
Teachers guidance

Support if you're ill

Subject to the conditions set out in the Scheme of Conditions of Service for Teaching Staff Part 2 Section 6 - SNCT Handbook (which also deals with compensatory leave entitlement and absence through injury), your entitlement to sickness allowance in any one period of 12 months is as follows.

Teaching staff sickness entitlement

Service at commencement of absence from duty: Full allowance for: Half allowance for:
Less than 18 weeks 0 weeks/ months 0 weeks/ months
18 weeks or more but less than 1 year 1 month 1 month
1 year but less than 2 years 2 months 2 months
2 years but less than 3 years 4 months 4 months
3 years but less than 5 years 5 months 5 months
5 years or more 6 months 6 months

Sick pay

Sickness allowance will be your normal contractual pay inclusive of any Statutory Sick Pay (SSP) : Overview - GOV.UK ( to which you may be entitled. If you qualify for National Insurance Benefit including Dependants' Allowance, this will be deducted from full sick pay. Pay during sick leave will be the pay you normally receive.

Industrial injury

If you’re absent due to sickness or disablement because of an incident arising out of and during employment, or due to an industrial disease, you’ll be entitled to a separate allowance calculated on the same basis as sickness allowance.