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  • Microsoft Word - Overprovision Report to Edinburgh Licensing Board 14 Nov 2011.doc

    Table 1 below gives the top ten most frequently occurring individual causes of death in this age group as a percentage of the total. 7 Table 1 Premature mortality: 10 most frequently occurring individual causes of death under 65 years, Edinburgh city, 2007-2009 Primary Cause of Death Percent Malignant neoplasm of bronchus and lung 8.1 Chronic ischaemic heart disease 6.7 Acute myocardial infarction 5.7 Alcoholic liver disease 5.5 Other ill-defined and unspecified causes of mortality 4.5 Malignant neoplasm of breast 3.1 Intentional self-harm by hanging, strangulation and suffocation 2.7 Other chronic obstructive pulmonary disease 2.6 Mental and behavioural disorders due to use of alcohol 2.0 Mental/behav disorders due to mult drug & other psychoactive subst use 1.9 Source: GRO Scotland.... Thus the top 20 zones will also be the highest quintile.... The following areas appear in the top 20 (or quintile) for both health and crime data sets
  • Priority Junctions

    If used for the main footway surface in special circumstances, they should be flat topped... Available at: sections-.pdf [Accessed 09 November 2017] Continuous Footways Top Image: Google Maps [ONLINE].... Available at:[Accessed 05 December 2016] Construction and Materials Top Image: The City of Edinburgh Council Bottom Image: Jacobs Image References G7 - Priority Junctions: Continuous Footways Factsheet Edinburgh Street Design Guidance : Part C – Detailed Design Manual Version: V1.1 2019 Index Subject Page Build outs G7.1, G7.2, G7.6 Continuous footways G7.2, G7.7- 12 Design details: layout options G7.9-10 Construction and materials G7.11-12 Layout and ramp gradients G7.8 Legal status G7.7 Signs and markings G7.8 Surface materials G7.11 Dropped Kerb Crossings G7.5 Priority junctions Carriageway design G7.1 Crossing width G7.1 Cycling provision G7.1 Design principles G7.1 Drainage G7.1 Raised tables G7.2, G7.6 Refuge islands G7.2 G7 - Priority Junctions: Continuous Footways
  • 024 Corstorphine Hill entry.indd

    The old estate avenue on the west was continued from the stable building up the hill by a winding route to the top, at a height of 165m.... In 1942, Pinkhill Nursery to the east was bought, and in 1947 work commenced at the top of the hill to make a small loch for use as the zoo’s water supply. 6 Edinburgh Survey of Gardens and Designed Landscapes The Zoo has remained at the forefront of zoo enclosure design, and regularly wins awards for the natural and stimulating habitats for its animals.... Visitors will be able to travel around the Zoo on a continuous transport system, which will link all four biomes, radiating from a new entrance sited at the top of the car park.
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    The village of Gilmerton lies on the top of a hill some 400 feet above sea level and is approximately four miles south east of the centre of Edinburgh.... It has a shallow-pitch gable with buttresses, triple windows and a conical-topped bellcote.... There is local industry within the conservation area with a working farm at the top of Ravenscroft Street.
  • Microsoft Word - Overprovision Report to Edinburgh Licensing Board 14 Nov 2011.doc

    Table 1 below gives the top ten most frequently occurring individual causes of death in this age group as a percentage of the total. 7 Table 1 Premature mortality: 10 most frequently occurring individual causes of death under 65 years, Edinburgh city, 2007-2009 Primary Cause of Death Percent Malignant neoplasm of bronchus and lung 8.1 Chronic ischaemic heart disease 6.7 Acute myocardial infarction 5.7 Alcoholic liver disease 5.5 Other ill-defined and unspecified causes of mortality 4.5 Malignant neoplasm of breast 3.1 Intentional self-harm by hanging, strangulation and suffocation 2.7 Other chronic obstructive pulmonary disease 2.6 Mental and behavioural disorders due to use of alcohol 2.0 Mental/behav disorders due to mult drug & other psychoactive subst use 1.9 Source: GRO Scotland.... Thus the top 20 zones will also be the highest quintile.... The following areas appear in the top 20 (or quintile) for both health and crime data sets
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    B C D E A1 A2 CITY OF EDINBURGH SKYLINE STUDY 2006/08 Reference point Estimated height mAOD Notes view A1 115 G L further south only Nelson’s Monument stands clearly seen against water A2 75 G L top of steep rise at north end of Radical Rd; Monuments are seen on same line from low levels of Dynamic Earth skyline B 80 base of wooded south side of Calton Hill beyond roof level of Scottish Parliament; hilltop and Monuments above at higher levels; wooded crest of Calton Hill falling eastwards beyond Scottish Parliament from A2C backdrop D Monuments seen against sky from A2; against hills and water from A1 E Calton Hill from the northern length of Radical Road footpath on Salisbury Crags View No.
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    C B A2 E D A1 CITY OF EDINBURGH SKYLINE STUDY February 2009 Reference point Estimated height mAOD Notes view A1 85-95+ G L Locations along footpath rising from Ravelston Dykes Road A2 140 G L hilltop east of Zoo skyline B 100 significant base of Castle mound; St Mary’s spires and other domes and towers in foreground over roofs at lower levels C 100 backdrop D Whinney Hill ridge behind Castle; view to Calton Hill shown as a separate view cone; E profile across top of Arthur’s Seat with southern escarpment Castle with Arthur’s Seat beyond, from south east end of Corstorphine Hill View No.
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    B C A1 D E A2 CITY OF EDINBURGH SKYLINE STUDY 2006/08 Reference point Estimated height mAOD Notes view A1 175 G L top of Wester Craiglockhart Hill A2 130 G L west flank of Easter Craiglockhart Hill above wood; views continue round on same and higher contours to west side of Napier College skyline B 87 roofline of cathedral with spires rising above from Easter Craiglockhart Hill; from Wester Craiglockhart Hill crest the coastline is on the level of the base of the central spire where it meets the tower C backdrop D sky and distant hills from Easter Craiglockhart; sea from Wester Craiglockhart E St Mary’s spires from Craiglockhart Hills View No.
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    A1 B C ED A2 CITY OF EDINBURGH SKYLINE STUDY February 2009 Reference point Estimated height mAOD Notes view A1 125 G L first view travelling from west, 20m west of bend in road A2 132 G L first view travelling from east, 60m east of track down to Hermitage skyline B 115 top of tree canopy on Morningside ridge (Strathearn Road) is the near skyline; skyline features, are visible beyond with Castle and Hub spire rising above C - backdrop D - distant hills and mountains visible but sea is below sightline, distant mountain skyline visible to west of Bruntsfield spire E - View No.
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    A1 B C A2 CITY OF EDINBURGH SKYLINE STUDY 2006/08 Reference point Estimated height mAOD Notes view A1 125 G L 100m west of footpath with trees up to Braid Hills Drive, east end A2 128 G L 150m west of field boundary on Braid Hills Drive near Liberton tower skyline B the wooded profile of Calton Hill, topped by monuments; to the left the east end of New Town, east of St Andrew Square, is the skyline C 80 base of wooded south face of Calton Hil backdrop D though distant hills with sea on either side of Calton Hill are visible, the backdrop beyond Calton Hill is less significant from this viewpoint E Calton Hill from Braid Hills Drive, east end View No.