Mental health and wellbeing activities in your local area

North West

Do you know which locality you live in?

For help finding local supports and activities, find your locality using the zone lookup address search.

Pilton Community Health project

It offers support for local people in North Edinburgh to take steps to improve their health.  The service offers a wide range of mental health, wellbeing, food, outdoor activities and volunteering support and initiatives for women, men and families. This service is based at:

73 Boswall Parkway 

For more information visit the Pilton Community Health Project websitePilton Community Health Project Facebook page or contact: 

0131 551 1671

Women’s Wellbeing in Nature

This women-only group focuses on learning together and enjoying the outdoors. Activities include tea ceremonies, natural arts and crafts, seasonal yoga, green gym, and mindfulness sessions. Sessions will also take place on the beach with campfire cooking and a dip in the sea, for those who want to. Booking is essential. Sessions run every Thursday from 12pm to 2pm at 

Pilton Community Health Project  
73 Boswall Parkway
EH5 2PW 

For more information contact  

0131 551 1671

Edinburgh & Lothians Greenspace Trust – Out and about

Edinburgh & Lothians Greenspace Trust focuses on getting individuals, communities and groups engaging in their outdoor space through lots of different avenues to help improve their health and wellbeing. They run groups including walking groups, conservation groups, Nordic walking, and Thai chi groups.

For more information and contact details, visit the ELGT webpage on the iThrive Edinburgh website.

Supporting parents and carers

We hope you can find the information you need, if you require help finding supports email us at

Thrive drop-ins

Thrive Welcome Team drop-ins are available to anyone from 16 years of age. Mental health practitioners can support with anxiety, depression, emotions, low confidence, carer’s mental health and wellbeing and more. For more information, visit

iThrive welcome team website

Support for mental health

The iThrive Edinburgh support directory can help you find support available for adults living and/or working in Edinburgh.

iThrive Edinburgh support directory webpage
Young people with message bubble saying look support healthy heads.

Find local confidential support and tips and tools for children and young people to help them feel more connected, improve their confidence, or deal with anxiety or low mood.

Wellbeing page