Melville Crescent
Work to improve the road and public realm

With the cycleway along Melville Street complete, we are now continuing with the planned public realm work at Melville Crescent.
Designs were originally developed as part of the CCWEL project and involved close collaboration with local stakeholders, along with Edinburgh World Heritage Trust, to ensure that proposals celebrate the unique World Heritage Site location. We have secured funding of £2.1 million from Transport Scotland to deliver this scheme.
The designs include
- Wider and resurfaced footways using sandstone slabs in keeping with the World Heritage Site.
- Re-introduction of setts on the road along Melville Crescent – re-using the setts which currently lie hidden under the existing asphalt surface.
- Improved and additional crossing points
- New lawn areas and street trees.
- New cycle parking and benches.
Work will start on 22 April 2024 and continue for nine months.
Read the report to Committee in March 2018 where the design was approved following consultation
During construction we will try to keep any noise and disruption to a minimum on surrounding residents and businesses. We are planning an adjusted work week from 7am – 7pm on Monday to Wednesday, and 7am – 2pm on Thursday and Friday. This will allow us to deliver the project as planned, while still providing some quiet periods during the working week.
View the notification to residents and businesses nearby
If you have any questions or concerns about the work on Melville Crescent, please get in touch