CCWEL Poster Competition

We are delighted to announce the winners of the CCWEL Poster competition.

We asked local schools along the route to design a poster that would encourage people to walk, wheel, cycle or scoot on the new route.

There were some fantastic, creative entries which really grasped how the route will transform the area for walking, wheeling and cycling.

Overall winner - Isobel, St George's Primary

Winning poster from Isobel, St George Primary School.

Runner Up - Rhianwen, Balgreen Primary

Winning runner-up Rhianwen from Balgreens Primary School.

Runner Up - Isabelle, St George's Primary

Winning runner-up Isabelle, from St George Primary School.

Runner Up - Emily, St George's Primary

Winning runner-up Emily from St George Primary School.

Caitlin, Balgreen Primary, won a special prize for her slogan 'Don't be part of the pollution, be part of the solution!'

Well done to everyone who took part!



Published: 8th July 2022