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    Size Rev Drn DateDrawn ScaleDesigned Description App A B C D E F G H J K L 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 CBR IN EXISTING CPZ - DELEGATED POWERS DRAWINGS AREA N1 PAGE 5 OF 10 FOR APPROVAL SA SA 14/12/2022 1:500 1000009038-N1-P5 2 0 22/03/2023 FIRST ISSUE BF BT EM 1 30/03/2023 REVISED AFTER CEC COMMENTS IG EMM EMM 2 03/04/2023 FINAL ISSUE IGG EMM EMM N Extended or New Permit Holder Bay Extended or New Shared Use Bay Extended or New Disabled Bay Extended or Pay and Display Bay Extended or New Double Yellow Line Extended or New Single Yellow Line Reference number associated with change in existing restrictions 4 13 28.2m 7 7 5 3 1 to 3 4 C ro al l P la ce D IC K S O N FI E LD El Sub Sta 1 to 5 7 1 to 7 5 18 3 B ru ns w ic k 6 to 1 0 6 9 to 13 8 to 10 1 PH 26.1m LB PCB 10b 14 43 1 2 33 to 37 17 Shelters Tunnel M cDO N ALD R O AD 33a 26 8 8 t o 9 6 1 0 7 to 1 1 7 28 to 3 2 33 18 to 22 8 TCB 28 6 4 9 Youth Hostel 103 26 12 11 10 9 El S ub S ta 55 8 10 PH 22 to 24 19 to 21 25 18 1 1 to 3 11 to 15 16 19 to 31 Be lle vu e M ed ic al C en tre 7 6 t o 8 0 HO PE TO UN C RE SC EN T 24 to 32 9 7 to 1 0 5 15 18 to 2 2 El Sub Sta 50 to 53 El Sub Sta 17 36 El Sub Sta 18 E lm R ow 30 15 H ad di ng to n P la ce 17 59 to 63 34 13 34 24 20 5 9 to 6 3 64 to 67 22 6 to 10 4 Bank Library 28.4m 4 H U N TI N G D O N P LA C E 46 4 to 7 5 17 23 to 27 A lb er t P la ce AN N A N D AL E ST R EE T LA N E to 21 9 45 7 11 72 to 75 31 2 2 23 12 54 to 58 17 7 BRUNSW ICK RO AD 16 7 9 to 8 3 5 to 9 13 LE IT H W A LK 8 8 6 48 Garage 2 37 Nursery Childrens TCB 51 25 32 6 LB 35 to 3 9 TCB TCB 19 101 5 8 t o 6 2 28.1m 17 a 10 P la ce 41 PH 5 14 to 16 3.5 6.1 5.0 2.1 4.4 1.4 0.5 2.9 7.4 3.1 12.2 N1-L42 N1-L43 N1-L44 N1-L45 3.51.5 N1-L76 New Permit Holder Bay LEGEND Reference number associated with change in existing restrictions New Shared Use Bay New Disabled Bay New Double Yellow Line New Single Yellow Line Pay and Display Bay Client Project \\itservices.local\shared$\Project Centre\Project-BST\1000009038 - NSL-CEC - CBR In Existing CPZ - DP Drawings\2 Project Delivery\6 CAD\2 Drawing\N1\1000009038-N1.dwg Rev Date A1 Chk This drawing has been specifically prepared to meet the requirements of the named client and may contain design and innovative features which differ from conventional design standards.... Size Rev Drn DateDrawn ScaleDesigned Description App A B C D E F G H J K L 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 CBR IN EXISTING CPZ - DELEGATED POWERS DRAWINGS AREA N1 PAGE 6 OF 10 FOR APPROVAL SA SA 14/12/2022 1:500 1000009038-N1-P6 3 0 22/03/2023 FIRST ISSUE BF DF EM 1 23/03/2023 REVISED AFTER CEC COMMENTS EMM IG EMM 2 30/03/2023 REVISED AFTER CEC COMMENTS IG EMM EMM 3 03/04/23 FINAL ISSUE IG EMM EMM N Extended or New Permit Holder Bay Extended or New Shared Use Bay Extended or New Disabled Bay Extended or Pay and Display Bay Extended or New Double Yellow Line Extended or New Single Yellow Line Reference number associated with change in existing restrictions 77 City Litho Building 68 1 9 1 2 t o 1 3 1 8 1 to 3 5 to 1 0 LONDON Hotel B R U N S W IC K S T R E E T L A N E CRES CENT 1 65 2 7 44 Hotel 35.9m 79 to 83 85 to 91 6 4 2 47 to 7 13 1 7 Shelter B R U N S W IC K S T R E E T 4 7 9 5 7 5 5 70 5 4 Elliott House 7 2 3 12 to 14 33a 31b 33c 33b 31a Sta Sub El 29 73 25 to 29 1 to 11 9 Youth Hostel 6 15 MONTGOMER Y STREET 8 1 67 to 71 o 53 4 9 to 5 3 5 6 1 to 4 6 15 5 5 9 to 6 3 20 13 6 to 10 23 to 27 40 to 44 46 60 to 64 17 41 to 45 4 8 to 45 19 17 to 21 12 13 63 LE IT H W A LK 7 35 to 39 48 34.7m 4 6 TCB 54 to 58 19 5 8 t o 6 2 75 17 PH 1715 16 Def 21 29 ROAD 12 17 3 38.2m 2 13 4 14 21 LONDON ROAD 5 1 HILL SIDE Shelter TCB TCB 5 19 1 8 18 4 20 13 12 6 5 3 4 6 to 7 3 b 3a 15 11 16 42.5m LB 1 Bank Blenheim Place 1 E lm R ow 3 7 PO Leopold Place 4 to 14 4 H ad di ng to n P la ce 9 to 11 23 9 to 11 PH S he lte r 3c S he lte r 40.6m 3 S h el te r 5 to 7 1 to 1 2 14 Hotel 8 1 15 to 17 8 20 to 22 8 2 to 4 6 39.2m M O N T G O M E R Y S T R E E T L A N E 2 4 Ward Bdy P Const Bdy G ay fie ld P la ce Def PH 9 TCB TCB Shelters 2 b 18 66 34 to 38 W IN D S O R S T R E E T L A N E 1 40 28 to 32 21 15 8 13a 2 Leopold Place 36.0m 20 22 to 26 4 t o 2 0 13 Child Welfare W IN D S O R S T R E E T 11 16 Centre 30 19 42 2 8 31 2 6 Shelter 72 o 82 76 7.1 4.8 3.5 4.9 2.7 5.2 3.8 16.7 6.8 9.7 6.1 5.0 2.9 18.6 4.9 3.5 3.5 33.6 8.0 3.4 1.6 3.5 4.9 3.5 1.5 1.5 1.6 1.5 1.5 3.5 1.5 0.5 N1-L45 N1-L46 N1-L48 N1-L49 N1-L50 N1-L51 N1-L52 N1-L53 N1-L54 N1-L55 N1-L56 N1-L57 New Permit Holder Bay LEGEND Reference number associated with change in existing restrictions New Shared Use Bay New Disabled Bay New Double Yellow Line New Single Yellow Line Pay and Display Bay Client Project \\itservices.local\shared$\Project Centre\Project-BST\1000009038 - NSL-CEC - CBR In Existing CPZ - DP Drawings\2 Project Delivery\6 CAD\2 Drawing\N1\1000009038-N1.dwg Rev Date A1 Chk This drawing has been specifically prepared to meet the requirements of the named client and may contain design and innovative features which differ from conventional design standards.... Size Rev Drn DateDrawn ScaleDesigned Description App A B C D E F G H J K L 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 CBR IN EXISTING CPZ - DELEGATED POWERS DRAWINGS AREA N2 PAGE 1 OF 4 FOR APPROVAL SA SA NOV 2022 1:250 1000009038-N2-P1 1 0 22/03/2023 FIRST ISSUE BF DF EM 1 03/04/2023 FINAL ISSUE IG EMM EMM N Extended or New Permit Holder Bay Extended or New Shared Use Bay Extended or Pay and Display Bay Extended or New Double Yellow Line Extended or New Single Yellow Line Reference number associated with change in existing restrictions Permit Holders Bay extension with slight change to layout House Elidon 23 57 54 E ILD O N S T R E E T 24 33 26 32 44 51 21 54 EIL DO N S TR EE T 15 59 58 48 14.9m 2 7 50 47 49 53 52 1c 7 b H ow ard P lace 39 37 TE RR AC E EILDON 18 43 21 41 27 16.2m Sh elte r 26 9 32 IN V E R LE IT H R O W 7 EIL DO N TE RR AC E 8 34 19 East Gate Hotel 72 to 74 1 ElSub Sta 75 to 77 21.0m 19 14 100 11 13 15 1b 1 4 35 16.2m 68 to 71 1a 10 36 19.2m H ow ard P lace 19.8m 13 1 97 2 3 29 LB 2 17.7m 9 Shelter 99 TCB WA RR IST 17 19 11.3m 14.9m Warriston Recreation Ground 3 3Pavilion P avilion 11.6m 11.9m D Fn 2 7 2.6 57. 5 2.7 2.8 7.6 2.0 N2-L02 N2-L03 N2-L05 N2-L04 7.3 38. 8 12. 6 New Permit Holder Bay LEGEND Reference number associated with change in parking restrictions New Shared Use Bay New Pay and Display Bay New Double Yellow Line New Single Yellow Line Client Project \\itservices.local\shared$\Project Centre\Project-BST\1000009038 - NSL-CEC - CBR In Existing CPZ - DP Drawings\2 Project Delivery\6 CAD\2 Drawing\N2\1000009038-N2.dwg Rev Date A1 Chk This drawing has been specifically prepared to meet the requirements of the named client and may contain design and innovative features which differ from conventional design standards.
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    RETURN TO TOP Where would temporary accommodation go?... RETURN TO TOP How would a new Kirkliston High School be funded?... RETURN TO TOP How much would a new West Edinburgh High School cost?
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    go to get funding in place for the planning application Community Share issue Under consideration £100K (1000 people x £100) NB Max share unit price of £25 for SLF funded projects = 4 shares A good way to incentivise other funders if communities put their own resources on the table.
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    go to get funding in place for the planning application Community Share issue Under consideration £100K (1000 people x £100) NB Max share unit price of £25 for SLF funded projects = 4 shares A good way to incentivise other funders if communities put their own resources on the table.
  • (Public Pack)Agenda Document for Edinburgh Partnership, 17/03/2020 14:00

    CEO as SRO  o Partners’ named Single Points of Contact     Confirm Initial Core Board Members  o Local Authority, Healthcare, Emergency  Services, Third Sector, Scottish Government,  SFT               Set up Edinburgh Place Action Group  o Define ambition and pace  o 3 weekly sessions     Commit initial named resources  o Local Authority, Police Scotland,  Healthcare, SFT     Pursue meanwhile activities  o Share information and plans  o Explore shared scenarios  o Agree priorities for joint action     Start the Programme  o Seize key opportunities   o Progress early wins     Prepare Programme Plan  o Develop evidence base  o Form strategic business case(s)  o Evaluate credible options  o Set out critical timelines     Prepare Board Papers    FO RM A L  PR O G RA M M E  A SS EM BL Y  M EA N W H IL E  A CT IO N   PL A N   P a g e 4 3 T h is p a g e is in te n tio n a lly le ft b la n k Thrive Edinburgh Improving the Mental Health and Wellbeing of All Citizens in Edinburgh Connecting and collaborating: Global Vision: Urban Action Inaugural Thrive Edinburgh Mental Health Conference 29 November 2019 Page 45 Agenda Item 3a 2 | P a g e 1.... The Lord Provost noted that Edinburgh is currently a highly successful city, with strong sustainability characteristics including:  Best city to live in the world thanks to its low crime rate, high levels of education and the overall health of its workforce, compared to 100 other global sustainable cities  The top most attractive City in the UK, for the last five years  The UK’s top destination for students to live and study  A top 20 European visitor destination, leading in a UK context  Home to world leading festivals generating £280M per year, attracting visitors from over 100 countries and a world-leading satisfaction rate of 95%  A burgeoning economy, a strong indicator of which is the current 96.4% employment level, with 38.6% of those regarded as being in high-skilled occupations  The City enjoys an hotel occupancy average of between 84%- 90%, attracting 4.2m visitors per year  The Edinburgh and South-East Scotland City Region 15-year Deal, worth more than £1.3 billion, contributes 41,000 new homes, 21,000 jobs, and improve the skills of an estimated 14,700 people Page 48 5 | P a g e 2.5 He highlighted that the capital city also has strong social and environmental components:  Home to 4,600 charitable and civil society organisations generating £3Bn annually  over a third of our residents regularly volunteer, equating to an economic impact of £410m per year  Benefits from 20,000 businesses contributing £18Bn Gross Value Added – which is the 6th highest in the UK  The City of Edinburgh Council introduced a new target for achieving zero net- carbon by 2030  Solar energy panels are going onto every council, school and key buildings, with a price-share scheme agreed with the Edinburgh Energy Cooperative  There are 20 wind farms operating in the greater Edinburgh area  Recycling rates by the City’s residents has increased by 45% over the last few years 2.6 Looking ahead, he advised that he will continue to facilitate the City’s major conversation about Edinburgh’ City Vision for 2050.... This is what folks did during their break: Health Spaces Art Spaces  Edinburgh Leisure centres  Beaches  Art galleries  Men’s shed  Commie Pool/Communal Pool  Stafford Centre  Royal Edinburgh garden visit and volunteer  Health in mind listening space and wellbeing spaces  Anxiety and depression groups  Drop in at barony – Tollcross  School parent councils and groups  Melting pot rose street  Cycling union canal and water of Leith  Edinburgh palette  Bandstand  Creative natives  LGBTQ+ health and wellbeing  Art in health care – room for art  Cycle out to Jupiter Artland along the canal towpath  Modern art gallery  Universities and colleges  City art centre  Bereavement service, spiritual care, community chaplaincy @ NHS Lothian  Castle, national trust Holyrood and historic Scotland  Dr Bell’s Leith  Dovecot  Artlink Page 73 30 | P a g e Green Spaces Other Spaces  Portobello beach  Saughton park  Walk up Arthurs seat and view the city  Edinburgh Lothian green space trust  Edible estates  Camino park  The botanic gardens  Trauma informed yoga  Use our roof tops more – living roofs/living cafes  Gorilla gardening patches in each little community park  Broomhouse cafe  Inverleith park  Blackford hill river and peak  Play parks for families  Dr Neal’s garden – Duddingston  Redhall walled garden – open to visitors  The botanical gardens  Leith Links/meadows/queens park  Murrayfield  Hibernian & Hearts  Meadows  Pentlands  Hermitage of Braid Hill  Clean water of Leith at shore and create a swim spot  Scotland – Zambia partnership  Swim in the sea  Blackford pond  Peoples story museum  Yoga practice spaces  Boot camp/walking/running group  Tai Chi  St Brides centre  Innocent railway = highline  Summerhall  Fire stations  Portobello promenade  Local libraries  Make it welcoming- re benefits assessments  Front door entrance of argyle house  Community centres Colleagues were also invited to contribute to the development of iThrive.
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    The proposal is for an appropriate commercial or community use which would complement the character of the City Centre Retail Core and would not be detrimental to its vitality or viability. 4 Supplementary Guidance City Centre Shopping & Leisure Q U EEN SFERR F R E D E R IC K S T R E E T T LE ITH ST RE E Y ST SHA ND WIC K P L AC E Defined Frontages Princes Street Frontages • 10-25 Princes Street, 30-46 Princes Street, 47-77 Princes Street, 78-98 Princes Street, • 99-117 Princes Street, 118-134 Princes Street, 135-146 Princes Street Castle Street, Frederick Street and Hanover Street frontages • 4-20 Castle Street, 22-32a Castle Street, 5-19 Castle Street, 21-31 Castle Street • 6a-18 Frederick Street, 20-36 Frederick Street, 3a-19 Frederick Street, 21-31 Frederick Street • 2-24 Hanover Street, 28-56 Hanover Street, 3-31 Hanover Street, 35-51 Hanover Street GEORGE STREE T City Centre Primary Frontages • 133a-167 Rose Street, 168-202 Rose Street, 77-131 Rose Street, 106a-160 Rose Street • 37-73 Rose Street, 50-104 Rose Street, 2-40 Rose Street • 6-19a South St.
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    P o s t H o t e l 5 1 t o 5 3 F is h M a r k e t 5 .2 m M u d 5 . 2 m O ld L ig h t H o u s e C a r P a r k 3 1 N E W H A V E N P L A C E 1 1 3 1 1 5 V ic t o r ia P r im a r y S c h o o l P o s t s L I N D S A Y R O A D 8 1 4 3 P E A C O C K 1 0 1 2 2 1 2 3 1 3 5 t o 9 1 1 1 1 0 t o 1 1 2 1 5 1 9 1 7 5 6 P H 2 P H 1 4 1 6 G R E A T M I C H A E L C L 3 4 2 1 8 2 0 1 S Q U A R E G R E A T M IC H A E L 2 2 2 4 2 6 N E W H A V E N M A I N S T R E E T A N N F I E L D 2 93 0 3 3 G R E A T M I C H A E L R I S E 2 2 0 6 2 0 1 3 1 9 1 7 1 8 3 3 2 9 4 2 2 8 6 1 4 1 0 4 N E W L A N E 1 2 1 6 1 7 1 9 9 2 5 9 1 2 4 3 a 2 5 3 2 4 3 / 1 W H A L E B R A E N E W H A V E N R O A D 2 4 2 2 4 3 / 2 2 4 8 8 a 1 0 a 2 5 6 t o 2 6 0 2 5 4 A N N F I E L D 3 6 4 1 0 8 1 2 2 5 0 2 4 4 t o 2 4 8 2 4 0 P A R K R O A D T a n k 1 2 2 1 2 1 3 1 5 A N N F I E L D S T R E E T 2 3 1 9 2 5 L I N D S A Y R O A D 4 3 9 1 1 1 0 7 8 2 0 P H 4 P o s t s 2 4 M u s e u m N e w h a v e n H a r b o u r M e a n H i g h W a t e r S p r i n g s S h e l t e r 4 2 3 6 3 8 4 0 7 8 1 7 S l i p w a y 2 5 P I E R P L A C E 2 1 P H 6 5 3 5 F I S H M A R K E T S Q U A R E W E S T E R C L O S E 6 2 2 1 1 2 1 3 4 1 2 L A M B S C O U R T 3 5 8 7 4 3 t o 8 4 1 2 A u c h in le c k C o u r t 1 0 9 1 2 1 4 1 7 1 1 A u c h i n l e c k ' s B r a e 2 0 2 4 W I L L O W B A N K R O W 8 1 0 1 5 1 3 3 1 2 1 t o 7 A n n f i e l d 2 4 2 4 1 7 2 6 1 3 7 1 8 1 2 9 1 2 5 1 2 7 1 6 1 3 1 N e w h a v e n H a r b o u r H o te l P o s t 2 C O U R T M u d P o s ts 5 1 t o 5 3 5 .2 m 2 4 S l i p w a y N e w h a v e n H a r b o u r O ld L ig h t H o u s e 5 . 2 m E l S u b S ta E S S 5 4 t o 5 8 5 0 5 2 T a n k S A N D P I P E R D R I V E E S S N E W H A V E N P L A C E 2 S A N D P I P E R R O A D P o s t s G O O S A N D E R P L A C E G O O S A N D E R S T R E E T 3 0 3 2 8 7 9 5 1 4 3 4 3 6 3 2 2 2 6 3 2 0 2 2 1 3 1 2 4 2 8 3 0 1 2 4 6 1 0 1 1 1 3 5 t o 9 1 1 t o 1 5 G L E N A R M P L A C E 1 9 1 7 E S S 1 3 1 1 M E L R O S E D R I V E F A I R B A I R N P L A C E 1 1 4 E S S 1 2 3 3 1 2 7 5 M H W S F is h M a rk e t 5 RIGHT TURN ARROWS TO BE BAGGED OFF N.T.S JPSSP Checked By : Drawing No : Revision : Drawn By : Scale : Date : DateRev Revision App byRev by Location: Fax : 01324 810444 Tel : 01324 810222 FK4 2AQ Bonnybridge, Class One House Class One Traffic Management Ltd.
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    E X I S T I N G T A C T I L E S R E T A I N E D C Y C L E C R O S S I N G I N F I L L E D E X I S T I N G T A C T I L E S R E T A I N E D 7 C l u b 1 9 B R O U G H T O N S T R E E T L A N E M O N T G O M E R Y S T R E E T L A N E 2 2 8 6 2 1 2 5 1 3 2 t o 4 1 3 8 1 2 7 2 1 1 9 3 0 7 2 0 t o 2 2 2 8 1 6 1 7 8 H o t e l 1 4 2 2 6 C l u b L O N D O N R O A D G A Y F I E L D S Q U A R E U N I O N S T R E E T G A Y F I E L D P L A C E L A N E 1 2 1 W IN D S O R S T R E E T 6 t o 1 0 1 3 5 t o 7 7 2 0 5 3 2 9 2 7 3 c 1 4 C h i l d W e l f a r e 1 2 3 1 3 2 6 P H 7 1 5 4 t o 6 9 t o 1 1 2 3 P H 9 2 2 t o 2 6 3 0 5 3 1 4 9 t o 1 1 1 5 6 1 3 G A Y F I E L D S Q U A R E 1 to 4 1 F O R T H S T R E E T 2 0 S t a t i o n Haddington Place 4 4 t o 1 4 L e o p o l d P l a c e 2 3 8 . 2 m 1 7 G a y fi e ld P la c e P O L e o p o l d P l a c e 2 1 3 a 8 1 4 1 4 3 L B 1 7 1 5 7 2 1 9 P o l i c e 9 3 2 8 t o 3 2 1 1 S O U T H G A Y F I E L D L A N E 1 8 5 8 1 7 t o 2 1 1 9 1 5 t o 1 7 3 3 8 1 C e n t r e 1 3 0 W a r e h o u s e 1 W I N D S O R S T R E E T L A N E E l m R o w 1 2 2 8 2 7 1 1 5 Union Plac e 4 9 9 2 1 PH G R E E N S I D E L A N E 2 LE ITH W A LK 32 2 5 23 to 2517 23 COU RT MAR SHA LL'S 1 2 8 1 6 t o 2 2 ( s i t e o f ) 3 1 8 S t o n e 3 1 t o 3 PH 35 6 18 to 22 20 to 22 1 3 G r e e n s i d e E n d P l a y h o u s e T h e a t r e C h u r c h B l e n h e i m P l a c e Gree nsid e P lace 7 1 0 T C B s C h a p e l 24 6 18 U p p e r G r e e n s i d e L a n e 8 24a to 27 4 5 0 . 5 m P H G r e e n s i d e 2 Baxter's Place 16 4 B a n k 1 t o 3 3 1 3 1 6 9 1 1 1 5 3 a 3 b 6 t o 7 4 2 9 1 0 1 2 6 8 2 1 7 4 6 P l a y f a i r H o u s e 3 1 0 D e f 1 t o 1 1 25 t o 29 5 6 1 2 1 3 2 0 4 1 8 1 6 1 5 1 7 1 8 1 8 1 9 5 A n t u g u a S t r e e t W a r d B d y P C o n s t B d y G r e e n s i d e C h u r c h H o u s e 2 b T C B E l S u b S t a 31 T C B L O N D O N R O A D N.T.S SPSP Checked By : Drawing No : Revision : Drawn By : Scale : Date : Date Revision App byRev by Location: Class One Traffic Management Ltd.

    Nutritionist’s Choice Indian Chickpea Salad Fresh fruit, yogurts and home bakes available daily WEEKLY SPECIAL SALADS: Mixed Salad Tuna Sweetcorn Pasta Salad Pesto Pasta Salad SANDWICHES/BAGUETTES: Cheese Sandwich Cheese Ploughman's Sandwich Chicken & Mayo Sandwich Tuna Baguette Cheese & Tomato Baguette WRAPS: Tuna Crunch Wrap Pepper & Houmous Wrap HOT DISHES: Soups Baguette Melts Pasta & Sauces Freshly Baked Pizza Jacket Potato & Toppings Internal WEEK 2 MENU MON Sloppy Joe Burger with Baked Garlic and Herb Wedges, Sweetcorn and Peas Vegetarian Cottage Pie with Sweetcorn, Peas and Gravy TUE Chicken Katsu with Wholegrain Rice, Peas and Mixed Salad Roasted Butternut Squash, Chickpea and Broccoli Buddha Bowl WED Honey Roasted Ham and Mash with Carrots, Cabbage and Gravy Macaroni Cheese with Pizza Pinwheel and Vegetables or Salad THUR Breaded Fishwich with Chips, Baked Beans and Peas Vegetarian Incredible Burger with Chips, Baked Beans and Peas FRI Chicken Tikka Masala with Wholegrain Rice, Mini Naan, Sweetcorn and Green Beans Roasted Cauliflower and Chickpea Korma with Wholegrain Rice, Mini Naan, Sweetcorn and Green Beans WEEKLY SPECIAL SALADS: Mixed Salad Tuna Sweetcorn Pasta Salad Pesto Pasta Salad SANDWICHES/BAGUETTES: Cheese Sandwich Cheese Ploughman's Sandwich Chicken & Mayo Sandwich Tuna Baguette Cheese & Tomato Baguette WRAPS: Tuna Crunch Wrap Pepper & Houmous Wrap HOT DISHES: Soups Baguette Melts Pasta & Sauces Freshly Baked Pizza Jacket Potato & Toppings Vegetarian Oily Fish WholegrainFruity!... Nutritionist’s Choice Sweet Chilli Chicken Noodle Salad Fresh fruit, yogurts and home bakes available daily WEEKLY SPECIAL SALADS: Mixed Salad Tuna Sweetcorn Pasta Salad Pesto Pasta Salad SANDWICHES/BAGUETTES: Cheese Sandwich Cheese Ploughman's Sandwich Chicken & Mayo Sandwich Tuna Baguette Cheese & Tomato Baguette WRAPS: Tuna Crunch Wrap Pepper & Houmous Wrap HOT DISHES: Soups Baguette Melts Pasta & Sauces Freshly Baked Pizza Jacket Potato & Toppings Internal WEEK 4 MENU MON Sriracha Glazed Chicken Burger with Chipotle Wedges, Sweetcorn and Mixed Salad Plant Ball Marinara Melt with Chipotle Wedges, Sweetcorn and Mixed Salad TUE West African Chicken Rice with Peas and Sweetcorn Vegetarian Lasagne with Pizza Pinwheel, Peas and Sweetcorn WED Roast Turkey with Roast Potatoes, Carrots, Cabbage and Gravy Crispy Topped Vegetable Pie with Roast Potatoes, Carrots, Cabbage and Gravy THUR Fish and Chips with Chips, Baked Beans and Peas Vegetarian Burrito with Chips, Baked Beans and Peas FRI Chilli Con Carne with Wholegrain Rice, Sweetcorn and Peas Roasted Cauliflower and Chickpea Korma with Wholegrain Rice, Mini Naan, Sweetcorn and Peas WEEKLY SPECIAL SALADS: Mixed Salad Tuna Sweetcorn Pasta Salad Pesto Pasta Salad SANDWICHES/BAGUETTES: Cheese Sandwich Cheese Ploughman's Sandwich Chicken & Mayo Sandwich Tuna Baguette Cheese & Tomato Baguette WRAPS: Tuna Crunch Wrap Pepper & Houmous Wrap HOT DISHES: Soups Baguette Melts Pasta & Sauces Freshly Baked Pizza Jacket Potato & Toppings Vegetarian Oily Fish WholegrainFruity!... Nutritionist’s Choice Moroccan Chicken Salad Fresh fruit, yogurts and home bakes available daily WEEKLY SPECIAL SALADS: Mixed Salad Tuna Sweetcorn Pasta Salad Pesto Pasta Salad SANDWICHES/BAGUETTES: Cheese Sandwich Cheese Ploughman's Sandwich Chicken & Mayo Sandwich Tuna Baguette Cheese & Tomato Baguette WRAPS: Tuna Crunch Wrap Pepper & Houmous Wrap HOT DISHES: Soups Baguette Melts Pasta & Sauces Freshly Baked Pizza Jacket Potato & Toppings
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    The Act reinforces the duty of the Board to make this a top priority. 3.3 The promotion of the licensing objective to prevent crime and disorder, places a responsibility on licence holders to become key partners in achieving this objective.... 51 17.6 Opening hour - every day • off sales premises: 10am • all other premises: 9am (except Sundays when the opening hour will be 11am) Terminal hour – every day • off sales premises: 10pm • licensed premises: 1am • licensed premises offering restaurant facilities, and those offering entertainment: 3am (except adult entertainment –1am and casinos – 6am) and members’ clubs • premises licensed for casino operation: 6am 17.7 The Board recognises that during certain periods further extensions of the terminal hour would be appropriate.