Support for 12 years and over

South East

Be Strong, Be You Edinburgh Leisure

Be Strong, Be You works with young people aged 12-18 living in South East Edinburgh. It supports young people experiencing mild to moderate mental health conditions such as anxiety, depression, and stress, using the power of physical activity and sports to help them improve their physical, mental, and emotional wellbeing. 

Be Strong, Be You gives you  support for your mental health and wellbeing before you reach a crisis point.

Specialist Wellbeing Instructors work with you to overcome physical, mental and emotional challenges to build strong mental health, develop resilience and feel better equipped to cope with the challenges life throws at you.  

The project provides

  • An initial consultation with a Specialist Health Instructor and a Pupil Support Teacher within the school setting
  • 1:1 motivational support to be active from a Specialist Health Instructor for 16 weeks followed by regular follow ups 
  • 1:1 physical activity sessions 
  • Group physical activity sessions 
  • A free one-year youth membership to Edinburgh Leisure facilities 

For further information please speak to pupil support in your school.

South East - James Gillespie’s and Boroughmuir catchment

Individual wellbeing support

It is good to have different people in your life you can talk to. Sometimes it can be good to talk to someone who is not in your family or one of your friends. You can meet in an accessible, safe and supportive place, and as you get to know them you might want to share your problems, worries and things that are going on in your life. This can help you to make sense of your emotions and support your wellbeing.

Suitable for 8 to 12 years


  • school
  • home
  • local community


Therapeutic coaching

It is good to have different people in your life you can talk to. Sometimes it can be good to talk to someone who is not in your family or one of your friends. You can meet in an accessible, safe and supportive place, and as you get to know them you might want to share your problems, worries and things that are going on in your life.

The therapist can help you to make sense of your emotions, build your confidence and support your wellbeing.

Suitable for 11 to 18 years

Groupwork programmes

Learning about how to look after your mental health is an important skill for everyone to have. The group will cover topics on mental health such as understanding stress and anxiety, goal setting and mindfulness. You will also learn other ways to look after your mental and physical health, as well as covering other topics that interest you.

Suitable for 8 to 18 years

Outdoor and nature-based activities with Edinburgh and Lothian Green Space Trust

Sometimes if you are struggling with your mental health or have difficulties with your feelings and emotions being in nature and going outside into a garden can help us feel better. By spending time outside in nature with others you will learn ways to relax, feel calmer and how to cope with difficult feelings.


Programme of activities throughout the year

Suitable for 8 to 18 years.

South East Gracemount, Liberton catchment areas


Is a time in the week that is just for you. It is a space to help you explore and reflect on things that feel important to you in a way that suits you best. Sometimes it can be hard to know what to talk about or where to start, but our counsellors are there to help you find a way to tell your story and find new ways of coping – whether this is through making art, creative activities, games or talking. Together we will decide where your sessions will be and how many you have, but they will always be private, and it will always be your choice whether you attend.


  • school
  • Goodtrees Neighbourhood Centre


Young Carers

There are an estimated 29,000 young carers in Scotland. Being a young carer can mean different things to different people. Perhaps you might support a relative or a friend from time to time or be responsible for providing care for an adult at home for most of every week. If you think you might be a young carer it can be helpful to speak to an adult you trust about it. If you aren’t sure if you are a young carer check out this Young Scot article for information on the kinds of things being a young carer might involve.

If you are a young carer you are entitled to support. There are three young carer services in Edinburgh. They work together across the whole of Edinburgh and each service covers a different area. Edinburgh Young Carers offers support in East Edinburgh including places like Leith, City Centre, Craigentinny, Duddingston, Portobello, Craigmillar, South Central, Liberton and Gilmerton. 

Edinburgh Young Carers offers support for people aged 5 to 20 years old who care for or are affected by someone else at home - usually a parent, brother or sister. The person they care for may suffer from: health problems or other problems like drug or alcohol misuse. 

They can tell you more about the support they can give you and you can contact them at  or 0131 475 2322