South West
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Eco-therapy Social Group
This is a free, mindful weekly group run by Health All Around, that uses nature to promote mental health and wellbeing. The group meets in different green spaces in the Gorgie area. For more information or to come along contact
0131 337 1376
Health All Round
Health All Round supports people living in Gorgie Dalry, Saughton, Stenhouse and surrounding areas using a community development approach to provide services focusing on physical, social and emotional wellbeing. Support includes walking groups, ecotherapy, mental health drop-in sessions, conversation café, men's green shed group, community gardening, outdoor movement, arts, creativity, writing groups, and counselling therapies. For the current programme please visit. The services are based at
Health All Around
24 Westfield Avenue
EH11 2QH
For more information visit the Health All Round website or contact
0131 337 1376
The Health Agency
The Health Agency offers several services for adults in South West Edinburgh such as one-to-one counselling, CBT, complementary therapies, cancer and long-term health condition support, exercise classes, supported gym sessions, healthy eating groups, a walking group and family and adult cooking classes.
Wester Hailes Healthy Living Centre
30 Harvesters Way
EH14 3JF
Self-referrals can be made via the Health Agency website. For more information contact
0131 453 9400
PHEW mental health and well-being group at Broomhouse Space Hub
The group offers young people aged 18 to 24 years (26 if care-experienced) a safe and friendly space to make connections with others and develop a better understanding of mental health and well-being, in a group setting, or via one-to-one support. For more information contact
0131 455 7731
B Healthy Together
This project is based in and around Broomhouse, Sighthill and Parkhead. Sessions include seated yoga, chair exercise, buggy gym, walking groups, yoga Groups and Stress relief. Cooking classes and ‘Good Food for Little Ones’ infant nutrition classes run for new parents. Creative groups such as knitting, art, and community gardens also run. All activities are free.
To book visit the Buggy Gym Eventbrite website.
For more information visit the B Healthy Together website, B Healthy Together Facebook page or contact.
Let’s Create
This therapeutic art group runs for women with poor mental health. Participants can enjoy a creative activity followed by a shared meal. Sessions run on Tuesdays from 10am to 1pm at
30 Westburn Grove
EH14 2SA
For more information contact
0131 458 3267
Wester Hailes Growing Communities Weekly community garden sessions
Participants can take part in food growing and help maintain the gardens in a friendly, welcoming space at
- Greenway Garden (Next to Michael’s shop) on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays from 9am to 12pm,
- Clovenstone Community Garden (Next to Clovenstone Primary) on Tuesdays and Saturdays from 9am to 12pm,
- Calders Greenshoots Garden (next to Sighthill Primary) on Saturdays from 1.30pm to 4.30pm.
For more information visit Wester Hailes Growing Facebook page. or contact
Broomhouse Growers
Help to grow food for the local people and look after the community orchard. The garden is located behind the bakers at the One Stop Shop on Broomhouse Place North. Sessions run on Wednesdays and Saturdays from 9.30am to 12pm.
For more info visit the Broomhouse Growers Facebook page or contact