Queensferry Street and Melville Street Junction
Our work on the Queensferry Street and Melville Street junction is going to plan and we are aiming to finish this by mid-July.
So we can fit the new traffic signals, we need to install ducts below Queensferry Street. For this, we need to use two-way temporary traffic lights on Queensferry Street. To minimise traffic disruption, we will do this on nightshift. We will do this over two nights on Tuesday 13 and Wednesday 14 June. The loudest work will be done before 11pm, but we will continue to work through to 6am. We will make every effort to keep noise after 11pm to a minimum.
Working with you to reduce disruption
Disruption is inevitable, but we will work to reduce this as much as possible. Our plans have been accepted by the Council’s environmental health team and every effort will be made to minimise noise during the night. Safety is our priority During construction, pedestrian and traffic management measures will be installed and maintained to make sure the works can be carried out safely for everyone, including residents, business and our workforce.