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  • Notice of meeting and agenda

    For the last few years, the top priority for tenants has been for the Council to build more homes.... Edinburgh is in the top three local authorities in Scotland for tenant satisfaction in relation to the housing service, quality of home and neighbourhood.... Annual and ongoing consultation has shown that building new affordable homes in the city remains a top priority for Council tenants.

    at 5 Hopper Gardens Newcraighall Musselburgh EH21 8RJ Mr Kandel, 5 Hopper Gardens Newcraighall Musselburgh EH21 8RJ Delegated Decision GRANTED 18 July 2024 Community Council: Portobello 24/02503/FUL (Planning Permission) Construct small extension to infill recess between existing rear extension and original house; raise roofline of existing rear extension by ca. 100mm to accommodate additional insulation and new roof finishes; form new window openings to front and side elevations and block upside windows to existing rear extension.
  • Granton Waterfront - Development Framework February 2020

    G LO BA LLO CA L Offers a bold and fresh approach to city living.

    at 5 Hopper Gardens Newcraighall Musselburgh EH21 8RJ Mr Kandel, 5 Hopper Gardens Newcraighall Musselburgh EH21 8RJ Delegated Decision GRANTED 18 July 2024 Community Council: Portobello 24/02503/FUL (Planning Permission) Construct small extension to infill recess between existing rear extension and original house; raise roofline of existing rear extension by ca. 100mm to accommodate additional insulation and new roof finishes; form new window openings to front and side elevations and block upside windows to existing rear extension.
  • U&SA 3

    If an exceedence is likely, local authorities must proceed to Detailed Assessment (DA).... Fig 7 Comparison of 2010 DMRB modelled data using unadjusted and adjusted background PM10 concentrations. 0 5 10 15 20 25 W es t M ait lan d St Ha ym ar ke t St Jo hn s R d Le ith W alk A8 G las go w Rd Ro se bu rn T er ra ce Lo nd on R d Da lry R d W es t P or t Qu ee n St re et Go rg ie Rd Gt Ju nc tio n St A8 G og ar M ou nt Mo rn in gs id e R d Fe rry R d Be rn ar d S t L eit h Ci ty B y P as s C on ce nt ra tio n Unadjusted background Adjusted background AQ objective As previously discussed, it is apparent that the modelled concentrations using the DMRB model are much higher than measured data.... Table 9.9 Table 9.9 Assessment criteria requirement for quarries Relevant exposure from Source distance in metres 2004 PM 10 background level 2010 PM10 background level 1000 or > than No reqirement to proceed to a detailed assessment (DA) 400 - 1000 < 27 No requirement for DA < 17 No requirement for DA 200 - 400 < 26 No requirement for DA < 16 No requirement for DA For this assessment, distances from the quarry operations to the nearest relevant receptor were measured using the Geographical Information System (GIS).
  • Stage_2___Sustainable_Business_ProposalGranton Community Gardeners Updated sept 2022.docx

    It’s likely down to this that a google search of Edinburgh community gardens, will result in Granton Community Gardeners as the top listing.... And it will also allow us to attract funding to improve the site, and mean that we are able to develop it in line with our ambitions (for example to provide a top class educational environment for local school children to visit).... One of the top priorities was to provide free, friendly training for anyone who would like to grow their own food, so we put this straight to the top of our list and ran a free 6 week Introduction to Food Growing Course in May and June (this was very popular, received excellent reviews, and will run again).
  • Advisory Cycle Lanes L3

    Depending on the profile of the top surface, they may offer a greater deterrent to cyclists (particularly option 4.3).... A green verge/strip for trees, Utrecht Images: top and bottom left (LCDS, 2016), bottom and top right (The City of Edinburgh Council) Stand alone kerb, Copenhagen Hard surface buffer zone in Buccleuch Street, Edinburgh Hard surface area for cycle parking/ loading space or protection for pedestrians wanting to cross the road Illustrative London scheme Edinburgh Street Design Guidance : Part C – Detailed Design Manual Version: V1.0 2017 FactsheetC4 - Segregated Cycle Tracks: Hard Segregation - Kerbs and Other Separation Options Key considerations • Consistency of width of the cycle facility and of the adjacent general traffic lane... Cycle Gate at signal junctions 37 Indicative layout for cycle gate (London example) Cycle gate at Bow: (top) segregated approach and first cycle stop line, and (bottom) advanced cycle stop line.
  • Princes Street Gardens Management Plan

    The Top terrace in the East Gardens is Princes Street Gardens Management Plan 2017 – 2020 Page 14 of 68 the only popular area which is freely accessible at-grade to disabled people.... Princes Street Gardens Management Plan 2017 – 2020 Page 24 of 68  Terrace trees: formal planting along the top and mid terraces, and informal planting on the slope below... Threats  Continual use of heavy vehicles in East Gardens could cause structural damage to balustrade along top path and slopes down from path
  • Advisory Cycle Lanes L3

    Depending on the profile of the top surface, they may offer a greater deterrent to cyclists (particularly option 4.3).... A green verge/strip for trees, Utrecht Images: top and bottom left (LCDS, 2016), bottom and top right (The City of Edinburgh Council) Stand alone kerb, Copenhagen Hard surface buffer zone in Buccleuch Street, Edinburgh Hard surface area for cycle parking/ loading space or protection for pedestrians wanting to cross the road Illustrative London scheme Edinburgh Street Design Guidance : Part C – Detailed Design Manual Version: V1.0 2017 FactsheetC4 - Segregated Cycle Tracks: Hard Segregation - Kerbs and Other Separation Options Key considerations • Consistency of width of the cycle facility and of the adjacent general traffic lane... Cycle Gate at signal junctions 37 Indicative layout for cycle gate (London example) Cycle gate at Bow: (top) segregated approach and first cycle stop line, and (bottom) advanced cycle stop line.
  • Https://

    Council expenditure with third parties 7.4 In the period of the report the Council expenditure with third parties in 2018/19 was: ➢ £634,836,888 7.5 The third party spend has increased by 18% compared to last year (£539,998,897 in 2017/18), this is reflected in the category summary below, based on the Council’s top 20 suppliers (by value of spend), where construction spend has increased from £63m in 2017/18 to £81.7m in 2018/19.... In the recent Local Government benchmarking report for 2017/18 the Council procurement spend with SMEs was ranked 6th in Scotland. 7.7 The supplier spend categories cover around 30 different description types (e.g. construction, professional services and so on) a summary of category spend with our top 20 Suppliers is presented below in Figure 1 and remains largely unchanged from last year Figure 2.... It is a toolkit for contract management activities throughout a contract’s lifecycle and has a strong focus on supplier management and compliance; ➢ Contract management framework was co-produced with corporate teams across the Council (including Risk, Resilience, Information Governance, Health and Safety and Internal Audit) as well as contract managers The CAGM team lead on delivering operational efficiencies, reviewing the Council’s top suppliers, securing better outcomes, best value and improved performance; Partially Complied 23 1.