Burdiehouse to Mortonhall - walking, wheeling and cycling improvements

The main project areas

  • Mortonhall Gate junction
  • B701 Frogston Road East
  • Kaimes junction
  • A701 Burdiehouse Road (north)
  • A701 Burdiehouse Road (south)
  • Clippens Drive junction
  • Old Burdiehouse Road
  • Clippens Drive to The Murrays connection

Mortonhall Gate junction

  • a D-island crossing at end of the segregated cycle path to provide safe onward travel to the west
  • removal of right-turn pocket to allow pavement build outs to provide a welcoming and attractive gateway to the Mortonhall estate
  • raised crossing points and reduced junction radii to reduce vehicle speeds
  • widening of the pavement to the east to provide a segregated cycle track separate from traffic
  • retention of existing bus stop within realigned junction to provide better visibility and sightlines from the junction

B701 Frogston Road East  

Burdiehouse to Mortonhall computer generated image of improvements to Frogston Road

  • a two-way cycle track along the north side of road
  • bus stop bypass arrangements
  • raised crossing points and reduced junction radii to reduce vehicle speeds on side road junctions
  • two new signalised crossing points to provide better access to the internal housing path network, and a safer access point for the school
  • informal crossing points to west-bound bus stops with improved waiting areas
  • access  retained to all existing junctions and driveways.

Kaimes junction

Burdiehouse to Mortonhall computer generated image of improvements to Kaimes junction
  • a new signalised junction layout to improve walking, wheeling and cycling crossings
  • new signal timings to improve flow through the junction for everyone

A701 Burdiehouse Road (north)

From the Kaimes junction up to the Greenwell Wynd junction

  • one-way cycle tracks on both sides of the road between Kaimes and Greenwell Wynd junction
  • remove a section of the southbound bus lane from the Kaimes junction
  • remove the two bus stops just south of  Kaimes junction, the northbound and southbound stops.*
  • bus stop bypass
  • raised crossing points and reduced junction radii to reduce vehicle speeds
  • Improved signalised crossing points at the Greenwell Wynd signalised junction.

*This follows a review and study of the bus stops and consultation with key stakeholders.

A701 Burdiehouse Road (south)

Burdiehouse to Mortonhall computer generated image of improvements to Burdiehouse Road

From the Greenwell Wynd Junction to Straiton Junction

  • a southbound one-way cycle track from the Greenwell Wynd to Burdiehouse Village
  • a two-way cycle track from Burdiehouse Village to Clippens Drive junction to provide safe access to the northbound cycle route along Old Burdiehouse Road via a toucan crossing.
  • partial removal of the southbound bus lane from Kaimes junction south
  • bus stop bypass arrangements
  • relocation and upgrade of existing signal crossing on Burdiehouse Road to a wider toucan crossing.
  • better connections to existing path and cycle network
  • raised crossing point and reduced junction radii to reduce vehicle speeds on Southhouse Broadway
  • Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS) incorporated into available greenspaces.

Clippens Drive junction

From the Greenwell Wynd junction to Straiton junction

  • reduced junction width and radii to reduce vehicle speeds
  • raised junction with a ‘parallel crossing’ design, prioritising walking, wheeling and cycling
  • shared use path improved to provide better connection to newly installed shared path link to Lang Loan
  • safe access to road to continue journey south while safeguarding connections into future improvements at Straiton Roundabout (Midlothian Council)

Old Burdiehouse Road

  • new dropped kerb access point for cycles to exit Burdiehouse Road when exiting Straiton junction to continue along Old Burdiehouse Road
  • upgrade of shared use path from Straiton junction up to Old Burdiehouse Road
  • raised table at Burdiehouse Village junction with Old Burdiehouse Road
  • Quiet Street design for cyclists travelling north
  • New two-way cycle track and improved footpath connection from the end of Old Burdiehouse Road (north end) through greenspace to connect with Greenwell Wynd junction.

Clippens Drive to The Murrays connection

We will create a walking, wheeling and cycling link from Clippens Drive to The Murrays to provide a better connection between the developments.