions in picking up and setting down • Calculating fares and charging • Electronic means of communication • Operation of a Booking Office P a s s e n g e rs Transporting of children and young people by Taxi or PHC This module will provide the knowledge required to understand: • Role of the driver and Ancillary Legislation • Safe pick up and drop off destination C h ild re n Taxi and Private Hire services for passengers who require assistance This module will provide the knowledge required to understand: • Anti-discrimination legislation • Recognising passengers who need assistance • Providing the appropriate services • Assessing risk and specialist equipment • Demonstrate safe wheelchair assistance to passengers • Providing safe assistance A s s is ta n c e First Aid This module will provide the knowledge required to understand: • Understanding basic principles of First Aid • Incident Assessment • Management of casualties that are unresponsive • Management of casualties not breathing/difficulty breathing • Providing safe assistance F irs t A id Public Protection, Awareness Raising and Response This module will provide the knowledge required to understand: • What is public Protection • Identify different types of harm/abuse • What action to take if concerned • Awareness of principals within child and adult protection legislation.
  • Https:// Page 3 of 3 DSDP – Intermediate booking form v2 – wk1 Nov 24 Unit Name Content Group Regulatory framework of the Taxi & Private Hire industry This unit will provide the knowledge required to understand: • How to meet the requirements to hold and renew a licence • Local Licence Conditions • Duties and responsibilities of the licence holder R e g u la to ry F ra m e w o rk Road Safety when driving passengers in a Taxi or PHV This module will provide the knowledge required to understand: • Factors affecting drivers’ judgment and concentration • Transportation of customers in a safe and comfortable manner • Compliance requirements for vehicle and driver licence conditions • Response in an emergency V e h ic le Professional Customer Service in the Taxi and Private Hire industry This module will provide the knowledge required to understand: • Providing a professional service • Requirements, licence conditions and precautions when transporting • Communication skills • Customer grievance and complaints handling S e rv ic e Picking up and setting down passengers and fares in the Taxi and PHC industry This module will provide the knowledge required to understand: • Rules, safety measures and restrictions in picking up and setting down • Calculating fares and charging • Electronic means of communication • Operation of a Booking Office P a s s e n g e rs Transporting of children and young people by Taxi or PHC This module will provide the knowledge required to understand: • Role of the driver and Ancillary Legislation • Safe pick up and drop off destination C h ild re n Taxi and Private Hire services for passengers who require assistance This module will provide the knowledge required to understand: • Anti-discrimination legislation • Recognising passengers who need assistance • Providing the appropriate services • Assessing risk and specialist equipment • Demonstrate safe wheelchair assistance to passengers • Providing safe assistance A s s is ta n c e First Aid This module will provide the knowledge required to understand: • Understanding basic principles of First Aid • Incident Assessment • Management of casualties that are unresponsive • Management of casualties not breathing/difficulty breathing • Providing safe assistance F irs t A id Public Protection, Awareness Raising and Response This module will provide the knowledge required to understand: • What is public Protection • Identify different types of harm/abuse • What action to take if concerned • Awareness of principals within child and adult protection legislation.
  • Https:// Page 3 of 3 DSDP – Intermediate booking form v2 – wk3 Nov 24 Unit Name Content Group Regulatory framework of the Taxi & Private Hire industry This unit will provide the knowledge required to understand: • How to meet the requirements to hold and renew a licence • Local Licence Conditions • Duties and responsibilities of the licence holder R e g u la to ry F ra m e w o rk Road Safety when driving passengers in a Taxi or PHV This module will provide the knowledge required to understand: • Factors affecting drivers’ judgment and concentration • Transportation of customers in a safe and comfortable manner • Compliance requirements for vehicle and driver licence conditions • Response in an emergency V e h ic le Professional Customer Service in the Taxi and Private Hire industry This module will provide the knowledge required to understand: • Providing a professional service • Requirements, licence conditions and precautions when transporting • Communication skills • Customer grievance and complaints handling S e rv ic e Picking up and setting down passengers and fares in the Taxi and PHC industry This module will provide the knowledge required to understand: • Rules, safety measures and restrictions in picking up and setting down • Calculating fares and charging • Electronic means of communication • Operation of a Booking Office P a s s e n g e rs Transporting of children and young people by Taxi or PHC This module will provide the knowledge required to understand: • Role of the driver and Ancillary Legislation • Safe pick up and drop off destination C h ild re n Taxi and Private Hire services for passengers who require assistance This module will provide the knowledge required to understand: • Anti-discrimination legislation • Recognising passengers who need assistance • Providing the appropriate services • Assessing risk and specialist equipment • Demonstrate safe wheelchair assistance to passengers • Providing safe assistance A s s is ta n c e First Aid This module will provide the knowledge required to understand: • Understanding basic principles of First Aid • Incident Assessment • Management of casualties that are unresponsive • Management of casualties not breathing/difficulty breathing • Providing safe assistance F irs t A id Public Protection, Awareness Raising and Response This module will provide the knowledge required to understand: • What is public Protection • Identify different types of harm/abuse • What action to take if concerned • Awareness of principals within child and adult protection legislation.
  • Https:// Page 3 of 3 DSDP – Intermediate booking form v2 – wk3 Oct 24 Unit Name Content Group Regulatory framework of the Taxi & Private Hire industry This unit will provide the knowledge required to understand: • How to meet the requirements to hold and renew a licence • Local Licence Conditions • Duties and responsibilities of the licence holder R e g u la to ry F ra m e w o rk Road Safety when driving passengers in a Taxi or PHV This module will provide the knowledge required to understand: • Factors affecting drivers’ judgment and concentration • Transportation of customers in a safe and comfortable manner • Compliance requirements for vehicle and driver licence conditions • Response in an emergency V e h ic le Professional Customer Service in the Taxi and Private Hire industry This module will provide the knowledge required to understand: • Providing a professional service • Requirements, licence conditions and precautions when transporting • Communication skills • Customer grievance and complaints handling S e rv ic e Picking up and setting down passengers and fares in the Taxi and PHC industry This module will provide the knowledge required to understand: • Rules, safety measures and restrictions in picking up and setting down • Calculating fares and charging • Electronic means of communication • Operation of a Booking Office P a s s e n g e rs Transporting of children and young people by Taxi or PHC This module will provide the knowledge required to understand: • Role of the driver and Ancillary Legislation • Safe pick up and drop off destination C h ild re n Taxi and Private Hire services for passengers who require assistance This module will provide the knowledge required to understand: • Anti-discrimination legislation • Recognising passengers who need assistance • Providing the appropriate services • Assessing risk and specialist equipment • Demonstrate safe wheelchair assistance to passengers • Providing safe assistance A s s is ta n c e First Aid This module will provide the knowledge required to understand: • Understanding basic principles of First Aid • Incident Assessment • Management of casualties that are unresponsive • Management of casualties not breathing/difficulty breathing • Providing safe assistance F irs t A id Public Protection, Awareness Raising and Response This module will provide the knowledge required to understand: • What is public Protection • Identify different types of harm/abuse • What action to take if concerned • Awareness of principals within child and adult protection legislation.
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    Further details on Corstorphine Connections are available on the project webpage : Get in touch Email R o u te s a re e a sy to fo llo w w ith b lu e sig n s a n d co lo u re d n u m b e r p a tch e s (a s sh o w n in th e e xa m p le ).