The City Centre West to East Link is suitable for less confident cyclists and anyone who‘s concerned about cycling in busy traffic. It runs along
- Roseburn Terrace
- West Coates
- Haymarket Terrace
- Rosebery Crescent
- Melville Street
- Randolph Place
- North St David Street
- York Place.
CCWEL route from Roseburn to Picardy Place 
The Charlotte Square to St Andrew Square section is part of the George Street and First New Town project, and links to the planned Meadows to George Street active travel route at Hanover Street.
Download a map of the route
For most of the route, cyclists are separated from traffic. It connects with the Roseburn Path in Roseburn Park in the west and the cycle routes on Leith Walk in the east. It provides a family-friendly link across the city centre and is part of the National Cycle Network Route 1.
It has been delivered in advance of the public realm improvements at Charlotte Square and will connect with the planned cycle thoroughfare along George Street. From Hanover Street you will be able to connect with the Meadows to George Street cycle route.
Improvements include
- new cycle routes with protected cycle tracks on the main road
- cyclist and pedestrian priority at key junctions
- placemaking improvements, with dedicated public realm projects at Roseburn, Haymarket and Randolph Place
- more cycle parking
- additional Zone 1 Permit Parking spaces
- new and improved pedestrian crossings
- improved footway surfaces
- resurfacing of key setted streets.
- street trees.