Working in Waverley Court

Health and Safety

First Aid

In an emergency or life-threatening situation:

  • call 999 first
  • then call for a First Aider 0131 469 3456 (x23456) (see process below)
  • let reception know that an ambulance has been called and the location of the casualty
  • if needed, you can access an unlocked defibrillator (AED device) next to the gates in main reception.

How to contact a First Aider:

  • call 0131 469 3456 (x23456)
  • the system will automatically call all First Aiders on the call system until someone answers
  • give the First Aider the location of the unwell/injured person, their name, and brief details about their condition, as well as your name and contact phone number in case they need to get in touch
  • stay with the person until the First Aider arrives – they may need your help.

Fire tests and procedures

Fire alarm tests are carried out in Waverley Court at 10.30am on Tuesdays. In your induction you’ll be given information about how to exit the building.

If you discover a fire activate the fire alarm by breaking the nearest fire alarm point.

The fire alarm is a continuous siren and flashing lights. There are fire exits, sign-posted by green and white fire exit signs.

On hearing the fire alarm and seeing the lights:

  • leave the building quickly and in an orderly manner, helping visitors and members of the public who are less familiar with the building
  • don’t use lifts
  • don’t delay your departure by collecting coats or other personal belongings
  • where possible, close all doors through which you pass on leaving the building
  • go to the muster point just before the taxi stand at the junction of Market Street and Jeffrey Street, on the south pavement.

Personal Emergency Evacuation Plan (PEEP)

If you, or someone you manage has a Personal Emergency Evacuation Plan (PEEP) please make sure it’s up to date. Even if you have a temporary condition or injury, or you have difficulty leaving the building, it’s important you have a PEEP in place, so please speak with your manager as soon as possible. Any new or updated PEEP needs to be sent to to be put in the fire folder at reception.

Contact Facilities Management Team

If you have any questions about working in Waverley Court, please contact the Facilities Management team:

Telephone: 0131 529 6442