The EDI Group

The EDI Group Limited (EDI) is a Council company that carries out property development. EDI is the parent company of

  • PARC Craigmillar Limited
  • Waterfront Edinburgh Limited
  • other companies.

On 7 February 2017, we decided to close EDI and bring its assets and projects in-house. EDI projects are now being taken forward by Council officers. 

The EDI board is made up of Councillor Danny AstonCouncillor Jane Meagher, and Councillor Iain Whyte.

Please email any invoices to

For questions about EDI please contact us at:

The EDI Group

The EDI Group is an arm's length company of the City of Edinburgh Council.

Address: 2.6 Waverley Court
4 East Market Street
EH8 8BG.