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    Hours to Resolve  Potential Claims Business Continuity Fund Community Benefits Considerate Constructors Scheme General Construction Works Post Construction Lothian Buses Traffic Management 191.8 133.6 126.4 99.4 92.3 88.9 71.2 68.9 Source of Enquiries* Email 57.36%1.75% 14.39% 0.07% Twitter 26.42% Outbound Email Phone Portal Average Time to Resolve (in hours) by Source* 0 20 40 60 80 Phone Portal Email Outbound Email Twitter 75.8 57.2 42.3 35.7 23.3 Number of Tickets by Week 0 100 200 Jan 2020 Jan 2021 Jan 2022 No. of Tickets > 10 Days To Resolve Number of Interactions 17K First Contact Resolution 80.1% Number of Tickets Resolved (Overall) 10.94K Number of Tickets Resolved (last 30 days) 217 Number of Tickets Received (Overall) 11.71K Number of Tickets Received (last 30 days) 283 Average Time to Resolve (in hours) 79.2 Top 5 Enquiry Types* 0 500 Other Project related to f… General Constructi… Traffic Management Cycling 790 746 693 598 115 * - since January 2021
  • Plana Gàidhlig 2018-22

    Nuair a bhios a’ chomhairle a’ cur soidhnichean ùra an àirde an àite seann shoidhnichean ann an làraichean ann am meadhan a’ bhaile - Cùirt Waverley, Seòmraichean a’ Bhaile agus Leabharlann a’ Mheadhain - nì sinn seo le soidhnichean chànanach Gàidhlig is Beurla.... Plana Gàidhlig 2018-22 16 Eaconamaidh na Gàidhlig ann an Dùn Èideann agus Alba Tha a’ Ghàidhlig na stòras do dh'Alba, an chuid gu sòisealta agus gu h-eaconamach.... Dèan leasachadh a bharrachd air com-pàirteachasan le buidhnean nàiseanta (mar eisimpleir Event Scotland) gus cultar agus eachdraidh a’ bhaile a bhrosnachadh an chuid gu nàiseanta agus gu h-eadar-nàiseanta.
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    Health and Safety is their top priority and all works will be pre-planned and co-ordinated in a professional manner.
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    The shield is blazoned as: "Argent, a castle triple-towered and embattled Sable, masoned of the First and topped with three fans Gules, windows and portcullis shut of the Last, situate on a rock Proper."
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    If this occurs, you can cut the area with a mower, which is set at a high level, thus topping the weed seedlings but avoiding the meadow seedlings
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    How to join a Skype meeting 6) Click Join Skype Meeting 7) A page with a dialogue box on top of it will open.
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    Top tip Don’t forget to bring water and appropriate clothing for the weather.
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    The safety of the local community and our teams working on site is our top priority.
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    u po n‐ Ty ne Le ed s Sh ef fi el d B ri gh to n  &  H ov e Ca rd if f B ri st ol So ut ha m pt on N or th am pt on D er by Ca m br id ge N ot ti ng ha m B ra df or d O xf or d M an ch es te r B ir m in gh am Le ic es te r Lo nd on  (I nn er ) % of population 'White British' 2. 4% 2. 3% 2. 1% 1. 9% 1. 8% 1. 6% 1. 4% 1. 4% 1. 4% 1. 4% 1. 0% 0. 9% 0. 9% 0. 9% 0. 9% 0. 9% 0. 8% 0. 7% 0. 7% 0. 7% 0. 7% 0. 7% 0. 7% 0. 6% 0. 5% 0. 5% 0. 5% 0. 5% 0. 4% 0. 2% 0. 2% 0% 1% 2% 3% 4% 5% 6% 7% 8% 9% 10% M an ch es te r Lo nd on  (I nn er ) B ir m in gh am G la sg ow Ed in bu rg h O xf or d Li ve rp oo l Ca m br id ge B ri gh to n  &  H ov e N or th am pt on A be rd ee n Le ed s D er by D un de e N ot ti ng ha m B ri st ol Le ic es te r So ut ha m pt on Ca rd if f Ch es te r &   … N or w ic h N ew c.... u po n‐ Ty ne N or w ic h N ot ti ng ha m Br ig ht on  &  H ov e Bi rm in gh am A be rd ee n Ca rd if f Le ic es te r Ed in bu rg h M an ch es te r Lo nd on  (I nn er ) O xf or d Ca m br id ge % employed in construction (s.i.c. 2007 section F) Industrial sectors are those defined in the Standard Industrial Classification 2007 (s.i.c. 2007).... u po n‐ Ty ne Br ad fo rd N or w ic h Ch es te r  &   … D er by Br ig ht on  &  H ov e N ot ti ng ha m Bi rm in gh am A be rd ee n Ca rd if f Le ic es te r Ed in bu rg h M an ch es te r Lo nd on  (I nn er ) O xf or d Ca m br id ge % employed in construction (s.i.c. 2007 section F) Industrial sectors are those defined in the Standard Industrial Classification 2007 (s.i.c. 2007).
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    Adequate procedures need to be applied proportionately, based on the level of risk. 6.2 In determining such procedures, the Government has indicated that organisations should be informed by six principles:  Top Level Commitment  Risk Assessment  Proportionate Procedures (proportionate to the bribery risks faced)... What is “adequate” depends on the bribery risks, the nature, size and complexity of the b... 6.2 In determining such procedures, the Government has indicated that organisations should be informed by six principles:  Top Level Commitment  Risk Assessment  Proportionate Procedures (proportionate to the bribery risks faced)