Queensferry Street junction and Randolph Place
Update on works planned at Randolph Place to rectify a ponding issue and a collapsed manhole cover at the Queensferry Street junction.
Work will start on Monday 15 April and take a maximum of two weeks two weeks to complete.
Traffic management will be in place to carry out the work safely. This will require a lane narrowing on Queensferry Street but two way traffic will be maintained. Randolph Place will be made one way as previously done during the main construction works. Melville Street will be open in both directions.
Safety and minimising disturbance is our priority
During construction, pedestrian and traffic management measures will be installed and maintained to make sure the work can be carried out safely for everyone, including residents, businesses and our workforce. We will reduce the impact of work as much as much as possible but it is inevitable that major construction work will cause temporary periods of disturbance in the area. We will do our best to minimise this disturbance.