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    E C B A D CITY OF EDINBURGH SKYLINE STUDY February 2009 Reference point Estimated height mAOD Notes view A 58 G L east end of Regent Terrace at Carlton Terrace skyline B 105 Tron spire and top of tower seen against sky framed between terrace and trees, from roadway; foreground between Jeffrey Street and High Street and between Carlton Road and New Street sensitive to excessive roof level increase along sight line C 105 backdrop D rising sight line across South Side E Tron spire seen along Regent Terrace from Carlton Terrace View No.
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    A B C CITY OF EDINBURGH SKYLINE STUDY February 2009 Reference point Estimated height mAOD Notes view A 5 G L north of roundabout at north end of Constitution Street, Leith; looking south along Constitution Street skyline B 85 significant base of the crest of Calton Hill, from which the monuments rise in silhou- ette; nearby dome on left frames view C 85 backdrop not used D not used though the tops of the Pentland Hills are visible beyond Nelson’s Monument E View No.
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    B C D E A CITY OF EDINBURGH SKYLINE STUDY February 2009 Reference point Estimated height mAOD Notes view A 120 roof accessible roof level; an exception to the practice of taking ground level viewpoints because popular with visitors and reflected to ground level below skyline B 90 significant base of wooded hill below Monuments; vulnerable to changes of roof level in Old Town between Lawnmarket and Cockburn Street C 90 backdrop D hilltop and crown of tree canopy at about 105mAOD is below viewpoint; therefore care is needed with buildings in the backdrop area E Calton Hill from top of Camera Obscura View No.
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    B C D E A1 A2 CITY OF EDINBURGH SKYLINE STUDY February 2009 Reference point Estimated height mAOD Notes view A1 65 G L Jeffrey Street, west side in particular A2 61 G L Cranston Street skyline B 80 ground level at top of burial ground; surrounding walls are probably higher C 80 backdrop D sky behind monuments; rising sightline with ground falling away beyond monuments E Calton Burial Ground monuments from Jeffrey Street and Cranstone Street off Canongate View No.
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    C B E D A CITY OF EDINBURGH SKYLINE STUDY February 2009 Reference point Estimated height mAOD Notes view A 107 G L east pavement (view no longer available from Liberton cemetery) skyline B 100 Heriot Watt college roof south of Castle C 110 Top of Esplanade backdrop D - distant hills seen beyond west side of Castle where low skyline below Castle is es- sential to perception of silhouette E - Castle from A701, Liberton Brae x Kirkgate View No.
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    C B A1 A2 D E CITY OF EDINBURGH SKYLINE STUDY February 2009 Reference point Estimated height mAOD Notes view A1 202 G L west end of ridge A2 208 G L top of Buckstone Snab skyline B high sight line to Corstorphine Hill; south and east slopes of hill are sensitive to intrusive elements C backdrop D sea is visible to right of hilltop with gentle hill slope descending eastwards; profile of skyline of eastern slopes of hill are important to perception of shape of Corstorphine Hill against sea E Corstorphine Hill from Buckstone Snab View No.
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    B C E D A CITY OF EDINBURGH SKYLINE STUDY February 2009 Reference point Estimated height mAOD Notes view A 100 G L south side of top of Calton Hill, south east of National Monument skyline B Arthur’s Seat rising above Salisbury Crags; the roofs of foreground buildings seen below the Crags are significant C backdrop D a small built up area east of Dalkeith Road is visible beyond the west escarpment of Salisbury Crags E Arthur’s Seat and Salisbury Crags from Calton Hill View No.
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    B C E D A CITY OF EDINBURGH SKYLINE STUDY February 2009 Reference point Estimated height mAOD Notes view A 100 G L south side of top of Calton Hill, south east of National Monument skyline B Arthur’s Seat rising above Salisbury Crags; the roofs of foreground buildings seen below the Crags are significant C backdrop D a small built up area east of Dalkeith Road is visible beyond the west escarpment of Salisbury Crags E Arthur’s Seat and Salisbury Crags from Calton Hill View No.
  • Priority Junctions

    If used for the main footway surface in special circumstances, they should be flat topped... Available at: sections-.pdf [Accessed 09 November 2017] Continuous Footways Top Image: Google Maps [ONLINE].... Available at:[Accessed 05 December 2016] Construction and Materials Top Image: The City of Edinburgh Council Bottom Image: Jacobs Image References G7 - Priority Junctions: Continuous Footways Factsheet Edinburgh Street Design Guidance : Part C – Detailed Design Manual Version: V1.1 2019 Index Subject Page Build outs G7.1, G7.2, G7.6 Continuous footways G7.2, G7.7- 12 Design details: layout options G7.9-10 Construction and materials G7.11-12 Layout and ramp gradients G7.8 Legal status G7.7 Signs and markings G7.8 Surface materials G7.11 Dropped Kerb Crossings G7.5 Priority junctions Carriageway design G7.1 Crossing width G7.1 Cycling provision G7.1 Design principles G7.1 Drainage G7.1 Raised tables G7.2, G7.6 Refuge islands G7.2 G7 - Priority Junctions: Continuous Footways
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    Rather, it is a succession of different streets and spaces, with different heritage, different character and different associated issues; anchored at the top and bottom by Edinburgh Castle and the Palace of Holyroodhouse respectively.... Bus means local service bus and open top tour buses.... Short/medium/ long-term *Bus means local service bus and open top tour buses.