Videos to support wellbeing for school leavers

Day to day challenges


Sleep is something that is essential for our physical and mental health. Every Mind Matters has some great tips . The Sleep Charity Teens and Young People's pages are also a brilliant place to go and find out more about improving your sleep. 


Does this sound familiar? If it does get more tips on dealing with perfectionism.

Loneliness and isolation

If you are struggling with feeling lonely or isolated here are some tips and advice.


It can be tough taking on more responsibilities and independence. Find out more about developing your independence.

Social media 

Social media doesn’t always feel positive. If you feel it is not as positive as you would like get some more advice on managing social media.


It can be hard not to get pulled into a competitive mindset when it’s all around you, but if you do not stop and reflect on it, and how it may be affecting you, it could ending up making you pretty stressed. Tips on managing competitveness.


Relationships can feel complicated, but it is really important we all understand and respect consent. Consent is about being sure both people want to do something and accepting that people can change their mind. This film explains more about consent.